T illamook SEN: >evelop«d t WI » There Is a ppenls to Ind. write lining and ¡e most mi i men whi fe In mlni> iddenly cc "Some w. • xth sense, miner ho- • ling wronj . I had a is a few “I was w Ith a min en workli ars, ha vii ■ Ines of .ypped one is wrong. '• ‘For the thing an id, and t •e. But 1 and ini pc to Ini Urge erne t, ludica ita of sc Hail this time thei ‘ . i accjdcni I loss of Mt perlene a |Kjwci ed super be facul .ch to bi ■ lit MADE k by W Re« intel F t 1 Manu t by w •red at 'au in f Girls.” part of |f the c ■Aped 5 Engl A k tin ffn nd ■ekn.v ■Down ft and not Ilk. Howa ivaa the usult w fe. He • eye 1 on. T grow Qjllowr from bls so •exhlbli I by tl Jtor'n ■ time Jackay Irene < It u be re h recede < Jok ’«tra a dev ory ’ in clt >y las la moi oi an last g AM * * 'I 1 ' the Rebbecca Lodge for a number LOOKING OVER THE GROUND. *1 Death of Mrs. John Aschim. I of years. OLD TIME SCHOOLS. BAYOCEAN i Î Leaves PORTLAND Tuesdays. PORTLAND Saturdays. BAYOCEAN Mondays. BA YOCEAN Thursdays, Round trip from Portland to Bayocean, $10.00. Further information apply to T B. POTTER REALTY CO.’S Office at Bayocean, or phone. MARKETING & TELEPHONE Y Thia is to give warning tq, parties not to buy a promi.aors note tor $11 given to Vuughn A Co,, of Pike­ ville. Tenn., for u sewing machine, as the »uuie was obtained under a uiiareprveeututkin. messenger is doing one. You come to accept telephone service as a matter of course Hike the air you breathe or the water you drink. \ our Bell Telephone performs these daily service of neighborhovxl communication, .nd it doe. more-it i. a UBit in the umver.al .y.tem and enable, vou to reach any one any lime within the range of the Long Distance Service PACIFIC I will sell my dairy farm, either us a whole or cut it up into small tracts, on the Wilson rtver. at greatly reduced price. L G. F rkknan Apply to J. C. Hewely. TELEPHONE Notice is hereby givento.il whom it may concern. That the County Court of the State of Oregon for Tillamook County, It«« appointed ' the undersigned administrator of the estate rtf Peter Aap, deceased, and any and all person« having claim« ng.iinat «aid estate are hereby re qnired to present the «ame properly verified to me at the olllcv of George Willett, attorney at law in Tillamook City, Oregon within «it month« from the date hereof Dated June Mil. 1911. 1^ . , .__ K- W. S tanley , ^^dmtatralor ot th« ««late of 1'eter Making Uss of IL ¡ "There is uo use giving you a check, my dear. My bank account Is over­ drawn." "Well, give it to me anyway, George. And. say. make tt for $560. I want to pull It out of my shopping bag with my handkerchief at the bridge game thia afternoon."—Cleveland Plain Deal- AND TELEGRAPH company . Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the System. Motive to Creditors. ,.v 20, ion. The fieoi Ocean Going Yacht _______ T. H. McCoWNACE. a J uly She leave« an innumerable mul- Method« In Days When “No Lickin’, No Mrs. Nell Whittemore Aschim Lamin’,” Wai tha Rule. passed away quite suddenly at her I titude of friends to mourn her un- United Railways Officials home in this city Saturday morn­ | timely death, all of whom sympa­ The schoolroom practices of a half ago are incredibi^.'o a modern Vi9it Tillamook City and ing at seven o’clock, only having thize fully with Mr. Aschim, who was century pupil. It is well that they have not ways a true and loving partner. been seriously sick since Thursday Bayocean. been continued, but an account of evening. them by an eyewitness is ofteu amus­ President C. R. Gray, of the Nell Whittemore Aschim was incident from A. H. Hall's Church of Christ, ! ing. Ing. One Incident United Railways and the Hill rail­ born at Pendleton, Oregon, Novem­ “Old Bradford Schooldays" brings up you We got something good for road interests in Oregon, with his ber 12, 1883 and the early part of her a teacher who clung to the old prin­ I at ten o’clock next Lord’s day. Did son, G. R. Gray, Jr., and Engineer life was spent in that city. ciple. "No lickin’, no lamin’." | you ever see a "Front Rank ” Bible Wickersham aud Wilber Horace Walton, at recess, climbed L. B. She graduated from the Pendle-1 I School ? If not, come and we will to the top of the highest nut tree and, Coman, general freight and pas- , ton Academy in the class of 1905 and senger agent, drove in over the January 1, 1909, went to Corvallis, "show you.’’ Front Rank pennant losing his hold, fell to the ground. He Wilson river road od Wednesday Oregon, where she enrolled as a was awarded at Portland Conven­ strack on many of tbe limbs in his The boys were terribly tion. Sermon at 11: “First they descent. on a visit of inspection. student of the Oregon Agricultural This is Mr. Gray’s first visit to College. After spending one term gave their own selves.” That C. E. frightened as be struck the ground. Just as we crowded about him to see if Tillamook. He has been over every in this institution, she came to Till­ meeting at 7:15 needs your C. E. he still lived, our faces as white as Sermon and song at 8 o ’ clock: foot of main line and branch track amook in August, 1909, and August his, the bell rang for the resumption under his jurisdiction, and over a 4, 1910, married John Aschim, who Subject,—"Opportunity and respon­ of studies. great portion of the territory together with an infant son, Rich­ sibility.” The last boy in was Walton, and through which new roads are pro­ ard survive her. In addition to her just as be fell rather than sat down In Resolutions ’of Condolence. posed. Hie present trip to Tilla­ husband and eon she is survived his seat the master shouted, “Come mook, it is admitted, is for the pur­ by her mother, Mrs. H. C. Perry Whereas, It has pleased our Al­ out here iustanter!” He gave him n pose of making plane that will put i in California, her brother, Doris mighty Father in his infinite-wis­ ' Hogging that made the fall from the the United Railways into this dis­ Whittemore aud sister Gertrude dom to remove from our midst Mrs. I tree seem the lesser of the two evils. trict without much further delay. ! Davidson, both of California, Ruby Nellie Aecliitn. wife of John 1 A few years ago, meeting Walton for His announcement that construc­ Morris, a sister at McMinnville, Aschim, and a member of our In­ the first time for many years, he re- tion work will be started at once is Ore. and Blanch, Clyde aud Eunice vincible Literary Society, be it re- ! marked that he well remembered how that master at last succeeded in bring­ expected on hie return. Whittemore, sisters in Tillamook, solved ; that we extend to John ing things into routine order in the Mr. Gray was greatly impressed Ore. Aschim and relatives of the de- school. Each morning as the school with what he eaw coming over the Mrs. Aschim was well known ceased, our sincere sympathy in assembled this order was observed: Wilson river, especially the timber, throughout this county, having this their great bereavements. ■ “First bell, come to order; second bell, and when told of the large amount been a saleslady for Haltom’s And be it further resolved, that a atteutiou; third bell, lick Walton.” of cheese that wan shipped from during the winter of 19O9-’1O. She copy of these resolution be placed Tillamook City, the hub of the was a woman of very kind disposi­ upon the records of the Invincible WOMEN IN WALL STREET. county, he was somewhat surprised tion, extremly well liked by all Literary Society and also printed in to find such a large quantity. Mr with whom she came in contact. both local papers. They Are Good Winners, but Drown Gray could not give out any infor­ E dgar M unson , Funeral services were held from Their Losses In Tears. mation at present when work would the house Tuesday morning at 10:30 C lyde D awson , To many brokers women are hoo­ b- started on the United Railways interment being made in the I. O. doos, and some stock exchange houses Committee. pioject into Tillamook, but it is O. F. cemetary. Rev. D. L. ¡Shrode, refuse absolutely to have anything to Wanted to Trade do with the fair sex. The majority of generally understood that this will who married Mr. and Mrs. Aschim be the first work undertaken, and a little less than a year ago, had brokerage firms try their best to keep Two eighty acre tracts, uncleared, word to that effect may be looked charge of the funeral services. Hal- one with 1,500,000 ft. timber, the women's speculative accounts out of forut any time. Their stay in Tilla­ tom’s doors were closed during other good farm land, in Jackson their offices. Some houses are obliged mook City was short, lusting only the services through respect to 'Co., Ore., to trade for property in to take women's accounts as a matter Tillamook, or acreage near by.