T illamook headlight , june 22, ion. CIAL PROGRAM Indians and Pioneers in the Stadium. Night jtoria Centennial at Hitt’s Pyrotechnical Display on Water Front feria Au st 10 to AUGUST 23 rd . - WESTERN Septem r 9. WASHINGTON, PUGET [ SOUND, SEATTLE, TACOMA kT 10 th . — CENTENNIAL DAY. Afternoon. Morning;. Curtiss Hydro-Aeroplane Flights bn of visitors at Centennial over Land and Water. ¿quarters. Night. Afternoon. Grand Spectacular Historical Parade ig of Governors, State, — “Discovery of the Golden pty and City Officials and West.” lens to Centennial Grounds AUGUST 24 th .—VIRGINIA, WEST he Centennial Committee. VIRGINIA. NORTH CARO­ Opening Ceremonies, LINA, SOUTH CAROLINA, r of Exhibit Buildings. GEORGIA, FLORIDA DAY, Jon of Fort Astoria. G.A.R. DAY. Night. Afternoon. r— Grand -a Illumination of G. A.R. Parade. fcity. Hydro-Aeroplane Flights hrrotechnical Display on the Curtiss over Land and Water. ir Front. Night. h 11TH.—HOME COMING Spectacular Production of Open Air I—ELKS REUNION. Indian Romance " The Bridge Afternoon. of the Gods,” in the Stadium. Military Parade—U. S. In- AUGUST 25 th —PORTLAND DAY ry, Artillery and Oregon — PACIFIC COAST CHAM­ bnal Guard. PIONSHIP TRACK AND srs and Reunion at Cen­ FIELD MEET. tal Grounds. Afternoon. Night. par Dances in the Stadium. Track Meet Centennial Grounds. Night. I by Ellery’s Band in the Hitt’s Spectacular Pyrotechnical lum. Production on the Water Front. tT 12 th —ELKS CELEBRA- Pioneer Life. N DAY. Destruction of the “Ship Tonquin.” Afternoon. raile and Elks Ceremonies AUGUST 26 th —SHRINERS’ DAY —IDAHO DAY. mtennial Grounds. Afternoon. [by Ellery's Band in the Ceremonies at Centennial Grounds. mm. lar Sham Battle on Cox- Curtiss Hydro-Aeroplane Flights over Land and Water. Hill. Night. Night. jrrotechnical Display on Indian War Dances in the Stadium. Concert by Ellery’s Band in the r Front. Stadium. on of the “ Ship Ton- Burlesque Parade. AUGUST 27 th .—SUNDAY. ' 13 th .-SUNDAY. Regatta Races. S. VIERECK, Sacred Concert afternoon and even­ n Bake. Afternoon. ing at Centennial Grounds by ttncert afternoon and even- rCRKMCUMATISM KIONCTS AMO SLAOOES Regatta Races. Ellery’s Band in the Stadium. it Centenial Grounds by Tillamook Bakery, Night. Sight Seeing Trips by Land and Illumination of Centennial Grounds t’s Band in the Stadium, Water Boating. OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. ting’ Trips to Beaches by and Coxcomb Hill. • and Water Boating AUGUST 28 th .-ASTOR DAY. Warrior Dances and Indian Mar­ Corner Stillwell Ave. and Firs Afternoon. riage in the Stadium. f 14 th .-OREGON DAY— Concert by Ellery’s Band in the (ING DAY OF OREGON Floral Parade. St. West, and both Phones. Stadium. ILOPMENT LEAGUE Unveiling of Astor Monument Night. MENTION. I SEPT. 9—ALASKA, HAWAII, PEOILLTf IN ALL KINO OF CAKES Spectacular Production of Open Morning, PORTO RICO DAY, SIXTH Air Indian Romance “ The r Delegates. ALL KIND OF BREAD. DAY PACIFIC COAST RE- Bridge of the Gods,” in the Sta­ Afternoon. GATA. CLOSING DAY OF The valued family re- dium. I Ceremonies at Astoria THE CENTENNIAL. The woman of today who has cipcs for cough and cold priu m and Convention AUGUST 29 th .—MONTANA DAY, Morning. good health, good temper, good, FISHERIES CONGRESS and Regatta Races. sense, bright eyes and a lovely cure, liniments, tonics and by Ellery's Band in the SCANDINAVIAN DAY. Afternoon. complexion, the result of correct other remedies have as «1. Afternoon. Regatta Races. living and good digestion, wine the careful attention here as Night. Reunion at Centennial Groundsand admiration of the world. If your Night. ar Historical Parade “Dis- Special Programs. Concert at Centennial Grounds in digestion is faulty Chamberlain’s the most intricate prescrip­ ’ of the West” Night the Stadium bv Ellery’s Band. Stomach and Liver Tablets will cor­ tions. 