Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 13, 1911, Image 1

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'»1. XXIV
Try those 15c candeis at Lamar's
Variety Store.
About 150 persons will leave Port­
land on Saturday for Tillamook in
autos, under the auspices of the
Portland Automobile Club and will
days at Bay­
ocean and in other parts of the
Every boy and giil in the county
should have one of our handsome
steel savings banks. They are an
incentive to save. Get one by op­
ening a savings account with a de­
posit of $1.00 or more. Tillamook
County Bank.
A large number of fishing boats
are being fitted up at present for
the coming season.which opens the
fifteenth of this month. There will
be a great many more fishermen
this year than usual according to
the present outlook.
The Golden Gate left port Wednes­
day with the following passengers:
E. Arne, J. B. Wright, W. D. Sage,
H. MeGa’w, A. McDonald, G. E.
Ryan, S. C. Streap, J. Marban Ha­
zel Stillwell and E. M. Rosentual
and a good load of freight.
On motion of District Attorney J.
H. McNary, the Port of Tillamook
cases have been transferred to the
Supreme Court, and we understand
that they will be advanced, and in
that case it will take only a few weeks
for the eases to be decided.
Owing to so much ''knocking"
and the fact that county warrants
are being discounted, the county
court will not undertake any new
road work. This is a matter of
much regret as it retarts the pro­
gress of the county.
On account of so many being
interested in the art work and my
pupils are doing so nicely, I have
decided to remain where I am and
continue to give lessons until Sept.
1st, over Tillamook Co. Bank.
Mrs. Lottie Rogers, Artist, Mutual
47 acres of the Moroney place,
fronting on Garibaldi beach, on
Lake Lytle, Moroney’s Canal and
Manhattan and the railroad, for
sale in tracts not less than half
acre, nor more - than 5 acres to any
one person at one-half the going
prices.—M. M okoney , Garibaldi,
Frank Cary, Northwest Salesman
for the Michigan Auto and Buggy
Co., made a record run to this city
from Portland when he covered the
distance .of 112 miles between the
two cities in 4 hours and 47 minutes.
Mr. Cary was [running for a record
between this city andPortla nd and he
made it by lowering the old record
by something over ten minutes,
making the complete run without
an accident.
Rough spruce and hemlock lum-
’ ber at $8.00 per thousand at the Faw-
cet Creek Saw Mill, seven miles
1 Home made Candies at
south of Tilla mook City. Golds worth -
ey & Dalpaz, pros.
pose 15c. candies at Lamar’s
Attorney H. T. Botts and Mrs.
t Store.
Botts left for Portland with Mr.
Jess, collars and padB at the Bryant, father of Mrs. Botts, who is
Sok Feed Co.
returning to his home after spend­
r M. for the best shingles ing the winter here.
illatnook Feed Co.
If you intend to put in a cement
y warrants at par at Patz- sidewalk, foundation or any other
merchandise or accounts. * kind of cement work, give me a call.
t Case for auto tripe to any Will do it by day or job. Address
[ the county. Ready at all Box 446, Tillamook, Ore.
Last Sunday evening, Rev. Dav­
hickens wanted at the Tilla- idson, of the Oregon RescueAssoci-
eat Company’s Market, 13c. ation, spoke at the Methodist Church
to a large attendance of the Church
m Chris holm, who became going people of this city.
Tillamook county was favored
was taken to the state
with beautiful hay making weather
on Monday.
your chickens to the Tilla- this week, and the farmers are busy
atCompany's Market. We cutting grass and preparing the
winter feed for their stock.
per pound.
In buying your shingles from the
re, cheapest and best paper
n town.
Leave orders at Tillamook Feed Co. you patronize a
home industry as their shingles are
t to Harris' barn.
made in the county, while all other
»le, three thoroughbred, shingles brought here come from
puppies. Call at Craigs’ the outside.
ore, opposite Allen House.
A. B. Robinson, who has been
Laborwitch of the Grand employed at Lamar’s Drug Store
is in Portland and Seaside for the past two years, has resumed
k on a business and pleas­ his duties at that place after a
month’s absence in Independence
Curtis is reported to be and Salem.
e sick after being operated
A checking account with us will
et week for abscess of the cost you nothing. We furnish pass
book and checks free of charge.
hive and wife, of Kansas $25.00 or $30.00 is enough with which
ouri, are visiting at the to open an account.
his aunt, Mrs P. B. C. Lu­ County Bank.
is city.
At a special meeting of the City
d Commissioners Thos. H. Council on Friday evening, a draft
11 and Clyde B. Aitchineon, of the new city charter was up for
. Lytle, were in on an offi- consideration, and it was decided
this week.
to call a special election to vote on
le, one thoroughbred Hol- it on the 25th July.
