TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JULY 20. 1911 KATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. .»TBICTLY IN ADVANCE.) One year.......................................... Six month«...................................... Three month»................................. 1.50 75 logical hub of the county and all roads lead to it. It was pointed out to us several days ago that owing to the ceutral location of the city, a good hotel here would cause automobile parties to make this their head­ quarters, and who would take trips in their machines to dif­ ferent parts of the county in the morning and return later in the day. The matter of a first class hotel in this city is of vast im­ portance and something that our enterprising citizens should take a lively interest in. Some About Prize Winning Horses. For the benefit of those who have Major Weitzel Colts, I will give a list of the prizes he has won in Entered as second class mail mat­ Oregon. 1st, First prize at the ter July, 1888, at the post office at Southern Oregon District Fair at Tillamook, Ore., under the act of Roseburg, Fall 1901; 2nd, and March 3, 1879. again 1st at Southern Oregon Dis­ trict Fair, Fall 1902 at Roseburg; ¿fyt Qilfamoak ^rabligbt, 3rd, Major Weitzel 33271 took first prize over all, Standard Bred Stal­ lions at the Oregon State Fair in Editorial Snap Shots. the Fall of 1907 at Salem ; 4th, on April 3rd, 1909, Major Weitzel took He’s a scrub rooster, first prize at Woodburn Horse That can’t be a booster. Show in th* aged standard bred You hear people complain class and sweepstakes with his Say, Mr. City Dads, what about county warrants being family of colts ; 5th, on April 10, about that shooting in one of discounted We will set some 1909, at the Salem Horse Show, Ma­ the saloons Saturday night, or of our citizens to thinking. One haven’t we woke up to the fact reason money is scarce in Till­ jor Weitzel won sweepstakes and that this city is a cow boy town ? amook is because the saloons -the $20.00 silvercup with his family and he won first in the Aged Stan- have drained the county of datil Bred Stallion Class also ; Oth, money sufficient to take up all flow does this look ? Some the outstanding county war­ there was not one of the Major's colts that was shown in the three of the curb stone “knockers,’’ rants. Figure it out yourself. horse shows, Salem, Woodburn and who have been maligning the There are five saloons in this County Court for going into city, and we are informed that Mount Angel in the Spriug of 1909 debt for a reasonable amount of but what either took a blue ribbon money for road improvements they take in about $500 a days, or was instrumental in winning to say nothing of the saloons in were in favor of the Port of Till­ championship prizes ; 7th, on March amook bonding the district for ether parts of the county. Three 31 st at Woodburn this yeai 1911, in thousand dollars a week is a big $450,000. The biblical story ­ the aged standard bred class Ma The drain on the money in circula holds good in Tillamook, not i°r wag given second place ; one of tion in this city, and it is i knockers can swallow a ca mal his colts, Lady Weitzel, owned by surprising to us in the least that but strain at a knat. money is so scarce and business Apland Bros, of Woodburn, won is slow and not money 1st in the 3 year old class and an­ There is a movement on foot enough in thecouuty to take up other Major Weitzel colt owned by to have Governor West call a county warrants. Yet it was A. Monton, of Gervais, won 2nd in special meeting of the state leg­ the sovereign will of the people the same class, and in the two year islature to pass road legislation. of this county which was instru­ old class a Major Weitzel colt won If it is to create a road commis­ mental in bringing this state of 2nd prize; in the yearling class, H. S. Shapes.of Hubbard,won 1st with sion, so that a few individuals affairs about. another Major ; 8th, at Mount An­ can draw big salaries for being state ornaments and appearing Tillamook county had a juven­ gel on April 1, 1911, Major Weitzel wise on road matters, we are ile financial panic in county was again awarded first prize in the opposed to it, also to any bond­ warrants last week, brought aged standard bred class ; his three ing scheme. There is no need about by several reasons. First, year old owned by A. Monton of of any more road bosses, espe- the senseless agitation, the fact Gervais, won first and another Ma­ ciallv kid glove fellows. that a question was raised about jor colt won second in the same the county exceeding $5,000 in­ class and a Major Weitzel colt won Gee, wiz. The thermometer debtedness and the scarcity of! second in the yearling class; 9th, registers above 100 degress in money and the inability of the! i on April 0 and 7, 1911, at the Salem several towns in Oregon, put local banks to dispose of county Horse Show, Major Weitzel 33271 over herein this little kingdom warrants to outside parties ow-1 won first and $20.00 silver cup with <>i Tillamook the weather is de ing to such a large amount being his family of colts, and he was ligbtful, cool and bracing, with issued at the last two terms of giv n second place in the aged everything in view fresh, bright the county court. One cannot i standard bred stallion class, Ma­ and green. We cordially invite blame the present court for the jor’ i 2 year old colt owned by Dr. the rest of Oregon to come to indebtedness that it inherited Soader, of Seattle, and bought of Tillamook county and cool off, nor the banks when it was im­ Rev. Father Paul Daiton, of Brooks, away from the heat and dust of possible for them to handle the for $500.00 at 17 months old, won that tropical weather. Truly warrants. Another thing it second prize in the two year old Tillamook county is a wonder­ would be imprudent for the class. The colt that won first in ful little kingdom of its own banks to load up with warrants the yearling class was the Major when it comes down to unde­ of a doubtful character when at Weitzel colt owned by E. F. Rogers veloped resources and delight­ any time some crank or “knock­ that was foalded in Tillamook Co. er“ could bring suit to enjoin on June 18, 1910, and was kept in ful summer weather. the county