TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JUNE 29« l911 London Club Etiquott*. Champion Swimmer Arrives The American duchess, followed to I felt like helping. F. R. Beals head ­ for Fourth at Bayocean. Commercial Club Meets. ber motor, led Miss Cochon of Chls*Z ed the list with $23.00 and most of Professor Cavill, of the Multno­ out St. James street The mouthly meeting of the Till­ the Board subscribed $10 each. 1740. 1911. "Ob. there's the duke.”’ cried Mia mah Club, world’s champion swim­ amook Commercial Club was held mer, who is in from Portland, will Coebon of Chicago as they on Monday evening, with President The Port of Tillamook Cases. The Coffee Pot Bank. The Up to the Minute take charge of the greatest swim­ Brooks club, but the duchess said bn* Webster Holmes in the chair. ming carnival on the Pacific Coast, rledly: Bank. The first business of public im­ In the case of W. H. Leach and “Don’t look at him, my dear, or b« to take place on the 4th at Bay- will portance was u resolution offered by Eva M. Leach vs. the Port of Tilla­ cut you. Don't you und^rateM ocean. _ Fred C. Baker, on account of the re­ mook, which was to enjoin the club etiquette?’ peated complaints reaching the defendants from levying and collect­ The savings idea is just as worthy, just "No; not if It differs from other eti­ Call for Bids. Executive Board in regard to Yam­ ing taxes to pay bonds, a demur on necessary to business success to-day as it for the quette.” Bids will be received hill County Court allowing a toll the groundsthat the plaintiffs have "Well,” said the duchess, “it differ, construction of the basement walls was in 1740, but the methods have advanced road to be established at the boun­ not legal capacity to sue; that there and floor for the Christian Church altogether. The club, you see, origf. dary line in Yamhill county. The is a defect of parties defendant up to July 15th, 1911. Plans and nated In London. The club has be,, during that time. specifications may be 8aerl at defined as the weapon wherewith the resolution was adopted and was as herein in that the sheriff is the only store of King & Smith Co. Bids to savage keeps the white woman at i We now have the most modern savings follows: person authorized by law to make be left with Erwin Harrison, at Till- distance. In club etiquette women are ' The Tillamook Commercial Club a sale of any property for taxes, and convenience invented and respectfully in­ mook County Bank._____ ignored. As you pass White's or the desires the co-operation of the Me-, he it not made a party defendant vite the people of Tillamook County to call Minnville Commercial Club to exer-1 Carlton, the Junior Carlton or Brooke Dairy Farm for Sale. herein ; and that the plaintiff does cise its influence with the Yamhill you will see your best friends, top hat and see them. County Court to make fie toll road not state facta sufficient to consti­ My ranch of 195 acres, mostly all pushed back and bauds folded on stick, at Dolph, in Yamhill County, a free tute a course of suit. river bottom land, either all or 80 glaring solemnly at you from this wig. is a small In brief, let us tell you that it public road, as the toll road retards acres all bottom land, together with dow or from that, but your best In the case of S. V. Anderson and the growth and progress of both HOME SAVINGS BANK which registers, 14 good milk cows, 1 span of horses, friends won’t speak to you. It isn’t Yamhill and Tillamook Counties ; Lillian Anderson vs. the Port of EXACT or indicates, at all times, THE curtails the travel through Mc­ Tillamook, the defendants have 1 set of harness and all necessary club etiquette. And if you spoke to AMOUNT OF MONEY which has been Minnville, Sheridan, Willamina and machinery to run a first class dairy- them it would be a worse faux pas other Yamhill towns into Tilla­ made a motion to strike out from placed in it. farm, a good 8 room house, good than if you appeared at court under mook County ; is a manace to the the plaintiff’s complaint certain good roads movement in Oregon ; matter, and requires them to make barn and dairy house and other the influence of liquor.”—Cincinnati The amount of money is plainly shown at and “holds up’’ the traveling pub­ the complaint more definite and building's. 1 mile from High School Enquirer. all times, the amount cf each kind of coin — lic with a vexacious und unjust certain by setting out therein the and Public School, and 1 mile from tax. cheese factory. Terms easy-. H. H. Nickles, dimes, quarters and so on. Delicate Generosity. respective boundaries of the Ho- Tillamook County- is expending Tubbesing, Nehalem, or enquire of One of the many stories of Grant The thing that stimulates saving is to see $125,(XXI annually building good quarton, South Prairie, Tillamook H. C. Kunze, Tillamook. which grip the hearts and minds of roHds. one object being to make and Fairview precincts so that it the amount grow, to see it every day, Tight the people was once told by General u gooJ public highway to the Auction Sale of Household Furnit­ Simon B. Buckner at a meeting of before your eyes. With one of our new banks county line at Dolph, for the pur­ ■nay appear therein and be shown ure. pose of increasing the travel und what portion or portions if any, of Confederate veterans. this feature is the big thing and these banks the commerce between the two said precincts are contained within “Grant and I were chums at West have proven very popular wherever they have Mrs. Stella Bennett will dispose counties, with the earnest hope the alleged original Port of Tilla­ Point,” began General Buckner. “I that Yamhill County will do the been placed. of her furniture at public auction, had befriended him nt one time, end It siiitie ; also to help the good roads mook referred to by the plaintiffs. on Saturday, July 