TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JULY 27. 1911 I Mr. Recd that he is a man of con- run this will increase. The citizens I siderable energy, good judgment of Nehalem are pulliug together for ! and perseverance, whom the booster the purpose of developing that end j editors felt pleasure in rubbing up of the county, and the enterprising ' against, for he is plumb full of the and leading citizens are to be con­ 1 boosting spirit and takes off hie coat, gratulated upon the progressive With [ not only to improve his own pro- spirit which prevail# there. : perty, but to boost for the county. the organization of a Commercial ■ Neali-kah-nie contains 8«)acres, with Club it will bring the business in­ j a loam soil right to the beach. On terests together and there will be a the front the land is cleared and in greater unity of action. I meadow and sown to oats. On the Mohler is a New Town Site. Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. Mohler, a new town site in the back the land gradually raises, and , on the south the land is rolling with heart of the farming community, plenty of large thrifty trees, which was visited. It is beautifully located gives the plaee a park-like appear- and is an ideal place for a bustling ’ ance. There ia a lake on the place town on the P. R. & N. Ry., which called Prince Edward Lake. Mr. circles the town site on three sides. Reed has constructed as pretty a It can also be made a port for ship­ piece of road bnilding as anywhere ping. Mohler has a cheese factory ¡n the county. The width, grade and for a starter, and the prediction is curvature are perfect and the effect that it will become one of the best ▼ is charming under the green foliage business towns in the Nehalem val­ of the trees. The road is one and ley. One mile of the road, which is ----------- ----------................... ................ -X one-half mile in length, which is a to be built on the south side of the county road. Apart from this Mr. bay, is graded from Mohler, which "X Reed is going to improve another is a fine piece of work, costing only FOR ' half mile of county road at his own $2,400 and done by contract. Ano­ expense, for he is a good roads ther mile was contracted for $2,800, boosters. Ha will have expended but owing to road work being closed , $7,000 on county roads when they down, the work of grading the second mile is postponed. The Tillamook County Booster- halein bay. It was highly com­ are graveled. A visit to Neah-kah-nie i Wheeler is another prospective ( Editors’ Association left this city on mendable of the people of Nehalem soon convinced the editors that Mr. And all points on Tillamook Bay. , Reed had the good judgment to town admirably situated on the bay , Friday on a junketing trip to the when they took the bull by the horn# j and railroad, not a great distance , choose the most ideal location for a Nehalem country for the purpose of and voted to bond the district $50,- I from the Wheeler saw mill, but at ascertaining the needs of that sec­ 000 to give the Nehalem country a summer resort, and a visit to that * FROM present has no wagon road. The place will soon convince others of tion of the county. This was at the harbor where veBBels of large car­ road from Mohler to Wheeler will, that fact. Mr. Reed is making ar ­ rying capacity can enter with safety invitation of the people of Nehalem, which was gladly accepted by the and curry cargos to all parts of the rangement for many improvements no doubt, be completed at no dis­ Suppose the project doe# and attractive features, such as a tant date. boosters, as they were anxious to world. cost $100,000 or $150,000, the cost will water and electric light plant, play Boosters Want Road Fixed. become better acquainted with the The editors of the county have people and to give that part of the be a bagatelle to the inestimable ground, electric tramway and the county an intelligent boosting from benefit it will be to the north part of building of cottages. Mr. Reed has gone on recordas favoring the com­ the county. Considering the large taken hold of liis improvements in pletion of the Necarney mountain, time to time. amount of money that it will take a different manner to those who have as the following resolution will The Party of Boosters. platted seaside resorts in other show : Tile party of editors and news­ to improve Tillamook bar and har­ places, for he will make good in a bor, Nehalem is in luck, for it will It is hereby resolved by the Tilla­ paper