i'. iillaitwk h t a ad Uj bl. XXIV No. 8. % rtl a i it a ber I e ns fb totjl /j TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JULY 27, Try those 15c candéis at Lamar's Variety Store. • In buying your shingles from the Tillamook. Feed Co. you patronize a home industry as their shingles are made in the county, while all other shingles brought here come from a the outside. Hcaòlioljt. < f 1911 #1.50 per year. TheJPort of Tillamook has entered into a contract to sell $150,000 worth SERVICE^ of Port bonds, at part, proyidedthe SECURITY 1740. 1911. tear——— suit now pending is decided in fa­ vor of the Port. Spitzer,-Rorick ’A The Coffee Pot Bank. The Up to the Minute Co., of Ohio, is the bankers con­ 9.-Extracts from a Diary. Bank. tracted with. 4 4 Rev. W. W. Rosebra ugh. form I thought sure I had lost my A checking account with us will of this place, now of Salem, bank book recently. ] I called up the cost you nothing. We furnish pa as erly Tile savings idea is just as worthy, just will preach at the United Brethern cashier and asked him t what I could book and checks free of charge. Church Sunday at 11 a. tn. Bible as necessary to business success to-day as it or $30.00 is enough with which school at 10 o’clock Sunday morn­ do so the finder could not draw' my $25.00 was in 1740, but the methods have advanced to open an account. Tillamook ing. Preaching also in theevening during that time. money. He told me there was no Cognty Bank. • at 8 o'clock. danger of that. Even if a dishonest ¡/The Wilson River Stage will make The junior boy's class of the We now have the most modern savings trips between thia city and U. B. Sunday school, with their person should find my bank book he daily convenience invented and respectfully in­ Forest Grove, leaving here at 5.00 leader, Win. Fletcher and the pas­ cannot withdraw the money without а. m. and reaching Forest Grove at tor, Mr. Emerick, liad an enjoyable vite the people of Tillamook Couuty to call and see them. a written order «from me. They б. 00 p.m. the same evening. The fishing and boating picnic last fare is $5.00. Tuesday. The boys hud a good have my signature on file so no one < The passengers who came in on time and that without accident of In brief, let us tell you that it is a small can forge my name. HOME SAVINGS BANK which registers, the Golden Gate on Saturday were: any kind. Lendoedt and wife, C. D. or indicates, at all times, THE EXACT Rev. W. W. Roaebraugh and fam­ ” I fouud the book later, and when Mike Pence, Mrs. McKee, Misses McKee, ily, of Salem, drove in on Tuesday. AMOUNT OF MONEY which has been I got my pay’ envelope to-day I de­ Mr. Bayliss, Mrs. H. A. Franklin. They ate camping near Peter Heis- placed in it. posited ten dollars first thing. I’ll Mrs. W. S. Stinson. el’s, having came in to enjoy Tilla­ The amount of money is plainly shown at F. A. Sykes, of Spokane, Wash., mook’s delightful vacation beauties not spend that ten foolishly. all times, the amount cf each kind of coin— has located next door to Lamar's and breeze. Mr. Rosebraugh used “ I think I can bank fifteen next variety atore, and is prepared to do to be pastor of the V. B. Church Nickles, dimes, quarters and so on. month. Of course I’m not spending all kinds of shoe repairing at here and is brother-in-law to the The thing that stimulates saving is to sec as much as I used to, but this bank reasonable rates. All work guran- present pastor, B. K. Emerick. the amount grow, to see it every day, right teed. Give him a call. • Those who obtained one year state book sure looks good to me.” before your eyes. With one of our new banks E. T. Haltom left the latter part papers at the recent teachers’ ex­ this feature is the big thing and these banks f CAPITA L i of last week for Spokane and Chi­ amination in this county were: >ESTh have proven very popular wherever they have ¡$30 000 00 ! cago where he will purchase Mary Alley, Jane McDonald, Ellen his NK been placed. STATE. fall and winter stock of goods. Bewley, Eacie Oliver, Alice Wilkin ­ Mr. H E ¡SUPERVISION j nty Haltom will be absent from this son, Mrs. D. Goldsworthy, J. D. GET ONE THE FIRST TIME YOU city about two weeks. Moffett, Jennie Blanchard, Elsie- ARE IN TOWN, especially if you have Pearl A petition has been filed with the Lamb, Helen Schlappi, children, for you know the adage, " as the twig County Court for a special election Agee, Maud Edgar and Clara Eich­ For a few drtys only. Your choice is bent, so is tree inclined,” and the children LMOOK JOTTINGS of a reel, line.or fly book with every to change the boundaries of the inger. Mies Jennie Blanchard, out will take unusual interest iu these banks be­ Home made Candies at flyjpole sold. Poles from $1.25 to Port of Bay