illa inutili Itaòlidjt TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JUNE 29, 1911 >1.50 per year Try those|15c candéis at Lamar’s Variety Store. • SECURITY w——— IÍ 7.-Extracts from a Diary » Begin With $1. called at the Tillamook County Bank r and introduced myself to the cashier, i I told him I wanted to know more a savings account I found him very to explain it all to me. s a very simple matter and I had sup- it would mean a great amount of le and red tape. was so easy I took a dollar out of bcket (I will not miss it) and opened ¡count right there. They took my :ure and address and gave me my book. i felt backward when I went in but I came out it seemed to me I actually 1 interest in that Bank.” A checking account with us will cost you nothing. We furnish pass book and checks free of charge. $25.00 or $30.00 is enough with which to open an account. Tillamook County Bank. • ,Superintendent W. S. Buel, with his wife and family, left on Satur­ day for his ranch in Yamhill County, and while outside will attend the annual meeting of the State Teach­ ers’ Association. In buying your shingles from the Tillamook Feed Co. you patronize a home industry as their shingles are made in the county, while all other shingles brought here come from a the outside. i Way to Save—Have a Savings Account With TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE. [>K JOTTINGS [--------- pee Shrode. I made Candies at candies at Lamar’s ire and pads at the jCo. tart at a bargain. [Co. ir the best shingles |t Feed Co. |day, to the wife of a daughter. |or auto trips to any jnty. Ready at all irn and ¡ve öl the i who ion of riff, « r bunting at Patz- J stripes, the yard, 1er« r it Ir». £ ¡wanted at the Tilla- any’s Market, 13c. el and wife left to visit his hoitie ble. I -rtised ickens to the Tilla- ny’s Market. We estand best paper Leave orders at 's’ barn. sale cheap. Ride 11 at once. En- , Tillamook, Ore., 1 of washing, with n it. The person find it at the son Lyle re­ land the last of were attending I will pay 8c., 10c. and 11c. for calf hides at my shop. Try me out and see. The Old Reliable Hide and Fur Dealer, N. E. Melchoir. * Are you going to the beach or mountains? We can supply every­ thing you will need from tent to fish hook.—K ing & S mith C o . N. Snyder, Floyd Trowbridge and Jack^Villiama, of this city, will leave tor Seattle in a short time to enlist in the U.S. navy at that station. For sale, one sorrel mare, 5 year old, works double or single, aver­ age weight 1,200. Good workhorse. Enquire at the Headlight office. Rev. Chas. W. Haye, of Portland, will occupy the pulpit of the Presby­ terian church in this city, both morning and evening, next Sunday. For sale: A gasoline launch, fully equipped, with a good new 8- H. P. engine and all other fixtures. For further particulars inquire at this office. - jubuvc Justice n. E. W. o. oiamcj, Stanley, Attorney T. B. Handley and A. J. Stillwell I re- turned from Astoria, where they had been attending the K. of P. Grand Lodge. Miss Rhea Joslyn, of Portland, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Dr. Perkins, of this city. Mies Jos­ lyn will remain here during the summer months. To the young men of Tillamook County, get your low shoes for the celebration at Patzlaf’s, at a discount of 20 per cent, Saturday and Monday sale. Rough spruce and hemlock lum­ ber at $8.00 perthousand at the Faw- cet Creek Saw Mill, seven miles southof Tillamook City. Goldsworth- ey 4 Dalpaz. pros. ■ Our Snathe hang so nice and Scytua Blades cut so easy that it is Tillamook Lum- necessary to chain them up nights closed for a few to keep from working over time — f a break in one K ing 4 S mith C o . Sale. Saturday and Monday at fit for fishing- Patzlaf’s, on Miss's Oxford low line. Guns and shoes, black, tan, patient and ox­ you can't rest.— blood, at 20 per cent discount on the entire stock. • rr! Just come to If you intend to put in a cement afs, Saturday or 11 give you a bar- sidewalk, foundation or any other kind of cement work, give me a call. • Will do it by day or job. Address tehouse, of Mon­ Box 448, Tillamook, Ore. • tar the summer Haying time will soon be on. Do r. and Mrs. F. S. not wait until the last minute to get i city. ready. Are showing a complete Blorouglibred Hol- line of hay tools in window this ■<> months old. and week.