men consisted of Fred C. mook County Booster Editors’ Foot of Washington Street. Baker, Tillamook Headlight, pre­ have to expend only a nominal short time. Mrs. Reed was prepared for the Association that, after making sident ; C. E. Trombley, Tillamook amount of money to bring about an thorough investigation,we consider J. R. GLADDEN, Agent, Tillamook. Herald, secretary ; Hugo Effenber­ imperative, but a very important editors when they visited her at her the Necarney mountain road a ger, Nehalem Enterprise ; I- A. improvement. The first stop on the new bungalow home on their return feasible, reasonable and necessary They were improvement, not only to the Ne­ Fernsworth, Oregonian; and Ed. I- | bay was made at Wheeler’s saw from the mountain. halem country, but to the entire Stockton, Telegram. Frank Taylor, mil), and after visiting that indus­ gracefully received and served with county, and we go on record as liquid and other refreshments, and try, which is cutting 45,000 feet to of the Cloverdale Courier, and W. being in favor of completing the Trombley, of the Bay City Exami­ 50,000 feet of lumber daily, the boat ns the party was in need of such road as soon as possible, aB it is was headed for the jetty. The edi­ delicacies, they were doubly appre­ one of the most scenic roads any­ ner, were unable to attend. where in Oregon, and will be a They were conveyed to Nehalem tors took considerable interest in the ciated. valuable asset in the development Good Roads are Numerous. of our fine resorts. by Mr. S. G. Reed in his automobile, work. The jetty is extended sea It is also resolved that the asso­ i which had the inscription "Booster ward 2,000 feet and about 200 tons of The roads from Tillamook City to Editors” on the back and side of the rock is being dumped daily from Nehalem are in excellent condition ciation extend thank# to the kind people of Nehalem City and to Mr. ear. As the editors left they gave the jetty, which is taken from the for automobiles and free from dust. S. G. Reed for the courteous and I ¿XPORT BEER, quarry at Garibaldi bay and placed the city u boost and likewise when It is surprising that so few automo­ hospitable treatment which we they passed through Bay City. It on trucks on the P. R. A N. Co.’s bile parties from Portland take the have received at their hands at this KAISER BLUME. F red C. B aker , Pre. was a pleasant ride to Nehalem, railroad and hauled to the jetty, trip to Nehalem when there is such date. H. J. E ffenberger . Unsurpassed. Non ïntoxicati and after supper the party was where it is transferred to dump cars, a long stretch of good road through C. E. T rombley , Sec. taken up the north fork in n motor and after being weighed, is dumped a cool and interesting country. It Nehalem, Oregon, July 22nd, 1911. where required. Although it is too maybe that this road is little known MALT TEA. boat. Nehalem’s Real Booster. early to expect much results, yet to outsiders, but those who have Dawn of Bright Future. Nehalem’s real booster is the Ne­ STAR BREWERY it is already seen that the water in taken the tripto Nehalem have gone People here, and in other parts halem Enterprise. It ¡ b in a posi­ gradually cutting out the north away well pleased and praising the of Tillamook country, have a very tion where it will do much good for channel, and from now on it is ex­ people of Tillamook county for the vague conception of the Nehalem that part of the county. It behooves pected that greater results will be progress they have made in good country and what n bright future every person at Nehalem to sup­ Special Brew seen. The work previously planned roads awaits it. Those who have pinned port the home newspaper, and in will be completed by the 10th Sep­ A trip up the north fork road out theii faith in that section and have tember, when another $25,000 worth to near the county'line on the Ne- that way furnish it with the sinews BOTTLED BV THE invested their money there have of bonds will be sold and the jetty canicum road and thence to Mohler of war to help boost that section of nothing to fear, for the next few extended nnoilier 400 feet. By tak­ showed some excellent grades on the county. An editor cannot please years it will make rapid strides and ing hold of the work themselves the partly finished roads, which should everybody—it is fooli#hnese to try— great progress. It is now on the Port of Nehalem have secured quick all be graveled as soon as money , and there are often unpleaeant dawn of that happy event after being