Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, July 06, 1911, Image 4

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T illamook shadlight , jvlt a ,
Essentially the Same Today as When
Established by Napoleon.
In tbe United States there are many
universities which are free from state
control, but in France there is only
one university, and It to an absolute
Instrument of the state. It is true
that there are schools of higher learn­
ing. which were founded in 1870 as
universities, but five years afterward
the title was withdrawn, and they are
now called "Institute." They are five
tn number and are located in Parte.
Lille, Lyons, Toulouse and Angers.
But tbe University of France is an
entirely different organization. It Is
the official school. It Is centralized in
Paris and has under It a vast multi­
tude of establishments, faculties, col­
lege and primary schools, distributed
over the whole surface of the country.
Directly or indirectly they all depend
on the government.
The university was established by
Napoleon, and In spite of certain modi­
fications which It has undergone dur­
ing years It is the same today In Its
essential elements as the day he
founded it. Just ns he established the
entire civil administration, with Its
prefects, subprefects. Judges, minis­
ters of finance, so he created lu 1800
this vast educational organization,
with its countless professors, who con­
trol tbe entire Intellectual training at
Alike In One Respect In Sardinia, That
Both Are Perils.
Knrdlnla is an Islnnd of many perils.
One of them, we gather from the ex­
perience of Mr. Crawford Flitch, the
author of "Mediterranean Moods,” Is
I ho railways. "The engine.” be says,
“la continually making frantic dashes
for the scenery. On the line to Tortoll
I made four Journeys and had throe
accidents. On one occasion, after a
car had been wrecked, tbe various em­
ployees gathered round the wreckage
and spent tbe remainder of a sultry
afternoon in bitterly disputing the
proper apportionment of blame for tbe
accident. As It was Impossible to pro­
ceed that evening I spent the night at
the railway station and enjoyed a com­
fort that 1 found nowbero else In tbe
Another peril Is the dogs, who do
not hesitate to attack a stranger, even
when ho is walking peaceably upon
the highroad. ‘'The breed Is particu­
larly ferocious, and It Is said that the
l>eaaanta have a way of stimulating
their ferocity by tying a bladder filled
with blood to the neck of a dummy
man nnd encouraging the nnlmnl to
spring nt th* neck and tear open the
Saw His Chans«.
When all Westchester county was
thrilling with tbe prospect of a rail­
road competition an agent of the new
' company that was to build went
through Pelham Manor buying proper­
ty for tbe right of way. He rang the
doorbell of oue resident, who was liv­
ing In a rented bouse at $50 a month.
"Will you take $6,000 for thto
bouse?” demanded tbe agent.
“Ob, no, 1 couldn't.” stammered the
"Will you take $8,000?"
“I couldn't do It.”
"Well, think It over.”
Mr. Tenant foxlly runs around to
tbe owner of tbe property and gets an
agreement to sell him tbe property
for $0.000 If be can raise tbe money.
The railroad's agent returns.
“Will you take $0,000?”
Oh. yes, there Is such a thing as
luck when a man baa tbe wits to see
It coining his way.—New York Press.
Killing an Unfaithful Lavar.
When a Japanese girl has been
alighted by her lover abe revenges her­
self according to the following quaint
custom: In the dawu of tbe early
morning she rises and puts on a white
robe and white clogs. Round her neck
she hangs n small mirror, which falls
to her breast, and on her head she
puts a metal crown with three points,
ench point bearing a lighted candle.
In her left hand she carries a email
figure of straw or rags—supposed to
represent her unfaithful lover—and
this she nails to one of tbe sacred trees
surrounding the family shrine. She
then prays for tbe death of the man.
vowing that If this comes to pass
she will pull out the nails which are
hurting the sacred tree and make of
ferlngs to comfort her family god. Ev­
ery night she comes to the shrine,
strikes In two more nails and makes
the same prayer, her idea being that
the god, to save his tree from further
Injury, will kill her lover.
A 8trange 8pecisa of Dsar.
