I T illamook headlight , J uly 13, loll. —Ì— THE FARMERS REAP A BIG HARVEST. For Road Improvements in all Parts of County for One Month’s Work. B. S. Thompson........................ 29 75 Henry Simmons .. 2 30 Ulyasia Edwards........ 77 50 Herbert Perry....... ........ . 57 00 Riley’Simmons.... 67 50 G. W. Ramsey.......... 77 50 Rob Kennedy ............................. 04» 50 Walter Anderson 33 50 M. J. Galloway ............ 7 £0 Grant Marshall.................. 40 25 Harty Simmons... 5 25 George Galloway .... 7 50 ■ Joe Hauxhurat ........................... 40 (JO Earl Pearson ......... 12 75 Derk Rutgere ................ 20 75 Sam Johnson ............................ 42 50 Fred Blum............... 38 50 Joe Rutgers .................. 23 25 Ben Johnson............................. . 50 00 Alvin Blum ............ 20 00 Dick Rutgers ............... 31 50 Tom Robertson ................ .... 57 00 E. Blum.............. .. 34 a) F. C. Smeltzer............... 3 25 Andrew Peterson ..................... 35 00 Charles Desmond . 21 25 Carl White ..................... 3 75 Having so thoroughly established and maintained his John Krumlauf......................... 37 30 Elmer Hall............... 34 00 J. W. Fredrexon .......... 24 25 Frank Illingworth ................... 57 50 A. Proctor ............... 20 00 O. Kellow ....................... 2 50 reputation as one of the highest classed prize winuing Stallions W. Renich ................................... 00 50 C. R. Funk.............. 44 00 I. Hill ............................. 15 75 of this coast, and the producer of colts that wins the blue ribbons W. Bregg ................. . ............... 55 00 Herman Smith .... 18 75 James Harris ............... 32 50 Nick Job......................................... 35 00 W. T. Smith............ 10 00 Claude I.ane................... 5 00 among the very best and highest classed colts of the state, it is W. Livingston........................... 104 00 C. Pearson .............. 31 00 Henry White .............. 10 (JO Deck Johnson............................. 00 00 H. Booth ............... 49 50 lames Wollinberger .. 5 00 not necessary to comment on quality. George Eichinger..................... 98 00 Kas. Zweifel.......... 22 50 \V. H. Messner ........... 5 00 He wiil continue being at the Roger’s Livery Stable, in P. G. Wheeler ........................... 17 80 W. Hoaley................ 96 50 P. H Messner .............. 1 25 Joe Harrison............................... 91 50 John Neiger............ 31 50 C. D. Deitney ................ 102 00 Tillamook, until Monday, July loth. 11 50 C. H. Barnes ............... 63 75 The Board of County Commission­ Jas. Kearns................................. 15 (58 W. Booth................. John Dolan ................................. 17 25 45 00 James Meechan............ Housworth........ 63 75 Commencing at that time will start for Nehalem, on Mon­ ers, including Judge Mason and Eden Long, for board ............ 10 22 H. 48 25 S. C. Straup................... Ban Stuver............. 31 50 Commissioners Alley and Farmer, Arabel Jonee, for board ... . 8 47 W. Fatcher............... 9 25 Charles West............... 52 50 day mornings and returning on Wednesday evenings until Sep­ 56 50 A. J. Huston ............... transacted the followed business at Andy Hayden................. ........... 61 25 C. Kunze ................. 22 50 tember ist. 43 75 the July term of court. A large E. J. Bartrow............................... 48 75 F. Rust..................... M. Blalock................................... 97 25 A. Mapes . . .... 24 00 Total..................................... »7,807 57 I will return to Tillamook Couuty next summer with both number of warrants were issued, Herb Thompson......................... 47 00 J. Hurliman ...... 37 00 which made a big harvest for the Warren Hoskina ....................... 55 00 Wilber Booth.......... 76 00 Miscellaneous, R.D. No. 1 • stallions, Major Weitzel, No. 33271, and Lord Rex, No. 48862. 