1st, at 1.00 p.m. can justly be said of him that lie never GET ONE THE FIRST TIME YOU movement and add to the conven­ It is understood that District At­ at her home in Tillamook City, forgot a kindness. After tbe Union ience of the truveling public, which torney McNary will file a motion to ARE IN TOWN, especially if you have near the Walton residence, which victories at Henry and Donelson I met is grqwing every year between the as the twig children, for you know the adage, “ two counties, especially by home have the cases transferred to the includes piano, buffet, stoves, bed Grant on the boat at the surrender, is bent, so is tree inclined,” and the children seekers, who become disgusted Supreme Court so as to expedite the room sets, chairs, dining table, and he followed me when I went to with Yamhill's toll road und locate cases. will take unusual interest in these banks be­ leather couch and other useful headquarters. He left tbe officers of in other counties. cause THEY ARE SOMETHING NEW AND The Tillamook Commercial Club furniture. Will also sell privately. his own army and followed me with that modest manner peculiar to him enters its protest at the action of the' Another Daughter of C. A C. E. R eynolds , Auctioneer. UNIQUE. Yamhill County Court in allowing Into the shadow and there tendered me Swenson’s Dies Suddenly. THEY ARE to be had FREE for we Card of Thanks. a toll rood to be established at bis purse—pressed ft Into my band Dolph, in Yamhill County, at the loan them to anyone who starts an account of Sunday evening n sad misfortune without a word. C. A. Swenson and family wish boundary line of Tillumook County, “It seemed to me,” concluded Cen­ $i or more. us being unjust and unfair to this befell the family of C. A. Swenson, to thank the many friends for the emi Buckner, “that in the marvelous progressive county in the good who resides north of town about kindness and sympathy shown them modesty of his nature he was afraid roads movement ; unfair to unto- one half-mile. Jennie, next to the during their late bereavement of the light would witness that act of mobolists and the traveling public youngest girl of the family, who FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF their daughter. to tax them for traveling over a had been comparatively well dur­ generosity and sought to hide it from short stretch of road; unfair to the world, almost from his own soul." TILLAMOOK. adopt such u pernicious system of ing thedny, complained of feeling Notice to Creditors. robbing the traveling public ; and unwell at about six in the evening. The Only Government Examined Bank in the Music of “The Lost Chord.” unfair and unprogressive to resort Upon her condition growing worse Notice is hereby given to all whom The music of “Tbe Lost Chord” wu to such nntiquate methods of road one of her older sisters took her County. it may concern, That the County building ; therefore, the Tillamook composed under most touching condi­ Court of the State of Oregon for Commercial Club most reepecfully upstairs und put her to bed. How­ tions. Arthur Sullivan was watching Tillamook County, has appointed ask the McMinnville Commercial ever, her sister had no more than by the bed of his dying brother. Fred­ the undersigned administrator of the Club to wu't on the Yamhill reached the lower part of the house, estate of Peter Asp, deceased, and erick. One night shortly before death County Court in n body and have when Jennie came running down the court muke Yamhill’s toll road away slowly for two hours, death a volume of last year’s cheese was any and all persons having claims the Invalid sank into a peaceful slum­ against said estate are hereby re­ nt Dolph a free public highway, stairs and throwing her arms about coming at nine o'clock. carried over. On the first of May quired to present the same properly ber. Arthur, who attended his broth­ which is a long felt want ; and also her father’s neck she cried, “ Oh, er day and night, took the oppor­ The cause of death was chronic there was held in storage by local verified to me at the office of George requests that the McMinnville Com­ papa, I’m smothering to death.” heart trouble, the death of one of merchants cheese of last year’s Willett, attorney at law in Tillamook tunity to read, and it happened that mercial Club will boost for a good This was only one hour after the Mr. Swenson’s older daughters make amounting to about 10 per City, Oregon, within six months his eyes fell on Adelaide Anne Proc­ gravelled uutomobile highway ter's poem, “The Lost Chord.” The from the date hereof. through Yamhill and Tillamook first complaint of illness. After about one year ago. cent of the entire product of the Dated June 6th, 1911. verses Impressed him greatly, and mu­ Con nties. Mr. Swenson bad laid his daughter Jennie was 11 years, 4 months state, although not necessarily all E. W. S tanley , sic appropriate to them suggested It­ An invitation from the Potter Rea­ on the couch he phoned to Dr. and 19 days old at the time of death. California Cheese. Admistrator of the estate of Peter self to his mind. Taking a sheet of lty Co. to the peeple of the city und Boals, telling him of Jennie's con­ She was a girl of very lovable tem- Local dealers report an unusually Asp, deceased.