Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 06, 1911, Image 6

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Try those 15c candeis at Umar’»
Variety Store.
Marriages were more numerous
the paat week than usual, licenses
being issued to Frank Kitchen and
Nellia I.. Davis ; E. B. Gresham
and Anna A. Tohl ; Christian G.
Neilson and Kathrine Knudson ;
George Gassen and Stella Bennett;
Earle D. Curtis and L. M. Watt, of
Bay City.
47 acres of the Moroney place,
fronting on Garibaldi beach, on
Lake Lytle, Moroney’s Canal and
Manhattan and the railroad, for
Bale in tracts not less than half
acre, nor more than 5 acres to any
one person at one-half the going
prices.—M. M oroney , Garibaldi,
W. J. Grier, H. E. Starr and G. J.
Shephard, of Falla City, also F. S.
Belcher, of Portland, owners of the
Falls City Lumber Mills, of Falls
City, have been in this city the past
They have been looking
over the timber owned by the com­
pany in thia connty and will leave
for their homes the last of the week.
Stanley Coatee, who has been en­
gaged by the P. R. & N. Co. during
the past two years as a surveyor
and who is well known in this city,
was married to Miss Pearl Lister
in Spokane, Wash., Monday even­
ing. Mr. Coates, who is a nephew
of Thos. Coatee, will bring his
bride to this city to live, the first of
nest week.
Rev. P. O. Bonebrake, D. D.,
Superintendent of the Oregon Con­
ference, United Bretbern in Christ,
will conduct u week’s special evang­
elistic meeting beginning next Mou-
day evening, Dr. Bonebruke is a
prominent I member of the State
Legislature, a strong man and an
excellent preacher. Come and hear
Services ut the United Bretbern
Church will be as follows next
Sunday : The Bible School at 10
a. m. and the morning sermon at
11 a.m. The evening service will
be in union with the other churches
ut the M.E. Church. Rev. Davidson,
of Portland, representing the Paci­
fic Coast Rescue Work, will address
the Union Meeting.
pearing to have more names, th*
court refused to grant the license.
Five gasoline launches, whjchleft
Bayocean after midnight on Tues­
day, stuck on the mudflats and at
the Bay City cut off, and they, with
the passengers on board had to re­
main for four to five hours, the
Henrietta No. 2 reaching this city
at six o'clock. Captain Jenkins is
trying to figure, after a strenuous
day of boating on the bay all day
Tuesday without accident, who was
the Jonah on board on the last trip.
R. H. Todd, who has been man­
aging the Todd Hotel of this city
since its opening about a year ago,
will leave this city in about two weeks
for Seattle where he expects to re­
side. P. W. Todd, proprietor of the
hotel, has taken the management,
and his family have moved to to
this city from San Jose. R. H.
Todd and family will spend two
weeks ut Bayocean before leaving
for Seattle.
The passengers who come in on
the Golden Gate Thursday were :
Clara Falkner, Frelign Falkner, J. O.
Macaulay, Mr. Cook, Mr. Andrews,
C. R. Curtis, R. H. Reid, Tom Mc­
children, Mrs. Hughes, Wtn. Rud-
die, Mrs. C. A. Brady, Frank Bar-
ton, Mrs. H. I- Eggleston and
children, Mr. Delvalle, Mr. Raker
and several others.
The Golden Gate brought in the
following passengers on Sunday:
E. M. Rhodes, E. Anneson, G.
Paulson, Chus. Paulson, T. Sogd-
son, Mrs. W. H. Gilmore, Mrs. Della
Hawkins, Mrs. M. A. Flaherty and
daughter, Wallace Turner, N. J.
Hudleston and wife and children,
Mrs. Nolath and son, Mrs. L. Nefi
and son, Chas. Gateet, Fred Gatset,
Chas. Osborn, S, G. McKee, Miss
Keen, Bath Ordy, Easier Ordy, C.
Married, on Saturday evening, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wil­
liams, in this city, Mr. Geo Gassen
and Mrs. Stella Bennett. The cere­
mony was performed by Rev. D. L.
