Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 13, 1911, Image 5

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sands of dollars from their private
money to facilitate the work. The
work of improvement, it will be
found, has been carried on with
economy, under capable manage­
ment and with the best interests ot
the property and its purchasers
always in mind.
ivestors in Lots
lin Against T. B.
ter Realty Co.
B Aver that Promised
rements Have Not
Been Made.
100 Men at Work Now.
“The pavement work has not
stopped at Bayocean. We actually
have over 100 men on the pay roll
at the present time and improve­
ment work is continuing every day
and will continue.
“So far as advertising is con­
cerned, we have used the mediums
and the amount of space that have
beet appeared to us to answer our
legitimate purposes. Our percentage
of advertising cost to the gross
amount of sales is about 2Vi per
cent, which is lower than that of
any other company that has ever
advertised on a large scale in the
history of the city of Portland.
“There are about 1500 purchasers
of Bayocean property, and as near
as we can ascertain, less than one
per cent appear to be dissatisfied.
Their principal grievance seems to
hinge upon a difference of opinion
as to how the property should have
been handled. The others are en­
tirely satisfied and those who have
visited Bayocean are its most en-
thusiastic friends.
“I am satisfied that an investiga
tion of the affairs of this company
will prove a greater credit than dis­
credit to its management and I am
frank to confess that I welcome the
opportunity of presenting to the
courts of this state a careful analy­
sis of our books.”—Oregonian.
Eastman, F. A. Paulson,
Albert H. Gello, J. C.
W. Wilson. F. N. Derby,
ise, W. S. Mott and W. I.
rchasers of lots in Bay-
k, Tillamook County-, yes-
•lied to the Circuit Court
^ointment of a receiver
B. Potter Realty Com-
present owner of Bay-
implaint it is alleged that
ny has failed to install
ents stipulated in the
jiven purchases of lots,
X) collected ae payments
rasted and the company
>t and that T. Irving Pot-
■esent in charge of the
s business in the absence
Otter, his father, in Eur-
rch of health, is incom-
tnanage the business.
Acres Are Platted.
plaint sets forth that in
Potter and H. L. Chapin
I the 600 acres of ground
I subsequently platted as
“Park at a cost of got
in $20,000 and that they
I the Potter-Chapin Realty
with a capital stock of PLAINTIFFS ALL SALEM MEN.
me 20, 1907, subscribing Prime-mover in Bayocean Case is
l stock themselves with
Marion County Assessor
jon of a few shares issued
S alem , Ore., July 6.—Those be­
arsons that there might hind the move to obtain the appoint­
stockholders to comprise ment of a receiver for the T. B. Pot­
ite. The 600 acres was ter Realty Company are leading
ir to thia corporation.
Salem business men, one of them,
ged that 2200 of the 2800 the prime mover, F. J. Rice, being
i on the plat have been Assessor of Marion County.
ntracts which call for the
Attorney-General Crawford, is
if approximately$1,000,000 also interested. He owns property
pproximately $400,000 has at Bayocean Park and for several
on these contracts. Be­ days has been busycommunicating
ith January 1, 1909, the with holders of Bayocean property.
it is contended, agreed to
Relative to the application for a
less than $100,000 a year receivership, F. N. Derby, a promi­
vements, which were to nent local real estate man, says
'ater mains in front of that the reasons for the move are
sidewalks on each side of principally set out in the applica­
paved streets, ferry-boat tion.
“Potter is ill, as I understand it,”
♦ween Bayjcean Park and
iome other railway said Mr. Derby, “and young Potter
-ocks and a six-acre has been lavish with the money.
All we desire is to place the prop­
d that the company erty in the hands of men who will
4el at a coat of $15,000 complete the improvements on the
i canal at a cost of property as promisee have been
at none of the other made that they would be completed.
s specified in the sell- We have advertised extensively that
has been undertaken. certain work would be done and we
sold out hie interest desire to see that it is done as ad­
-Chapin Realty < <>m vertised.”
‘"All the money has been voted
sects of which were
by the T. B„ Potter for salaries and in building gaso­
B, 1910, line launches,” said J. C. Griffith,
•ement a Salem dentist and also a plaintiff.
