T illamook I CHEAP PERFUMES. SENSE OF DANGER. » I headlight , J uly 20, 1011. SAILING BACKWARD. SPECIAL ! bi ado From Musk Supplied by Many Feats of Seamanship Performed With Varieties of Civet Cats. Square Riggers. Most women who Indulge freely in Square rigged ships can, in case of : the use of < heap perfumes do not necessity, be made to sail rudder fore­ know of wbat they are compounded. moot, and there are many eases known The principal Ingredient of low priced where ships have sailed in that re­ perfumes is musk, animal musk, which versed order. Only a few years ago a is obtained from several creatures. case was recorded of such backward The muskrat is probably the best nailing. known of these, and a few decades One Instance where the maneuver ago the wives and sweethearts of men was employed by a genius in battle who set traps around ditches and tactics rather than under the need of ponds in the countryside carried proud­ marine disaster to a brilliant chapter ly the bags of musk obtained from this in the history of Old Ironsides. This source. As an article of commerce the account is taken from Maclay's naval musk supplied by several varieties of history: civet cats is probably the best known “The sternmoet ship was observed today. The odor is strong and sweet. luffing np so as to take a raking posi­ The strength is the particularly no­ tion across the Constitution's stern. ticeable feature and is the reason Mindful of his danger, Captain Stew­ why It Is the foundation of the per­ art suddenly braced his main and miz­ fumes. In the small mammal house zen topsails flat to the mast, shook all at the zoological gardens are two sizes forward, let go bls jib sheet and quiet­ of civets, and any one with an inves­ ly but swiftly backed, under cover of tigating turn of mind may stand near the smoke, abreast the rear ship. The the cages and catch the musky odor. maneuver was executed In beautiful The musk is used in the cheap per­ style. The yards swung around almost fumes, as only a little Is needed to give as soon as the order was issued; the a most lasting odor to an ounce of ship checked her course, trembled for perfumery, but the musk itself is not a moment and then began backing. As cheap, and it Is one of the duties of If by magic the Constitution hud the attendant of the mammal bouse to dropped astern and almost befoie 111 ■ collect It. It is then sold through reg­ enemy was awnre of it was alongside ular channels and Is one of the sources of the sternmost ship with every gun of revenue to the zoo. although a small of her formidable battery reloaded and one.—Philadelphia Record. double shotted.” The clipper ship Dreadnought lost her rudder in a gale in the winter of SHIPS THAT KICK. 18*12-3. and Captain Samuel Samuels Seamen Don’t Like Thom and Dodge performed the great feat of sailing her backward for more than 000 miles nnd Them if They Can. When sailors Join a ship almost the into safety in the harbor of Fayal.— MADE HIMSELF BLUSH. first question asked by each one as he New York Sun. — takes the wheel for the first time is, k by Which an Actor Achieved a “Does alie kick?” THE HERMITAGE. Realistic Stage Effect. Kicking, as it Is called by the sea­ Intel Frohman In ills "Memories men, is due to the action of the water Mansion In Which Aaron Durr Courted i Manager” tells of a muscular under the lee of the rudder when the Estelle Provost. t by which Mr. F. F. Mackay vessel's stern, which has for a mo­ There still stands in the Paramus •red an astonishing stage effect, ment been borne skyward on the crest ’as in Bronson Howard's "One of of u wave, falls back again into the valley, twenty miles from New York. Girls.” Mr. Mackay was playing trough with such terrific force as to In Bergen county, N. J., well preserved part of a French couut, who, in make her tremble fore and aft and and kept, the mansion In which Aaron Sf the chief situations of the play, perhaps wrench the wheel from the Burr courted the beautiful Estelle Provost, widow of an officer In the kpeil In the face witli u glove grasp of (lie steersman. Sometimes it happens that he is British army, herself an ardent royal­ ■ English officer. Mr. Howard's In that the count should become tiikeu unawares and. being unable to ist during the Revolution. In the days of this courtship Burr's rand furious at the affront, but let go In time, is flung right over the ■ckay contended that us be hail wheel to the other side of the deck, command in the American army was /nown In the i>lay to be an expert often receiving serious injuries. Some­ stationed at White Plains, N. Y., and ■t and accustomed to danger be times a man will lie pitched right be was accustomed to ride from there not likely to lose control of him- overboard Into the sea, nnd a recent to Paramus on horseback to the woo­ case 1» known of n man who received ing of hto ladylove, making the Jour­ t Howard saw the point. The re­ a blow under the chin from one of the ney to and fro between sunset and sat that the Frenchman received spokes and died a few days later from dawn. The mansion, known aa "The LEAVES TILLAMOOK .................................. '. 4 p.in. Hermitage,’’ is of rough stone with tisult without the movement of a the effects. gothic peaks. A picturesque turnstile in some of the worst types of kick ­ ARRIVE YAMHILL ..................... 