Just above the buffet in tbe dining
room of a Richmond bouse there
I hangs a huge, finely mounted antlered
head. Thto trophy of the owner’s
bunting prowess Is fastened so firmly
to tbe wall that the glistening neck
seems to bo coming right out through
the plaster. When a little boy from
the city saw thia decoration for tbe
first time he eyed It with considerable
curiosity and very evident uneasiness.
It looked almost too lifelike for com­
fort. Finally the youngster asked to
be excused and slipped from his chair,
going Into the ne^t room. He return­
ed to the dining room flushed with
"What's the matter. Harry?" asked
his host.
"I wanted to see," explained tbe
child sheepishly, “If that animal's legs
were really as long aa that or If be
were standing on something In tbe
next room.”—Lippincott's.
t . BOTTS,
* e
"" 1
William Cullen Bryant Brake the News
Gently to Hie Mother.
The following letter from William
Cullen Bryant to hto mother, quoted
by Profeeaor Chubb In "Storlea of Au­
thors." indicates that tbe author of
"Tbanatopeia" could enjoy hla little
Joke on occasion:
“Dear Mother— I hasten to send you
tbe melancholy Intelligence of what
has lately happened to me. Early on
tbe evening of tbe eleventh day of tbe
present month I was at a neighboring
house lu thto village. Several people
of both sex* wore assembled in one
of the apartments, and three or four
others, with myself, were In another
At last ctrme in a little elderly gentle­
man. pale. thin, with a solemn counte­
nance. pleuritic voice, hooked nose and
hollow eyes. It was not long before
we were summoned to attend in the
apartment where he and the rest of
the company were gathered. We went
In and took our seats. The little eld
erly gentleman with the hook nose
prayed, and we all stood up. When
he had finished most of us sat down.
The gentleman with the hooked nose
then muttered certain cabalistic ex­
pressions. which I was loo ranch
frightened to remember, but I recol
lect that at the conclusion I was given
to understand that 1 was married to a
young lady of the name of Frances
Fairchild, whom I perceived standing
by my side and whom 1 hope in tbe
course of a few months to have tbe
pleasure of Introducing to you as your
daughter-in-law, which is a matter of
some interest to the poor girl, who has
neither father nor mother In the
A Tactful Head Waiter Balked an Of-
fensive Hotel Guest.
To Illustrate an Incident that <K?
curred in a hotel uptown the other
night, where, if you are not known,
you have to produce some sort of
patent of absolute respectability, con­
struct a rectangle, lettering the imag­
inary diagonal corners A, B, C and 1>:
A represent« a solitary male person
dining. B represents a comely person
of the opposite sex seated at another
table with a party. C represents a
head waiter and D a group of the un­
employed waiters. Let the line AB
represent an admiring look that travels
continuously. BA represents a look of
annoyance. CA and CB are compre­
hending glances directed by tbe head
The point C moves toward D. mak­
ing a triangle. After a whispered di­
rection n figure which may be termed
0. because It represents a particularly
rotund waiter, moves from the point D
until it reaches a point on tbe line AB.
U moves back to position.
A finds that bis ogle stops at O.
which be cannot see through, nnd calls
O to take an order. Thereupon C mo­
tions toward D, when another waiter,
traveling on the line DA. effects a
Junction with A and goes off nt n tan-
gent. A cranes hla neck, stretching to
one, side or tbe other, but it cannot get
past O. The result Is that A finally
sees what Is up. finishes his coffee in
sheepish disgust and leaves the room, i
—New York Sun.
A tto * ney - at -L aw .
Complete set of Abstract Books
Taxes paid for non.
in office.
Tillamook Block
Both phones.
Next Door to Tillamook County Bank.
C arl
haberlach ,
Sailing Days for
A ttornry - at -L aw
find all points
Tillamook Block.
Next to Tillamook County
Bauk, * ;
T illamook
O rkgon .
Tillamook Bay
Office : Opposite Court Hmm.
T illamook , O regon .
JUNE 1, 6, 10, 15, 20 and 26th
T. BO ALS, M.D.,
Freight Received Daily at Doek
Tillamook Block.
Foot of Washington Street.
J. R. GLADDEN, Agent, Tillamook
Tillamook Block,
j-ÿR. I. Ml SMITH,
Office over J. A. Todd & Co..