$90,000 “For a gasoline launch that belongs
uai installments to the Potters $10,000 of the property-
January 1. H'l-’. owners, money was expended and
it T. B. Potter, we desire to have the balance placed
all the stock of in the property instead of having it
expended for the benefit of the Pot­
■lat H. L. ter family.”
E. J. Rice, who, it is understood,
month dur-
Ipin ¡Realty developed the sentiment in favor of
Matter now a receivership, is out of the city.
Jfi a month But the remainder of the men in­
aged 23, at terested say that the application for
of which was a receivership is merely a matter
Id from the of protection to the property owners
payment for as they say the bulk of the money
■ T. Irving placed in the properties has been
meted money used for other purposes than the
j and adver- development of the park.
^jfieclared to
are attorneys
Business Men and Commer­
T. B. Potter.
cial Club Take Action.
H. L. Chapin
When a telephone message was
received in this city last week that
ode in the ap-1 a few investors in Bayocesu pro­
er for the T. B. perty had commenced proceedings
ny are really I for a receiver to be appointed for
nee to warrant the T. B. Potter Realty Co. it caused
me." said T. I
some surprise, as it is considered
resident of the here that the company has made
> return from j considerable headway with the im-
“At the I provementa and it should be left
I of this com I alone to consumats the work at that
I in court and seaside resort As there is consid­
of an nnim- erable interest taken in Bayocean in
to show that this city, a petition waa circulated
he company's amongst the business menon Tues
mere has been j ’lay expressing their confidence in
rr. every hill the T. B. Potter Realty Co., and at
I the company a meeting of the Executive Board of
paid, and thatI the Tillamook Commeicinl Club on
d of being in-| Monday evening that body appoint
ealthy a fian
ed a committee to draw up a resolu­
SK*t substan
tion commending the company for
Bipany in the j
the improvements carried out. The
resolution waa »• follows ;
o the improve-
Whereas, the T. B. Potter Realty
Bayocean, the Company have been obliged to
“vful study of contend with great natural diffi
iw that thia cnlty in developing the Bayocean
Park beech resort. necessarily in­
’ epent $100,. volving
a large expenditure of
pert of the money in meeting the conditions
ith the terax and which does not at present ebow
I purchaaera. in the actual
t. and,
«% voted tbow now ia ¡»ogres«
the bayocean step '
Co. with characteristic energy, anil
■—* *
now largely completed the founda­
tion work tor what will in time be
one of the greatest beach resorts on 60 Investors in Seashore
the Pacific Coast, and,
Whereas anj^ dissatisfaction which 1 Property Vote Down
may exist among lot purchasers, I 1
Plan to Investigate.
must, Jin our judgment, be largely
due to lack of understanding of the
difficulties to be overcome, and the REGARD PROJECT SAFE-
plant necessary to be established
before the actual plans tor beauti­ C. O. Lauritzen, ex-Sales
fying and improving this splendid
Next Door to Tillamook County Bank.
beach resort could be undertaken. Agent of Company, Blamed
Now, therefore, as close observers
of the progress of this great under­
taking, we hereby express our con­
Expressing confidence that the
viction that the T. B. Potter Realty
Company have proceeded with all enterprise will prove a remunera­
possible economy and good busi­ tive investment and emphatically
ness expedition in carrying on the denouncing the bringing of a suit
work at Bayocean Park, and that for a receiver for the T. B. Potter
now the preliminary work is largely
completed, the near future will Realty Company, fit) investors in
prove the wisdom of their methods lots in Bayocean, Tillamook County,
and the final completion of this last night tabled a resolution call­
wonderful resort; and we hereby ing for the appointment of a com­
express our faith in the integrity
and business ¡judgment of the T. mittee and a thorough investigation
B. Potter Realty Company, und as of the financial condition of the
an organization we condemn any company. The meeting was held
attempt to discredit them or their in the assembly hall of the Port­
great work at Bayocean Park in the
land Commercial Club. F. A. Sul­
eyes of the public.
livan was chairman of the meeting
T illamook C ommercial C lib .
By Resolution of Executive Board. and J B. Easter was the secretary.
|W ebster H olmes , President.