2 00 King A Smith, tnch.................. 138 75 farmers who worked on the roads Mrs. Buckles............................... 32 00 A. Mapes .............. 29 25 Pacific L. & F. Co., lumber.. 547 35 I am in the field for business. for one month, and which shows Nelson Erick............................... 10 25 W. H. Roberson ... George Hobson ......................... 59 00 Verick Neiger........ 4 5(1 Fred Zaddaeh, eup................. 84 00 where a large proportion of the tax Jap Perry ..................................... 10 00 Chas. Christensen. 11 25 S. Scovell, work ....................... 02 40 Respectfully yours, money goes. The editor of the Clark Smith................................. 42 25 Claus Christensen 31 50 H. L. Provooat, meh.............. 50 55 75 95 >1. T. Ricard, meh.................... 6 50 I. Kennedy............. Headlight has segregated some of Pacific Lumber A Fuel Co .. 00 7 7 50 Nelson A Co., meh................. 8 95 the bills and placed them under W. Hoskins.................................. 40 25 W. E. Southwick.. Chas. Trask ............................... 68 5( A. Sherman............ 106 50 Central Sash & Door Co.... 00 1 different heads to show the road dis­ Fred Richards ........................... 37 50 Gus Lunarn .......... 3 75 Tohl & Andersen, meh.......... 137 KI tricts where the money is expended. C. Stoker........................................ 111 00 Frank Dye .............. 126 25 Luke Wolfe, Wheeler road... 243 0J 50 OO W. H. Hoskins, deputy sup 7« 50 In the matter of the incorporation E. G. Davis ............................... 50 00 Joe Mapes............... George Hoskins......................... 50 75 Ray Mapes ............ 25 06 Wheeler Lumber Co .............. 2 00 of the Port of Bayocean, the former oe Court ..................................... 31 25 Mrs. fas. Mapes 15 00 order was recinded calling for a . A. Johnson ........................... 52 5( Ed Hadley............... 30 00 Total.................................... $1,361 33 25 00 special election and another petition Sam Barber................................. 52 5», George Johnson... 140 25 Miscellaneous, R. D. No. 2. having been filed, the petition was Ed. Tomliuson........................... 32 00 Joe Mapes................ 67 50 allowed and a special election called F. Crane........................................ 67 00 Ray Mapes ............. VBOPXIBTOR 40 50 E E Cross & Son, Wilson bridged 609 Lew Smith... ................................ 43 75 Mrs. Jas. Mapes 94 00 for the 31st of August. 67 a 81 00 W B Aiderman, s'.pervisor.... Ed. Hadley ............ Hiram Crane............................... 87 95 67 30 Kogers & Hoven, mdse............. 8 a George Johnson... Claim of Barthold-Bang Co . for Frank Crane ............................... Wesley Rush meals................... 2 25 $323.80 was allowed in the sum of Chester Hoskina ..................... 10 a Dolph Tinnerstett gravel .......... 216 80 Total..................................... $6,894 47 Mrs. Buckles, for boarding . is a Andrew Anderson.clearing road 415 15 $75 and balance continued. 22 5C Wm. Derby............................... 10 07 In the matter of the petition of B. Wm. Hartzell . ........................... 20 a Work in Road District Nl. 3. Goldsworthy & Dalpaz, lumber King & Smith, mdse................. 115 15 Byron and others for a liquor li­ H. Jennings......... ....................... 16 2f L J. and Ole Redberg.... $1,494 40 Wm Newcomb, gravel............... 613 80 Boiler Work. Logger’s Work and Heavy Forging 37 25 George Vaughn ....................... Lee Lyster .......................... 53 75 cense to be granted to J. J. McCor. Wm Arrance, Netarts road.... 75 00 H. Woolfe. sharpening drills 2 00 Fred Lyater................................. 106 00 Wm 1 innerstet, Wilson river mick at Garibaldi, the petition not Leo Wilson ................................. Fine Machine Work h Specialty. 5 01 E. E. Davie ............. -............... 102 00 50 00 contract....................................... 3 75 Geo. Heilmeyer............... having a majority of the legal H. C. V/ilt ......................... ........ 