City, which is to take of 102 subjects, received the highest cause THEY ARE SOMETHING NEW AND average and a free scholarship in into the Port the land north of Bay fa. $15.00. K ing & S mith C o . UNIQUE. the State University. Her average City and Garibaldi beach. >ee 15c. candies at Lamar's ‘‘Dement’s Best” Flour, fast get­ THEY ARE to be had FREE for we The Percheron stallion Ville will was 95, which is considered very [tore. ting the lead. They haul it to Meda, commendable. loan them to anyone who starts an account of >n Friday, to the wife of S. Woods, Nehalem and intermediate make the stand for the season at Eddie Morton, Win. Bauer and Rogers A McNameCs Livery Bam, fi or more. points. Tillamook Feed Co. * I daughter. in this city, with the exception of Harry Maloney, with the Goodyear I.ost, a Gold Watch, on Thursday, to, collars and pads at the «■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■«■■■■ RubberCo., in Portland, and Geo. at the depot. Person finding the Mondays and Tuesdays, when the Robinson, with* the W. P. Fuller k Feed Co. stallion will be at Beaver. * FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF pn Sunday7, to the wife of same return to the Headligh office. In order to make room for new Paint Co., of Portland, biked”in —E d . H olmes , Nehalem, Ore. * fee, a daughter. over the Wilson River road last TILLAMOOK. This week will about complete the stock the Tillamook Feed Co. will, week and will «pend their vacation ir M. for the best shingles for the next 30 days, sell buggies The Only Government Examined Bank in the fiattiook Feed Co. z hay harvest of grass, the weather and wagons at cut prices. If you in this county. Mr. Robinson is the whole of the time being fine, County. well known among tile older school ­ bn Tuesday, to tfie wife of want a bargain, now is your chance and is put away in good shape. men of the High School, he having ■bwery, a daughter. to get a buggy at factory prices. * If you do not own a tent of your attended school here about five ’. S. Tempelton came in on uiet wedding ceremony was years ago. They will go to Beaver own, now is your chance. Right in M> Gate on Wednesday. Dawson Bro«, which he rode ns fur performed by Rev. Moore at the No part of Tillamook County will the season and 10 per cent off. and visit the beaches before return­ Methodist parsonage Sunday when ing to th Mr homes in Portland. as Trask House, where lie took the derive greater benefit by rensun of Kambs, cord wood for sale, Think of that. KING A SMITH Co. it F. R. B eals ’ Office. * John H. McNamer was united in stage to Yamliill. From there it i« the construction of the railroad I will pay 8c , 10c. and 11c. for calf marriage to Nora Wells. The bride L. J. Haultera informs us that supposed that he went to Salem and than the Nehalem country. Thia ■fen Gate has reduced the hides at my shop. Try me out and and groom left Tuesday for Forest his brother, Karl A. Haultera, the from thence to California, The fa- region, with it« magnificent resour­ ■ rate to Portland to $0.00. see. The Old Reliable Hide and Grove. supt. and chemist of the Albright, tlier of Osbourn has settled for the ce«, wns one of the greate«t factor« Kase for auto trips to any Fur Dealer, N. E. Melchoir. * Every boy and gill in the county Campbell A Haultera Co, has check and is doing hi« best to hove in influencing E. E. l.ytle'» inde­ Re county. Ready at all George E. Geinger, a brother of should have one of our handsome opened offices in the Spaulding him dealt with according to law. fatigable effort« in securing 11« a Mrs. John Hathaway, is in from steel savings banks. They are an Bldg., in Portland, and is looking The young man was in thi« county railroad. :e Noyes, of Newberg, is Portland, on a month’s vacation, incentive to save. Get one by op­ over the timber districts of this caring for his farther'« farm which With the railread once in opera­ :he home of Alex. Me­ visiting with relatives in thia ening a savings account with a de­ «late, with the expectation of es­ was lately purchased from Dwight tion, development of that hereto­ : county. fore isolated anil backward country posit of $1.00 or more. Tillamook tablishing a number of factories Edmunds. ight left Monday for Put a tent up in your yard and County Bank. • for the purpose of extracting tur A sad misfortune befi-ll tbe gaso­ will be phenomena). Simultaneous the interests of his sleep out of doors. It will add ¿^-Geo. Cohn, of San Diego, Cal..ar­ pentine, creosote, etc., from fir line launch Richard, Monday with the development there must years to your life. See our window rived in town Wednesday, to spend stumps and refuse. It is Mr. Haul­ morning at 8:00 o’clock. She tie- come into existence, in