Shrode in the presence of a few rela­
tives. They will make their home
in Wisconsin, where Mr. Gassen
will take charge of his father’s farm.
They left for their new Jhome Sun­
day, carrying with them the best
wishes of their friends for their
future happiness.
ler, of Willamina, charged of selling
liquor in violation of the local op­
tion law. Easter pleaded guilty and
was fined $200 by Justice Hopfield.
The twenty day jail sentence was
suspended. Mr. Belt pleaded not
guiity and secured a trial Thurs­
day, where be was found guilty.
The case was appealed to the Sep­
tember term of Circuit Court.—Tele­
phone Register.
The Board of County Commis­
sioners is in session and it is ex­
pected that the question as to whe­
ther to suspend all new road work
will be considered, owing to the
many unjust and unreasonable
complaints which have got started
by a few agitators, and for the fur­
ther reason that some person may
start suit to enjoin the county trea­
surer from paying warrants over the
sum of $5,000, which is practically
the legal amount for which the
county can go into debt.
L. G. Freeman came in from Cor­
vallis on Sunday, and reports the
marriage of hie daughter, Miss Ida
Freeman, to Preston Tunel), of Rose­
burg, on the 14th Juue. Mr. Free­
man is wanting to dispose of his
farm on the Wilson river as a
whole or in small tracts, having
reduced to what he was pre­
viously holding it, as he considers
that land is held and assessed too
high in this county. Mr. Freeman
expects to leave for Corvallis the
early part of next week.
The beautiful warm growing
weather, after the rain of last week,
proved a great benefit to this
county. Although at first it was
thought it would not help the
grass, there have been a wonderful
growth this week, which will greatly
increase the hay crop.
showers of rain have fallen this
week, and on Thursday night the
rainfall was heavy. Although the
East and the Middle West is being
cooked with the heat, the weather in
Tillamook is cool and refreshing.
Webb Elliott, eon of Geo. Elliott,
made a poor job trying to take his
life at Bayocean on Tuesday. He
was in the launch at the dock, and
having had some words with a wo­
man about drink, he, in a passion
of anger, took a revolver from his
pocket and shot himself in the
mouth, which did not have the
desired effect.
At first it was
thought that
recover, as he was bleeding quite
freely. He was hurried to Bay City,
where Drs. Hawk und Smith ex­
tracted the bullet from the ear and
attended to the wound*, which were
not considered serious.
I know the best paint to use
Says the Little Taint Man.
For the man who is about to paint his
home or other buildings there is the choice of three materials
Cheap Mixed Paint
Hand-mixed Lead and Oil
Good Prepared Paint, such as SWP
There is so much controversy about which is the best to use
that it is hard for anyone not a paint expert to arrive at a decision.
Here it is in a nutshell.
Cheap mixed paint is a poor buy—it’s cheap, it s shoddy, it
won’t wear or give satisfaction. So it isn’t worth considering.
Hand-mixed lead and oil is good as far as ft goes, but 5 : .s
impossible for anyone with a paddle and bucket and working by
rule of thumb to make as good a paint as that which is worked
out on a strictly scientific formula and mixed and ground by
powerful machinery.
Good prepared paint, such as Sherwin-Williams Paint (SWP),
will give the best of results. It is made of Pure Lead, Pure Zinc,
Pure Linseed Oil and the necessary coloring pigments and driers,
all combined according to exact scientific formula, the result of over
40 years’ experience in paint making, and mixed and ground by
powerful machinery designed especially for the purpose. 11
result is a paint that covers most surface and wears longest.
