T illamook headlight , june 29, 1011. rugged Oregon coast, including the ABOUT ALFALFA HAY. T. BO1T3, Columbia bar, North Head, Tilla­ • A ttorney - at -L aw . mook Head and rock, Neah-kah-nie A Former Resident of Tilla­ Resort Des­ Mountain and the Warning Rocks mook Offers Some Sugges­ Complete set of Abstract Books te Into Its at Tillamook. By rail to the Tilla­ tions to the Dairymen. in office. Taxes paid for non- mook Bay leads one through for­ Residents. ests of virgin fir and stately spruce, Editor Headlight: D ear SIR:—I noticed an article in BB NATION- il across the Coast Range. Tillamook Block. Howard Paul, a Chicago banker, your paper recently condemning WIDM. who saw Bayocean last week, has some dairymen for overstocking Both phones. their farms and buying feed from World to Learn the following to say of it : “ Bayocean is an ideal place, ns the outside. Of course, the ideal Rktering Place on good Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. as any of the California dairy furnishes all the feed used, arl haberlach WMdnook Bay. beaches. Its naturalness is its best but there are few regions where that , in the Ore 1 asset. I know of no other place in is possible. (By 1 ATTORNEY-AT- LAW, the United States that surpasses it, Tillamook ia pre’eminently a pas­ ■■■ beside the best unless it be Daytona Beach Florida. ture country, but as a hay curing ________ beach i9 hard, the surround- region it is by no means a success. i. upon the Pacific ' The 1 HjZ~the Tillamook ; in88 are ideal and aPPeala “> Tillamook Block. On the other hand, Eastern Oregon has an ideal hay making climate ; is now an estab- , as a masterpiece of God.’’ Business Men See Bayocean. but since the passing of the bunch 1 at. With the opening EORGE WILLETT, Twenty-seven Portland business grass, ia shy on grating. Your , be building of amuse- men last week, visited Bayocean as dairymen have the feed and we O*ad . bathing-houses, A ttornky - at -L aw . iMIttmnier refuge bids 1 the guests of T. Irving Potter. have the hay for winter feed. The 1 They were met with cordial recep- problem is to get our hay to your . KKp -saaurp much of the Next to Tillamook Couuty H past years enjoyed by ■ tions from the business men of Bay feed grounds at a price that will | City. Bayocean and Tillamook, who leave us a'.l a living profit. Bank, Seaside, Gearhart, Newport, Elk . gathered at Bayocean for a banquet The probable price of alfalfa to | Creek and Long Beach. T illamook - O rkgon . FOR Bayocean has fought a hard I in honor of the Portland pary. the grower here is $6.00 per ton in These business men of the fertile the stack. Add to this $3.00 for I battle. Two-years ago it was a 'JA H. GOYNE, •nd apit staked out in lots. Tillamook County all were enthusi- baling and loading on the cars, and 1 astic over Bayoceau. a shipping rate of $3.25to Portland , r ft ia a bustling, thriving Webster Holmes, president of the and you have a rate of $12.25 f. o. b. H|b^t a real estate pro- R. I. M. SMITH, to come out financially ahead of the known as the Farmer’s Union. I _____ It is shaping game, not by harvesting the land, The Farmer’s Union is quite pop­ what will be Oregon’s Two of the Highest Classed ancl Best but by harvesting the tourist crop. ular here in the wheat belt. I have PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, t attaction in a few years. Extensive advertising will be done heard on good authority that it lias no lots to be sold in Bay- Office over J. A. Todd & Co., Bred Stalliops in Oregon. to attract tourists from alt parts of returned from 2 to 12 cts. per bushel that work being completed Tillamook, Ore. the United States. Tourist travel to the producer without effecting the A new and metropolitan our way is constantly increasing. price to millers merely by eliminat lerty, open to both land In doubling or tripling the tourist ing middle men’s profits. transportation will be of Vy C. HAWK, travel to Oregon we will not only I don’t need to go into a long “tTalueas an advertising benefit ourselves but the State of winded argument to show the Tilla­ Oregon as well. We will not own mook dairymen the advantages of iy the gifts of nature’s one single lot when Bayocean is co-operative buying and selling. