Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 29, 1911, Image 4

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    TILLAMOOK HEADLlU-flT, JUNE 29. 1^11.
Fruit granulated Sugar, per sack, 100 lbs.
Dry granulated Sugar, per sack, 100 lbs.
Extra C. Sugar, per sack, 100 lbs.
Caracola Coffee per lb. 22ic. Royal Club Coffee, 1 lb. 35c.
Royal Club Coffee,3 lb. $1.00
Mocha and Java Blend
Coffee, |per lb. - 25c.
ÉBkJnion Kerosen, 10 Gallons per case
Daily Stage Line.
Shortest and Quiekest Rout? to
LEAVES TILLAMOOK ................................. 4 p.m.
ARRIVE YAMHILL ....................................... 3 p.m.
Connecting with PORTLAND TRAIN.
FARE, 15.00
Hotel Royal, Agent, Yamhill.
MRS. J. C. HOLDEN. Agent, Tillamook.
111 lciiiiook
Lumber Manufacturing Compy
Manufacturers of
H emlock LUMBER
We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook
County’s Most Famous Cheese.
□'lie Best Equipped Saw Mill in the County.
New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and
Kirst Class Lumber of the Best Quality.
Foley Kidney Pills
Unsurpassed. Non Intoxicating.
Columbia Bottling Co.,
Astoria, Oregon-
Nipt.ion«, Hartlatt Mineral
1br Ue
viived laud.
MagnAude of • Million.
in «oiue public «cbools wbero larg«
halls are available an effort has been
made to realize tbe meaning of a mil­
lion. They secure 100 large sheets of
paper, each about four feet six Inches
I square, ruled tn quarter inch squares.
In each alternate square a round
black wafer or circle Is placed, a little
overlapping the square, thus leaving
an equal amount of white space be­
tween the black spots. At each tenth
spot a double width is left so as to
separate each hundred spots, ten by
Each sheet then bolds 10,000
spots, each horizontal or vertical row
containing 1,000. One hundred such
sheets contain, of course, a million
spots, and they would occupy a space
450 feet long In one row or ninety
feet long In five rows, so that they
would entirely cover tbe walls of a
room about thirty feet square and
tw -nty-flve feet high from floor to
ceiling, allowing space for doors, but
not for windows.
The Bible from
Genesis to Revelation Is supposed to
contain 3.500,000 letters. If every let­
ter in the Bible were a dollar It would
about half build a battleship.—I.ouis
ville Courier Journal.
Queered Himself.
Absentmindedness Is a dreadful
drawback to success." said a promi­
nent official. “I know n very absent­
minded lawyer. The other day it was
raining and blowing, and he eugaged
a taxicab. On the way to court he
overtook the judge plodding along on
foot through rain and wind and mud.
and be halted the taxicab and Invited
Ills honor to ride with blm. Tbe Judge
accepted the Invitation, the taxicab
duly halted at the courthouse, mid tbe
absentminded lawyer bopped out and
ran upstairs to get ready the papers
for a petition be was to present. But
when the court opened and the petl
lion was presented the Judge, who bad
been so courteous In the cab a few
minutes before, now repulsed the law­
yer coldly and contemptuously. As
the poor fellow stood stupefied a crier
whispered to him:
"‘Do you know what you did? You
ran in and left his honor to pay for
the taxicab.'’’—Washington Star.
An Ironclad of 1585.
It Is generally suiqiosed that the
first use of armor for battleships was
during tbe Crimean war. As a matter
of fact, the Dutch claim to have been
the pioneers of Ironclad building more
than 300 years ago. During the fa­
mous siege of Antwerp by the Span­
iards In 1585. says J. IL Hale In “Fa­
mous Sea Fights,” the people of the
city built a bilge flat bottomed war
ship, armed with heavy iron plates,
which they named the Finis Belli, a
boastful expression of the hope that
she would end tbe war. An old print
of tbe Finis Belli shows a four masted
ship with a high poop. But the ves­
sel steered badly and eventually ran
aground under the Spanish batteries
and fell Into tbe hands of tbelr com
mander. the Duke of Parma. He kept
Finis Belli as a curiosity till tbe
of tbe siege.