1 calf, two months old, and
Ezra Randall, a private from the
ent breeding. J. A. Haz- Vancouver Barracks U. S. Army,
st Grove, Ore.
who used to live in this city, to-
nt’s Best” Flour, fast get-j gether with twoofficers of the army,
lead. They haul it to Meda, I are in thia county at present on
Nehalem and intermediate ! government business.
Tillamook Feed Co.
Secretary of State B.W Olcott has
ay 8c., 10c. and 11c. for calf sent Rollie W. Watson automobile
my shop. Try me out and registration blanks, as all autos
e Old Reliable Hide and must be registered by the 1st Aug.,
ler, N. E. Melcboir.
• I and if not registered by that date
le. one sorrel mare, 5 year they will not be allowed to run.
The Percheron stallion Ville will
s double or aingle, aver-
ht 1,200 Good workhorse, make the stand for the seaaon at
Rogers A McNamer’s IJ very Barn,
at the Headlight office.
Collier, who was injured in this city, with the exception of |
k by an exploaison at Mondays and Tuesdays, when the
has fortunately regained stallion will be at Beaver.
The Golden Gate came in on ■
ht and is much improved.
Tuesday with the foiloaring pass- !
Baker. ^District Agent for
Gordon, T. Carter, j
al Life Insurance Co. of engers:
Mrs. F. S. Hannon, Miao Ethel .
Wisconsin, is in the
Heagheney. Mrs. John Heagheney. I
ing after the business
C, Dixon, Lester French. Cycle j
Berth, Cany Beeth, & Raqdall and !
Star ha« a drama aad
reel every night.
John Safer.
>1.50 per year,
There will be preaching services
at tile Presbyterian church next
Sunday, when the pulpit will be
occupied by Rev. C. W. Hays, of
Portland, who is chairman of the
Presbyterian Home Mission Board.
Mr. Hays is an interesting speaker,
and a cordial invitation is extended
to all to hear him.
A. K. Case and wife and “Dusty”
Rhodes and wife left this city Thurs*
«lay evening for Salem, returning
Monday noon. While in Salem
they spent the time visiting and
seeing the sights in connection
with the Salem Cherry Fair. Each
of the group rejiort having*», good
time and seeing some of the finest
chenies ever grown.
Henry Kunze and family left this
city for Chico, California, Monday
morning, they being taken as far
as Canby, Ore., by- Ed. Donaldson.
Mr. Kunze and family* are well
known in this county, having lived
here for a number of years and at
one time was a promineut rancher
east of town. Mr. Kunze intends
to make California his home.
The first passenger train to be
run over the.P. R & N. Co's road
will leave this city from the depot
north of the Allen House at 9 a. m.
Monday for Nehalem, Mohler ami
Work on the spur has
been pushed to its fullest extent
for the past week in order to have
everything completed for the open­
ing date. The rails on the water
front are now being laid.
G. M. Burge and family, late of
Valentine, Nebraska, are visiting
with Mrs. L. Hiner, Mrs. Burge’s
sister in this city and will make thia
section their permanent home.
Prior to coining to this state, Mr.
Burge was engaged in the stock
raising business in Nebraska. He
will make some study in regard to
the conditions as regards invest­
ment before settling per ma nt ly.
Rev. D. L. Shrode performed the
ceremony Saturday evening at the
home of the groom's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Clements of this
city in the presence of hone but
near relatives, which made Roscoe
Sheeves and Miss Augusta Wist
man. and wife.
Mr. and Mrs.
Shreves are well known in this
city. They will reside at Bayocean
where Mr. Shreves is engaged as
draftsman for the Bayocean people.
J. A. Meier and wife came in last
week, having recently arrived in
Oregon from Oklahoma. Mr. Meier
is an insurance agent and is now
in the employ of the Oregon Life,
He has come from a section of coun­
try where the heat is intense and
where there is a crop failure, and
coming to Tillamook, where all
vegetation is fresh anil green, and
Comingas the official representa­
tive of the Oregon Development
League, J. J. Sayer, field secretary,
left Portland Tuesday for a trip
through the Oregon coast countty
that will take him from the Colum­
bia River to the California line.
Mr. Sayer will reach Tillamook
about Thursday, August 3. The
League wants to get in closer touch
with extreme Western Oregon to
learn its needs and possibilities.
Mr. Sayer will learn conditions as
regatdu opportunities for settlers,
facilities for transportation, etc. He
-hopes to meet with the various
commercial clubs along the way
and find out how the state league
can co operate with them more fully
for the benefit of each section.
An Important Question.
Which do we need on tlic farm in
Tillamook County, the big heavy
draft horse that requires so much
feed and cannot la* moved over a
walk without injury. Or do we want
a horse that will weigh from 1100 to
1250 with vim, vigor and vitality ;
can do all the work ; ami if we do
not live more than 15 to 25 miles
from town ; can fdart after tils
chores are done in the morning and
get back in time to do our chores
at night and have plenty of time
in town to do our business.
