TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JUNE ’ 29. 1911. The serious fire in Portland torney rather than for public on Monday, in which Fire Chief improvements. One year..................... 1 'Dave Campbell lost his life, Six month»....................................... 1 ought to set every business man Three month».................................. Very few persons realized, thinking, for there is enough when the work of turning the Entered u> second class mail mat­ gasoline often on the water front peninsula on Tillamook Bay ter July, 1888, at the post office at ! to wipe out the business portion into a great seaside resort was Tillamook, Ore., under the act of I and destroy life should a fire started, what a gigantic under­ March 3, 1879. 1 get started in that vicinity. A taking it was, and as a large ! word of advice is not out of number of persons were not (?}bt ¿jillainook ' place, for it is a serious condi- familiar with the growth of sea­ V ' T? ® ___ ' tion which confronts this city side resorts in other places, they — 'at the present time should a fire looked on in amazement when Editorial Snap Shots. get started with a north-west it was proposed to make Bay­ ---------- | wind blowing. We do not wish ocean Park a place of beauty Keep your optics centered on to create undue alarm, but it is and national reputation It is OVERLAND MODEL 52 Mohler, which will become the , time that the City Council quit not a matter of expending a few biggest town in the north end dilly-dallying with this matter, thousand dollars, for it will take WITH FORE DOORS of the county in a few years. ¡and should anything occur, several million dollars to trans­ ¡that body will be blamed for form the peninsular and make o If it is necessary to inform (not giving the city proper pro- it the most attractive resort in one class of a prostitute to leave 1 tection after some of the busi- Oregon or Washington. Con­ town, why is it not equally as I ness men had made an effort in sequently, it will take several necessary to inform those living thatdirection a long time ago. years to consumate the present plans, owing to so much preli­ on Tillmook’s main street to It wiis certainly unfair on the minary work to be done on an do the same ? part of the Yamhill County enterprise which is as extensive There is one thing about Till- (Court to allow a toll road to be as the building up of a great amook City which should not established at Dolph, on the summer and winter at Bay­ be overlooked. It has no real. boundary line of Yamhill and ocean. True it is that some estate company boosting it for: Tillamook Counties, after the people get impatient when they the purpose of disposing of lots, long and persistent agitation in imagine that work is not pro­ This city has had a steady this county to do away with toll gressing as rapidly as they have growth and is logically situated, 1 roads and to establish a good an idea it should, for they never and there is a stability about ¡public highway between the take into consideration the dif­ The toll road ficulties which are encountered Tillamook City which makes it two counties. system in this county was a by those who have started some the hub of the county. bare-faced hold up for many laudable enterprise, owing to years, and it is surprising to us the county’s previous isolation. Wonder if it was a planned ( that the people of Yamhill One thing is plain. Bayocean jot> to let a trusty escape from ' County are content to go back is a totally different place today the state penitentiary and afteri ' to such antiquated methods and to what it was a few shortyears several days hunt by officers, | _ ing” the traveling pub­ ago, and although the improve­ Governor West went to a cer- • lic. The toll roads gave Tilla- ments may not have gone on as tain place and captured the I mook County a black eye for rapidly as was intended and de­ man. There’s a lot of tricks | many years and kept home sired, the company is making and bunco games being plaved seekers from locating here, and good step by step with improve­ in politics in Oregon these days, i“c .X ..........__________ - to 111... 1 will have the same effect on ments of a permanent nature, and . the people appear like 1* Yamhill County. However, the and we have the assurance of it. Next please. next time that Yamhill County Mr. T. Irving Potter that all has a fair or a carnival we would money taken in from the sale of The practice of going over the suggest that they cage the toll lots will go into improvements. hors in atnall frail vessels iBtoo road agitators and label them : It is no small task to build up hazardous and will result in the “YambillCounty’s Antiquated, such a resort as is proposed at loss of life if it continues, for Bay ocean, and, of course, it is it is taking too many chances to Bottled-up Grafters ! ” easy enough to find persons who be caught in a storm on the Pa­ It is somewhat surprising to are skeptical and ready to cific in a dinkey bit of a boat. “knock,” no matter how meri­ It is fool-hardy to take a trip in us that no one has erected an torious the undertaking and a frail craft like the Jack Rabit acquarium at some of the sea­ honorable the intentions of from Pacific City to this city, side resorts similar to the acqu- those who have the push to put but we suppose that the only arium at Brighton, England, new life and enterprise into this thing that will retard the cus­ with its arcades of glass front county, which was bottled up tom will be the loss of adven- tanks with different kinds of for so many