—K ing 4 S mith Co tap ■ N ■ing. J. A. Haz- ___ A crew of men. donkey engine ■L Ore. Ps it ww■t' Flour, fast get- and logging supplies left Tilla­ Bte> haul it to Meda. mook City via the P. R. 4 N. Ry. ■ and interme«luite last Tuesday for Mohler, the new townsite on the Nehalem River. |»k Feed Co, • ' nJ The Star Theatre chantes a drama and every night. ■kery night. _e tet* '”/>• ; for 0 R’S VARIETY STORE o Doors west of I-amar’s Drug Store. i-i EC» OP IN AND LOOK AROUND. Rest Room for Ladies. Prof. W. W. Wiley, who has been Superintendent of Schools at New- berg since he left Tillamook, has entered into a three years’ contract as Superintendent of Schools at Athena, in Eastern Oregon. W. G. Dwight vs. Wilbur Booth, is a suit filed in the county court to recover $218.40, being a balance ow­ ing the plaintiff for feed, etc., furn­ ished the defendant by Kunze 4 Dwight and the Ray Feed Co. I know the best paint to use Says the Little ‘Paint Man. I For the man who is about to paint his home or other buildings there is the choice of three materials Cheap Mixed Paint Hand-mixed Lead and Oil Good Prepared Paint, such as SWP There is so much controversy about which is the best to use that it is hard for anyone not a paint expert to arrive at a decision. Here it is in a nutshell. Cheap mixed paint is a poor buy—it’s cheap, it’s shoddy, it won’t wear or give satisfaction. So it isn’t worth considering. Hand-mixed lead and oil is good as far as it goes, but it is impossible for anyone with a paddle and bucket and working by rule of thumb to make as good a paint as that which is worked out on a strictly scientific formula and mixed and ground by powerful machinery. Good prepai ared paint, such as Sherwin-Williams Paint (SWP), will give the best ¡t of resui results. It is made of Pure Lead, Pure Zinc, Pure Oil and the necessary coloring pigments and driers, i-ure Linseed L-mseea kjii all combined according to exact scientific formula, the result of over 40 years* experience in paint making, and mixed and ground by powerful machinery designed especially for the purpose. The result is a paint that covers most surface and wears longest Just call and get color cards and all information Mr. Hunter has been making con­ siderable improvements at the Till­ amook Creamery the past week in the way of adding more light to the interior and arranging things more commodiouBly in general. The Percheron stallion Ville will make the stand for the season at Rogers 4 McNaraer’s Livery Barn, in this city, with the exception of Mondays and Tuesdays, when the stallion will be at Beaver. * We are informed that about the 1st September the State Land Board will set aside $25,000 to $30,- 000 to be loaned in Tillamook County. Attorney Webster Holmes is the attorney for the board in this county. Hay Carriers, Track Hooks, Floor Hooks, Single and Double Hay The Christian Endeavor of the her up anti towed her to Portland, formerly owned by W. G. Dwight, Forks, Straight and Bent Pitch Forks, Rope all Sizes, Pulleys, Christian Church, gave a social at where she was placed oti the Oregon manager of the Tillamook branch She leaves of the Kay Feed Co. Mr. Owen will Blocks, Harvester Oil and Oil Cans. the home of Helen Beals Tuesday dry- dock for repairs. have charge of the companies store Complete line of hay tools.—K ing evening. A general good time was for Tillamook this evening. indulged in by all and after lunch The members of the P. Y. P. class at Cloverdale while Mr. I. Keldson 4 S mith C o . was served the party went home of the Methodist Church had a very who has been in the employ of the „ Mr. and Mrs. Fogo and Mr. and feeling fully satisfied with their fine social at the Todd Hall Friday company for the past two years, Mrs. M. Pangbone and families night. Games were played in the will have the management of the spent the day Wednesday at the evening’s pleasure. The first step to be taken at evening until 10:30, when a sump­ Tillamook