76 90 Tillamook L Mfg Co, lumber.. 66 96 2 0( Roy Blanchard ............ Mr. Langly................................... 96 50 voters, was denied. 1 1( Fred Redaway................. Joe Nevins ......... '. ....................... 7 00 In the matter of the petition of Total.......... ,...$4356 63 S. A. Smith, W'heeler road... 800 a Hugh Wallace................. 100 25 James Wilson for leave to use ex­ 94 50 Miscellaneous, R. D. No. 3. Henry Farmer............... • Total...................................... $7,283 84 Chas. Baker................. 100 50 plosive in Tillamook Bay, this was 104 50 Cloverdale Lumber Co., lumber $ 5 07 and Work in Road District No 2. Joe Cason ............... granted to remove snags SARÜHET, 72 70 102 00 E B Barthrop, mdse................. E. G. Anderson........ <✓« T. BOTT8, sunken logs at the times of low 2 00 52 25 H H Miller, posts....................... . The Fashionable Tailor. L. John«.............. .$ 20 00 Fritz Drebert.............. 140 60 water from July 12 to July 15. • A ttornky - at -L aw 52 25 Cloverdale Mercantile Co, mdse Fred Burton.... . 200 00 P. 1. Trobough ...... 67 40 54 25 King & Smith, mdse................. In the matter of the application H. B. Johnson . .. 00 00 Robert Huston ....’. 50 50 Jake Huston............... 15 00 Thun Bros, lumber. .................... 141 w Complete set of Abstract Books Cleaning, Pressing ant! Repair' of T. B. Potter Realty Co. for a Rusa Johnson 72 EM) 49 25 Tillamook Feed Co, cement... 22 50 Emil Wooley.............. Bill Smith .... liquor license in Barnegat precinct, 75 in office. Taxes paid for non­ ing a Specialty. 73 50 D Rutgars, nails................... 37 50 Joe Caaon.................. D. B. Darby . 8 43 this was granted. 50 00 Long & Son, lumber.......... /... 94 30 Abner Grieat.............. H. H. Hayward 11 06 Residents. 51 50 D W Gilbert & Son, mdse ........ Martin Shoulaon .... In the matter of erroneous assess­ H. Smith .... Store in Heins Photographic 8 25 22 50 Mrs Eva Webb, plow................. M. Larson................... ment on N. V4 of N.E. M and N.E. V4 L. O. Leach . 482 65 Foster & Hastings, road plank 52 25 Tillamook Block B. B, Dunham .......... Gallery. of N.W. % sec. 10, tp. 3 N. R. 6 W., Lando Darby 21 75 52 25 Hiner & Son, repairs. ................ Carl Curl ................... H. B. Johnson Both phone«. it was ordered that the sheriff ac­ Z. Welle _____ 10 00 Harley Curl .............. 45 50 F J Ayer, supervisor................. 100 00 L imi » O vvick HvtiNKva I'bonc A. lv(X 72 00 41 50 J M Baker, deputy supervisor 1 50 Ralph Burns.............. cept $16.55 in payment of taxes, as Cha«. McDevit.. a S pkcialtv . Goldsworthy & Dslpaz, lumber 18 68 0 95 48 75 Ike Hiner ................... John Perry, gravel the land had been assessed at OWING & COWING 74 40 Frank Armentrout .. 58 20 $5500 instead of $550; and for a like W. B. Stubbs......... »Total.................. I 11419 33 arl haberlach 50 50 John Creecy............... 72 50 F. F. Snyder ... mistake on W. H of N.E. Vi and S. F. F. Snyder, Jr LAWYERS 47 50 C. L. Wooley............... Roads I and 50 Miscellaneous, 50 25 A. B. Lyster............... % of N.W. Vi of sec. 13, tp. 2, S. R. A. M. Myers R oom 334 W ouckktkii BuiLntno, Bridges. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 53 75 Robert McClay........ 50 " Leech... ’ T hird ANI» _ _______________ OAK STKKBT» 10 IV., the tax collector was ordered A. B. 114 00 E: S. Hushbeak ............. 25 Alex McNair Co., mdse............. Room Next to the II.8. Lund Office, to receive $24.94 in full payment of Ed. Lee............ $eittecher ^buokat, W H Christensen, ground for 00 00 E G. Anderson ............. 10 C. E. Humeri taxes. change in Rock road.............. PORTLAND, OREGON. 02 00 Velmer Beaty ................. 50 Edgar Snyder. 94 50 George Dunham............ 30 J D Adams Co., way drags .... Tillamook Block. In the matter of the deed of de­ T. E. Epplett . J H Dunstan, serv. taking ac­ 55 00 Hana Jenson..................... dication of Classic Ridge Beach, J. E. Zimmerman .. "■ "I1 " ■ "1 " ■ knowledgments ......................... 