iliainook .. XXIV No. 5. Hi'aiilhjljt. TILLAMOOK. OREGON, JULY 6, Mayor Talmage returned to this city the last of the week after a month’s trip through the valley in­ SECURITY cluding the cities of Portland, Salem, Dallas and McMinnville. Th« Sue H. Elmore left on Thurs. 7.--Extracts from a Diary day with H. Shurman, Laura Kiger, H. Humason, A. H. Fletcher, Jas. Stephens, J. P. Brink, Alex. Vlahax, P. E. Myers and several from Bay­ d Í ocean. I called at the Tillamook County Bank In buying your ehingles from the b-day and introduced myself to the cashier. Tillamook Feed Co. you patronize a A’hen I told him I wanted to know more home industry as their shingles are Jbout a savings account I found him very made in the county, while all other shingles brought here come from leady to explain it all to me. the outside. • I “ Its a very simple matter and I had sup­ The passengers who left on the posed it would mean a great amount of Golden Gate on Sunday were George rouble and red tape. Van Patton, Miss L. Surth, I.. Dale. Mage Strait, L. D. Ifackley. wife I “ It was so easy I took a dollar out of and daughter, R. E. Eberuian and ny pocket (I will not miss it) and opened G. Hunger. In account right there. They took my A checking account with us will Ignature and address and gave me my cost you nothing. We .furnish pass jank book. book and checks free of charge. $25.00 or $30.00 is enough with which I" I felt backward when I went in but to open an account. Tillamook Irhen I came out it seemed to me I actually County Bank. • lad an interest in that Bank.” A first mortgage deed was filed by Lee Bruce Menefee to the Union I The Way to Save—Have a Savings Trust Co. and John K. Lyon, trus­ Account With tee, to secure $225,000 six per cent bonds on timber lands in township 2 N., range 8 W. A wedding took place on Satur­ TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE SUPERVISION day afternoon in the parlor of the Allen House, when a young couple from Nehalem, E. E. Gresham and Anna A. Tohl, were married by the OOK JOTTINGS I will pay 8c., 10c. and 11c. for calf Rev. D. L. Shrode. hides at my shop. Try me out and It will take another month’s work see. The Old Reliable Hide and ton, see Shrode. to finish ¡repairing the government Fur Dealer, N. E. Melchoir. * dredge, as it was found that more lome made Candies at Are you going to the beach or repairs were needed than at first mountains? We can supply every­ 15c. candies at Lamar’s thing you will need from tent to thought owing to rotten condition of some of her timbers. Dre. . fish hook.—K ing & S mith C o . The Percheron stallion Ville will dy Nolan is in on a visit For sale, one sorrel mare, 5 year make the stand for the season at land. old, works double or single, aver­ Rogers 4 McNamePs Livery Barn, , collars and pads at the age weight 1,200. Good workhorse. in this city, with the exception of z Enquire at the Headlight office. Feed Co. Mondays and Tuesdays, when the the wife of John Little, The Golden Gate left Friday with stallion will be at Beaver. * Bday, a girl. Elam Butts, A. Gangler, Mabel The Sue H. Elmore arrived in M. for the best ehingles Burt, J H. Cookson, C. C. Winter­ port Tuesday with A. H. Fletcher, imook Feed Co. mute and several from bay points. Casper Shields, J. P. Brink, J. Case for auto trips to any Governor West appointed Rollie Stephens, Clarance Hannenkratt, e county. Ready at all W. Watson on the committee which N. Wilson, H. Hansen, E. Ashburg, is to prepare road laws to be sub­ Wm. Burke, S. Christenson and J kens wanted at the Tilla- mitted at the next state legislature. R. Slivin as passengers. Company’s Market, 13c. Hay Carriers, Track Hooke, Floor Mrs. Alex. McNair and daughter. Miss Hazel, returned from Eugene Hooks, Single and Double Hay Db, who was in Portland on Sunday, where the latter had Forks, Straight and Bent Pitch a, returned on the Sue H. graduated