— of personal friendship, but they will a few hours, when they left for Bay­ the deceased. Address Box 567, Newberg, Ore. not open accounts for other women, no ocean. Mr. Gray wus interested in At the time of death, Mrs. Aschim matter bow well they may be intro­ the South side of the bay and took was 27 years, 8 months and 3 deys The Star has a drama and duced. considerable interest in what wns old. She had been a member of comedy reel every night. Wall street men do not have a high contemplated by way of harbor im­ opinion of the average woman’s busi­ provements. This morning they ness sense. Most women have an idea were taken from Bayocean to Gari­ that one needs only to get a “tip” baldi, and they will go out by way from some "Insider” in Wall street to of Nehalem, as they have to be in be sure of making “barrels of money” —for new gowns, hats and jewelry. Portland, Friday night. They did The dictum of Wall street Is that not visit Bay City, but Mr. Gray in­ women are good winners, but bad formed us that the next time he losers. It is difficult to reason about - ■' « • * a. * a. miai.'* a, owm visited Tillamook be hoped to stay money and business with an angry or longer and get acquainted with the weeping woman. Her view of Wall business men. street and all Its works suddenly be­ . / comes entirely emotional, and only a Boulder Creek. broker with infinite patience can calm • aaaa a a a aaaawaa. nJ Louis Krake is helping L. P. Gray I her. Many a time a stock exchange house has taken a woman customer’s put up hie hay this week. loss rather than face her tears.—Strand X. Y. Blalock went over the Mt. Magazine. Hebo trail to Sheridan, last Satur ff day, and came buck Monday. Ths Queer Carabao. ff John Sheets, general manuger of The carabao is said to be slower than the Mutual Telephone Co., was a camel and more obstinate than a ff looking after the line and various mule. Every one seems agreed that business matters in our neighbor­ the chief ambition in life of a cara­ hood last week. bao. if he has any at all, is to lie down in a puddle of water with Just his nose Quite u lurge number of people and horns sticking out. Consequently attended the basket meeting at considerable commotion rules the wag­ Kumm’s ford last Sunday ; u good on train when It approaches a stream meeting is reported in spite of the that must be forded. The soldiers hot weather. who are walking behind the carts as Mias Eliza Duwaon, of Tillamook, guards lay aside their rifles and begin has been visiting Mrs. Rota Borba to belabor each animal. In the mid­ the past week. dle of the stream the excitement I Mrs. Della Jensen and Mrs. Alice I reaches Its highest pitch. The cara­ Mills went to the Hotel Oceauwuy bao will begin to stretch his neck and last Saturday to uttend the auction. bend his knees and grunt—Infallible L. D. Krake und eons, L. D. Jr., indications of his intention to lie down. and John are making hay fop X. Everybody works like a beaver to pre­ vent him from accomplishing this fell Margarell this week. purpose, but their labors are not al­ John Borba went to Tillamook and ways successful. They may get him buck last week. over the stream, but this Is unusual Geo. Freshour, Chas. Sears, Robt. good fortune—Harper’s Weekly. Fowler and 11. A. Chopard are hay­ fug for John Borba today, (Mon­ Siren In Skirts. day. ) Which is the most recent siren (of H. A. Chopard went to Hebo the animal variety) in history? Jacobus Tuesday to work for his brother-in- Noleras relates that In 14u3 a siren was law, J. W. Hester, through haying. captured In the Zuider Zee. She was isays Mr. Norman Douglas In "Siren M E. Church Land”) brought to Haarlem and, being naked, allowed herself to be clothed, 10 n. in., Sunday School. Last she leu med to eat like a Dutchman; Sunday'« attendance 114. she could splu thread and take pleas llu.m., song und sermon, Sub ure In other maidenly occupations; she ject, "When man loves." was gentle and lived to a great age. 7 p.m., Epworth League. This is But she never spoke. The honest bur young people's hour, largely at­ gbers had no knowledge of the lan­ tended service, alive, devout, inspir­ guage of the sea folk to enable them OUR FAITHFUL Bell Telephone always ational. to teach her their own tongue, so she remained mute to the end of her 8 p. in., song and sermon, subject, at your elbow, steadily increases iu useful­ I days. "When God loves." ness. It does a score of errands while a J. T. M oore , puator. Notice. # headlight , OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE) N«t Easy. What la the hardest work you do*” My hardest work." replied Senator Sorghum, “is trylug to look like my photograph and talk like my speeches when I get back to my home town."