57 00 Gean Roland .................. Oscar Smith. J^/£RS- ALICIA PH ELS the same was approved. Beall & Co, motor roller, etc.. 101 50 Ollie Woods ................... L, Diercks .. EORGE WILLETT, In the matter of the the petition S. Tomlinson Willamette Iron Works, hoist- 45 00 Jay Baker ......................... ’ing engine................................. 100 75 J. T. Davie....................... of George Loerpabel for a county L. D. Lucaa . GRADUATE NURSE, Mitchell, Lewis & Staver C-o., 90 50 Geo. Kellow..................... A ttokney - at -L aw . road, it was ordered that the super­ G. Higgenbotham .. rotary pump, etc . .................... 52 50 Alvis Curl......................... H. Lee................. visor open the same. Hiner® Son, work, etc............ 55 00 M. Woods H. Harper............. ................... MRS. PAGE’S HOUSE, Next to Tillamook Couuty Norman Christensen, hauling.. 104 00 Fiptz Drebert................... J. R. Tompkins .. Work in Road District No. 1. J. W. Tompkins Coast Bridge Co. metal tublar 120 50 E. M.' Green....................... Bank, TILLAMOOK, ORE piers, etc................................... S. Scovell ......... $ 52 25 B. Powell............ 2 50 ames Sutton ................ I) W Gilbert & Sons, mdas.... H. Scovell......... 128 00 Ray Wolf............ 50 75 ohn ASolter................... T illamook - O regon . W. H. Brobet .. D L Shrode, freight................... 122 00 W. H Roberson 13 75 A. Aflolter......................... CLAUSSEN, T E Epplett, r ’ - work..................... Mrs. Davidson.. 108 50 k Davis .............. 32 50 Arthur Davidson ... .v. ex. «nd freight... Geo. Ludtke ... J C Hoaden, Hi 117 00 38 50 S. C. Woods..................... . Vaughn .... -p H. GOYNE, LAWYER, E. McIntosh ... 47 00 M. A. McKinater 6 25 J. T. Davis.......................... Total................. »7978 21 Leslie Barber .. 95 00 C. Mills.......... 23 00 Dick Rutgers ................... ^entacher Svoltai. Andrew Graslie 58 00 L. Atterbury. 7 50 Derk Rutgere.............. A ttorney - at -L aw Salary and Miscellaneous. John S. Gray .. 14 00 L. Stillwell 59 00 Joe Rutgers....................... 213 Tillamook Block, T. H. Pitts......... 79 67 E. Knight . 42 00 G. W. Hielmeyer........ «4. ► 3 00 Office : Opposite Corri House, Geo L Dick, watching E. Rhodes........ 52 ‘ 98 E. Arrance 32 50 John Hielmeyer.......... ... 385 50 1 Jones A Knudson mdse T illamook - O regon . Wm. Zottman .. 51 73 Clem Rust 116 50 Dellridge Co. mdse..................... 27 50 R. O. Richards........ ..... . . 10 00 T illamook , O regon . 11 Klattke.......... 11 50 H. Rust ... 78 25 Grant Mills, mdse . .................... 3 35 27 50 Hans Jensen..................... . i Otto Koeher .... 49 23 J, Harris .. 35 00 Dee Moon............................ 41 50 I King & Smith, mdse.................. 1 »0 40 48 JV. Hosier [A. Palmer...... 91 75 i M lllingsworth, mdse................ 35 00 E. E. Rowland ................. 2 00 oe Pitts............. 31 92 Albert Wilks 14 00 A rinley & Co., mdse .............. 20 93 32 00 Creecy....................... T. BOALH, MI)., ■ 73 E. Lucas !. Craig ............ 12 (JO Dawson Bros, Livery hire........ 25 (JO McClay................... 29 |B. F. Palmer .. 00 00 A M Hare, salary....................... 100 • Ml 1 75 J. W. Brown. TEAMING AND HAULING A. O. Poland..................y- ; V ictor Vogel.... 31 00 J H Johnson, salary................... 12 25 C. W. Brown ... 75 00 George Hielmeyer ......... 11 Pitts 59 25 J. Fennel........ 00 42 75 CA Johnson, salary................... 75 PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, GRA EL SCREENED OR Gits Chopard..................... i Gordon Pitta ... I 48 75 R. B. Dunstan 57 75 H Crenshaw, salary................... 183 33 Ollie Woods....................... UNSCREENED. 23 25 W S Buel, salary. ........................ . < leo. Ludtke ... 82 50 G. Cook 83 33 TILLAMOOK. Eddie Creecy..................... [Dan Alley.......... 