Just call and get color cards and all information.
as a main crop, although he will bered that Judge Galloway became MRS. JAS. HUGHEY DEAD,
quite indignant at the April term of
grow some fruit of other kinds. Mr. court
in the tactics to prevent the
Parker's departure from our midst case from going to trial, and the Pioneer Lady Passes Quietly
Away In Her Sleep.”
will be a severe loss to this county, pertinent remarks he made when it
as he is considered one of the best was discovered that one of the wit­
Elizabeth Hughej,
nesses had been spirited away. And wife of Myra
tinners on thia coast and a man who what
Hughey, paswt
makes it more surprising in away some James
time Wednesday mon
thoroughly understands his busi­ Judge Galloway is that he over­
ing. for when her husband under
The Plasker Bros.
are ruled one motion for a new trial at took
to wake her that morni«|
arranging their business at present
much to his surprise, he found be
A boy by the name of Collier met
in order to take over Mr. Parker’s
dead in bed.
with u serious accident which may
laid for him to help delay this case
Deceased was born on June U
trade and they will endeavor to give with technicalities. Finding that
The new gasoline boat Tillamook,
deprive him of his eyesight. He
188-1 in Abingdon. Knox Counit
was setting off a giant fire cracker which was built by Kruse A Banka,
Ill., and with her parent» akr
pardon McKinley, these new tactics crossed
tomers of both places.
the plans in 1852 and set
at Beaver on Thursday, when it ex­ at North Bend, was launched at
had to be resorted to, and the judge where the
city of Salem now »tank
S. O. Wicklund, father of Gu8 is open to criticism for what is be­
ploded in the boy’s face. Hie face Marshfield, last Thursday. Miss
In 1854 they removed to Tillamod
Wicklund. died at Sellwood, Ore., lieved to be a change of front.
and eyes are badly injured and he Alice Dean, of Astoria, and daugh­
county, which at that time c*
the 2?rd June, aged 81 years, and
cannot see.
Dr. Boala has him ter of one of the part owners of the
Miss Jessie A. Donaldson has tained only three white familiesaii
hie remains were buried at Clark- just arrived |home to spend her several bachelors and a good mar
under hi* car* in this city. The boy boat, christened her. The Tilla­
The Fourth of July passed off attiae the following Sunday. The vacation with her] parents, She Indians. In 1891 the deceased
is eleven years of uge.
mook is a finely-built boat, 124 feet
quietly iu this city, there being an deceased was one of the old settlers spent the fall and winter with her married to James Hughey, «it
A good deni of time was con­ long. She will be used by the Ne­ exodus of persons who either took of Tillamook County, coming here sister at Grants Pass, and in Feb­ whom she lived at their home
ruary started to the Portland Busi­ Fairview until the time of her
sumed on Thursday by the County
the excursion on the railroad to from Sweden in 1882, when he
Court in considering the petition Company. As soon as the gaso­ Nehalem, celebrated at Bay City, bought ItiO acres of river bottom ness College, at Portland, Ore. July 5th.
lie maiden name was Myra Eli
land for $tW. At that time they did During her stay in Portland she
for n saloon license at Garibaldi by line engines are installed the boat or went to Bayocean. The train their trading at Hobsonville, as made her home with Mr. and Mrs beth Smith, being a daughter
J. J. McCormick, owing to u remons­
was crowded which went as far as there was no road north of this B. A Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell is a Hit am Smith. Deceased lea
man in the besides her husband, two »i
trance being filled, which bore sev­
Wiu. H. Easter, of Dolph, und J. the Salmonberry country, or as far city. They had to follow a trail up very
eral name* which appeared on the D. Belt, of Willumina, were arrest as the rails were laid on the road the Wilson river by Jenkins’ to get Y.M.C.A. Miss Donaldson is very four brothers and other
Tillamook City, which was a very glad to get back with her friends, fives.
The remonstrance up- ed on complaint of Constable Mil- and all report having a good trip. to
small place at that time. The de­ as she has been away for nearly a
The funeral took place on Th
Theie was a large attendance at the ceased left this county about9 years year. Miss Donaldson was a very day at Fairview, there being»
celebration at Bay City, and the
had been married three times. will be greatly missed, not only at friends who attended to pay
boats were kept busy taking pas­ Gue
Wicklund was with hie father college, but by Portland's society last token of respect to the pi
sengers to Bayocean. The weather when he died, and returned home circles for she was very prominent. woman and to show theirsym
She intends to return to Portland to the sorrowing relatives.
was beautifully fine all day. but on last week.
early in the fall and finish her
the bay there was a strong wind
A complete change was made in course at college which is one Mrs. Hughey .wasjone of the
and a choppy sea.
the Clough drug store, as regards month, and she will make her home women whose name will alway»
associated with the home
The Coffee Pot Bank. The Up to the Minute
help, the first of the tnonth. Mr.