3 p.m. te He stood rigid. Only a flash Connecting with PORTLAND TRAIN. e eye for an instant revealed his ers kicking straps are used regularly admits visitors to the extensive on. Then the audience saw his In nearly nil weathers, and many sail­ grounds. FARE, $5.00. Not far away is the old church, like­ grow rial and then pale. This ors refuse to go to sea In ships which (pllowed by the quiet announce are known to lie confirmed kickers.— wise as it was In those perilous and MRS. J. C. HOLDEN, Agent, Tillamook. Hotel Royal, Agent, Yamhill. romantic dayB, where Burr and the . from the count that lie would London Tit-Bits. fair widow, hto persistent and arden his seconds to tile Englishman Dumas' Riot of Extravr janes. wooing having won her, were mar- exhibition of facial emotion be Duuius' Monte Cristo villa was a rled. Adjoining and belonging to this I by the visible rush of blood to Jtor’a face was frequently noted lordly pleasure house, tropical In its church Is an ancient burying ground, • time, It was a muscular trick, taste and Its extravagance—a weird many of whose moss grown grave­ lackey put on a tight collar for confusion of Bohemia nnd the Arablnn stone« have quaint and grotesque in­ scene and strained ills neck Nights. The spoils of the bazaars of scriptions. One offers this cheerful in­ it until the blood came, and Algeria and Tunis lay about the house, vitation: Dear Brother and Sistor. be released the pressure nnd the i oininln led with costly treasures of Come visit our Tume; home manufacture, in a supreme dis­ receded the effect waa reached. Prepair for Grim Deth. order. nnd th“ie was eiery embellish For this is your Dume. meat which the caprices of a luxuri­ —Browning's Magazine. k Joke That Went Astray. ant and undine plined imagination 'Xrab' the fact that some per- could suggest gothic turrets, pavll e devoid of the sense of humor Ions, minarets, an artificial lake with Odd Juries. ory was told at a downtown an island nnd a cascade, a picture gal­ The sheriff of a certain county in Manufacturers of >n club: “1 forgot to pay my lery, a studio, an aviary, a monkey England, being of a Jocular turn of >y last night and when I saw house, a stable, a bijou theater, a kiosk mind, quietly picked a Jury of the la morning gave him the 5 cents With a blue celling studded with stars twelve fattest men eligible for the pur tn Mid said. T thought every to serve na a workroom for the mas­ pose men no fat that when they ap last ¡night you'd send a collector ter, wlio had the titles of Ills principal l>eared tn court and the time came «■hnr, not on your life; not plays and stories graven conspicuous­ for them to take up their position in jsr me twlest as much.' An ly on the atones of his dwelling.— the Jury bog it was found that but IT the boy came to my office. “I’asnlonn of tlie French Romantics.” nine of them could be accommodated. > had never been before, wait However, by rearrangement aud • and when 1 came said: 'Say. squeezing and amid the boisterous Old Tims Smoke Nuisance. ■I aorry you thought 1 was We are accustomed to think of the laughter of the court they dually sue •i de nickel. Ye needn’t pay smoke nuisance ns a modern phenome­ ceeded In crowding Into their allotted till ya want to, and about non. but Professor V. II Lewes shows quarters—a packed Jury in the most ^it—nix.’ I thanked him. and ‘hat It raised so much Indignation In literal sense. Following this fat Jury, tMf to crack a Joke I have Englund |ianlon. to the manner In which these gar­ emitted by unknown ments shot out the sky and otherwise • ucaa in the sun disfigured the landscape. Mr Herford A Story of Daniel Orow. When Sir Morton Psto visited IbU gated at them thoughtfully and then nass Tast. country with a large assortment of gently murmured, "The short and alm you have sold mors railroad »any were in good humor S.r Morton Sure Ms Knew. "Yon don’t know everything, 1 bel Us are Child-Like. for you " When an developed Ills plans In detail and did RECIPES I aay. That's too It very plausibly. Drew listened to the that you can’t tell me what to a chi Just as our portraits of adults •y both bits. -Toledo eud and then, turning to the gentle­ ropodlat ” "Yee. t can too A chiropodist la possess strength and character. man sitting next to him. remarked. one of those chap, who can tell your “We ain't goin' to do none o' them 'ere The valued family te- • We are experts in lighting character from your handwriting things '• That ended It. cif.es for cough i and cold "Bleassd tf I thought you knew ItT and | osing, and’our equipment - Baltimore American. cure, liniments, tonics and Quite a Criminal is ccmplete. Cctne in ard see other remedies have “I auppoaa there's none of ns better onr line. Finn we should l• buy th- furniture u|x>u the Installment plan ” Washington tlrraM Impatience and prtd.- have d«atroy<4 more equis than wkkedueee MntsiaL I■ « I • : : j Monk's Studio these remedies more effec- five than ever. Right prices assured. also 1» your glasses are broken, send them to me at McMinnville, t)re. I have an up-to-date grinding plant there 111 1 will attend to all repair work promptly. CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist. Henry E, Morris, I will make trips to Tillamook about every two mouths.