56 75 J. Williams 35 00 B L Bealls, s dary..................... 45 83 Adam Lipen ..................... WOOD FOR SALE ! Tom Casey.......... 55 00 Alvin Blum 53 75 Pear Phelps, salary................... 50 00 Jacob Gragen ................... Tillamook Block rRot>ert Rodeker......................... 47 50 Fred Blum , 48 25 K Mills, salary............................. 75 00 Fred Burkey..................... iTohl A Anderson, supplies .. 90 76 Frank Hannenkratt. ■jn 25 J C Holden, salary..................... 133 33 Chester Hollett ............... Bell Telephone, 1267. [A- E. Rittenhouse..................... 144 on John Langley ............ 20 25 Lillian M Buel, examination 21 00 Hugh Welch....................... (Fred Kebbe ................................. 31 50 Edward Hannenkratt 20 25 H Crenshaw, county po r........ 57 25 g M. KERRON, Elisha Mills....................... iJ-' lix Kebbe ............................. 12 (JO Tillamook Electric Light Co.. 16 26 32 50 John Childers Carl Jensen ....................... |G. W. Zaddaeh......................... 106 50 S. Werner 1 25 Glass & Prudhomme Co.,mdse.. 113 13 Bert Downs . ...................... 75 (A. D. Lommen ........................ 50 00 A. Werner 21 2 00 PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, J C Holden, stationery.............. Jake Huston ..................... 16 00 W D Bodyfelt, salary ............ IF. G. MeKimens......................... 49 37 J. Shaw ... 39 00 Lloyd Woods..................... TONIC IN ACTION ■ QUICK IN RKSULTS 75 [Emil Larsen............................... TO OJ Z. Wells . 2 75 00 Barthold Barg.ACo.,mdse ........ Tillamook Block, Bob Richards................... 65 00 Pacific Tel«. I Taleg. Co......... IRut>en Johnson......................... 63 00 E. Weaton 16 »6 Qi»« prompt relief from BACKACHE, A. Arstill ........................... [William Johnson ..................... 67 50 L. Reading 28 50 U S Jackson.suvaying.............. 108 75 Jeff Fleck............................. Tillamcok, Oregon. KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, 45 (JO Ed Snodgrass, work.................. IF. A. Emery..................... . 6 50 54 00 H. Jones Virgil Kellow..................... 11 75 E W Stanley, Justice, Helen RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION of tba IO. K. Emery............................... It 50 Bush ... R. Agiman ........................ ¡George Starr ............................... 59 30 W. Rogers 1 25 5 20 Asp Case ................................... Ed. Webb ........................... KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION of th« R. I. M. SMITH, 43 50 I M Smith, prof services.......... 10 00 Jasper Alley . .......... ................. 87 75 W. P. Lousigout John Ritenbach .............. 87 50 Tillamook Headlight, printing BLADDER and all annoying URINARY i Lee Alley....................................... 56 50 T. T. Bradon 26 33 A. Imlah ............................. 43 75 R F Zacnman, mdse ............... Joe West........................................ 111 00 J. Sanderson 2 00 James Imlah ................... IRREOULAR1TIE8. A positive boon to PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, 42 50 U S Jackson, blue prints......... ; August Ludtke ......................... 59 IM) C. Tittle......... 4 00 ohn Imlah....................... MIDDLE AOED and ELDERLY 50 00 i Fred Kabbe................................. 27 50 G. A. Hoover.... Homer Mason, salary................. Office over J. A. Todd & Co.. ISophus Larson.... .......... .. «9 60 18 75 L Wolf............ H V Alley, salary....................... 'rank Owens.................... PEOPLE and for WOMEN. 00 iRutien Filman ........................... 60 00 71 H M Farmer, salary................... Tillamook, Ore. 1 ack Ollis............................. NAVI HIQHKST RKCOMMINOATION P. O. Lautz................................... 61 25 L Calkins........................... Surveyor ’ a Reports. J. K. Isakson.......... .. .................. 