C. I CUOUGH.Tillamook.
It ia worse than uncle»» to take
•nv medicine» internally for nin»
cular or chronic rhenmutieni. All
that ia needed ia a free applicat lion
of Chamberlain'« Uniment.
■ale by Lamar'» Drug Store
When Kurds and Turkomans Fight.
Describing a feature of a fight be­
tween Turkomans and Kurds tn Fer­
ula. a traveler says: "The Turkomans,
who always fight on foot, were ulti­
mately defeated with heavy loss, and
many prisoners were taken, and still
more captives were released. Among
I tbe Turkoman prisoners was an old
man of ninety, who said that he bad
Joined the expedition lu order to se­
cure a new wife. The damsel in ques­
i tion came up during the Interrogatory
and brained her captor with a stone
During these raids, past and present,
tbe Turkoman appeared to have en­
joyed a great and permanent advan
tage In that neither Kurd nor Persian
ever carried off their women or chil-
dren owing to their ugliness. The
Turkomans, on the other hand, pre-
ferred Persia n to their own women
and thus had a keen Incentive, apart
from the purely commercial aspect. to
engage in these forays. In which DO
mercy was ever shown to the aged or
weary.’’—Chicago News.
The Trade Winds.
The constancy of trade winds Is due
to tho permanence of tbe conditions
which rule them. As tbe heated air at
tbe equator ascends surface winds set
in from north and south and, uniting,
ascend in their turn and flow off in
opposite directions. As tbe velocity of
the earth’s revolution from east to
west is much greater at the equator
than at the poles, wind blowing along
its surface to tbe equator is constantly
arriving at places which have a higher
velocity than itself; hence It is retard
ed and must lag behind, and under the
Influence of two opposing forces it Is
compelled to take an intermediate dl
rection, so that what was originally a
north wind Is deflected and flows
southwest, while what started as a
south wind becomes northwest From
the great service they have rendered
to navigation these reliable winds are
called trade winds.
New Kind of Flute.
His Black Sult.
large musician with a larger vio
He was not a good card player He
loncello bailed a hansom.
admitted ft. His game was pfngpong
“Drive me to King's Hall!" he said,
When, after a hard tussle, he had But that was no reason why his part­
wedged himself and his Instrument ner should he so disagreeable when
Into the limited area ot the cab. the «ver he made mistakes.
driver crucked hla whip and drove off i After a particularly glaring error the
pestering partner turned upon him
They reached the ball. Tbe musician
with real anger.
alighted and took out a shilling.
“Why didn't you follow my lend?"
“What's this?' demanded lhe driver
he asked.
“Your legal fare.” said the musician.
“If 1 followed anybody’»
“Yes. I know It's my legal fare for
carrying you.” retorted tbe Jehu, with exclaimed tbe novice hotly, “it cer
u direful glance at the bulky Instru Ullnly wouldn't be yours.”
His partner snorted and subsided.
ment, "but wbat about that there
But In the next hand he threw down
flute?’—London Answers.
Ms cards In desperation.
“Look here," be cried; “didn't you
On. Thing Missing.
A woman living In a small town. •ee me call for a spade or club? Have
you no black suit?"
says Everybody's, purchased from an
“Yea. I have,” retorted the novice,
art dealer there a water color outfit,
with printed directions for its use. with warmth. “But I'm keeping it for ■
your funeral.”
These directions Included, among oth­
er things. Instructions to moisten tbe
Center of the Earth.
brushes for the first time with saliva.
It • »haft wore sunk vertically to
In a day or two the dealer received
tie center of tbe earth and an object
tbe following note:
Dear Blr-Tbe outfit Is complete as or- suspended from a spring balance were ■
towered down the shaft tbe weight of
dared, except the saliva. Tours truly.
tbe object as indicated by the dial of
MRS. ----- .
tho balance, would at first increase as
tbe descending object approached the 1
“I had such a good time the other deeper and denser strata. After pass­
day watching my wife's discomfiture." ing a certain depth, however, the
weight would begin to diminish, and
"Nice thing to say. now was ItT'
"She Is hard and fast tn her rules B would continue to diminish to the
about the bouse—won't eveu allow me center of the earth, where Its value
a cigarette. Well, tbe chimney began would be zero, because the object
In tbe morning and smoked all day would there be equally attracted in
tn spite of her."—Baltimore American. •»•ry direction.