___________ music paper, he began to write, and so county to spend the Fourth at Buy­ dition. perment, kind and affectionate to unsatisfactory trade in cheese this absorbed was be in bls task that he Notice to The Public. ocean was accepted. The doctor knew that no time all whom she came in contact, and spring. Local buying has been sat hour nfter hour working at it until President Holmes took up the could to be lost and by hurrying as was like a ray of sunlight in the light and the shipping business N otice is H ereby G iven , — tbe song was completed. Probably mutter of the financial stundiiig of fast as possible he was at the side home, ulways trying to make things has been the poorest it has been for That the County Court of Tillamook the acute emotional conditions under Oregon, at the last session which the music was composed ac­ the club, and stated that owing to of the young girl within six min­ cheerful. several years. The inactivity in County, of the County Court, made an so much money being expended in utes from the time he received word The funeral, which was held from the trade is partially shown by the order, that all persons having count largely for the power to touch improvements they were in need of a of her danger, but he saw immedi­ the Methodistj Church Tuesday at fact that small cheeses, such as claims against the County file the the emotions which undoubtedly 'The few hundred dollars, and the Execu­ ately that nothing could be done one o’clock,Jwas one of the largest Young Americas, sell the more same with the County Clerk, not Lost Chord” possesses.—George Leon tive Bourd had decided to circulate but give medicine to relieve the attended in the history of Tilla­ freely, retailers preferring not to later than 10 o’clock a.m. of the Varney In National Magazine. firBt day of any regular term of u subscription umongat those who smothering sensation. Life ebbed mook. stock up the larger sizes. Produc­ Baid Court, the same being the first A Go a» You Please Railway. Immense quantities of flowers ers probably realize this dullness Wednesday in each and every Tbe Quest-Etat railway is a stand­ were placed on the coffin and about from the fact that there has been month. And it was further ordered, that ing joke In Paris on account of iti little hustling among dealers for it. no matters, excepting the auditing slipshod ways. They tell there this The community as a whole join shipments, whereas in past years of claims against the County, be story of an Incident which happened in mourning the untimely death of the makers were pressed for sup­ taken up on said first day, by order when M. Briand was premier: this flower in the home mid extend plies and in too many instances they of the County Court. A Russian prince was in Brittany In witness whereof I hereunto set and wanted to come up to Paris. He theil sympathy to the bereaved were importuned to ship their cheese before it had a chance to my hand and official seal this the telegraphed to his secretary: "Shall parents. ________________ 26th day of June, 1911. arrive Invalides tomorrow 8 a. m. cure properly. Under the J. C. H olden , low prices prevailing there is I Butter Fat Prices County Clerk. Don’t want accident to train. See Briand about It" The secretary call­ also a feeling that cheese is being ' ed on the prime mlulster. who was Prices to be paid next week for held back und the trade, fearing Administrator’s Sale. most affable. “It is not the generil May Butter Fat in Tillamook heavier arrivals in the near future, N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That custom on the Quest-Etat to avoid ac­ County. is not stocking up to any extent. ; by virtue of an order duly made cidents,” be said, “but I will ask tbe Maple Leaf...................................... 33.2c Receipts are confined mainly to and entered by the County Court of director to see what can be done.” Tillamook....................................... 34.0c Fairview........................................ 33.0c the California product. The sur­ the State of Oregon, for Tillamook The express arrived safely witbest South Prairie............................... 32.0c plus that conies down from the County, authorising and directing th° smallest mishap, but six hour» and Clorer Leaf................................... 33.4c Oregon coast does not usually nia- the sale of the real property, here-1 a ,alf late, during all which time tbe inafter described by the under­ Cold Spring ................................. 32.2c Russian prince's secretary had been Three Rivera........................ .... 32.2c terialize until summer is well I on signed administrator, I, the under­ Elwood Crery ............................. 31.5c and the eastern goods come in i still signed administrator, will sell at waiting on the platform. private sale subject to confirmation Creameries in Humboldt county later.—Pacific Dairy Review. by the said County Court, the fol­ His Th re» Question». issued more policies in Oregon paid the following prices for butter­ lowing described real property, to- “1'11 Just bet you cigars for fl» Baptist Church. wit: than any other Life Insurance fat delivered during the month of crowd,” said one of a party of promi­ An undivided one-half interest in nent men to one of tbe number wbo May. pay day being on June 15th: Next Aext Sunday. July 2nd, 2nd. 2 p.m. Company. and to Lot numbered one and the Capital Creamery', 25>-i cents ; Cen­ Bible School in the Advent houae. South East quarter of the North was bragging of what lie could -b»*4rra treaa v«h«r atatea. of farm produce ia somewhat shown and subject to right of way for so bad. mamma?' by the cheese situation in the local county road. "Yes. Elmer," she replied, "yoo b*W market. Production does explain Said sale will be made either for I been a very, very bad boy.” led all other companies in 1909. the cash, or twi-thirds cash and the depressed situation in butter “Well.” rejoined tbe youngster afW balance on one year's time, with as well as in 1910, and is in 1911 a ud eggs, but in case of cheese the interest at the rate of eight per I a moment’s reflection. “y°u sui passing all of its previous theory that we are in a stage of cent per annum, and secured by be thankful that I ain’t twins”-C* lower values ia well born out. Tak­ wonderful triumphs. first mortgage on the said pro-i co go News. ing the receipts in the local market 5"’d 8ale win be ">;'