years for lack of tuorouB persons who will not fish and shell fish. Since Bay­ railroad connections and better ocean is to become a resort of use good horse sense. complying with both the United States and State We must wide reputation we do not know shipping facilities. say that we admire the Western Pure Food Laws It is time that something was anything that would be more grit, enterprise and persever­ done to clean up the city, and attractive and give greater sat­ ance of the Potter Realty Co. in especially of the undesirables isfaction than an acquarium at its effort to make Bayocean a straight whiskey—all whiskey — -old whiskey ■ ” ' , that place, to say nothing of the who roll out of the saloons in- great success. The company is toxicated and urinate from the! ¡large profits which would be entitled to considerable credit f.i i ( derived from it. To give our side walks of a business street in That " is the class , readers who have never seen an for what is already accomplish­ broad light. ed by way of improvements, of individuals, and the habitual! uci*ig and widening the chan- ing to directions and results We carry a Large Stock of what a big howl there would be. nel from this city to the hay, for showed almost at once. The pain and dizzy headaches left me, my 1 it is unfair to the transportation eye-sight became clear and today I companies to endanger their can sav 1 am a well woman, thanks To our way of thinking, there vessels in the manner they have to Foley Kidney Pills.” Chas. should tn* ii wagon road to Buy- Clough Co.___________ ocean. The county will be re­ I been for many years because | the citizens of the center part of ceiving n large amount of taxes Wins Fight for Life. from that seaside resort iti the the county have not had the en­ It was a long and bloody battle life that was waged by James near future, and it, with the terprise und determination to for B. Merahon, of Newark. N. J., of improve by far the most im ­ property owners on the south Oils, Paint, Varnish. Doors. Window which he writes: “I had lost much side of the liny who have been portant highway into Tillamook blood from lung hemorrhages, nnd county. Owners of vessels have win very weak and run down For paving taxes for so many years Sashes, without one cent’s worth of im­ to pay costly repair bills when eight months I was unuble to work. occur like that wlinh Denth seemed close on my heals, provement made, are entitled accidents lH*fell the Golden Gate, for mid when I began, three weeks ago, to to a public road. Ami it is just use Dr. King's New Discovery. and right that one should I h * the chminel been improved, as But it has helped me great I v. It is Agents for the Great Western Sa*- it should have been years ago, doing ull that you claim.” For built, especially us Bayocean is weuk, sore lunge, obstinatecoughs, to become one of th«* greatest these costly accidents would not stubborn colds, hoarseness. la have happened. But, is seems, ' seaside resorts in the North­ at asthma, hay fever or nnv present that the dairymen j grippe, SrofTor"' west, throat or lung trouble its supreme. The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County* are the persona who oppose har­ 3tk-. and fl. OU Tria) bottle free bor iinprovements,yet, indirect Guaranteed by Chas. I. Clough. Die bottom han dropped out of the intluted valuations placed Iv, they have had to pay their California Druggist. <>n some of the meadow lands in share of the expenses of these A Leading Pasadena. Cal., March V. 1M1. Take another view ( Foley this county, ami from what we accidents. and Co., Gentlemen —We can gather some city property of the situation. Suppose the have sold «ml recommended Foley's public highways in ’ the county .Honey and Tar Compound for is on the decline. When valu­ ¡year». We believe it to be one of ations are inflated and go be­ were in such a hftd condition! Mho most efficient expectorant» on yond normal, a reaction sets it. that they damaged the dairy­ the market. Containing no opiates Meadow land is worth what pro­ mens' vehicles and injured and or narcotics it can be given freelv fit can t»e made from it, and has killed their horses they would to children Enough of the rem v 1 k - j n ... - — ---------------------------— ♦ nonary u little or no speculative values howl their heads off and sue the edv can be taken to relieve a cold holey Kidney Pill« are tonic In action, quick in results. Refuse as it ha» no nauseating results, and connected with It. How much county for damages, and we! does not interfere with digestion hay will a dairy farm produce would not blame them either. I Toure very truly. C. H Ward Drug and bow many cowswill it sus­ But as it is the other fellow’s L*’ / J- P*re°MS- Sec v and Tress tain urv the two things which highway which has a lot of old I X.et the original Foley'» Honev Tar Compound in the vellow t* S. Rexford. 813 New York Life enables one to ascertain some­ snags and sharp turns, causing and Work Will Soon St *rt. i pa Rage. Chas. I, Clough Co. ' Bldg.. Kansas City, Na. says: "I . There is one where near their real value, for expensive delays and damages, t»h Dr, King's .'few Life had « severe attack of a cold which 1 Foley's Kidney Kerned?. that does not appear to concern P'11». and you 11 quickly enjoy their family should I* P if meadow land valued at •ettled in my back and kidney« and fine remits. Constipation anIU). too much money is paid ac- of them and they have done me a *,T*r and bowel« and import new It coat« but • jmoney tor an ob.UucUo.tot st tor the high priced land. ~nd *ner