The Answer.
Bright Child.
“Yes." said Nagget. "a woman usual
ly treats her husband as tbe average
servant treats brlc-a brae."
"Go ahead." said tbe wise Mrs Nag
get “What's tbe answer?*
"Wby. tbe more be’a worth tbe more
she tries to break blm." — Catholic
Standard and Ttmee.
“How long has your daughter been
studying art?**
"Five years, and she has made great
Itywi She can talk about motifs
and atmosphere and such things In
■Web a way as to make you think she
knows perfectly well what abe means."
—CBfcagn Tribune.
Give prompt relief from BACKACHE,
BLADDER and all annoying URINARY
IRREGULARITIES. A positive boon to
Avoid Substitution.
Tounghubby (as be gulped down his
first bile of pancaket-Wow! Wbat
*■ pa’I’. Sri Waxhtaurtna St., CnnavrsviU«,
iwt . illn kixKtb ,»«r Hawrile, ui: ■ I ha,«
ls»lr ki>ft«««d uck fro«, «r kidw>« »ad hia.1
I ka (•»-rrahach-rhsaaadno kid», action
was to tmr-.nl <-an-m< tn« tn l.wu< h »Iwy
and ia tnr blaAUr tints «as e.ntstat.1
pstn. 1 took P«kn KM mx Fill» »or «««. u™,
and am now Im. ®l all troabtoaadaasia able to
to »» »wi avnaad Pola, kidaey Pill, kana m,
bUkaal rwvatiasadauoa.''
An Exchange of Compliment*
A charming story is told of l'asteur,
the scientist, and V letor Duruy, w o
was minister of public instruction un-
■ der the second empire. The author ot
tbe “Histelre des Romains” was a
great friend of Pasteur. Moreover,
they were near neighbors, one residing
In the Hue d'Ulm and tbe other In tbe
Rue de Medicls. One Thursday, the
day of the sittings of the academy, tbe
two friends met at a cab stand by the
Luxembourg. "Are you going to the
Institute?" asked tbe minister. “Yes, ’
answered tbe savant, and they both
entered tbe same cab. Arrived at their
journey’s end, Duruy tendered a five
franc piece to tbe cabman, who, of
course, had no change. Then said
Duruy: “Keep tbe coin as a souvenir
of this memorable ride.
You have
driven the greatest savant of tbe cen­
tury.” Next came Pasteur’s turn. He
put bis band in his pocket and with­
drew a five franc piece, which be
handed to the "cocher” with tbe re- I I
mark: "Take care of It. You have
driven tbe greatest minister of the sec­
ond empire.”—London Globe.
Human« Iceland««
A woman from Iceland, tb« wlfa of
a well known Icelandic scholar, waa
spending a season In New York. Lo­
cal pride gave her no rest. Sb« held
that day lost in which aba bad not
pointed out to some one something
that was better done in Iceland than
In tbe States. On« evening while she
was dining with a friend the conver­
sation turned upon the work of tbe
8. P. 0. A.
“In Iceland,” aald the victim of local
pride, “we have no need of humanita­
rian socledea.
Cruelty Is unknown
among ua. We are naturally a race of
“You are also great flBhermen, are
you not?’ Inquired a second guest
“Oh, certainly,” she cried, “great
fishermen! You have no such expert
fishermen In the States."
“But what a cruel sport for an Island
full of humanitarians!” cried the sec­
ond guest
“No, Indeed!” explained the devoted
creature without winking.
“No. In­
deed! In Iceland our t aermen all
bait tbelr books with anaesthetics!”—
New York Sun.
Wonderful Earrings.
Few present day earrings surpass in
taste and delicate finish the earrings
of Blote. the daughter ot Aristotle,
which were found In Chaicis. where
the young woman was buried
1 tiese
ornaments represented doves swinging
in golden hoops. The miniature birds
were murvelously wrought, the feath­
ers of granulated gold, the wings and
breasts enriched with bauds of color
supplied by inserted gems.
stones gleamed like tiny sparks tor tbe
eyes Daintiest device ot all. tbe tall
leathers were so finely made and curi­
ously adjusted as to move at the slight­
est motiou ot Ibe pendent hoop, so that
whenever the proud wearer should toss
or shake her bead her two attendant
doves would, seem to balance them­
selves upon their perches, as live birds
do in swinging on a bough. They were
found by exploring archaeologists. Tbe
daughter's trinkets have survived as
long as the fame of tbe father's phi­
losophy.—Chicago Record Herald.