00 00 Riley Peters ... £8- A- Davl*. We.hia.ton St.. Cotm.rt.lll., William Biasell ............... d . Il in lu. S.t-li year, 11« wrile.ua! -'I have (Ml I 75 H H Tubbesing........................... Maurus Anderson..................... 52 50 Roe McFalls .. Henry Lawyer .................. lel/ .uffered much from my kidney* and hlarl. C. HAWK, 00 25 G R MeKimens .......................... M. I^tudolt........................... ......... 58 _ 25 Rosa McFalla.. Wesley Lawyer................. r • Mivt-fS back Nf-iin* and uij iuduey action so 23 Jim Lorman ................................ [George Ludtke........................... 35 00 Teddy McFalla was U m » fr*|n»at, raosiof idr to loMmtxh i I mi Wm. Lawrence.................. at fright, and to my bladder there waa ««mataul 75 Guy Loaobel ............................... J. W Norfleet ........................... 29 00 Trate McFalla .. Fred Bryoda....................... pain I took E<’ley Kidney Pllli for >< Martin Jenck..................... Tim Burke ...................... Llaheet reeomueudaUou. " !<>. S. Thompson ........................ 30 00 Henry Nelson . .. Chas. Waymire................. Tom Harrison............................... Ki. T. Bash ................. ............. 30 73 1 Andrew Zuercher John Fleck ......................... 28 25 Ip. Hartunck ... ■J. W. Thompoon........................ H T Hylton................................. BAY CITY, OREGON C. I CLOUGH. Tillamook Thos. Edwards................. 70 20 Tste McFalla.... 40 50 GJ Poyatey................................... G. W. Wilks .............. ;........... . Ed. Knoblock................... Pete Cassidy............................... 30 25 Thomas Pedlow 88 00 J Ebenger ..................................... G. A Coock........................ 30 00 Jim McKimasa............................. E. Erickson .......... ......... 36 50>Frank Dye ... O. Brootsa ......................... R. BEALS, 25 00 Da.n MeKimens . .......................... fl 50 j C. Christensen HD. Connors ................................. Fred Lewallen ................. R Green ................... ............. 42 25 " ■ ~ 36 25 Lee Lane ............................. WE OIMEST mm WE HOST «1 25 7 00 JI L Byrne ................................. Jerry Lewallen ............... WE UOTESr tOHIWtABU 43 VJ * - - - Ri>v Main ..................................... 36 30 REAL ESTATE, (. laude I^wsllen ............... 30 001 3 75! Albert Eaeom ........................... 12 00! theater Wilka............................. 1 50 F inancial A gent , 36 00 R. K. Scovill............................... 65 00 Warren 28 00 F. J. Smith................................... 62 25 Tillamook, Oregon 122 501 Jim Bnrsytbe .......... 17 ao< ■T. Schollmeyer......................... 30 50 61 96 Robert Forsythe ... 22 00 Ip. Henderson............................. 56 25 . «ihr ... and 63 00 Frank Wilson .......... s on R. Funk . J. Angelo...................................... 55 00 ■dieapest in the 40 73 ‘ Ernest Lightfoot ... 1 00 Blum .... ?• J- SHARP, A- Va riderhoof ........................... 88 50 51 30 i A. S. Lane.............. 1 75' end because it ; H. Edwards........................... a* oo 13 (B E. R Haye................ 42 50 Coufhs. Colds and Croup has. Hulbert............................. 22 90 I eears longest 88 25 O. E. Ryan.............. 41 25 id Langs .... ..................... 5 SO RESIDENT DENTIST, 70 23 Harold Ladd ........ 30 30 ■d Witte................................... 30 00!. 32 50 Clyde Webb.............. 24 30 Ober ......................................... 10 00 I Office aerosa the street fron’ the 38 «1 67 30 J R Thompson ... 5 00 . Braunersreutber .............. 47 90 I Court House. 33 73 V- S Edwards ........ 42 30. Krumlauf ............................. 17 90A. Halbem........ 7 90i’ 72 90 A. Johnson .......................... Dr. Wia«’» office. 90 7S{< «7 90 W. & Edwards ... '••eeeea* 70 OU til .eeaassss.es. sag MAJOR WEITZEL, Registered No. 33271 E. F. ROGERS, V.S Mutual Telephone J n Tillamook Iron Works General Machinists & Blacksmiths TILLAMOOK C OREGON , J John B. Langley ¿ Foley Kidney Pills k Chamberlain's Cough Remedy POMMEL SUCKER