A very unique piece of window Jess O’Neal, who lias been with Mr. in Portland the remainder of the of the west. To her is due the
winter. During her stay in Tilla­
decorating may be seen at McNair Clough for the past years, left the mook she invites all of her friends tinction of being the first
woman to settle along the Nes
A Co.'* hardware window in the first of the month for Canyonville, to call.
river, hitherto invaded only
he will go into the drug bus
way of an immitation battleship. where
iness for himself. Ralph Cody, a
A very pretty wedding was sol- few straggling members of the
Although decorating a hardware graduate of the O. A. C. Pharmacy umnized at the home of Carl Knud­ persuasion, and the wateraof
The savings idea is just as worthy, just
window is considered a hard piece of course in the class of '98, has taken son in this city on Sunday after­ still rippled under the canoe?
as necessary to business success to-day as it
work, yet Mr. Albert Plank, Mr. Mr. O’Neal's place as prescription noon, when Mr. Christian G. Neil­ placid blanketed braves, re
Since graduation Mr. Cody son and Miss Katherine Knudson for the courage and cu
was in 1740, but the methods have advanced
McNair's head salesman and deco­ expert.
has been working for the Woodard were pronounced man and wife by lurking
during that time.
his rare Clark Drug Co. of Portland except the Rev. B. E. Emerick, of the L'. colored faces, and their stren
genius and taste in this line, has one yeur, which he spent in Baker B. Church of this city. Both the opposition to the supplanting
We now have the most modern savings
always managed to keep a neat and City. Wm. Burdick, who has been bride and groom arc'lately from the wigwam by the log huts «
attractive window.
The present with Mr. Clough for the paat three Denmark, they having been in this white people.______
convenience invented and respectfully in­
years, resigned hie position as ap­ country but 11 months. The bride
two cross prentice clerk in order to prepare is a sister to Carl Knudson, of the
Big Auction Sale.
vite the people of Tillamook County to call
cut saws for sides, spools of wire tor school next fall and in his place Jones A Knudson Furniture Co of
All the furniture, including
and see them.
for masts, tie chains for rigging, Mr. Clough has placed Thaue this city. Mr. Neilson owns prop­ range, stoves, beds, bedding,
Honey. Mr. Clough engaged the erty North of town and is at present in fact everything in Hotel
hose noasels for guns and many services
Iu brief, let us tell you that it is a small
of Mr. Cody after a very fallowing the occupation of cheese
other little articles which shows the careful investigation, and he comes making at the Maple Leaf Creamery. way at Hemlock, will be
HOME SAVINGS BANK which registers,
use of judgment in the matter to this city with the best of rec- After the cermony a sumptuous auction by Chas. Reynolds 0”
15th at 9 o’clock.
or indicates, at all times, THE EXACT
wedding dinner was served by Mr.
of advertising The boat is float­ comendations.
.»MOUNT OF MONEY which has been
ing in a sea of nails.
John Bolin and John Cook, a bar­ and Mrs. Knudson. The invited
Dairy Farm for Sale-
placed in it.
tender. hired a buggy and team from guests were Mr. and Mrs. John
Sheriff Crenshaw caused some little Dawson Bros, livery barntogofish­
I will sell ray dairy farm,
The arnouut of money is plainly shown at
excitement at the Golden Gate dock ing up the Trask river on Sunday. maon, I. F. Larsen, Mr. and Mrs. as a w hole or cut it up m*0
last week while the boat was in by When returning in the evening, and Ford, Mr. and Mrs. John Erickson, tracts, on the Wilson river,
all times, the amount cf each kind of coin—
greatly reduced price. If tn*
near the Wilks' place, where
a short interview which he had with when
ickles, ditties, quarters and so on.
the road is somewhat narrow, the Mr and Mrs. Adolph Erickson and interest you call upon II,e.
a man uatned Ben Comer, who the team, for some unexplained rea­ Mrs. Emerick. The happy couple I leave tor Corvallis in a fe*
The thing that stimulates saving is to see
L. G. f«
works us a long shoreman at the son. went over the grade and down will make their home in' the neat
little cottage built m the Golden-
the amount grow, to see it every day, right
Golden Gate and Lamb's Docks. It the bank over HU feet, carrying the vale district and they have the
for Sale.
buggy with it.