Th« Cat of the Falcon.
One of tbe traditions of the British
Royal Yacht club Is of Lord Yarbor­
ough's Falcon, tbe crew of wblcii, ac­
cording to Mr. Ralph Neville in Lon­
don Clubs, were paid extra wages on
condition that they submitted to the
usual rules In force on British vessels
of war. These included flogging under
certain circumstances, and It Is said
that. In consideration of the additional
sum paid by Lord Yarborough, some
of tbe crew cbeerfully submitted to tbe
occasional application of the cat-o'-
nine-tails. "Indeed, before the Falcon
left Plymouth sound for a cruise all
bands cordially signed a paper setting
forth tbe usefulness of a sound flog­
ging lu cases of extremity and their
perfect willingness to undergo tbe ex­
periment whenever it was deemed nec­
essary for tbe preservation ot good or­
How Clouds Are Colored.
The color of a cloud depends on tbe
milliner in which the sunlight fulls
upon It and the position of the ob­
It «III he noticed that high
clouds are always white or light In
color, and this Is liecnuse the light hy
which they are seen is retlwted from
the under surface by the iiumtierleHs
drops ot moisture which go to form
the cloud
Heavy rain clouds, on tbe
other hand, are found much nearer the
earth, and ho the light falls on them
more directly from above, giving a
silver lining to tbe cloud, though the
under surface appears black, owing
to the complete reflection and absorp­
tion of tbe light by the upper layers.
Seen from above by an observer In
a balloon the blackest rain clouds ap­
pear of the most dazzling brilliant
white.—Dundee Advertiser.
Speed of tho Teal.
Give a bluewing teal a forty mile
breeze behind him, bare the little r»
cal dropping down with It. and he
comes on so fast as to be simply un-
hlttabla. Borne writers have claimed
a speed for blm of 160 miles an hour,
or 220 feet a second. The canvasback,
redhead and blueblll have a way of
driving before a gale, too, that will be
found fast enough in all conscience.
Much of tbe fascination of wing
shooting comes from tbe fact that
shots will always be afforded quite
beyond tbe skill of mortal man.—Out­
ing Magazine.
A Clever Reply.
Mme. de Maintenon once asked Lord
Stair wby It was that tbe affairs of
government were so badly managed tn
France under a king and so well man­
aged in England under a queen "For
that very reason," replied the English
ambassador, "for when a man reigns
tbe women rule blm. and when a wo­
man reigns she Is ruled by men."
Right In His Line.
Tfa College Damsel Explain«,
Wlgg—Your young ia wy er friend
breathe my vow» from a sue- seems to carry tbe love or hl» prof»»
efatacil heart." »aid the yonnx tnno
eion to a ridiculous extrem»
w agf
• wful sirup' What In tbe mischief i»
“Nonsense. George." said the colleen tee; I believe be 1» even going ro m.
H Ynnugwlfey (tearfully)—Oh. dear. «mseL "You don't breathe from your marry a girt named
I was hoping you wouldn't notice it Wert
Yoti breathe from your dla- Record
but tbe grocer was all oat of table Tfa»gm-"—Kansas City Journal
sirup, and I got a bottle <M ceagb sirup
Too RovgM
Jealous Thing!
“How did the itrio* spurring match
M ho Plalnielgb-8e» my new en
torn out?*
Preaching and Praetles.
•■gement ringt Don't you think my
"It was very brief
Mabel feinted
Visitor—4A»uld 1 speak wits tbe par fa"« showed excollent taste? Mlrá ■ nd Gertrude fainted."-Exchange.
■on toe a moment ? Servant—O*. If 1 •yvul—Ob. ye»—tn the selsctlou of th*
disturbed blm now bed take my bead »fa«-—Boston TnumcrfpL
off! He's writing a eeraaea on "Helf
Gerald -Coffee keeps me awake Ger
■Mln»-Me too
I al way« drink aa
extra cup wb«o I know ytwi arw com­
ing to call—Ntw fork Pre«*