15 th .-NEW YORK— Spectacular Scandinavian Parade Indian Dances—Grand Final—Clos- rect it. For Sale by Lamar's Drug in Native Costumes. ing^of the Centennial—Farewell. ■ Store. IERSEY-PENSYLVANIA Our fresh, high grade LAWARE - MARYLAND AUGUST 30 th . - HOME PRO­ drugs will help to make - MCLAUGHLIN DAY— DUCTS, CLATSOP COUNTY ND DAY OF OREGON DAY. these remedies more effec- Afternoon ELOPM ENT LEAGUE If your glasses are broken, send them to tive than ever. ENT ION. Industrial Parade. £ Afternoon. Night. me at McMinnville, Ore. Right prices are also Program at Centennial Hitt’s Spectacular Pyrotechnical Be. Production on the Water Front. assured. I have an up-to-date grinding plant there ►V Ellery’s Band in the AUGUST 31—SPOKANE, INLAND EMPIRE DAY. and will attend to all repair work promptly. - Night, Afternoon. ir Production of Open Marine Parade on Land by Sailors CLOUGH, ndian Romance “ The from all Warships. lof the Gods,” in the Sta- Indian War Dances in the Stadium. Reliable Druggist. Concert by Ellery’s Band in the I will make trips to Tillamook about Stadium. Ü > 16 th . - KENTUCKY — every two months. Night NESSLE — ALABAMA— Spectacular Historical Parade— ISIPPI DAY - THIRD Landing of the Astor Party. 'OREGON DEVELOP- s LEAGUE CONVEN SEPT 1—LEWIS A CLARK and MAYORS’ DAY. Afternoon. Afternoon. TONIC IN ACTION - QUICK IN RESULTS Ellery’s Band in the Lewis & Clark Ceremonies at the Give prompt relief from BACKACHE, Centennial Grounds. Reception to Mayors at Fort Astoria. Night. KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, sctacular Pyrotechnical Concert by Band in the Stadium. RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION of the Night. lion on the Water Front, Hitt’s Spectacular Pyrotechnical ines. KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION of the Production on the Water Front i of the “Ship Tonquin.” BLADDER and all annoying URINARY 17 th . — MEDFORD — SEPT. 2—FRATERNAL DAY. Afternoon. IRREGULARITIES. A positive boon to AND SOUTHERN IN I CITIES’DAY—WIL­ Grand Fraternal Parade. MIDDLE AGED and ELDERLY Night. TS VALLEY DAY— Fraternal Drills in the Stadium. PEOPLE and for WOMEN. AMERICANS’ DAY. Indian War Dances in the Stadium. f Afternoon. HAVK HIQHftT RECOMMENDATION Concert by Ellery's Band in the mericans’ Parade and R. A. Daviw, 637 Wanhinyton Ht., ('onnerHvIllfb Stadium. pion. Ind., is in bin 86lh y»ar. Ila writ** us2 ‘*1 have IKite Flying Contests at SEPT. 3—Sunday. lately suffered much from my kidney* and blad­ der I had m,vara backaches and my kidney action Renial Grounds. Sacred Concert afternoon and even­ was U m » frequent, caniiu rne to lose much m I owd Night, ing at Centennial Grounds by at night, and in my bladder there wai cooetant ■ericans’ Drills in the pain. I took Foley Kidney Pi I I m for Nome time, Ellery's Band in the Stadium. and am now free of all trouble aud aaain able to Sight seeing trips to the beaches by be tip and around. Foley Kidney PlTia hate my ir Dances in the Sta- land and water boating. highest recommendation.” SEPT 4—OHIO, INDIANA, ILLI­ ilery’s Band in the Sta­ C.I CbOUGH.Tillamook. NOIS, WISCONSIN DAY, LA­ BOR DAY, OPENING DAY PACIFIC COAST REGATTA. 18 th . - CALIFORNIA Morning. TRAVELING MENS’ Next to the Post Office. Opening of the Pacific Coast Re- FOR M a OKAOHK KIOMSVS AMO BLAOOSn getta. I Afternoon, cific Celebration at Cen- Arrival of the Admiral's Staff. Water parade. Crounds. F Ellery’s Band in the Regatta Races. Labor Day Parade FOR OUT DOOR WORK Afternoon. Night. IN THE WETTEST WEATHER [Historical Parade ‘The Regatta Races. NOTHING FQUALS Night West.” ' Z , AOWEJJ.y Hitt’s Spectacular Pyrotechnical ■9 th .