TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JULY DEAD SEA WATER. tensity Is More Than Double That of the Rod Sea. e Dead sea contains 23 per cent olid matter and is bulk for bulk ■ier than tbe human body, my believe that it is Impossible to a in this sen. and even in Jerusa- ridiculous fables are told as to tbe isslbillty of bathing there and that inimals or vegetation can exist its shores. far as swimming is concerned, excessive buoyancy of the water Jy renders it difficult to make h headway, but a swim is both Ible and enjoyable. Care should ,ken, however, not to let the water pto the eyes. |eed, did Palestine belong to any tr but Turkey probably tbe nortb- thore of the Dead sea would be a far bathing station. No doubt the ■ide of magnesia which enters so ■ly into the composition of the r would be found to have medici- md curative properties. rhaps a better Idea of the density ,e water of this inland sea may kallzed from tbe following statis­ tic a ton of water from the Cas- isea there are eleven pounds of in the Baltic, eighteen pounds; in black sea. twenty-six pounds; tn Atlantic, tblrty-one pounds; In the ish channel, seventy-two pounds; the Mediterranean, eighty-flve du: in the Red sea. ninety-three js; in the Dead sea, 187 pounds.— 0's Work. JOHN BANISTER I TALE OF A NAIL TOMBS OF SANO. Ths Qeoer Way In Which a Crims Was Brought to Light. Dr. John Douue. tbe famous Eng­ lish divine and poet, who lived in tbe reign of James L. was a veritable : Sherlock Holmes. One of his famous I exploits was as follows: He was walking in the chur " — jrcbxsrd while a grave was being dug, ;, wf goober, goober pea. plndar, he kept talking with me and talking ea and groundnut. with me. and I just didn't know what to do, for you know doctors charge I Reasonable Request. you when you talk with them, and I as and gentlemen." appealingly didn't have any money.' "—National be village bandy man. advene- Monthly. the front of the stage and ad- i the few patient persons who A Story ef Longfellow. m of tile audience which had In Longfellow s journal, in which be led to witness the beautiful chronicled dally things that came un­ J drama. "The Mad Miller's der bls observation, be notes that upon ar." written by tbe hamlet's a certain occasion be attended a bailed authoress and presented church where tbe minister took as bis ■ talent performers. "I am re subject "Progreea.” He was very Iby tbe members of tbe com flattered when the latter quoted about I ask you to remain until the half of tbe “Psalm of Life.” After re­ ■e play. In the next act. which peating tbe verses tbe minister said. Bly assure you is tbe Inst, tbe "I could never read that poem without bets his due and is slain with feeling the inspiration with which ft By. and we want witnesses."— was written." To this incident Long­ fellow adds: "But I had tbe conceit taken out of me on tbe evening of that hey Might De Worse. day. when I happened to meet a lady rman proprietor of a Brook at Prescott's and in our conversation »ieeeeti store baa got far she referred to the sermon in tbe Jong to pun in English. A morning and added. 'He quoted some the New York 8un reports beautiful versee, but nobody knew from whence came tbe quotations. " In tbe window of the little ■ advertisement: t yon can do is to buy oar Shadbolt OVERLAND MODEL 52 WITH FORE. DOORS A guarantee on Tires, Springs and Car. This car for $1,750.00 40 horse power, 4 doors, top and glass front. The easiest riding car in this or any other town. Other cars selling from $775 and up. Come and take a ride before buying SURE TO BE MISSED. Odd Word Survivals. Far away back in tbe days when tbe English language was in its infancy there were poets who wrote of the blossoms on the trees in tbe spring. They didn’t write “blossom." however, but used the word "blow” and made it rhyme with snow and flow. When they wished to sing of the beautiful mass of apple or hawthorn flowers they caUed it the "blowth.” This word is found in the dictionaries. which assert that it is obselete. but it is very much alive in Rockingham county, N. H., and York county. Me. Tbe orcbardist thereabout speaks of a “full blowth" or “light blowth" on bls trees In May and predicts a good or poor “set” of tbe fruit In consequence. “Orts” are supposed to be refuse of some kind, but in tbe valley where tbe Piacataqua river mingles with tbe sea “orts” is tbe name for "swill.”—Ex­ change. W. J. STEPHENS, Distributer for Tillamook, Ore HEADQUARTERS FOR Tricking the Bobby. A Dublin eccentric a short time ago entered a purveyor's shop and bought n ham. Having paid for bis purchase, be requested that it should be bung outside tbe shop door, saying that be would call back for it. The customer then paced up and down outside the shop till a policeman came in sight, and just as tbe man in blue caught his eye be grabbed tbe bam and l>olt- ed. The constable, however, soon col­ lared the thief, as he thought, and hauled him back to tbe shop. Having explained the nature of tbe alleged crime to tbe shop assistant, be asked the latter to charge tbe offender. “But." said tbe assistant as be real­ ised tbe joke. “It’s bis own bam. was quite at liberty to take it tn circumstances he chose."—London swers. DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware and China Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window Sashes Woatherwiso Birds and Fish. Tbe seagull makes a splendid living barometer If a covey of scHgulls fly seaward early in tbe morning sailors and fishermen know that tbe day will be tine and tbe wind fair, but if tbe birds keep inland, though there be no haae banging out toward tbe sea to denote unpleasant wsetber. interested folk know that the elemeots will be unfavorable. Of ail weatberwfse flsb tbe dolphin is tbe moot remarkable. During a fierce gale or a storm at nee the mariner knows that tbe end of It ia near If be can see a dolphin or a number of that flab sporting on tbe Agents for the Great Western Saw ALEX McNAIR CO The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County TOLEY KIDNEY PILLS high eea waves. m M 6. 1911 "He’s a for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities. Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in action, quick in raaulta. Refuse substitutes. Chas. I. Clough, Tillamook. I (boa "WetL krai—“• r Vote of Condolence Where«« ft has |>lea»ed Our Al­ mighty Father intake from the fnni ily o* oar member«. Harry Oscar end Mine Emms Sweneor, a loving si «ter, Therefore. I»e it re«olve«1.That we. tbe member« • the Invincitdr lit- S'ary F.. iety, extend thi« teetinwm ial of -’< r a ile by Lamar's Iftug Stute I The Star Theatre changea «every night. I