T illamook RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. .STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) One year........ Six months.... Three months 1.50 75 50 Entered as second class mail mat­ ter July, 1888, at the poet office at Tillamook. Ore., under the act of March 3, 1879. ^illamooh jgeablight, Editorial Snap Shots. Bro. Turner’s Oceanway has come to grief. And his anar chistic, socialistic doctrine will follow suit. headlight , july q , 1011. Notice of Sale of Tide Lands. connection with the good roads THE DATE IS FIXED N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That movement in this county, that1 the State Land Board of The State automobile trucks be used to of Oregon will sell to the highest cart gravel from the rock crush­ P R. & N. Co. to Run bidder at its office in the Capital Building at Salem, Oregon, on ing plants. This is another in­ the First Passenger July 11, 1911, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., novation in road building, which of said day, all the State’s interest Train September 1. is displacing wagons and teams, in the tide and overflow lands here­ because it is more expeditious I inafter described, giving, however Trains will be operating over the to the owner or owners of any lands and economical. This my alarm Pacific Railroad A Navigation Com- abutting or fronting on such tide those who work their teams on overflow lands, the preference the road, but machiney and im­ pany’s line between Portland and i and right to purchase said tide and Tillamook September I. proved methods of road build­ overflow lands at the highest price Such is the plan of E. E. Lytle, | offered, provided such offer is ing have made rapid strides in improving public roads, and president, of the company and 1 made in good faith, and also pro- viding that the land will not be notwithstanding that people in originator of the idea of connecting 1 sold for nor any offer therefor ac­ this and other counties at first Portland and Tillamook by rail. cepted of less than $7.50 per acre, Mr. Lytle returned from a trip over raised some objections to ex­ I the Board reserving the right to 1 reject any and all bids. Said lands pending money for road machi­ the line yesterday. situated in Tillamook County, nery, it is because they are not Although the rain» of the last few j ' are Oregon described as follows: ready to keep abreast with the days and the high water have done Tide lands fronting on Lotal and progressive times and methods damage to the roadbed, repairs are 2 of Section 23, T. 3 N., R 10 W. being made rapidly and the entire Beginning at the meander corner of doing work. MAJOR WEITZEL, Registered No, 33271 Having so thoroughly established and maintain reputation as one of the highest classed prize winning of this coast, and the producer of colts that wins the blue ri| among the very best and highest classed colts of the state, not necessary to comment on quality. . He wiil continue being at the Roger’s Livery Stabi Tillamook, until Monday, July iotli. Commencing at that time will start for Nehalem, og' day mornings and returning ou Wednesday evenings until ternber 1st. I will return to Tillamook County next summer with stallions, Major Weitzel, No. 33271, and Lord Rex, No. 4^ I am in the field for business. The latest date for the P. R. & N. Co.’s road to be finished is route will be ready for the track on bank of North Fork of Nehalem River on line between Sections 23 Sept. 1st, which isn’t a great layer« early next month. Instead of spending money and 24, T. 3 N., R. 10 W. way off, considering the long, Only 15 miles remain to be cov­ meander corner being S. 1 Respectfully yours, patient waiting for this railroad on a jetty improving Tillamook ered with rails. This stretch is 45' (Said E., 1.34 chains from corner to bar, a suggestion is made that to be completed. Sections 13, 14, 23, 24) thence (Low over the Cosst Range which neces ­ the Port of Tillamook inquire E. F. ROGERS, V.S. W. 5' to left). into the feasibility of making sitated some of the most difficult S. 61° 51' W 111.9- along H. W. L feats in railroad engineering ever A cog must have missed some­ a cut through the south end of Low Water 3' to left. Mutual Telephone. where in the weather in this the peninsula in Tillamook bay performed in the West. Practically S. 61° 25' W. 500.0 along county on the Fourth. After a and build a dock out to deep all the grading has been done and Low water 5' to left. S. 58° 38' W, 363.9 along bad record of wet days in Tilla­ water. A similar scheme wan many bridge» have been built. water 10' to left. 4 < The principal remaining work Low mook county, people here were at one time proposed so as to S. 52° 51- W. 216.2 along IN TOUCH WITH FRIENDS and RELATIVES ugreeably surprised to have avoid the Columbia bar and to consists of bridge construction. Low water 17- to left. « ideal weather for the national enable larger vessels to enter There will be 68 bridge» of various S. 62' 53' W. 277.7 along Low water 18' to left. holiday.