— MISSOURI. AR Production on the Water Front fe, OKLAHOMA. LOU SEPT. 5—EASTERN OREGON, L TEXAS AND HOO PENDLETON, BAKER CITY 'till BLND LUMBERMENS’ DAY. SECOND DAY PACIFIC WATERPROOF COAST REGATTA. ' OILED I Afternoon, Morning. d Lumbermens' Parade. Regatta Races. G/RMLNTS Night Afternoon. f 70K Wll-WWM [technical Display on Regatta Races Ak I Wl1 NOT OM Iront Night. IO* of the "Ship Tonquin.’’ Indian War Dances in the Stadium. 4Jf rs *3« fen.-SUNDAY. Concert by Ellery’s Band in tbs .*» 9 Stadium. tert afternoon and even- iaxalo * feentennial Grounds by Regatta Ball in the Auditorium. A-J.Towrw Co- aotTOM.uaA. p mjlah C o . i Harto - towowto . can . Band in the Stadium. f SEPT6.-NORTH DAKOTA, SOUTH R Trips to Beac'iee by DAKOTA, KANSAS, WYOMING, id Water Boating. NEBRASKA. IOWA DAY. THIRD BT—COLORADO. NEW DAY PACIFIC COAST REGATTA. Morning >. ARIZONA. UTAH. I 1A and INDIAN WAR Regatta Races. in CURE LUNGS Afternoon. ANS DAY. ■ — --- -1 - ~ ~ z I Afternoon. Regatta Races. Night ■s Parade. Illuminated Marine Parade. [Fort Astoria. Night. SEPT. 7—BRITISH COLUMBIA- Production of Open Air VANCOUVER. VICTORIA Romances ” The Bridge DAY. FOURTH DAY PACIFC ■de.” in the Stadium. COAST REGATTA. Morning. E sd — MAINE, NEW HIRE. VERMONT Regatta Races Afternoon. CHUsKTTS, RHODE AMO AU INNOAT ANB LUW TWOUNLtN. I CONNECTICUT and Regatta Races. Night GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY ts' end NATIVE Spectacular Historical Parade - OK HONEY REFUNDED. fFERS’ DAY. "Founding of the Went. Afternoon. brade and Ceremonies, SEPT. •—MICHIGAN. MINNESO­ TA DAY. FIFTH DAY PACI­ re Daughter«’ Reunion FIC COAST REGATTA. Morning. by Militia, Artillery. SPECIAL OFFER. For a short time we will GIVE AWAY FREE with every i Pound can Cleveland’s Baking Powder, 25c. 1 bar Pearl White Soap. 1 Pound can Cleveland’s Baking Powder, 45c. 2 bars Pearl White Soap, Or 1 Can Round Up Cleanser. 3 Pound Can Cleveland’s Baking Powder, $1.00 3 Cans Round Up Cleanser, Or 6 bars Pearl White Soap. 5 Pound Can Cleveland’s Baking Powder, $1.65- 8 bars Pearl White Soap, Or 4 cans Round Up Cleanser. 10 Pound Can Cleveland's Baking Powder, $2.50 Iso Free Goods. THE R-A.Y FEED CO. C. B. VANTRESS. Mgr. F0LEY1KIDNEY PILLS : Henry E. Morris, Foley Kidney Pills The graduates must be photo­ graphed. Have it done Early. Monk's Studio, FOLEYi KIDNEY* PILLS I I I KILL th . couch w,th Dr. King’s New Discovery fO«C8!?Srs Notice of Sale of Tide Landa. N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That the State Land Board of the State of Oregon will sell to the highest bidder at its office in the Capital Building at Salem, Oregon, on July 11, 1911, at 10:00 o'clock a.tn., of said day, all the State’s interest in the tide and overflow lands here­ inafter described, giving, however to the owner or owners of any lands abutting or fronting on such tide and overflow lauds, the preference right to purchase said tide and overflow lands at the highest price offered, provided such offer is made in good faith, and also pro­ viding that the land will not be sold for nor any offer therefor ac­ cepted of less than $7.50 per acre, the Board reserving the right to reject any and all bids. Said lands are situated in Tillamook County, Oregon described as follows: Tide lands fronting on Lotsl and 2 of Section 23, T. 3 N., R. 10 W. Beginning at the meander corner on bank of North Fork of Nehalem River on line between Sections 23 and 24, T. 3 N.. R. 10 W. (Said meander corner being S. 1 45'E., 1.31 chains from coiner to Sections 13, 14, 23, 24) thence (Low W. 5' to left). S. 61“51' W 111.9- along II. W. I. I.ow Water 3' to left. S. 61° 25' W. 500.0 along I.ow