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, in will be a marvel- completed, but we will own the Their own cheese selling associa­ ll outing place when lifclit plant, the water tion is a concrete example more has polished off hotel, the BAY CITY. OHBUON, the amusements. And convincing than anything 1 can works and :1a. With beaches on therin we hope to do well finan­ say. ■HKffided on all sides, They are at present filling the promise of return to the South So far the needs of us alfalfa by the richest hnnt- cially.’’ R. BEALS, end of the County, and are located at W. H. Wilson’s Feed Barn, If for no other reason Bayocean growers have not received as much ME Oregon, a land should be given the support of Ore­ consideration as the wheat growers ' in Hebo, and will remain until the 12th or 15th of June, then ■nd having al! the gonians for the confidence dis­ This was because no one had tried REAL ESTATE, ms — light-houses, 'will come to Tillamook City and remain there to August 1st, and played in the country by the build­ to bring producer and consumer 3ns, wind caves, F inancial A grnt , together. So as it seems to me it ¡then go to Nehalem for a month, that will fulfill my obligations ers, who are ex-Californians. mountain trails, will be mutually beneficial. I shall ¡for this season, and from the present prospects will beat the I etc. — Bayocean Tillamook, Oregon. The Kingdom of God And the put it up to our Btate officials to ¡same stands next season. paralleled on the ■tnd an organizer into Tillamook Dollar. Its beaches are of this summer, who will expiate: the It is a pleasure to meet satisfied customers, each oue thinking R. 1’. J. SHARP, The Kingdom of God ia universal, king water comes purposes of the union and refer stream high on the dollar is national. your dairymen to things actually ■ their colts are best. This is Major Weitzel's patrons. Matt. 22-19 to 21. Shew me the tii- accomplished. and is clear, cold RESIDENT DE.JTIST, ample supply for a bute money, and they brought him Dr. E. F. ROGERS, V.S. Yours for doser relatione between a jienny and he saith unto them, oroducera and consumers. Office across the street froir the 1,500.000 are to be whoes is the image and superscrip­ G. K. H uff . Court House. Ing the resort. This tion? They say unto him, Caesar’s. Arlington, Oregon, June 14 1911. Dr. Wise's office. ie building of a Then saith he unto them, Render (For the benefit of our corres­ Meh as a summer therefore unto Caesar the things pondent. alfalfa hay was sold n Mid to none in the which are Caesar’s ; and unto God Tillamook last winter for $25 a ton. | i A H ARCI I ET, 'Dredges are now the things which are God’s. I . The Fashiuuabl* Tailor. Every nation issues its own dol­ It is worse than useletia to take I SS for two of the any medicines internally for iiiiih - ler plunges in the lar or standard of value and medium cular or chronic rheumatism. All C.eauing, Prtsaing and Repair be main one which of exchange and collects tribute or that ia needed i* a free application it 1000 feet in dimen- taxes to maintain the functions of of Chamberlain’s Liniment. For iug a Specialty. tothis at a later time government, in going from one na­ ■ale by Lamar's Drug Store. natatorium with hot tion to another we have to make ex­ Store in Heins Photographic (CAPT P. SCHRADER) A Charming Woman water baths. An change. ia one that is lovely in face, form, . Gallery. The dollar is an imaginary value. mind and temper. But its hard for irk is now building, latest apparatus for A bushel of wheat will make a cer­ a woman to be charming without • Ekea* A l(A* L aid O ffkb B ubimbm Children and grown- tain amount of flour and a person health. A weak, sickly woman will ' A »FBC1ALTY. be nervous and irritable. Consti- 1 is a wharf at which 'can subsist cn bread. It has an in­ pation and kidney poisons show in pOWlNG & COW INC ht Bayocean a $50,000 trinsic value. In a famine it can pimples, blotches skin eruptions command almost any price, but in and a wretched complexion. But •I, which will ply in LAWYERS. er-catrying trade be- a panic has little if any value com­ Electric Bitter* always prove a R oom 3.1* Woaewvsa B< ilm «*, godsend to women who want health, Leaves