action by letting the work by con­ is available. This road is a loop duties for him to perforin if he has bottled up for so many years for tract. the grit and backbone, yet for all the loop from Nehalem or Mohler. , that the Enterprise should receive lack of transportation. Trip to Necarney Mountain. A good deal of credit is due Fred R. unanimous support because it is a Soda Waters, Slpthons, Bartlett Mineral Wstff Nehalem’s Resources. After returning from the jetty the Beals for the persistent manner in , booster for that end of the county, What makes the Nehalem coun­ which he fought tor the north fork , no matter whether a person agrees try a paradise is its wonderful and party wan in excellent trim to en­ road and toCominissioner Alley for , or disagrees with the editor on some extensive natural resources, which joy their noon day meal. When thin getting the Necanicutn road to the , ■natters. The aim of the booster was over, the atitomobiles of C. H. will make that an important com­ Clatsop county line finished. The , editors, and especially the home Wheeler and S. G. Reed were head ­ mercial and industrial part of Ore­ wisdom of that is now seen in mak­ editor, is to get people to locate and gon. Tributary to Nehalem buy is ed for the Nfcarney Mountain with ing available for dairy purposes develop the Nehalem country, and the party. Leaving the machines 2(),(M),OOU feet of us fine a body of considerable unimproved land. the Enterprise will playa most im­ merchantable timber ns can be found near to Nen-kh-nie, and divest­ Like Tillamook bay, the south portant part in bringingthis about, anywhere waiting to be manufac­ ing themselves of coats and vesta, tured and to give employment to the party wended its way up the side of Nehalem bay, is without a and for that reason the people in wagon, yet at the present time it is thousands of wage earners in the mountain aide, and as there is an the north end of the county should the center of industrial activity with excellent graded road, the trouble logging camps, saw mills and fac­ give the Enterprise all the moral , the Wheeler Lumber Co.’s saw mill tories, the finished product living of ascending <110 feet above the sea and financial support to help make working at full blast and a salmon proved quite eaay traveling. The shipped East anil all parts of the it a live, energetic booster. cannery ffirther down the bay. (CAPT P. SCHRADER) world in steamers and schooners of view from the mountain is grand, Editors Appreciate Kindness. licing one of the beat in Oregon. Wants 10 Mill Road Tax. large carrying capacity as soon as Altogether, the trip to Nehalem the work improving the Nehalem I The mountain in nearly per|>endicu- Amongst the leading citizens of was most pleasant and interesting, . bar is completed and the comple­ lar in some places, composed of Nehalem there is a strong sentiment the editors obtaining considerable tion of the Panama canal. It is mek. At the highest point of the in favor of the County Court levy­ information about that part of the , useless to elaborate on this, for it road «10 feet below, the breakers ing a 10 mill road tax for the next county. But their visit was made is now only a question of time when SKhnust themselves against the few years.forthat part of the county much more enjoyable by the many Nehalem buy mid points on Nehalem rdckw, while above one’s head tow­ has a numtier of projects which the courtesies extended them by Mr. and river will become an industrial bee ers the mountain another 1,300 feet. business iheu and citizens want Mrs. S. G. Reed, Mr. and Mrs, C. H. Here« moat beautiful panorama is line. Another thing which will make carried out, and to complete this it Wheeler, Mr. and Mr#. F. Rowe, rapid strides is the dairy industry. seen.' On the north is Necarney will require $50,000 annually for tbi Mr. and Mrs. Joe Effenberger (at Those who are not familiar with the mountain, one of the highest on the first road district, and as the other whose home the editors were dined country and have not enquired into coast, on the west the Pacific ocean, two road districts could each 8(>end Sailing for Portland, every Thursday or F the amount of undeveloped river on the south n Iteauliful sea coast 1 a like amount, it ia hoped that the on their return from Necarney' according to Tides. bottom mid meadow land in the and Nehalem liarltor, and on the court will go the limit. The first mountain), Mr. Henry Tohl and others. ________________ vicinity of Nehalem and the newly