C. O. I.auritzen. ex-sales agent
G eorge W illett , Secretary.
for the T. B. Potter Realty Com­
pany, called last night’s conference
Dream Soon to be Reality.
And all points on Tillamook Bay.
of Bayocean Park investors. In
The hope of two generations will calling the gathering to order, Mr.
be realised when the railroad of the I.auritzen gave a comprehensive
Pacific Railway A Navigation Com­ statement of the operations of the
pany from Portland to Tillamook is company from the time he entered
Summer. The i its employ' in 1906 until about one
United Railways will soon follow, year ago, when his contract expired.
and an isolated section of Oregon During the time of his iiiiployinent,
will then be doubly bound to the ; Mr. Lauritzen said he received a
i monthly salary of $250, while his I
rest of the state.
TheNehalem andTillatnook valleys I contract provided that he was
are among the richest in Oregon, , to receive in addition, 7 per cent
but, though at the very door of Port­ commission, net. on all sales,- less
land, were, until this year, more re­ . the cost of the improvements to be
mote than sections a thousand I made by the company.
Foot of Washington Street.
miles distant. Tillamook has kept Improvements Behind, Alleged.
J. R. GLADDEN, Ageut, Tillamook.
Although Mr. Lauritzen made no
up communication by sea, but
commercially has been but a remote specific charge of fraud against the
part of Oregon. Only trifling sums realty company or its members, he
have been obtained from the Gov­ alleged that the corporation was
ernment for the improvement of its not proceeding with the improve­
harbor until now the people are be­ ments of the property as had been
ginning to help themselves by or­ promised the lot-buyers in the pub­
ganizing a port commission( and lished advertisements. He alleged
levying a local tax.
that as late as July, last year, when
The Nehalem Valley has hitherto the company had sold virtually all
had no outlet except by wagon and of the lots, improvements that had
its great belt of heavy timber and heen made did not exceed in value
its rich agricultural land have re­ $50,000,
It was because of thia
mained mainly untouched. It has dilatory record on the part of the
had many promises of a railroad company that Mr. I-auritzcn last
Unsurpassed. Non intoxicating.
and has been so often disappointed month referred the subject to At-
that only the advent of the locomo­ torney-General Crawford and other
tive could convince its settlers that
lot-buyers at Salem It was by these
the expected had come.
The timber and dairy industries men, 10 in number, that the suit
of the Tillamook country have en­ demanding the appointment of a
joyed much development, even receiver for the realty company was
with the small facilities for reach­
ing market they now enjoy. The instituted in the Multnomah County
Special Brew.
railroad will give them a great im­ Court a few days ago.
petus and extend the development
Investigation P.'an Tabled.
1:0 the Nehalem Valey and the coun­
Mr. Lauritzen offered a motion
try between Hillsboro and the
Coast Range. The tide of settle­ calling for the appointment of a
ment will spread to that section and committee of three who should visit
Portland will profit equally with Bayocean and submit to the in­
the settlers.—Oregonian.
vestors a true report of the improve­
ments that have been made as well
Honest Medicines Versus Fakes. as information touching on the I
President Taft’s recent message financial condition of the company.
Mods Water*. Nipthon*, Bartlett Mineral Water.
suggesting an amendment to the Tom Richardson moved as an
Pure Food and Drugs law in its amendment that the resolution be
relation to Prepared Medicines,
does not apply to such standard laid on the table. The amendment
medicines as Foley’s Honey and prevailed l>y a unanimous vote ami
Tar Compound and Foley Kidney further debate was shut off by a
Pills, Both of which are true medi­ motion by Carl H. Jackson to ad­ I
cines carefully compounded ot in­
gredients whose medical qualities journ. Thia also prevailed- without
are recognized by the medical pro­ a dissenting voice.
fession itself as the best known re­
If I-Chapin, who was associated
medial agents for the diseases they with T. B. Potterin theorganization
are intended to counteract. For
over three decades Foley’s Honey and operation of the company for
and Tar Compound has t>een a the first two years of its life, re
í h
standard remedy for coughs, colds futed the charge of Mr. lauritzen
and affections of the throat, chest that the company had not expended
and lungs for children ahd for
grown persona, and it retains today over $50,000 in improvements at
its pre-eminence above all other Bayocean Park. He declared that
preparations of its kind.