. .
1 1
Big Auction Bale.
All the furniture, indudingpiano,
range, stoves, I8»ds. bedding, dishes,
in tact everything in Hotel Ocean
way at Hemlock, will be «old at
by Chas. Reynolds on fuly
This week one may see, whe«t auction
15th at 9 o’cibck.
walking past the Hardware Store
of King A Smith, one of, not only
Dairy Farm for Sale.
the most original as to idea, but
one of the prettiest pieces of win­ “My ranch of 195 acres, mostly all
dow decorating ever seen in this river bottom land, either all or 80
city or any other. I. C. Smith of acres all bottom land, together with
14 good milk cows, 1 span of horses,
the firm of King A Smith, has man­ 1 set of harness and all necessary
age«! to display a complete forest machinery to run a first class dairy
scene which is an beautiful as if farm, a good 8 room house, good
made by Nature herself. With the barn and dairy house and other
buildings. 1 mile from High School
aid of moss and rocks from the and Public School, and 1 mile from
river and forest and with water cheese factory. Terms easy. H. H.
from the city, Mr. Smith has made Tubbesing, Nehalem, or enquire of
a most beautiful little lake in his H C. Kunze, Tillamook.
window, fed by water running over
Notice to Creditore.
a bluff of rocks covered with moss.
On the lake is a small ship and in
Notice is hereby given to all whom
the lake may be seen numerous
small fish, taken frem the river. it may concern, That the County
Court of the Stutc of Oregon for
A small tent is stretched on the Tillamook County, has appointed
bank of the lake, nnd everything the undersigned administrator of the
needed for the camp may be seen estate of Peter Asp, deceased, and
any and all persona having claims
in the window.
against said estate arc hereby re­
The Tillamook Editor-Boosters' quired to present the same properly
to me nt the office of George
Association will leave on Friday of verified
Willett, attorney nt law in Tillamook
next week on a junketing trip to City, Oregon, within six months
boost the north part of the county. from the «late hereof
Dated June 6th, 11)11.
The editors will be gone several
E. W. S tanley ,
days, and the boosters will study the
Admistrator of the estate of Peter
needs of the Nehalem country, as Asp, decease«!.
In seme localities where hay is short
Seven different styles of Hay Fork
Fork will
Pullies to choose trom. From this as­ this Double Harpoon
sortment you w’ll be able to get just give better satisfactian than any other.
what you want. Your choice 35c each Made from l>est quality iron.
or 3 lor
$100 Price
Nellis Single Harpoon Forks are standard the world over.
Extra heavy, full size and their operation is jierlect anti easy^
in selecting hay forks for our trade we were parturular tn getting them with good handles,
handles —«v» the fork. A look at them wilhaatisfy you that our forks are ail quality. Straight an 1
bent handles 4 1-2 and 5 foot lengths.
Nearly every one needs a Scythe and Snath on th«- place. There is always nooks and corners that
you cannot reach with the mower. Our snaths are Hght, yet durable and strong, made of second grow-
th hickory, hong just right.
lea moat have the material and temper in them to make them l«,ld the cutting edg<-
we have the best blades this year that we have ever had No complaints so far arsl we
a ted two Doors west of Lamar's Drug Store.
75c and 85c
Rest Room for Ladies.
Why do you deprive yourself and
family of the pleasurers that are
derived from an automobile? The
price is within your reach now.
The Hupmobile is all car. They
are made of the same material and
by the same mechanics as the
highest priced cars but sell for less.
The four door, four passenger, 20
horse power touring car fully
equipped for $1000 F. O. B. Port-
land, is a subway price for a high
flying machine. They will climb
anything on the road from n hole
in the ground to Mt. Helio. If you
are interested, make arrangements
with us for demonstration. K ing
A S mith C o .
that part of the county has a great
future before it, where large man­
ufacturing establishments will be
established, which will sustain sev-
eral prosperous towns, to say noth­
ing of the beautiful beaches and
splendid attractions for summer
visitors in that part of the county.
The distinguished boosters are to
be royally entertained by the pro-
gresai'’« and aggressive citizens of
Nehalem, and the trip will give the
pencil pushers an opportuncity to
get in closer touch with the people
and to boost for all public improve­
ments which will help develop that
long bottled up section of Tilla­
mook. '‘Rah ! Rah I Rah ! For
Ncdialem. Watch her crow, and see
her grow. Nehalem I”
F un fe O ver
the weather is beautiful and cool,
Mr. Meier appreciates the changed
conditions and is thinking of mak­
ing this his permanent home.
King A. Smith Company
Have two different styles of flay
Carriers, Both made of mailable iron.
Besides being swivel and reversahh* type»
they hav« many excelling points over
other regular styka of carriers, lieve
deslloctive L-ek of their own.
springs to get < til of order o* n>< week
places to reuse trouble, Either stylo of
Next Door - to P. O