from the State Univer­ Forks, Rope all Sixes, Pulleys, Blocks, Harvester Oil and Oil Cans. sity. Tuesday. Another petition was filled, call­ Complete line of hay tools — K ing nr chickens to the Tilla- Cotnpany’s Market. We ing for a special election to incor­ 4 S mith C o . Every boy and gill in the county porate a Port of Bayocean and the r pound. should have one of our handsome date set for the election is August Ihatcher vs. M. A. Fla- steel savings banks. They are an ■se filed in the County 31st. Found, a automobile lamp, of incentive to save. Get one by op­ pover $25.66. Ford make, with white and red ening a savings account with a de­ | cheapest and best paper glass, and the person who lost his posit of $1.00 or more. Tillamook town. Leave orders at tail light will find it had the Head­ County Bank. D Harris' barn. light. The horrid things! How did they L Fletcher.of Vancouver, The County Court granded a sa­ get in here ? May be you neglected ■siting with her annt, getting screen doors, or perhaps Williams of this city at loon license to the Potter Realty Co. the old doors need new wire or if to conduct a saloon at Bayocean, there being no remonstrance to the you have a window up, adjustible of buoys are to be petition. window screens will keep the flies illamook and placed out—K ing 4 S mith C o . For sale: A gasoline launch, I to show the different Miss Laura Kiger, 'niece of G. W. fully equipped, with a good new 8- H. P. engine and all other fixturea. Kiger of this citv, left on the Sue R Johnson, who has For further particulars inquire at H. Elmore for her home in Van Vert Ohio. Miss Kiger has been 1 a* Truckee, Cal., for thia office. , years, is visiting rela- visiting in this city for the past Rev. C. W. Haya, of Portland, two months and states that she is will preach Sunday at the Presby­ rhich the Golden Gate terian Church, and after the even­ greatly pleased with our country. irtland the remainder ing service a meeting of the mem­ The P. R. 4 N. Co. took posses­ are: 10th, 15th, 20th. bers will be held. sion of Lamb’s dock and Mr. Lamb The passenger yacht Bayocean has opened offices for the steam­ 1 for sale cheap, Ride came in from Portland on Monday, ship company in the First National ■st sell at once, En- bringing a full passenger liat of Bank building. He will continue to tofield, Tillamook, Ore., visitors for Bayocean. She left on collect wharfage until the new dock and warehouse is built mith’s. Tuesday morning. A crew of men commenced work Bckle fit for fishing, Rough spruce and hemlock lum­ n the line. Guns and ber at $8.00 per thousand at the Faw- completing the spur on Monday, iuntil you can’t rest — cet Creek Saw Mill, seven miles and laid rails so that the excur­ M Co. south of Tillamook City. Goldsworth- sion train on Tuesday could leave from the saw mill. The crew is still I pleaded guilty in Jus- ey A Dal pa z, pros. at work laying ties and rails through burt for being too fresh Our Snaths bang so nice and the saw mill yard and the water kr and the justice made Scytua Blades cut so easy that it is front. hi> $10. necessary to chain them up nights Owing to the wet weather in Port­ be thoroughbred Hol- to keep from working over time — land last week the trip to Tilla­ If. two months old, and K ino a S mith C o . mook by a party of 150 belonging breeding. J. A. Hax- If you intend to pat in a cement ! to the Portland Automoble Club Irove. Ore. sidewalk, foundation or any other : was abandoned on Saturday, but t bn pound boy came to i kind of cement work, give me a call. it was the weather turned dry I Borne of Mr. and Mrs. Will do it by day or job. Address and warm and the party would have I Monday morning, at Box 446. Tillamook, Ore. * had a good trip had they started. la past twelve. Haying time will soon be on. Do As it was necessary to have Un­ I Beat' Flour, fast get- not wait until the last minute to get