■■ J X mmm 1 to T illamook headlight , J uly 13, lôll. I KATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. .STRICTLY IN ADVANCX.).V. One year......... ................................ Six months..................................... Three month»................................. 1.50 75 50 Entered as second class mail mat­ ter July, 1HHH, at the poet office at Tillamook, Ore., under the act of March 3, 187». Editorial Snap Shot9. Every progressive citizen in this county should wear a badge with "Tillamook Booster" in* scribed on it. » A <*' Í I -4 J f Í 1 < I I I 'i 1 g / k 1 » ----------—----------------------------- - backs. But, happily, the pro­ gressive citizens cannot be kept down and will exert their supre­ macy. A few years ago, when the county was not so well fixed financially as it is today, the warrants were sold in some cases at a premium The sen­ seless agitation have not only made county warrants to be sold at a discount, but will also put a stop to a whole lot of road improvement this summer, and those who have been in the habit of working on the roads will be deprived of a good deal of employment this summer. Thanks to the "knockers” and the unprogressive mossbacks of this county. Boulder Creek. Mr. and Mrs. John Borba and Mrs. C. N. Johnson attended the funeral of Mrs. James Hughey at Fairview, last week. L. N. Sandoa took a load of cheese to Beaver last Saturday. Louis Krake cut hay for H. A. Chopard on Monday and E. P. Mills cut R. Y. Blalock’s hay last Saturday. Frank Ebbesen is home again after several months spent with an aunt in Wisconsin. The annual school election passed off very peacably in our district this year. Officers elected, H. L. Jen­ sen, clerk; O. W. Kinnaman to serve as director for two years and H. A. Chopard for three years. George Freshowe has been in the ' valley the past week, making a visit j to his family. John Borba has butchered three fat hogs in the past two or three I weeks. F. J. Ayer and family were out on our smooth (?) roads Sunday in their new automobile. Ed. Bailey and a friend enme in from Salem Saturday on a motor cycle. They left Blaine Sunday morning on their return trip. J. J. Hollett, our genial mail car­ rier, with his wife and daughters, Leova, Luella and Lucille, were calling in our neighborhood, Sun­ day p.m. John Krake went to the county seat and back, last week after a load of household supplies. Miss Katie Sheets spent several days recently with her former pup­ ils in this neighborhood. If there are any persons who sub­ scribed for the “Woman’s World” with Mrs. N. Coulson thia spring who failed to receive their papers, she would like to hear from them at once. L. C. Getchell expects to be in this neighborhood during the month ot August with his gasoline wood­ saw, and will stay as long as he has plenty to do. Husbands, make your wives smile, by getting a big pile of wood saved. Chas. McDivit, wife and children came out from South Prairie one day last week after some cows they had bought of the Kumm boys. They stopped over night with Mrs. Grace Chopard, Mrs. McDivit’s cousin. Jay Ebbesen has the job of cut­ ting wood for the school house. Money makes money pretty fast when you can persuade a It is a matter of regret to the person to dispose of his county ; people of Tillamook City that » warrant for 85c. or 90c. on the anyone should attempt to drag ao commendable an enterprise dollar. as that carried on by the T. B. Hill is to spend millions on Potter Realty Co. at Bayocean True we do railroads in Oregon. Yet it is into the courts. often asserted by some people not like the ear-marks of some that money is scarce. It does of those who are back of the movement to change the man­ not look so. agement, for it savors more of We are beginning to think the"Salem Hog" than anything that there must be a matrimon- else. The Headlight will once ial club for young men over at more commend the Potter Rea- Bayocean by the number of lty Co. for the work carried out young brides who have gone to and what is contemplated, and reside there from this city. although it is a matter of opin- -------------------- >ion as to how the enterprise Some reporter got mixed in should be managed and carried his figures in the report of to completion, there is bound to some of the Portland news­ be difference of opinion, and papers that Jim Hill was going more so, when avaricious per­ to appropriated $25,000,000 to sons, who have done nothing to be expended on railroads in this up-build and develop Oregon, want to lie appointed receiver. state. ¡It is the same old story, direct- XVe hear quite often that it is b’ « person or a corporation the real estate agents who are undertakes to improve condi­ to be blamed for the high price tions- there «re those who camp of land in this county. Hardly ¡0» tbeir trail and attempt to Every