firm. The Rav Fce«l Co. home of Mr. and Mrs. Noyes, on Trask river, in celebration of Mr. Mohler is to clear the land, grade tuous repast was indulged in by under the management of Ray 4 About forty Owen solicit a liberal share in the and Mrs. Fogo's wedding anni­ the streets and get ready 'or the all those present. building activity that is soon to people partook of the good time, nil grocery and feed business of this versary. Cyrus Randall and wife returned begin. Construction work is being of whom state that they were well county. After several weeks ;>f fine wea­ from Portland on Saturday and A. vigorously pushed on the county entertained. Louis Wooley, of Hemlock, broke ther, rain made its appearance on J. Stillwell and wife accompanied road passing through Mohler and one of his legs last Thursday even­ Sunday evening, which did a won­ them. Mr. Stillwell had been out along the south side of the bay. Owing to a slight error in the dis- ing while practicing base ball at derful amount of good al) over the on business and in attendance at the K. of P. Grand Lodge, at cription of the territory to be en- Beaver. He was running from sec­ county, for rain was greatly needed. braced in the proposed Port of Bay­ ond tt> third base and tripped him­ Hud it come a few weeks earlier it Astoria. would have helped the grass on the Every boy and gill in the county ocean, the special election which self in some way, the leg breaking was to have been held oil Saturday when he fell. I)r. Boats was called prairie hind, which ia short and a 111 should have one of our handsome will not take place then, as another to set the injured member, which is not be a full crop thia year. The steel savings banks. They are an petition is being circulated to be reported to be improving as well us grass on the bottom lands ia look­ incentive to save. Get one by op­ presented to the court next week. could be expected at the present ing fine and there will be a good ening a savings account with a de­ crop, the rain on Sunday helping it A party, numbering over one time. posit of $1.00 or more. Tillamook some, but it di«l the oat hay a lot of hundred, belonging to the Portland The Tillamook Athletic Club, of County Bank. *" Automobile Club, will leave Port the Tillamook High School, defeated good and has already wonderfully L. J. Haulters, the barber at land on Sunday morning for Tilla­ the Beaver-Hemlock baseball ag improved the (matures and set moat Johnson’s old stand, has added an mook, and will arrive in thia city in gregatiou 5-3 last Sunday afternoon. everything to growing. Since Sun­ electric vibrate to his list of mas­ the afternoon, and will spend sev­ The Tillamook, although being the day there have been several light sage appliances. Mr, Haulters is eral days at Bayocean as the guests winners, showed the results of not showers of rain. Although it was an expert on massaging and claims of the Potter Realty Co. haying any practice recently. unusually dry in the timber for thia that his electric massage is the Numerous errors were made on time of year, the rain of the past S. W. McFarland, working in the best thing in its line. interest of the National Life Insur­ Isith sides. The home team making few days gave the entire county a The horrid things! How did they ance Co., of Chicago, has been more than they had in all previous good soaking, which will allay all get in here ? May be you neglected worry for a time by the timber peo­ games of the season. getting screen doors, or perhaps working in this county the past ple, for it was the intention of week in the interest of that company. Married, on Sunday morning, at the old doors need new wire or if putting the fire wardens on duty, you have a window up, adjustible Mr. McFarland states that he is the home of Mrs. Fred Davidson, a but this will not tie necessary until having fine success writing |>olicies sister of the bride. Mr. Basil Mapes window screens will keep the flies in this section, especially among and Miss Lena Biggs. The cere­ conditions have changed. out—K ing 4 S mith C o . A numl»erofthe residents of the the. farming class. mony was performed by