repairs to the engine done in Port­ L They haul it to Meda, ready. Are showing a complete land. the buzz of the saws at the ■rm and intermediate : line of hay tools in window thia I Tillamook Lumber Mfg. Co.’s saw bnook Feed Co. • week. - K ing 4 S mith C o . i mill have not been heard this week. I It will take about four days to make I th« repars, and aa soon as the f»art i ia received from Portland the mill ' will start up again Erwin Harrison, cashier of the Tillamook County Bank. and family, together with Rev. Hoven two Doors west of Lamar’s Drug Store. and family, of the Christian Church, left for Portland the last of the week DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND." in order Io attend the alate coaven Rest Room for Indies lion of the Christian Church .it Ibat , place. Mr. Harrison end Nr. Hoven ' wih be away about one week. 1911 Begin With $1. Annual Benefit Sale Planned and arranged for our different Churches and Charitable Associ­ ations. As has been the custom of this (and other large stores throughout the whole country at this season), we hold this once a year Benefit Sale. To each Church or Charitable Associations of this city, TEN PER CENT of the entire CASH SALES for ONE DAY will be our gift. To make your day a successful one, we urge upon you the necessity to work with your whole heart and soul for your church. At our last Benefit Sale many of the Churches to swell their fund bail their representatives here to wait upon the customers and manage the sale, and some will do the same this year, if you have not already made such arrangements we invite you to do so, and on your Benefit Day just take entire charge of the store. We have on our part prepared some exceptional bargains, all of which space will not permit print­ ing- Won’t you trade at this store and help swell the fund for sweet charities sake. If your church or association is not mentioned below kindly advise us at once. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANKI^“ BAR’S VARIETY Monday, July 10th, ’ll, Tuesday, July 11th, 99 Wednesday, July 12, 99 Thursday, July 13th, 99 Friday, July 14th, 99 Saturday, July 15th, 99 Monday, July 17th, 99 METHODIST CHURCH, adventist GERMAN LUTHERN PRESBYTERIAN „ CATHOLIC „ UNITED BRETHERN CHRISTIAN 99 10 PER CENT. Entire Cash Sales. 99 ff 99 If 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 Wash Goods for the Mountain, Beach and Function. Radical reductions at just the wanted time for the outing, dress skirt or Shirt Waist, or the more dainty materials for afternoon and evening gown. 20c. Duck Suitings, Tans, Blues and Browns, 13c. Yd. 17 j 4 c . Yd 25c. Plain and Fancy Litmus, Checks and Stripes . 20c. Fancy Scotch Flannel for Tailored Waists , 15c. Yd. 29c. Yd. 35c. Pongee de*Luxe, New Summer Effects 17c%. Yd. 25c.* Wool Mixed fashionable Danish cloth 25c. Strong, durable, natural color, Kha Ki Cloth 19c. Yd MILLINERY, Entire Stock of New Sum mer Trimmed Hats. Choice at Half Price CLOSING OUT our large CHINAWARE and CROCKERY Department at 1-5 OFF. Splendid Bargains, Women’s, Juniors and Children’s Ready-to-Wear Garments. K:i>ep"y $15.00 Beautiful imported Pongee and Taffeta Silk Coats $10.80 $5.97 $10.00 Exquisite French Voile Dress Skirts, black, richly trimmed $8.50 Stunning Summer Dresses, very latest materials. Priced at $6.98 $3.97 $5.00 Coats for Juniors. Sizes, 8 to 16. Clever tailored model« $4.00 Children Coats, serges, pongees and mohair, prettily trimmed . 32.68 $3.00 Wash Skirts, of natural color and white linon, smartly tailorefl . $1.87 $2.00 Tailored and lingerie Waists, Sailor, Gretchen and Dress Style . $1.19 85c. Kimonos, made of pretty Embroidered Swiss and Japanese Crape, 63c. New Shipment, Nemo and Ameri- can Lady Corset. Sahlin and Ferris Waists, De Bev oise Brassiere STORE I Now Ready, All Story, July No. Ladies' Home Journal. Pub- lished Monthly Two Books in One Price, 15c.