once ............................. in a while a ' Pul1 down. But, coming from SO. ______ .................... ......... well known farm was sold at a certain Salem people, does not big figure, and others who had surprise us much. We want to dairy farms thinking their land 8aY that we admire the just hr valuable, or more so, 'pluck and the Western grit of have jumped up the price of lho9e who undertook to make their farms no often that they; the peninsular on Tillamook summer resort, cannot jump them up higher. I bay a great x * “ ‘ and they should be given a free band to consumate their plans. An- We are reliably informed that j other thing, there is no assur­ work on the Tillamook branch ance, should the petitioners of the United Railways will gain their point, that a receiver soon be started, and we look would carry on the improve­ for the announcement to be ments more expeditiously than made any day for the work to i is being done. Work is too far commence, not only at Banks, advanced, with a large amount Call for Bids. but at the Tillamook end and at of money already expended on Bide will be received for the several places along the route. preliminary construction, to construction of the basement walls There is no doubt but what the' stop the enterprise. and floor for the Christian Church up to July 15th, 1911. Plans and people of Tillamook county will | specifications may be seen at give the United Railways the store of King A Smith Co. Bids to glad hand. It was bard to make people be left with Erwin Harrison, at Till- believe ut the time of the Maine mook County Bank. Notwithstanding that the two disaster that the battleship and city newspnjiers publish every many valuable lives were lost Bids Wanted. item of county expenditure, yet on account of internal and not Bide will received by the Board we often hear people say they from external causes. The popu of Directors be of School District No. want to know where the money lar clamor was that Spain 14, Garibaldi, Oregon, for the erec­ goes. They will find that a j blew up the Maine, and which tion of a school-house 36x48 with great big proportion of it is ex-1 was the real cause of the war basement. Plans and specifica may be seen by calling on pended all over the county in with that country. Those who tions District Clerk at Garibaldi or at road work and giving children were familiar with the many the Sheriff’s office, Tillamook, Ore. free education. See this issue distressing accidents which All bids to be in by the 15th day of of the Headlight for the ntnount have taken place on board of July, 1911. The Board reserves the to reject any and all bids. of money thnt was distributed battle ships in all parts of the right Dated this 28th day of June. 19U. for one month amongst the world believed that the Maine M rs . S. M c M illan , farmers for road work. disaster was simply another District Clerk. C. A. J ohnson , chapter in the many accidents Chairman Board of Directors. A word of advice to ‘ knock which preceded it. Appalling era." Either move away from ns the accident was, it was no A Peek Into His Pocket the county or get in and boost. worse than what have hapjien- would show the box of Bucklen's ed to it large number of English The snap shot man is tired of Arnica Salve that E. S. Loper, hearing a few chronic "knock­ war ships through spontaneous a carpenter, of Manila. N Y., al­ combustion unit other causes. ways carries. "I have never had a ers" who are continually bellv- wound, bruise, or sore it would achiug. It is time that every > With u large amount of explo­ cut. not soon heal,’’ he writes Great­ sives and combustible material "knocker" was blacklisted and est healer of burns, boils, scalds, his name exposed to the public stored away on battle ships it is chapped hands and lips, fever sores, gaze, for we do not consider a surprise that more accidents skin-eruptions, eczema, corns It is now a piles. 25c at Chas. I. Clough's. that there is the least cause to does not occur. "knock” in Tillamook county, settled fact that the Maine was Parson's Poem A Gem. unless there is too much pros­ destroyed by the explosion of From Rev. H. Stubeuvoll, Allison, her own munitions of war, and perity and beautiful cool wen la., in praise of Dr. King's New ther, to say nothing of the great no longer does the popular Life Pills. slogan of "Remember the "They’re such a health necessitv, future of the county. ( Maine" hold good to create a In every home these pills should be. war spirit in this county against If ether kinds you’ve tried in vain Strange, and, oh, so strange ! USE bR KING’S Spain. Here is another instance And be well again.