___________ ____ that river and avoid the risks of sizes on the line between Hillsboro S. 67“ 05' W. 469.4 along and Tillamook and some of the lar Low water 18- to left. of crossing the bar. We do not Should county warrants be gest bridges have yet to be put up. S. 68° 58- W. 269.0 along sold at a discount again, those know whether a project of that Low water 12- to left. Fridge Work to Proceed description is feasible, but it who bought them some years S. 63° 01- W. 205.4 along From now until September 1 Low water 7’ to left. ago at 00c. on the dollar will would not be out of place for S. 56° 47’ W. 239.8 along probably chuckle a little and the Port to obtain a little infor­ when the service is likely to be in­ Low water 12’ to left. imagine that they are going to mation from Engineer Lock­ augurated, most of the activity will S. 54» 37’ W, 192.5 along wood or the government engi ­ be «pent in bridge construction. enjoy another season of what to corner on line between lots 2 and neers, for if it is possible to The work that remains to be done 3 of Sec. 23, low water line 13’ S., they called "good old times." carry out such a project and it consists principally in piledriving. to point of beginning, containing is an improvement over a jetty, The company is arranging to con­ 0.778 acres. Something should be done to it may lie, if it could be con­ struct wooden bridges at most Bid should be accompanied by a regular application to purchase put u stop to speeding automo- structed at reasonable cost, the places and will replace these and exchange for the full amount biles on the county roads, for three Ports could build it inde­ with steel and concrete structures offered and should be addressed ■SSndmaJjy there is a great deal of reckless­ pendent of government aid. I after they have served their use­ to G. G. Brown, Clerk State Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked ness, to say nothing how it en­ fullness. Among the bridges will "Application and bid to purchase GRANDMOTHER may not be as spry dangers the lives of those who be several that will approach the tide lands." Talk about dilly-dallying with as she used to be, but she is in close touch may be driving a team to pass G. G. B rown , record for height and length of pile with her world for all that. it at thirty or forty miles an justice, the attorneys in theHy. foundations. All the timber re- Land Board. Clerk State McKinley case have been allow­ Dated this 26th day of April, 1911. hour. The telephone enables her to make as many calls as she ed until the 13th November to . quired in bridge work has been pleases, and in all sorts of weather. As most of the largest cities file a bill of exceptions. It will j obtained from the right of way. Administrator’s Sale. Formal gatherings have their places, but it is the many in the counties of Oregon are be seen that the Court extends The line penetrates a heavily wooded section. Transportation N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That being designated postal savings the time to about Bix months, little intimate visits over the telephone that keep peepk young and interested. banks, it is to tie hoped that it and as it should not take more of timber will be one of the prin- by virtue of an order duly made entered by the County Court of will not be long before this city than half a day for the attor­ , cipal purposes of the completed and Grandmother’s telephone visits do uot stop with h« the State of Oregon, for Tillamook is likewise favored. Quite an neys to prepare the bill of excep­ road County, authorising and directing own town. The Long Distance Service of the Bell Telephont j Arrangements have been made to tions, it is not surprising that effort was made tiefore rural the sale of the real property, here­ takes her to other towns, and allows relatives and friends» free delivery was established Judge Galloway has come in establish a temporary service be­ inafter described by the under­ chat with her although hundreds of miles away. signed administrator, I, the under­ here, and a little effort in behalf for some criticism for allowing tween Tillamook and Mohler, 25 signed administrator, will sell at the attorneys in this case to do miles east, by August 1 or earlier. <>f a postal savings bank should private sale subject to confirmation PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND what they attempted at the first Two locomotives for use on this by the said County Court, the fol­ meet with like success. -defeat justice by dilly-dally end of the line have arrived in lowing described real property, to- TELEGRAPH COMPANY. procedures. We are not in the Portland and will be conveyed to wit : Every Bell Telephone is the Center There are a few curb stone habit of criticising the Courts, Tillamook by water, arriving there An undivided one-half interest in agitators in this city, men who but here iB an instance where early next week. Firat class coaches and to Lot numbered one and the of the System. East quarter of the North ought to use better judgment, the Court, in our judgment, also have been provided and will South East quarter of Section six, and who are continually "knock­ has erred and made itself a tar- be pressed into service on that por- Lot numbered four, and the South ing" the County Court and are get for attack and just