Portland, Couch St. Dook ind and Bayocean pared to the dollar. T hibo z « d O ak htbiotv beauty and friends. They regulate Room Nut lo tb* US Land There seems to be as much mys­ Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, pur­ Every Tuesday, Arrives Tillamook Bummer months. tery about the dollar as there is ify the blood ; give strong nerves, Min Ia Penineula. PORTLAND, OREGON Wednesdays, eyes, pure breath, amooth. is really a penineula. about the Kingdom of God. How bright velvety akin, lovely complexion and Sailing for Portland, every Thursday or Friday the Pacific Ocean and the great trusts and combinea have perfect health. Try them. 50c at » RS. ALICIA PHELS according to Tides. Bay, and is four miles dividends is being investigated by Chas. I. Clough's. the government but it will find that ia somewhat rugged, hav- Whooping cough is not danger­ tces an elevation of nearly it is about as stupid as the rest of us ous when the cough is kept loose GRADUATE NURSE, in trying to comprehend the trick The hotel is to be erected and expectoration easy by giving jmontory overlooking Bay- of the dollar. A piece of land is Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It H. C. I.AMB, Agent. S. ELMORE A CO, MRS. PAGE’S HOUSE, b. has been u>ed| in many epidemics •nd surrounding mountains enhanced in value, it will not pro of this disease with perfect success. Lamb’s Dock, Tillamook. Ore. Agents, Astoria. Ore duce any more, but the owner finds lee, an ideal place for it In- For sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. I. W. W. BROUN, Agent, ORE TILLAMOOK, Jd on the neck of land are that he ha* a mortgage that has Couch Street Dock, Portland, Oregon. A Dreadful Wound 1 increased proportionally, with a (boulevards, with one extend from a knife, gun, tin can, rusty J. CLAUSSEN, tiles around the bay to Till higher rate of interest and hie taxes nail, fireworks, or any ather nature, are what the rent was before the demands prompt treatment with . City, which will connect a • LAWYER, Bucklen's Arnica Salve to prevent { bamotnie road to Portland raise. blood poison or gangrene. It« the ■roads- the Hill and Harri-! A man complained that he only Prutacltcr I quickest. surest healer for all such Ma— will be in |>osition to received 23 cents for butter fat and wounds as also for Burns, Boils, The Best Hotel. ji j Tillamook Blcck, ksri’ti to the place in an had to pay 17 cents for cheese, it Sores, Skin Eruption«, Eczema, Chapped hands. Corns or Piles. was explained to him that hia but year, perhaps later in this T illamook - O rkgon . 1 Being only four hours' ter fat was not very good but that 25c at Chas. I. Clough’s. i The uniform success that ha« at ( ‘1 of the Columbia River the cheese was excellent Values •can is nicely aituated for ociliate like the pendlum of a cinch. tended the n«e of Chamberlain’« J. P. AUUEN, Proprietor Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem- ge It has a land-locked I have seen land go from a few Colic. edy has made it ■ favorite every dollars to a thouarnd an acre h deep water. i where. It can always 1* tie depended TEAMING AND HAULING and buck until it would not pay the upon. For sale by Um»: » Drug Miller once said : Headquarters for Travelling Men. GRA EL SCREENED OR _ _____________ ice Columbia'« aceaes, taxes and almost everything elae I Store. Special Attention paid to Tourists. Middle Aged And Blderly Peopl- ■ no more ; no more re in proportion. UNSCREENED. J. C. GOVB. Uae Foley Kidney Pille for quick earth for mortal eyes ” A First Class Table. Comfortable Beds and Acconimodatiuti ___ ____ _ aod perminent rrwuta« in all case« of WOOD FOR SAbB. • River i« «een at its beet VV. VirkNirV Dll I C h,d"e 'r ,-d bladder trouble«, and :y to Bayoceaa a« well aa Hell íelephoiie, 1JU7. I utitul eceaea along the 4 ON WAY W. A. WILLIAMS & CO., C , GOLDEN GATE Sailing Days for of JUNE month TILLAMOOK, BAY CITY, GARIBALDI, HOBSON VILLE, PORTLAND, JUNE 1, 6, 10, 15, 20 and 26th Freight Received Daily at Dock Nom in TIUIiAiDOOK COUNTY. MAJOR WEITZEL, Registered No. 38271, and LORD REX, Registered No. 48862 The Reliable Route Steamer Sue H. Elmore'’ Tillamook & Porland. PACIFIC NAVIGATION COMPANY. THE ALLEN HOUSE, John B. Langley i