*’ Only 25c at Money is scarce, so it is said, where popular clamor became Chas. 1. Clough ’s. and thut is one reason why thut intense with nothing to war­ county warrants have suddenly Happiest Girl in Lincoln. rant it. Yet we are wondering dropped below pur. But there A Lincoln, Neb., girl writes, "I what is to tie done with the court appears to be plenty of money of inquiry's report thut the I had been ailing for some time with around and a big scramble to | chronic constipation and stomach Maine was destroyed from ex­ i trouble. I began taking Chamber get hold of them at a discount. terior explosion now that the lam's btomach and Liver Tablets Xml as to the question of their government engineers have de­ and in three days I was up and got legality no question is raised cided. since the water waa i better right along. I am theproud- as long us they can I h * ls>ught girl in Lincoln to find such a pumped out of the dam which eat good medicine." Foreale by La­ at a discount. Tillamook's was built around the wreck and mar' a Drug Store. county warrant "bull" and the real cause ascertained, that ‘hear" pit tight is interesting Escaped With hie Life. the vessel waa destroyed from just now, ami after it is all over internal explosions. ”Twrn.‘ronJ 7'‘•r" “t® I faced there are liable to tie scars and an awful death/’ writes. H. B. Msr- “n- Port Harrison. S. C. Doctors hard feelings against those who Kill Mor« Than Wild Beasts saul I hail consumption and the startl'd the agitation. We are The number of people hilled dreadful cough I had looked like it not alarmed, however, for it will yearly by wild beaata don’t ap­ •“"enough 1 ,r«*d everything I not be long before this little proach the vast numtwr killed by could hear of. for my cough, and disease germa. No life ia safe from waa under the treatment of the beet flutter isover. The discounting of county warrants is unwarranted and a shame, us well as usury The kuoekers" and the curb stone agitators, who have been ma­ ligning the County Court, are responsible for bringing this about, and it will sooner or later net as a boomerang. Tbiscoun- tv would lie far better off if it hud more progressive citixens aud teas kuockers «nd moea- their attacks. They’re in air. water, duet, even food. Rut grand pro­ tection ia afforded by Electric Bit­ ters which destroy and expel these deadly disease germ» from the ays- tem That's why chills, fever and ague, ell malaria) and many blood diseases yield promptly to this wonderful blood purifier. Try them, and enjoy the glorious health and new «'reerth they II give vou Money back, if not satisfied Oalv at Chas. I. Clough’s. doctor in Georgetown, S. C„ for a year but could get no relief. A friend adviaed me to try Dr. King » New Discovery. I did ao and waa completely cured. I feel that I owe my life to thia great throat and lung cure. Ita positively guarun- | J***’ fof, '»ugh», colda. ,„d »11 bronchial aSectiooa 50 and fl Oft l Trial bottle free at Chaa I. Clough V | For summer diarrhoea in children **** .Ch*mberlain e Colic, tholerea and Diarrhoea Remedy and entor oU. and a speedy cure is I certain For Mie by fZmr . SPECIAL ! LOOK AT OUR PRICES Fruit granulated Sugar, per sack, 100 lbs. $5.50 Drv granulated Sugar, per sack, 100 lbs. $5.25 $500 Extra C. Sugar, per sack, 100 lbs. Caracola Coffee per lb. 221c. Royal Club Coffee, 1 lb. 3^ Royal ClubCollee,31b. $1.00 Mocha and Java Blend Coffee, per lb. - 25c. Union Kerosen, 10 Gallons per case $2.20 ■ ;, «sV J ¥1 K¡ IBf S< - ■ YAMHILL & TILLAMOOK Daily Stage Line. Shortest and Quiekest Houte to Portland. LEAVES TILLAMOOK .................................... 4 p.m. ARRIVE YAMHILL .......................................... 3 p.m. Connecting with PORTLAND TRAIN. FARE, $5.00. MRS. J. C. HOLDEN, Agent, Tillamook. Hotel Royal, Agent, Yamhill. Tillamook Lumber Manufacturing Compy. Manufacturers of -• k 1 J I H emlock LUMBER KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. ALL KINDS OF MOULDINGS, We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook County’s Most Famous Cheese. rile Best Equipped Saw Mill in the County. New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and First Class Lumber of the Best Quality. Lh r US IHGURE ON YOUR LUMBER BILL Child Portraits Made « Us are Child-Lite / FAMILY RECIPES. The valued family re­ cipes for cough and cold cure, liniments, tonics and other remedies have as careful attention here as the most intricate prescrip­ tions. Our fresh, high grade drugs will help to make these remedies more effec­ tive than ever. Right prices assured. are also y ( i ■» K ^5 B _ / r<> \ Just as our portraits of possess strength and chwwj We are experts in lfc, and posing, and our eqn’Pu is complete. Come in a ' cur line. Monk’s Stu#0, Next to the Post 0®«* J If your glasses are broken, send them to meat McMinnville, Ore. I have an up-to-date grinding plant there and will attend to all repair work promptly- CLOUGH. Reliable Druggist. Henry E. Morris, I will make trips to Tillamook «bout every two mouths. A