criticism, tion of the road, West quarter of the North West quarter of Section five, in Town­ doing the county a whole lot of for most everybody will agree Sides Hamper Work. ship three North of Range nine harm, because they have net with us that it looks more like K. CASE, Several large landslides have in­ West, W.M., and Lots numbered the progressive, boosting spirit. child's play to extend for six twelve, thirteen and fourteen of PROPRIETOR Probably the curb stone agita­ months a simple matter as the terrupted progress in construction Section thirty-one, in Township North of Range nine West, * tors will exhaust their hot 1 filing of a bill of exceptions to a work in the last few weeks. These four were caused by melting enow in the W.M., less tract of six and three- uir before long or migrate ; to case that was tried last April. mountains. A steam shovel will fonrths acres sold to F R. Beals, some other country. and one acre for grave of Mrs. be required to remove the debris Ludtke, and except the merchant­ Notwithstanding reports to the contrary, the county is in good shape financially, and give the court a reasonable length of time it will place the county on u cash basis, which will have the effect of cutting off the interest on a large amount of outstanding indebtedness and avoid the possibility of warrants lieing sold at a discount. By all means place the county on a cash basis. Even if it is unlawful for any county to go into debt over $5,000, it is not likely that this county would repudiate an hon­ est debt, no matter if some crank should file a suit, which they are liable to do. Tillamook people are not going to see any­ one loose money on warrants, for we consider them a sufe and sound investment, and our nil- vice to those who have money to loan in the county or have money they do not require un­ til next spring, is to invest in county warrants,and in that way keep the interest at home mid the home people derive the benefit. Meadow lands and town pro* perty, ns well as house rent, is on the down grade, not because they are less valuable, but le*- cnuse the prices have been Issisted so high mid taxes have grown in the same proportion that it caused n stagnation in the realty market. Values iu dairy farm* nndcity property iu I'ill.iuKHik county can take considerable drop mid continue to I k * some of the highest priced land in Oregou. Anyway, it it a giH«l thing to get buck to nor- iiinl conditions, for it will have this effect, or should have, of reducing the assessment, as well aa the tuxes, on inflated values placed by dairy men on their neadow lands. \\ e would recommend, when the County Court expends any |nure money fur machinery m » » ►> » Tillamook Iron Wori General Machinists & Blacksmith As the county is not allowed on one section of track, but when able timber on lands in Sections five to create an indebtedness of it once starts to work but a few and six, and crude oils reserved, Boiler Work. Logger’s Work and Heavy ForflX- end subject to right of way for over $5,000 the question is now days will be needed to finish it. county road. Mr. Lytle was well pleased with Fine Machine Work a Specialty. raised, since the banks have Said sale will be made either for intimated that they will not conditions as he found them and is cash, or twi-thirds cash and the TILLAMOOK, OREGON. take county warrants, as to their convinced that it will not be neces­ balance on one year’s time, with 4 at the rate of eight per A legality. For a number of years sary to wait until after September interest cent per annum, and secured by this county has lieen in debt,yet 1 for a daily train over the new line first mortgage on the said pro­ between thia city and the fertile no one brought into question perty. Said sale will be made on Kill More Than Wild Beasts. the legality of this indebtedness, and productive lands back of the 1st day of August, 1911. Bids The number of people killed be left at the office of H. T. or were afraid warrants would Tillamook Bay. The citizens of may Botts or T. H. Goyne, Attorneye- yearly by wild beasts don’t ap­ not be paid. To cause any un­ Tillamook already are preparing at-Law, Tillamook City, Oregon.* proach the vast number killed by due alarm at this time is out of for a reception of the first train and disease germs. No life is safe from TONIC IN ACTION - QUICK« Dated this June 13th, 1911. Give prompt relief from BM their attacks. They’re in air, water, M. A bplanalp , place, but since there are cranks for a worthy celebration of the Administrator of the Estate of dust, even food. But grand pro­ KIDNEY end BLADDER Ti in this county, there is no tell­ event which will mark direct rail tection is afforded by Electric Bit­ Louis Blattlar, deceased. ing when they will commence service into Portland for the first ter« which destroy and expel these RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION suit to enjoin the county trea­ time. deadly disease germs from the sys­ KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION Call for Bids. tem. That’« why chills, fever and surer from paying outstanding The road from Portland to Tilla- ague, all malarial and many blood BLADDER end all annojrin