the tera intention to visit this county Valley. a «hipping tens wanted at the Tula- for cut prices on tents. K ing A the summer in this county. Mr. longed to Hie Potter Realty Co., of Nehalem as soon as possible to investigate Company’s Market, 13c. S mith Co. Cohn has been having a hard siege the timber business of this county Bayocean, anti was used for pas­ point, a distributing point, a com­ Rough spruce and hemlock lum­ of phneumonia, but he states that senger service on the bay. Wliile mercial center. F. R. Beal», antici­ • in general. ber at $8.00 per thousand at the Faw- laying at the Bayocean dock, with pating theae conditions, began a he is regaining his strength as rap ­ Mi Poorman and Miss ' Mrs Carrie Larsen, wife of I. F. no one aboard except Captain search of the Nehalem country three tehouse have gone to cet Creek Saw Mill, seven miles idly as possible at present Larsen, died at midnight on Wed yearn ago and settled upon Mohler, south of Tillamook City. Goldaworth-, a visit. The Golden Gate left on Sunday nesday, after being sick for over Richardson, of the launch, the named after the great railroad ey & Dalpaz, pros. . f z had been oiled, engine, which with O. J. Edwards, H. D. Fogo ir chickens to the Tilla- If you intend to put in a cement and wife, Geo. Gibbs, R. B. Parker four months. The funeral will take exploded. Capt. Richardson was magnate, as the most logical loca« Pompany'e Market. We place to-morrow (Friday), at ten badly burned about the hands and tion. That he made a wise «elec­ sidewalk, foundation or any other and wife, Belle Powell, George I pound. * kind of cement work, give me a call. Murry, F. J. Klinehan, wife and o’clock, the services to be held in face with the burning gasoline, tion in evidenced by the fact that Irs. J. E. Berger returned the U.B. Church and the interment which flew all over the boat, but the Railroad Company in now pro- Will do it by day or job. Address family, L. Studness, E. S. Adams, in the Oddfellows’ cemetery. She lays visit to Portland Box 446, Tillamook. Ore. viding shipping facilities for thia • L. D. Slop!in and wife as passen­ was bom in Sweden, in 18S2, and managed to crawl from the boat on point and that intelligent, far- Be week. to the dock, from which place he gers. Mrs. W. R. Rutherford, who has catne to Tillamook county 22 years sighted men are investing there. ¡Cheapest and best paper been quite seriously ill at the hornet, / The Sue H. Elmore came in on ago. and in the following'year mar­ was taken to the Sanitarian! for Don’t let the opportunity aiip by n. Leave orders at of her parents, Mr. and Mis. Thos. Wednesday with the 'following pas­ ried I. F. Larsen. Jonas Olson i« a treatment. The fire in the Richard to get in on the ground floor and Harris' bam. • caught so quickly that it was only Goyne in thi« city, is reported as sengers : Mr. H. H. Humphry, brother of the deceased, and she then say, in yearn to come, I lived bred O.I.C. Pigs for being considerably improved. Belle Tilley. Earl Leighton, E. P. baa a sister in the east Mrs. Lar- a few seconds until »he was till in this country before the com­ Everything was burned aflame, fistered stock.—Inquire Morris Leach visited Nehalem Williams, Ko Cals, Geo. Cohn, W. son was a woman who was well except a part of the stern. The pletion of the railroad, when Mohler tskins, Hobsonville. * last week, and to his surprise the J. Farnham and wife. H. Tang, F. known and beloved by all who Richard was 60 feet in length, wan first founded, lived here when t week the electric light train left on time and Morris had to E. Meloy, S. W. Jenkinson. knew her. was first with 10 foot beam and 4'/> f<»ot the McDermott tract fixed up to bum oil, stay over another day on account of G. E. Rummel, Gordan Baker, We noticed for the first time in draugli. opened up andcould have invested, She was title 1 with a e shipped here on the the train men being so prompt. Roy Johnson and Boyce Fenton, of Tillam«>ok County one of the Major 60 H.P. I-amb engine and was but, alas, doubting Thoma» that I Chester Adams, a nephew of Len Me Minnville, were in this city over Weitzel colts (bred and raised in valued at $6000.00. wan, I stood back and let the other Beet” is made from I Hiner, is visiting relatives in this Sunday and Monday. Mr. Runimel this county), driven on our street« fellow make the money. Edgar Munson and Lyle Smith of wheat, and makes the j city. Mr. Adams has only been in is well known in this city, having last Saturday. She wan raised and thia city, had what might have Only $1.50 per eack.