Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 22, 1911, Image 2

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It is generally conceded that
reach its
its present
present magnitude.
The same thing will footer the the Nehalem country will be-
1.60 lumber industry, and as soon as come an important manufactur- 1
One year........
Six month»....
50 the harbor is improved, making ing part of Tillamook county at
Three months
it possible for larger vessels to‘no distant date.
Its enormous
Entered as second class mail mat­ enter, industries will spring up timber and other resources ns
ter July, 1888, at the post office at in every direction and there will an assurance of the briglit^out-
Tillamook, Ore., under the act of be plenty of work for men. But.' look and future there is ahead
March 3, 1879.
the first thing is plenty of water for the north end of the county.
Where the center of commerce
for large vessels.
will be have been a questiop of
some consideration for many
The snap shot man spent the years, but since the railroad
whole of Tuesday rubberneck­ opened up that bottled-up sec­
Editorial Snap Shots. ing
on the south side of Tilla­ tion, many important develop­
mook bay, and notwithstanding ments are taking place which
Now is the time for the City j that a strong, cold northwest
naturally follow the advent of
Council to take action to pre- ' wind was blowing in from the
the iron horse. The matter of
vent a “humped backed” rail- ; sea, it was warm and pleasant
town sites have caused some
road crossing at the saw mill. I on that side of the bay. More
contention, but it seems it was
we see of Tillamook bay, much left to Fred R. Beals to size up
With an enormous amount of stronger are we convinced that I the logical location, and being
beach and newly plotted town Sturgeon channel should be I far sighted and having implicit
lots selling at big figures, this opened up and a wagon road [ confidence in
class of property should be as­ built on the south side of the country, he bought up a tract
sessed much higher than they bay. Property owners have a i of land which promises to be­
right to ask for a road, for there come the center of commerce
were last year.
are many thousand acres in that : for that part of the county, the
To hold down their jobs 1 locality which have been pay- same as Tillamook City is the
_ __
working for the county, it isre-ing taxes for years and have I ......
of ___________
commerce for ___
the cen-
ported to us that men with no roads, while places like Fair-, ter of tjle county. Mohler is the
the Miami and other _____________
name of the new town site, and
teams are on time in the morn- view,
ing and do not quit before . places have had large amounts; we predict that it will become
' The custom of getting of road money expended there. the iarge8f anti mOst important
to work late and going home
city in the north of the county
to milk the cows before the I J Bay Cityites would show good on account of its logical situ­
, '
j •
‘‘1___ —
day’s work was done is ac- judgment in not “knocking1 ation.
_________ _
countable for some of the leak- Tillamook City. One individual
’s Day.
age in the road fund and little who resides at the city on the
accomplished by way of road buy wanted the yacht Bayocean
Children’s Day was observed by
The County to call at Bay City but not at the South Prairie Sunday School,
Court will not tolerate that Tillamook City, because, he Sunday, June 18, the children did
loose system, hence there is a said, it was a winding way’ up their part nicely, credit being due
rustle to get to work on time here. Let us remark right here those who trained them, who were
for fear of being “tired” by the that the city which is at the Mrs Christensen and Mrs. Coghlan.
road supervisor.
head of navigation and right in The
Beats were well filled with in-
the heart of the richest dairy’- terested lietenera.
The school
We hear much discussion in
the timber in the Tillamook lowing is the program:
regard to the sovereign will of
bay water shed tributary to it, Opening Song, ” Carols of Joy,”
the people,but Bee how it works
is not at all jealous of Bay City.
in Tillamook County. It was the
For instance, Tillamook City is Prayer.
sovereign will of the people to
“ The Shepherd Psalm,”
shipping between 3,000,000 aud Recitation,
thirteen boys and girls.
elect a Port of Tillamook for
Recitation, “Greeting," Roy and
the express purpose of making'
Winnie Edgar.
harbor improvements.
’— ““ally, while little or none is Recitation, “ To Little,” Florence
shipped from Bay City, and as
willing to abide by the sover *
to the incoming freight for bay Song, “ Greeting,” Choir.
eign will of the people, a large
points, the bulk of is now going Recitation, “ Our Wish,” Florence
number of our citizens have
to Bayocean, which is another
started in to override the will
strong argument in favor of the Recitation, “Good Morning,” Inez
of the people. Isn’t it funny
Sturgeon channel be dredged Recitation,
“ Somebody’s Mother,”
when those who make such a
out for the convenience of Bay­
Anna Christensen.
fuss about the sovereign will of
ocean, and to open up the south Song, Solo, “ My Guest,” Mrs.
the people when it comes to
side of the bay with its natural
putting it into actual exper­
“ Message of Nature,”
channel, and the safest and Recitation,
Seven boys and girls
ience they immediately balk.
liest side of the bay for shipping Recitation, “Go Feel What I Have
This is the essence of inconsis­
and saw mills and factories, if
Felt,” Flora Edgar.
they should happen to locate Recitation, “ Don’t Drink My Boy
To-night,” George Christensen.