water 5' to left. S. 58- 38' W. 383.9 along “ Low water 10" to left. S. 52“ 51- W. 216.2 along “ Low water 17- to left. S. <12' 53' W. 277.7 along ’* Low water 18' to left. S. 67 05' W. 4C9.4 along Low water 18' to left. S. 68 58' W. 269.0 along Low water 12' to left. S. «3» 01' W. 206.4 along Low water ’’’ to left. S. 56“ 47' W. 239.8 along ” Low water 12' to left. S. 54 37’ W, 192.5 along to corner on line between lots 2 and 3 of Sec. 23, low water line 13’ S., to point of beginning, containing o. 778 acres. Hill should be accompanied by a regular application to purchase and exchange for the full amount offered anil should be addressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk State Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked "Application nnd bill to purchase tide lands.” G. G. B rown , Clerk State Land Board. Dated thia 26th day of April, 1911. Notice of Application for License to Sell Spirftous, Malt and Vinous Liquors, Btc. N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That a petition has been filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Tillamook, a true copy and transcrip thereof and of the whole thereof, is in words, let­ ters and tigures as follows, to-wit: To the Honorable County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Tillamook : We thé undersigned, hereby allege and allow to you the fol­ lowing facts, and petition you us follows: That we and each of iis are resi­ dents and legal voters within Burn- aget I’reçinCt, in Tillamook County Oregon, u-i<1 have been such tor mpre than thirty days next pro­ ceeding the date of this petition, having been and now actual resi­ dents within said I’ iithii I for more than thirty days next proceeding May 20th, 1911. '1 tint we are an ucturai majority of tlie whole number of tile legal voters within said precinct : That we hereby petition you to grant a license to sell, in leas quan­ tities than one gallon, spirituous, malt and vinous liquors, for the period of on- year from the date of said license, within said Precinct, and nt Hayocenn, therein, to the T. B. Potter Realty Company. M. J O’lionnell. Huyoceun, Oregon. J R Browne, Hayocenn, Oregon. R. L. Shreve, Bayocean, Oregon, J. II. Rutter, Bayocean, Oregon. A. Ulmer, Buyocean, Oregon. I. W Vint. Hayoceau. Oregon ¡I. C. I. oc I iwoim J, Bayocean, Oregon Wrn. Oraydon, Hayoceau Oregon. A. Coiirtoia, Bayocean, Oregon. Carl B. Nelaon, Hay<1 II llicke. Bayocean. Oregon. M. F Webster, nayocean, Oregon. C. H Blaser. Bayocean. Oregon B. B. O'Neel Ba/ocean, Oregon. E. I.. Berg. Bayocean. Oregon. A. C Rolnnaon, Hayocenn, Oregon. J A Hlbhy, Harocean, Oregon. Il Hurotek, Bayiwean Oregon, Bert Bigge, Hayocenn. Oregon Wm. Honson Hayocean, Oregon. V t> Stale of Oregon, I County of Tillamook, i I the undersignerl lieing first duly sworn, sayi That I am one of the |>etitioners within named, and Unit ! < irr ulated the name, and Unit cat h anil all of tile torcROing named petitioners sinned the »»me with his own hand, in my presence; that rai II have staled his name, pont office address and residence correctly, and that each one in a I<- rh 1 voter witbin said Barneiriit Precinct, and has resided actually therein for more than thirty data next preceedinn May 21), 1911, nnd that all of the fut ta set forth in said petition are true us I verily 1 elieve. (Signed), |J. R B mownf , Ail'lrenu, Huyis ean. Tillamook County, Oregon. Subscribed and sworn to twfore me thin 29th day of Msy, 1911. (■KAL| (Signed , W ebstar H olmes . Notary Piiblii t Hnyocrsn therein, in lena <|Uanfit»es than one gallon, npiritiioon. malt anil vinous liquors, for a period of one year from lhe date of said license. ÏMted thia 2ltth day of May. 1911. T. B. l’