Rev. D. I.. P. S. Brumby, representing the south part of town, who believe in Shrode. after which the happy Alex. McNair Co. vs. W. H. Easter Blodget Co., and J. E Wheeler, rep­ couple and the invited guests par­ having the virtures of a borne re­ and Frank Ecster, is a suit filed to resenting the Cook 4 Wheeler in­ took of an excellent wedding dinner. spected, decided Sunday afternoon terests, came in last week to make recover $W7.U4, the balance of an ac­ They are well known here and their to see what the law would do in the final arrangements for the pro­ count; T. U. Armstrong vs. William friends wish them a long life of way ofcleaning their neighborhood H. Easter, for $148.15 for labor and tection from fire of the timber thia of a certain house of ill fame which personal services |>erformed by happiness. summer on the Wilson River. wan being run by Mr*. P. Asp. An plaintiff ; T, U. Armstrong vs. Wil­ Autoid^bilea crowded to their full attorney was interviewed on the In the case of Fred Wheeler vs. liam H. Easter, to recover $150 on capacity with investors have been the Miami Lumber Co., which was two promissory notes. i beat action to take and his advice operaty^l between Tillamook City 1 was that the District Attorney, Geo. filed in the United States district and Mohler every day the weather The Methodist Church has had an .Willett be asked to serve papers court, the defendants having de­ has been suitable for the |>a»t two) murred to the new matter in the re­ addition rnatle to the choir platform weeke. These people have returned Ion her for the purpose of relieving ply, was overruled by Judge Bean, in order to raise the piano up to a . the two children, of the married life level with the choir. The choir ia to Tillamook with winds of praise. I of Mr. and Mrs. P. Asp, from the and the case ia already for trial. filled with singers each service and “4t is a cinch," “The natural bus- i abuse of their mother and for the A petition was filed with the it is thought that more room will my'ss center," " The hub of Ne- purfsme of breaking up her infam* county court to have Augusta Ione “Can’t help but lie n good have to be made for the orchestra /hjiletn," ‘ ¡oua business. The papers were and Arthur Leroy Asp committed The pastor, Rev. Moore, ia proving j^iwn," are common expressions. served by Sheriff < renshsw Mon«lay to the Boy’s and Girl’s Aid Society, himself a man of extreme ability. Prof. R. W. Rntbertord has given afternoon and trial set for Tnes«lay the reason being alleged that Mrs. such good satisfaction us fhtperin I nt.3p.niz in justice Stanley's < ourt. Andrew .Anderson, who had the Asp is running an immoral house_f- in thia city and unfit tn raise child j contract^ to remove the slumps • on tendeut of Schools at M« Mintiville, At this lime the ■ hihlrtn weir taken the county road north of the city, he ha* l«-en re employerk. an«! I expected. when Mi. Rutherford left of Mr*. Allison, ami it wan President E. E. Lytle, of the if the County Court would improve . < Tillamook, he would “make good." decided that the trial would I • Pacific Railway 4 Navigation Co., 1 the road similar to tire Fairview . 1 as l>* is one of the leading educe a«land«>nel in I people of that city, which lias now the county. Bargain quite fast, and H ia expected that The Golden Gate while rounding la f«mr year’s high school course. trams will be running between Till­ New. M room cottage with one A rhsnge was made in the owner- amook City and Portland before the Oxbow lxn«1on her way down on i * two lot*. easy terms. Enquire I »hip of the Way Feed Co. the poet fall rains The contractors will Saturday morning. I>ent her shaft hove completed the bridge work in 1 by striking a snag ia the slough, week when W W. Owen. of the firm I Headlight Ottce August, and after that 1» done it «rill i which disabled her. Captain Jen» <>( West. Owen A Eldridge. brokers.___ 1 l’«.rtlati«l |< has« «1 th» h .It | not be long before the road is com- kins towed her out across the liar bar pleted. | on Sunday, and the Wallula picked I interest in the company which was I aoaaais«Ms5«4i <■•«•*•**• *^*** KING & SMITH CO 1 1DN E Yi