Tillamook. Ore-.
A Famous Paria Sign.
Paris 1s a city of curious signbourds.
one of tbe most remarkable ones rep­
resenting a tobacconist's sign nt 55
Hue du Chateau-d'Eau. which has
been here ever since 1870. It is rid
died with boles made by tbe bullets
of tbe Prussians, and the occupant of
tbe shop states that so fnr an he Is
A Clear Casa.
aware it Is the only public relic of tbe
The beautiful young prisoner entered
Franco-Prussian war In evidence In
the box In her own behalf.
the streets of Paris today.
“What Is your age, miss?" asked the
“My sign," he added, “brings me
plenty of customers.
You have no lawyer.
"Forty-eight.” was the steady reply.
Astrology With Ritka.
Iden, moueleur. of the number of Eng
Formerly they bad rough and ready
The feminine Jury caught Its breath
lteh and American tourists who pass
this way and drop Into my place for a with an audible little gasp and sat modes of testing claims to superuatu-
ral powers.
cigar or a box of matches merely In there rigid.
“How much did you pay for the hat
"Dost thou know where thou wilt
order to have a word with me about
pass Christmas?" asked Henry VII. of
my bullet riddled enselgne. I wouldn't you are wearing?"
an astrologer He could not tell.
“Ninety-eight cents."
part with It for anything."—Wide
“Are you guilty of tbe crime that to
Whereupon the king's grace, which
World Magazine.
charged against you?"
did lore a merry Jest, made answer,
"Then I am wiser than thou, for I
Getting the Exact Spot.
Thus did the wily prisoner attempt know that thou wilt spend Christmas
An emergency call from a i-ollceuian
for a tape measure kept two women to establish her veracity and then con­ in prison.”
John Galeasio, duke of Milan, is said
waiting In the dress maker's parlor for vince the Jury that she was Innocent.
five minuted. There were other tape But don't forget that this was a Jury to bare made even merrier at tbe ex­
measures then» which tbe dressmaker of women. A verdict of Incurable In­ panse of an astrologer who foretold <
might have used. but she was too sanity was brought in.—New York him that be would die early.
"And how long do you expect to •
busy ¡tendering the clrcuinstauco that Journal.
live?” he Inquired of the prophet.
had suddenly converted her into an
"Yarba" We Have Knew».
"My lord, my star promises me
ally of the police department. Pres­
What has become of tbe elderly lady long life."
ently tbe policeman returned the tape.
"Never trust to your star, man; you
"What did you want it for?*’ ahe who tn the seventies and earlier al­
ways referred to an "herb" ae a are to be hanged today,” and the duke
"To help find tbe right place to ahoot "yarb?" The word haa gone out of took care that bls own prediction
a horse with a broken leg." ho said. use. About the meanest "yarb” was a. should be fulfilled.
"The vital epot to Just three Inches bitter weed named "I borough wort."
altove that little swirl In bls forehead Then there was cammermlte. dockroot,
Killing On« Fly.
and dandelion, In their miserable part­
where a doses crowns seem to meet
Every fiy begjna aa an egg deposited
Theos 1a some kind of organic filth.
It i
I am not very good at guessing, so we nership. lobelia and catnip.
thought It safest to find tlie exact epot things were "steeped.” and you took | batchm« Into a tiny maggot within n
with a ta|»e masaure."—New York Sun. them or had them thrust upon yoa few hour«, begins to feed aud grow, i
“for jour blood."- Mlnn««polto Jour- complete« It« growth aud comes out as 1
Sailing for Portland, every Thursday or Friday
a perfect fly In possibly ten days. It '
Muaia ef the Drum.
then requires at least fourteen days to
All musical authorities have agreed
according to Tides.
Nearly a Jake.
mature Its first batch of eggs, and It |
that when need In a proimr way tbe
Tbe humorist was In n brown study. may llv« t« mature and tlepoalt at least
drum la thoroughly musical Tbe com
six, layings, of from 120 to 150 eggs
mou snare or aide drum la freely usisi "I’ll get It yet.” he muttered.