- Wasbingtou 8tar. An Easy Task. "Ps. what Is a philosopher?” "A philosopher my boy. Is oue who tells other people that their troubles don’t amonnt to much " Detroit Free rresa. A Finishing T«u«h. E*u <«v* Bp hta birthright pottag«"- know-to. mad« « of It* A HUNGRY PYTHON. THE NAME STUCK. The First Course of His Meat Got Him Into Serioua Trouble. In my travels I visited the jail at Thayet-Myo, in Burma. On the morn­ ing of my visit there bad undoubtedly been an uncsual occurrence. A python twenty-two' feet long and twenty-eight Inches in girth had entered the vege­ table garden and crossed it to tbe fowl pen. Besides the fowls, there were some five ducks in the pen. Now, the front of tbe pen was fenced with dia­ mond mesh galvanized wire netting of i a strong tyi>e. The snake could not resist a fat duck, so, putting Its head and neck through tbe stout diamond frame, it seized and swallowed one. I have no doubt whatever that it would have “mopped up the bunch" Inside the house, but that in adjusting No 1 to make room for No. 2 it became aware of an ueasy feeling owing to the wire around its waist Neither have I any doubt that in addition to becoming uneasy It became seriously alarmed. Being now unable either to disgorge or to get away, It tore off tbe whole section of netting. 6 feet by 8, aud ro turned with the necklace or waist­ band through tbe cabbages. Not un­ naturally. 1 think, the sentry, seeing a U by 8 foot wire section of fencing marching through tbe cabbage patch without any visible means of support, gave the alarm aud then opened fire. The prison guard rushed out and also opened fire, and very shortly our hero lay dead in bis frame. He was skinned and bis skin cured and dress ed in the Jail, where they are noted for this klud of work.—Forest aud Stream. A COMPETENT WITNESS. The Mule’« Testimony Was Taken and Accepted by the Judge. The originator of a widely known probation system. Judge William J Pollard of a St. Louis police court. Is the subject of a Boston Herald story which Illustrates his unique way of dealing out Justice to minor offenders A driver had been brought before Judge Pollard, charged with cruelty to animals. He had been driving a galled mule, but he had an expert witness in a veterinarian who testified that the sore on the mule’s back did not pain the animal in the least. The Judge listened attentively to the long technical opinions and then de manded to know the mule's where a bouts. He was informed that It was harnessed to a wagon which stood on the street in front of the courthouse. The Judge then ordered that court to be adjourned for five minutes. He took his cane and proceeded to the street, went up to the mule and with the end of his cane gently touch ed the sore spot on the animal's back. The mule promptly tried to kick the dashboard off the wagon. Once again the judge touched the sore spot with his cane, and the mule responded as before. Judge Pollard returned to the bench The prisoner was called before him. “With all due respect to the expert testimony you have bad Introduced In your behalf to show that the mule's back does not pain him, I will fine you $50." announced the judge, "1 asked the mule If the sore hurt him, and be said It did.” And Yet the Man Who Owned lt| Feel Flattered. They had been speaking of sakes, and one of the group U tloned with pride that not 0Z' four nephews and two granfeL namesakes, but that a lm.iBtw. lately built in his native to»? taken its name from him. “And I like it,” he said heartily consider it an honor. "You kno»i I feel,” he added, turning tooWljf friends. “I hadn't been in jour town more than an hour before] your name at the turn of ( , ‘Howard's Corner.’ You mMt u it's gratifying.” “May be to you,” said the otheri dryly, “but, as it happen«, the m that’s called ‘Howard's Corner’ll cause, when I was about twenty, knew more than I ever have si», took the girl that I was courting(lJt a new top buggy with a livery horse and tried to show off how* a turn I could make. “I tipped her out just as a party summer boarders came along, t buggy was smashed up some, aid: girl rode off with the boarders, mid a hornet. There was a young s among them whom she aftemrdn ried. “I ’don’t begrudge her to him, f» got a finer girl later on. but what name the boarders gave that plan the road stuck and by and by vsy up on the signboard while I »«< west I can't say that it ever sn me as any special cause for prife' Youth’s Companion. PREVENTED TOOTHACHE Tha Old Roman« Did It by Dev)« Two Rats a Month. If it be true that ancient rem are always the best It may be of terest to those afflicted with, de troubles to know how the ire Homans dealt with such ills. The rlties recognized l_wo types of u meat, the magical and the med The following are some of the pres tions advised by the magicians: Take the head of a dog that died of rabies, mix the ash with oil Cyprus and inject the product Into: ear of the affected side. A water snake's vertebra will st to scarify the gum provided that it obtained from a white skinned san or for the same purpose may be a a lizard’s frontal bone obtained «1 the moon is full, or, if that fill chicken bone will do, provided tha be dried in a hole in a wall and thrvi away immediately after used. It is good treatment to inject I an acbiug ear oil of lemon in vl have been macerated mallow bugs.ei should this last give rise to itching A worm fed on a particular herb a cabbage caterpillar can concern« be placed in a hollow tooth, butt equally simple to chew an idk heart. Prevention being better than cut sovereign preventive will be found the eating of two rats a month.-! don Hospital. Two Points of View. Nice discrimination would b* qulrcd to decide which is the jt mist aud which the optimist to Us pended war reminiscence. During one at the battles of 1 Punctuality In London. freesboro a group of wounded mei There Is plenty of rush and hurry In huddled about a field hospital, wii business London, just as In America, surgical attention, when a big bn but the English ways seem to be much trooper, with a bullet in his k*1 more systematic and dignified. The and another in his right arm. W man of business Is always attired with up, holding his wounded arm is care—pink necktie, chamois gloves, left hand. frock coat, spats—for business proce­ "Doc," he drawled, “the Job dure In England must be met with due came pretty near hitting me.” compliance to English ideas of propri­ Another fellow blowing blood ety. ously from his nose, the point of’ Appointments must be made by writ­ had been shot off, promptly interr ten notes—not typewritten, mind—and “Doctor, the rascals" — sg°* when the appointment Is made it Is to “came near”—another blow and l>e kept to the dot. I kept nine ap­ ter—“missing me.” pointments In oue day and found every man ready and waiting. When you Many Generation». tbiuk that old London Is slow Just The case of six generations Ito wake up. They don’t make much fuss given by Tennyson thus: "D m about things, but they just plan and arise; thy daughter to her d*< do what they set out to do.—Joe Mitch­ take whose daughter's •luugbt**’ ell Chapple In National Magazine. eth.” George Hakewell In the * teenth century bad Imaging The Egg and the Shell. descent more, for in his "Ai>olop< Eggshells are made chiefly of car writes that the mother said 15 bonate of lime, and the yolk Is half daughter, "Daughter, bld tbJ * water, half oil and albumen, while the ter tell her daughter that her “ white of an egg, as it is called, con­ ter's daughter hath a danfB* sists of water chiefly with albumen credible injunction in the <■*•* and a little phosphorus and sulphur. centenarian only. The yolk always floats at the top of the white, so to be as near as possible A Telescope Hi« Tomb- to the hen when she sits upon it to After Keeler had I - hatch It, while two corda attached to the Lick observatory and dWl the yolk, one at each end, prevent it and Ills ashes were brought * : from actually touching the shell. Allegheny for burial it «• his Brushear who sealed them ap last resting place, a hollow in* Ignorance. A Scottish minister was asked to porting pillar of the thirty * pray for rain. He did so. and the rain i i Hector, which is Keeler's me"*1 camo down in floods and destroyed the McClure's. crops. Irritated at the result, one die gusted elder confided to another that His Sc«nt. , “this comes o’ intristin' sic a request “How did the young man to a meeulster whs tana sequent wi’ ed to go In the newspaper bo** agriculture.” •longr “It was a pretty race for so«w> i be won by a nose.” I "What do you mean'" “A nose for news." — American. Give Him Time- “Judge,” wailed the prison* you give me a little time to fl* thing over?” “Certainly.” replied the ■** tbe ’Hix mosttes.”-rhlladelpl>ta