TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JUNE 22, 1Ô11. along the coast for the purit Eugeni* Jenkins' Jewelcry Stole. Beal & Co., B. Manor, J. S. Manor, L. Dale, At nine o ’ clock Mr. and Mrs. fore Tillamook county could be­ Mr . Rogers lias hud over 10 years' road grader................................ 325.00 Lew Everly, Chas. Fisher, O. A. Hi.ye and Mr. and Mrs. Kinna come a great lumber manufactur­ ex,>,’lienee us teacher and hue won Suneti. Austin sprinkler....................... 275 001 m..n started for Portland by private ing county it was necessary first to iiigh honors. Her paintings can Sterling Barrows..................... 33.00 : M. F. Leach has installed a large conveyance, Chas. Kennedy taking make harbor improvements, for it tw found in many of the wealthiest The Policyholder«’ would be business folly for men to Beal 4 Co, road machinery re- limes of the state us well us in the refrigerator in the Tillamook Meat them to Salem. Many valuable presents were place large sums of money into saw ___ P*ir«............................................. 357.50 . Co’s meat market in this city, which east. • adds a great improvement to that given Mr. and Mrs. Kinnaman by mill plants and factories before Tillamook city water works.... 5.001 No matter how I he < lolden Gate < -ime in on Sun place of business. Mr. Leach has their friends and relatives. 17.75 ' you are urged to ' improvements were made, as it wne Pacific Telephone Co.............. .. day mid hud the tollowing piissen- always aimed to please the public They will be at home in this necessary to have vessels of large D E Dawson for services and life insurance el geia: Mrs. I.. M. Roberts, Mrs. J. livery hire as constable....... 20.00 and now that he has facilities to al­ after the first of the week. capacity to carry lumber to the Groat, Miss E. Watt, Mrs. H T. write first and hear Till. Commercial Club for low his meats to property cool off markets of the world. English, C. C. Ileele, Miss Sheph­ we have to offer. and hang for awhile before dispos- stamps to be used for Church of Christ. The local «i>eakers were President ard, Judge O’Day, Mias O'Day, publicity...... ............................. 50.00 ing of them, he is now iu aposition Holmes. H T. Botts. James Walton, Services for next Lord's day as Mrs. Win. Hughey. Site hud u full Till Meat Co. merchandise, Mrs. to give greater satisfaction in the jr.. Fred C. Baker, Carl Haberlach. louds of cargo on her trip in and future than in the past, for it is a follows: Conklin............ ........................ 7.35 Bible school 10 a m. It takes ' D. L. Shrode and Morris Schnal. * aptain Hosford euiue in. well known fact that meats treated your eye, head and heart. J. C. Holden, for Mrs. Conklin’s and from Bay City. John O Kiiiniett Hales received word of in that manner are much more pre groceries and supplies ........ — w Sermon 30.65 H-—“Strength, By Boiorth and Dr. W. C. Hawk were the denth oi hia brother. E. L. (treble than when killed and sold Duy.” j F. J. Ayer, Deputy Supervisor... 76.00 , the principal speakers. Hales, who resided at Bandon, He the same day. The refrigerator is Y. P S. C. K. at 7:15 p. tn. Sheriff, Crenshaw............ ............133.33 Baywean and Bay City joined in formerly resided at Balm, and - was on the refrigerator car plan, with Sermon at 8 o'clock—"Beginning with'Tillamook' City C. A. Johnson................................... 75.00 40 years of age. He leaves a wife a large quantity of ice on the top. . J in the invita- W. S. Buell.............. At Jerusalem." .......... 83 00 , tion to Portland business men to | U. G. Jackson...... ............................176.00 mid one child. Before he left here A simple wedding solemnized I The minister and family, and viail thia county, and Tom Richard ­ about six years ago he had measels, during the Portland Rose Carnival some of the members of the church Rogers 4 McNamer, Livery......... 28.251 and since then lias had lung troll' by Rev. W. Heavens al 7 o'clock. will attend the National Convention son assured hia hearers he would Hiner 4 Son------- --------------------- 15.60 I There is nothing representa- ' file, which wus the cause of Ins June 7. was that of Miss Bertha of the Church of Christ to be held see to it that a large and represents- Pet W «r A,p irxIue«t............. 37.20 in life insurance «•ve body of business men fro.. J SUnZ^P . a ........ death. Wilkes, of Tillamook, and Ravmondi in Portland July first to tenth. Portland would pay thia county a 1 /J. ,n PeUr A’P 1 FTl ey will leave out next week. visit i_„ ..... ....................... ......... 3.85 The Endeavorers have bought Light Co. 17.17 The moat important speech of the Tillamook s ------- | vases and jardinieres for thechurch 8.95 nothing as good They are nice ones. They have also evening was made by Mr. T. Irving u->b N,, ’ ........ sent fa to Japan for mission work. Potter, who. i„ a modest .„ann.-r, **£** *£“• ,n Henr* Next Wednesday night. C. Milla, gave . brief history of Bavoeean Till m J m r 2.80 ............. wen known in this community and from it. inception. He „id .bom 2.15 gonians as county, will preach at the church Wheeler Lbr Co, Golv iron ..... 32.05 Located two Doors west of Lamar’s Drug Store. IIOXK OWKF. rOllTM* *•* Wishes to extend special invita tnrve sears ago he studied the map I Sheriff. Wash Gainty, serving lion to hia old friends and to even for about two weeks (or the purpose L MILLA l-rw. L -A1W subpoena on E. Fi»her ......... 3.00 4. “ DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND. body else to be present. 1 of satisfying himself which was the' CLAHiXCl S SAM V Bl- FriU Puhrow. damages on right Last Lord's day morning at 7 30 moat suitable and logical location Rest Room for Ladies. -¿.hUr'h- BU,n «nd I , ------------------------------- 100.00 v v Lodd «» marriage. »or a summer resort on the coast Jas Feeney, foundry work_____ 3.00 V h Hoven officiating. They left He marked the peninsula on Tilla­ Nehalem mill, lumber_________ 1€» 74 he aaine morning by auto for Port mook ' boy •• the .pot, after which land. | he made a personal inspection! . W 0 Donaldson, un-iertaker for ! 6—Extracts from a Diary. THE INVITATION POWDER Absolutely Pure ALUM,HO LIME P The Way to Save—Have a Savings Account With bank JILLAMOOK county bank » TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Commissioners’ Court. Before You Orcgonlifc LAMAR’S VARIETY Ot STORE burial of Paul Roaves..... CHAS. C ST Resident Age« Tillamook, J