"What's the matter, dear?" his wife I each. Thto means that In killing one
In musical comixMtltlou A large num
"You seem to be puasled fly we may be preventing tbe batching
B. C. I.AMD. Agent,
Imr of drummers iwifoeiulng aitimi
tenuously out of d,K>ra produce good about something."
I of nearly a thousand others.—Youth's
tamii a Dork, Tillamook, Ore.
Agente. Astoria, Ore
“Yea,” the Jok «smith replied, “Pm Companion.
music In thia connaetloo Harlioo. the
I. \V. W. 1 BROWN.
composer, I«olnted out that a aouud trying to make a ‘stitch In time' Joke
Couch Street Dock. Portland. Oregon.
that was Inaignlflcant when heard about tbe girl who la darning tb*
Twa Kinds «f Curiesity.
singly, euch ae tbe clink of one or two clocks tn her stocking«"
•‘kltantbroplc Vteltor (to jnllbirdr-
muskets at «boulder arms er the thud
My feiend. may I ask whar It was
Useless Saerifiee.
aa the butt comes to the grouud at
lha| brongbt yos here1 Jallbird-Tbe
Duncan had eaten, with symptoms of very um, thlng that brouglit you herc
i round arma, become« brilliant and at
•raetlve If |>erforuwsl by a thousand pleasure, bla first shrimp, but the — Ibe destre to poke my noae Into olher
mushroom that followed It proved leas people's bustnsaa. osly I used gener
lueu together.
to his liking
a*y tn ru la i,y w,y Of tb< bssanivat
"Mother." be said, pushing the part Window —Exchange
Crumpled Them
We obaervo that th« mana fingers ► eaten agaric to tbe far edge of hto
are all twtoted and brut Into the moat plate. “I wish they hadn't killed that
J. P. flbbEN, Proprietor
one"—Youth's Companion
uncouth shapsn
Miss Ntugley -I always try to retire
"Poor fellowT we Bay to our friend.
before midnight 1 don't like to miss
Na Crews Far Him.
"KvWently be la a victim ut r ba unta
my Iwsuty alenv Mtea repprey-You
Bunday School Tsacter-lf you are really should try harder
Yeu car
“No." our friend eaplataa
"He to • good boy, Willi«, you will go to •■Inly don't get enough of It.
Special Atteution paid to Tourists.
deaf and dumb and tee been trying to
talk Scotch dialed eu hin tegvra"— head. Willie—Not for mine, then
A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds iud Accommodation
Twe Sides.
ted one of them things put on a tooth
WllltoWhy don't you go to church?
one* — Exchange
OIIUs—Too far. Why don't you go?
Weeld Have te Neva,
Never leave home on a iournev
" Ulto— Wo live next door to one. and 1
Sprains require careful treatment.
"Jote, tbe Janitor's son whipped
bate to get all droned up Just to go ?,’.5?U.Lof Chamd&tetn'i Keep quiet and apply Chamber
Jimmy today "
Volte, C holers and Diarrhoea Rem ; lam a Liniment freely. It will re-
that Itttlo way -Puck
“Wall, that's no greet cala mit, Rnp
edy. It is almost certain to be needed move the soreness and quickly
and cannot he obtained when on store the parte to a healthly co:
Jimmy ted whipped ths Janitor's
know« tlM work- board the car« or • teams hit*.
Reliable Route
“ Sue H. Elmore
Tillamook & Portland.
Leaves Portland, Couch St. Dock
Every Tuesday, Arrives Tillamook
F in ano al A gent ,
Tillamook, Oregon
J~y. P. J. SHARP,
Office across the street from tbe
Court House.
Dr. Wise’S office.
sarchet ,
. The Fashionable Tailor-
Cleaning, Pressing and Rep«?'
ing a Specialty.
Store in Heins Photographic
U> d Ossies B usisms
Pkoae A. 10
R oom 33* Woacsrrn B vilmx *
T hud amd O ak Slum
Room Next to the U.S. L.snd Office.
GRADUATE nurse ,
house ,
The Best Hotel.
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
by La mart Drug Store.
ai3 Tillamook Bieck,
T illamook
- .O rb ««'
John B. Langley
tion. For sale by tana
Hell Telephone, 1«-