— this state a short time from Iowa been in the employ of the Pacific owned by Adolph Erickson, living Resolution, of Sympathy. been a great deal more serious ac­ ed Co. and thoroughly enjoys onr climate. States Tel. A Tel. Co. here the past about l>i mile« N.E. of town. She Fairview, Oregon, July 22nd, 1011. cident than it was, Monday while winter. lacks al«Hit six days of tiring 13 iJeft Sunday for Colo- Large Durham Bull, has horns, Where»» the Heavenly Master haw they were driving Mr. Munson’s Harry Fournier, city salesman months oid. Mr. Erickson «aid he ie will meet hie father, deep red color and has brand on horse up the Miami River. As they Mean fit to remove from our midst, ig to that section from right hip. Owner can have same for the Pacific stamp works ia harnessed her up and hitched her were driving around a turn in the our ladoved »later. M yrs Hughey, l>« Is health. by paying for advertising and coat viaiting at the home of Mr. John with a pony out in the yard without road at the Buckle's place near the it resolved that Fuirview Grunge, | minister of the gospel of keeping.—W. H. S ales , Halm, Hathaway in thia city, Mr. Four- any tail her. all alone, and drove Miami school hquse, the horwe, No. 273, extent! to the tiereuved nier will spend a part of his vaca­ her to town io a top buggy. She is which was traveling at a lively pace family ita moat sincere syinpHlhy ; I kingdom of God, ex- Oregon. * tion in thia county, enjoying the certainly something for Mr. Brick- ran into a long distance telephone and lie it further reaoived that our |C. GOVB. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ntcbola, sport afforded by our trout stream« non to l>e proud of. He said he wire which waahang ng low enough charter lie dra|wn the minute» ■ Minnesota, z together with their son Ixiring, are after being driven to town »46 lint, from lherig. Mr. Smith wa» thrown «nd w copy »ent to the bereaved house and two lots in Tillamook to te flies bother you or in thi« city from Portland to «(«end without the harness. Think of the over the I hm k of ths buggy and fell family and tliwi the kihiiv l>e pub- ■creen doors and ad- Mrs. Maggie Butrick. of Portland. tbe summer. Mr. Christensen ha« opportunity we have again to raise to the grcuiml with Hie buggy lop. lirited in th«- Imai p»p<-i». Bow screens are too The Ralph Ackley Land Company not been in thi« city for some time, some of thin clas« of horses tlii» Which broke Inn fall •«> that he was MlXXIt NAXWKI.I. made the deal, whicb was for all ■hat K ing a S mith • G kack IftnerKH. and ia well pleased with the growth I year. cash and at a substantial figure. practically uninjured. However, R owk < 0 aw nntn. L. Oslsiurn, a yonngmnn. who it has made during the last few Mr. Mniinon. who was thrown from L s. M avxakix it seem» ha« a g<«»l head for work­ years. the ni«le of the vehicle, w as dragged Committee. ing skin game» on jieople, secured I* about 3li yards and whs quite I’udly A J. A. Syke«, of Spokane, Wash., $237 25 from tlie Tillamook County has purchased the ehoe repair «lock l»r«ii»e«l. Al the time cf the acct. Notice. 1 Bank on a forged check The check of the late Peter A»p, and lisa , dent, Mr. Munson, who is Chief For i wa« m-ade out in «mb ■ manner that The Loots apd stares left with the located between l-amar*« variety eater for Hie V« liitney Co. Ltd., in late I'eter A»p for repair» can be , it ap,«eared to lie »ent Io him from atore and Maaon. Peonington A thia « ouuty, wa» l<««king over their had by paying the charge» on them | Portland and then to make himself Co.’« place. Mr. Sykes states that inierr«U» in the Miami valley. Af­ at the .hoe shop ul f. A. Syke., two Doors west of Lamar’s Drag Store. doubly »tire of not lieing « aught he next door to Maeon. Pennington A lie has l«een in the repair bu«tne«» ter he freed Inmnelf from the buggy Co.'a. Those not taken after .'•) had Arthur Evans give an indorse DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND.” lor a namber of years and knows the horse ran two miles sn«l a half, days. will be aold tor the charges. inent <>t idrotih« ation which threw tbe work thoroughly being caught at Frank Crane's E. W. S tanlst , the liability onto Mr. Evan» As Rest Room for Ladies. Administrator of the ratal« place. During haying a hook had The Star has a drama and •oon aatbecheck•»•««•teed, young dragged of Peter Asp, de« eased. the wire down and thia I Ovlourn »ec ured a uiMk horse Iroin was the cattoe nt Ute accident. [ comedy reel every night. I Date«! thi. ¿Mh July, WIL I I 1 - ave mgs ■ ount partii «• ft anda , Mi ng u arda J h the tn. tai (tin J Platt] $ iable tend wad r sBt pride.’- The )f t i: that kt theli latón led. n rbd igs.« cbiap berti i catti Mail ik-U bei le P« itti! ri '• men bn’ left B Ü ot al’ «*’ e ** «1 • oí*'1 tel r «•* W»'1 a* trt» 4 • I f It* •H f r vfl -wl - M •1 : ,1 I AR’S «i VARIETY STORE * I À