Foley in 1909 the company expended
Kidney Pills are equally effective over $100,000 for improvements.
and meritorious. Chas. I. Clough
Mr. Chapin denounced as a sliame
the proceeding brought through the
Administrator*« Sale
influence of I.auritzen. which lie
said would “break the most sub­
N otice re H ereby G iven ,— That
by virtue of an order duly made stantial bank in the country.”
Leaves Portland, Couch St. Dock
$476,329 Bpent on Tract.
and entered by the Connty Court of,
the State of Oregon, for Tillamook
Chairman Sullivan submitted fig­
Every Tuesday, Arrives Tillamook
County, authorising and directing ures from the realty company
the sale of the real property, here­
inafter described by the under­ showing that it had spent for ac­
every Thursday or Friday
signed administrator, I, the under­
signed administrator, will sell at property $284.315 from receipts from
according to Tides.
pnvate aale subject to confirmation the sale of lots and at the same
by the said County Court, the fol-
lowing described real property, to- time had advanced and exfiended
from its own funds an additional
wit :
An undivided one-half interest in $192.014.
One hundred men are
H. C. I.AMB, Agent,
and to Lot numbered one and the now at work on the property and
Lamb's Dock, Tillamook. Ore.
/Sgenta, Antoría, < Ire
South East quarter of the North prosecuting the improvements as
East quarter of Section aix, and rapidly as possible.
f. W. W. BROWN, Agent,
Lot numbered four, and the South
Car) H. Jackson argued that the
Couch Street Dock. Portland, Oregon.
_____ ___
West quarter
of ___
the North West filling of the suit for a receiver for
quarter of Section five, in Town- I the company was a serious mistake
ship —
three - North
Range nine that would not only depreciate the
—- of
-« “
West. W.M., and Lota numbered value of every investor's holding in
twelve, thirteen and fourteen of the project but would proves big dis
Section thirty-one, in Township couragement to like prefects which
The Best Hotel.
four North of Range nine West, made an much for the development
W.M., leas tract of aix and three of any «tale. H. D. Ramsdell said
fourths acres sold to F R Beal», it was apparent from some corre­
and one acre for grave of Mrs. spond« nee he had received from
Ludtke. and except the merchant­ the mt n who brought the suit that
able limber on lands in Sections five laiuritzcn wanted to Is- ai>|M>inte<l
J. P. AUUBN. Proprietor
and six. and crude oils reserved, receiver. For that reason he ob­
soil subject to right of way for jected to the appointment of any1
county road.
Investigating committee until he
Said sale will la- made either for could tie aalisfieti it would not be a
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
cash, or tw . thirds cash and the istriiaan laxly.
balance on one year's time, with
Special Attention paid to Tourist*.
W J. Clements waa particularly
interest at the rate of eight |*r
cent per annum, and aecurrd by emphatic in Ilia ’Irn’HiiM im I hhi of
A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Accommodation.
first mortgage on the said pro ttw ae bringing the amt which lie
tierty. Said sale will be made on harm terizi-d aa a shame and an
the lat day of August. Hill. Bids outrage. He went even farther ami
Hfiraiiia re. |ii ire careful Ireatmetil.
Never leave home on ■ journey
may be left at the office of H. T said ' that man (l-atiritzea) should
Hotts or T. H. Goyne. Attorney e- lie run out of town." Tom Rirh- without ■ Ixrttle of Chamlierlsin’e Keep quiet and apply Chamber
Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Bern Iain's Liniment freely. It will re­
at-Law, Tillamook City. Oregon.
the company would prove Coeat edy. It is almost eertain lobe needed move the soreness and uuickly re­
Da-ed this June 13th. Hill
and cannot he obtained when on store the parta to a healtlilv condi -
M A bplanalp .
Administrator of the Estate of enmpiiah nothing for the investors. laierd the C«H or ateamahipa. For tion. For sale by lomare Drug
Louie Hlatdar. deceased.
sale by I<amar*a Drug Store.
Sailing Days for fDonth
IS, 20, 25 and 31st
Freight Received Daily at Dock
Columbia Bottling Co.,
Astoria, Oregon-
Reliable Route
Sue H. Elmore”
Tillamook A Portland.