Bolin and Cook
before your eyes. With one of our new banks
seems that Comer had borrowed clr.imed
that they jumped from the congratulations and best wishes of
this feature is the big thiug and these banks
some money from the Sheriff over buggy, and fortunately escaped their many friends for a long life of
I have a 12 ton Hay
sale cheap, if sold at once,
have proven very popular wherever they have
a year ago, promising at that time from the mix up without injury. happiness.
class working order.
to pay it back in a few day*. The One horse was killed and the other
been placed.
F rank H ansen
is so badly injured that it is practi­ Oregonian, June 29, I9II:
Sheriff let the matter go until some cally
useless. Dr. Reedy was sent
Bid* Wanted.
queer action* of Comer's made Mr for and Art Case took him to the
ARE IN TOWN, especially if you have
Bids will be received by fib
Crenshaw feel the need of speedy scene of the accident in post haste, made to establish a tempor­
children, for you know the adage, ’’ as the twig
action, which resulted in a demand and the doctor brought the injured ary service between Tilla­ I of Directors of School D,ST?
is bent, so is tree
and the children
for direct payment of the debt. Mr animal to the city. Dawson Bros, mook and Mohler, 25 miles 14. Garibaldi, Oregon, fi’L'1* ,
cannot account tor the accident as
will (akd unusual interest in these bauks be-
Comer ha* also issued a number of the team was perfectly gentle, and east, by Angust 1 or earlier. i tion of a achool-houee
Plans and
check* in payment of hi* debts it looks surprising how Bolin and Two locomotives for use on ■ tiona may be seen by
lately, payable at the Tillamook Cook escaped from the buggy, as this end of the line have arriv­ District Clerk at Cani’8“,
it must have'gone down the steep ed in Portland and will be con­ the Sheriff’s office. Tills
County Bank, when in fact he ha* bank
THEY ARE to be had FREE for we
with a crash after it went off
All bids to be in by the I-**
the grade. The damages are esti­ veyed to Tillamook by water, July, Wil. The Board
loau them to auyone who starts an account of
had pny there.
mated at over $401
to reject any a
11 or more.
First-class coaches right
Dated this 2»th day of Ju«
U G. Parker, who h„ b„.n doing j Deputy District Attorney Willett week.
M rs . S. M
was greatly surprised when it be­
a tinning busineaa. sold his entire came
known that Judge Galloway will be pressed into service
stock and trad* to the Plasker Brow, hau allowed to be tiled an amended on that portion of the road.
C. A. J”'«-
Chairman Board <>•
plumber* and tinners of thia city, 2?°Jjon ,or “
’rial in the Henry
Thursday afternoon. Mr Parker will McKinley caae without giving the
Big Auction Bale.
prosecution the opportunity to argue
with his family in about one it,
The Only Government Examined Bank in the
and, it is claimed, the judge had
New, 5 room cottage
furniture, . inciuainir
including piano.
• eek for Riddell. Douglass Co-, | no jurisdiction. He slao extended
two lota, ewj term-
Oregon, where be ha* a tine forty | the time to the 13th November for I range, stove*,
------ -W • bed*,
__ _ » bedding,
«• * . dishes
_ —
everything in Hotel Ocean- Headlight Office.
•ere trait farm Mr Fark.r interni. .Lhe de<e,,'-'r «° til* ■ bill of *xc*p- »
way at Hemlock? wifi”be‘ sold at
‘ auction by Ch*s. Remold* on Jnly
15th at 9 o’clock.