treasurer from pay­ the vacant lot in front of C. W. ing them. Under the circum The recall law is being in- stances, What is the wisest Woolf’s Blacksmith Shop in Tilla­ mook City until it was three weeks voked on the Lane County thing to do ? To keep on Court, and this pertinent re- knocking won’t help matters at old ; 10th there has been at least 25 mark from the Cottage Grove all, in fact, it will make them different Major Weitzel colts shown Sentinel shows who are back of worse. Although we deplore at the different horse shows and the movement : “The Taxpay­ seeing any curtailment in road faits and there was never one of payers' Association, which has work, it seems to us that the his colts entered that did not win a undertaken this herculean task, proper course now is to place prize and only one that got as low is composed chiefly of chronic the county on a cash basis as as third prize. grouches, whose principal char­ soon as possible and not go be­ Now with all of these prizes it acteristic relative to public yond the limit which the con­ means something to your colts affairs is to damn if one does stitution provides. It may come value. Cut this out and keep it to and to damn if one don’t.’’ So hard on some of our citizens *how the class of stock you have. Now in conclusion kindly notice Tillamook is not the only coun­ who have been figuring upon ty with persons who are “knock­ road work to pay the last half where these prizes were won as we ing” because a large amount of of their taxes and mean a good ' all know that Salem and the State money is living expended on many bail roads the coming win-1 Fair Grounds is where the highest classed stallion of the coast come* roads. ter, which, no doubt, the court1 will get centured for allowing. | for service. I appreciate the liberal TheTillamook County Editor- patronage I have received in Tilla­ Boosters' Association will leave Here's the point, the county i mook County and hope to continue cannot pay off a large amount tor the north part of the county to co-operate with you in the im­ on Friday, where they will be of outstanding indebtedness provement of your horses. and expend a large amount of dined and wined and entertain­ Respectfully Yours, ed by the people of that section money on roads when there is • E. F. R ogers . V. S. not enough money to do both. OVERLAND MODEL 52 WITH FORE DOORS A guarantee on Tires, Springs and Car. This car for 40 horse power, 4 doors, top and glass front. The easiest ridi car in this or any other town Other cars selling from J and up. Come and take a ride before buying the highest type of a pure straight whiskey blend. aged in wood complying with both the United States and State Pure Food Laws straight whiskey— all whiskey—old whiskey AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. W. J. STEPHENS, Distributer for Tillamook, Ore. N• curries. 1 have never had a • ' will not obtain the summer* cut. wound, bruise, or sore it would West, W.M., and Ix>ts numbered thirteen and fourteen of travel it otherwise would, fake nut soon heal." he writes Great- twelve, Section thirty-one, in Township | est healer of burns. U>ils, scalds •or instance Garibaldi Ix-acli North of Range nine West, hands and bps. fever sores, four W. M., lesa tract of six and three ami Bayocean, with no roads to vh*pped skin-eruptions, eexetua, corns und fourths acres sold to F R. Beals get there by auto, Netarts and pile*. A- at Chas 1. Clough's. and one acre for grave of Mrs • he other beaches in the north Lu«Bl», and except the merchant mid south lairts of the county, Parson’* Poem A Gem able timber on lands in Sections five mid before they cun lie property From Rev H. Stulwnvoll, Allison. and six, and crude oils reserved end subject to right of way for developed they must have good 1 r ' i ’ ih L“'** K i " r * N,W county road. roads And let everylsxly boost • .“ They Said sale will be made either for re such a health necessity, • or these* road improvements, 111 every home these pill* should be. cash, or tWY-thirds cash and the for it menus much for the future j It other kinds you've tried in vain balance on one year's time, with interest at the rate of eight per USE bR KING'S of Tillamook County. We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Glass and China, Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window Sashes, Agents for the Great Western Siw. ALEX McNAIR co The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook Counv. ! DNEY PILLS J1**’ kldneF or bladder trouble, and urinary irreguf* Foley Kidney Pill. are tonic in action, quick in roaulta. Refuse sub*** Only ¿Sc at cent per annum, and secured bv hrst mortgage on the said pro. The need of a first class hotel sale will be made from in Tillamook City is something Right in your busiest sesson when and after the 28th day of Auwuat Which must be attended to at you have the least time tospare you of H. h T. Butts or T. H Govn# most likely - . to take ._ diarrhoea Attorney.-., Law. Till.m7>ok 3iW |i nu distant date, thnt is if thia .are •nd I ------------- om «ererul d.y«' time, unless city expects to remain the hub vou have Chamberlain's Çolfc. <’rejfon. --------------------- To OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. Dated thia June 13th, 1911. and Diarrhoea Remedv of the county. Not being able |Cholera Illkflil an <4 take taka * a dose „I.—.-. on _ the'^lrat hand and . . M. A bplanalp . to obtain the kind of hotel ac­ Corner Stillwell Ave, .nd Fira Admmi.trator of the E«tate of of the diaei.se For aale commodation* they desire here -pp»arance by Lamar’s I>ru« Store. Louis Blattiar. deceased. St. West. and both Phone*. And be well again." t ha*. I. tlough's. _____ Chas. I. Clough, Tillamook. T visitor* remain but a short time and then pull out for other “Ct. Tillamook City is the «rC’W IU*bt Astoria I § I“. ■ Distributer* San Francisco Tillamook Bakery, John B. Langley teaming and hauling gra el screened or UNSCREENED. '■‘•“•"ftlOffiNJYPILLS FE j .XLTZ in all kino of cakes all kino of muau . WOOD FOR SAUB. Ball Telephone. UB7, i Hay Press for I have a 12 ton * sale cheap, if sold ntui**- das» working on 1er make. , F ka MK H a X^" For summer diarrlio*** ., always give — I Choleren and and cator <>41. and a cert.«in. For sale atore.