east high mountains covered with road that should be completed is platted town of Mohler will be sur­ forests of standing timber. It ia the Necarney Mountain road, which Honest Medicines Versus Fakes. President Taft's recent message prised to know that there is nearly fortunate that Necarney mountain would giveTillamook county a most suggesting an amendment to the B. C. LAMB, Agent. ¡1« much dairy land there as there is is in Tillamook countjL for as soon S. ELMORE J beautiful scenic road; the continua­ Pure Food and Drugs law in itsi Iamb's Dock. Tillamook, Ore. Agent#, a » in the vicinity ot Tillamook City, ut its the road ia complewd it will Is- relation to Prepared Medicines, I tion of the road from Mohler down present the hub of the dairying in | one of the moat attractive spots in does not apply to such standard I. W. W. BROWN, Agent, the side south side of Nehalem bay; ' dustry. For every acre now under i Oregon for tourist# and automobile medicines Foley and uicuavmes Couch Street Dock, Portland, Oregon. I'- — a''-- ------- as --- • roiey - • ’ s •• ■ Honey - and.' Compound and Foley Kidnev 1 -------- — - — - ______ a-aivaiicy cultivation there are one hundred parties, for the scenery ia charming and the graveling of a number of Tar Pill« Both ILttli of which are a true — .. I roads which have been graded. A Pills. medi-1 acres of splendid land which ia not I and inspiring. Probably there are cine# carefully compounded of in­ under cultivation, waiting to lie but few Tillamookera who have movement is also on foot for a road gredients whose medical qualities from Nehalem City to Mohler, which | cleared up and turner! into valuable beheld the beauties of the Necarney are recognized by the medical pro-' dairy farms sod fibls to support a mountain and surrounding coun­ would entail an expenditure of $311,- ■' fession itself as the beet known re­ large population And ns to scenery try. Now that the railroad ia run­ sct the mountain road to the county line. Special Attention paid to Tourists- and meritorious. Chas. I. Clough | Since the fire at Nehalem, that -c"' jetty, the editors being accom- Co. ------------------------ Ideal Spot for Resort. | city ia building up again with sere- i ponied by several ot the leading A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and A Hot and thirsty the party retraced ral large buildings, the new hotel Right in your busiest season when ___ cltiaens and a few visitors. Thispto- it steps. S. G. Reed invited the having 4S room., which will be a you have the least time “ tosi »spnre you jset was undertaken by the Port of boosters to visit Neah kah-nie.one of great acquisition to that city, for •"*’ ----------- - ’diarrhoea Never leave home on a journey Nehalem without waiting for gov­ and lose several days' time. unless the most beautiful sites in Tills- the travel in that direction ia on the without a bottle of Chamberlain', 1 ernment aid, the object being to you have Chamberlain’. Colic Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- 1 mook county lor a summer resort st increase. For a small town there ia Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at open up and make the north chan­ . to # the foot ot Necarney mountain. By considerable business activity, «nd hand and take a done on the first edy. It ia almost certain to be needed r--------- nel the permanent channel tor Ne- and cannot be obtained when on store the P by appearance of the disease. For sale way of parenthesis it may be said ot ,a. swn ..the h I hx ). commence Dr^g S d »™ board the cam or steamships. For tion. For - a sale by Lamar’s Drug Store NEHALEM A WONDERFUL RESOURCEFUL COUNTRY. Booster Editors Visit that Part of the County. w. A. WILLIAMS & co., ON DAWN OF BRIGHT FUTURE. The Fast Steamer 20 Billion Feet of Standing Timber Waiting to be Manufactured—Large Quantity of Undeveloped Bottom Land Waiting to be Cleared Up. NECARNEY ;■ MOUNTAIN IS A GOLDEN GATE Sailing Days for of JUNE WONDER. Most Beautiful Picture from Road 600 Feet Above the Sea— “Neah kah-nie” Summer ResorCan Ideal Spot—One of Best in County. month TILLAMOOK, BAY CITY, GARIBALDI, HOBSON VILLE, PORTLAND, JÜÜY 10, 15, 20, 25 and 31st Freight Received Daily at Doek I WEINHARO’S COLIJMeifi BEER, ■» Columbia Bottling Co Astoria, Oregon- The Reliable Route Steamer “ Sue H. Elmore Tillamook & Portlan Leaves Portland, Couch St. Doc Every Tuesday, Arrives Till»® Wednesdays, *■ j i f PACIFIC NAVIGATION COMPAQ The Best Hotel. THE ALLEN HOUS Headquarters for Travelling i