Suppose, for some technical on the bay.
So*ig, “ We Welcome the Flowers,”
reason, the Port of Tillamook
We believe that a large Recitation, "The Reason,” two girls.
is declared illegally elected,
“ The Different Kind of
steps will be
immediately amount of the idle laud in Recitation,
Men,” Cranston Goddard.
taken to organize another Port, Tillamook County shoud be Song, “Summer Day,’’.Fifteen boys
for the progress of Tillamook taxed as much as the improved
and girls.
and the sovereign will of the land, for we do not consider it Recitation, “Advice to Boys,” Win­
nie Edgar.
people cannot lx* retorted 1>v right that the person who is
Reflation, “ Recipe for a Happy
the sovereign will of the min­ industrious and makes wealth
Day,” Nugget Goyne.
ority. It is time that this blot­ out of his land should be com­ Recitation. “ Best Day,” Florence
ted up county made some pro­
gress, and although it may de­ tion of tiie taxes, while the Recitation, “The Boy and the Boot,”
Craig Edgar.
lay the county’s progress for person who u IJ owb his land to Song, “ Silently,” Cranston God­
a time to drag the Port through
dard and Florence Christenson.
the courts, harbor imprqye- value because of his neighbor's Recitation, “ Honor Roll,” Walter
Land that can be
tnents will lx* carried out event­ industry.
Recitation, “ Who Loves Best,”
ually, » no matter how much tilled and is not should pay as
Nugget Goy tie.
money is piingled up for ob­ much taxes as that which is. Recitation, “ The Way of a Boy,”
Cranston Goddard.
structionists attorneys.
the Song, “ All Hail Emanuel,” Choir.
is how the Oregonian puts it: lieving those who till
The Tillamook farmers who do ground, of some of the burdens Benediction. Mrs. Powell.
This Sunday School was but re­
not believe in paying for haj^ir of taxation and would make
uiinroveiiient bale
, those who do not bear their cently organized, this being the
to I' oii I iok I to lute Attorney WKS
first program given. Much credit
way to obstruct. They dot^^p share of taxution do so. In is due the choir for the excellent
lieve in hiring amateurs.
qBftl fact, if the snap shot man was singing.
doing the assessing he would
feel justified in assessing the
Those who have
Notice to Credit Tra.
idle land higher than the tilled
scrapers mid other tools be­
land, for the reason that idle
Notice is hereby given to all whom
longing to the county in tneir land grows up to all kinds of
it may concern, That the County
possession liit.l better disgorge,
weeds mid is a menace to every­ Court of the State of Oregon for
for it appears that a good deal
body in the neighborhood, as Ti'lamook County, has appointed
of pilfering has been going on
the undersigned administrator of the
well a» a eye son* to the county. estate of Peter Asp. deceased, and
in the past of these imple­
any and all (»ergons having claims
file County Judge has
against said estate are hereby re­
This is the time of year when quired
been rounding some of them
to present the same properly
up, and in that way saving the Tillamook is infested with ad­ verified to me at the office of George
county the expense of buying vertising fakirs and a word of Willett, attorney at law in Tillamook
Oregon, within six month-*
new ones. As there seems to advice at the present time will City,
from the date hereof
Is* n tendency on the part of not lx* out of place from the
Dated June Oth, 1911.
some persons to carry off tools Press of this county.
Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window
Admistrator of the estate of Peter
lielonging to the county, in fu­ iness men are the first to ud-
ture they should lx* marked or vise newspaper men to advo­
branded with a county mar*. cate patronizing home indus
Dairy Farm for Sale.
And another thing we hope the tries and are the first to com-
My ranch of 195 acres, mostly all
court will devote a little time plain when some outside con-
to, and that is tin proper cure cern or stranger conies here, river bottom land, either all or 80
Agents for the Great Western Saw.
of the road machinery in hav­ who pay no tuxes and takea acres all bottom land, together with
As a great ( W good milk cows, 1 span of horses.
ing it housed and gathered to­ uwHy business.
gether when not needed during many persons buy a pig in a j I set of harness and all necessary
the winter mouths or when not poke from strangers, we find machinery to run a first class dairy
The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County.
that it large number of business farm, a good 8 room house, good 1
in use.
men “bite” at most every ad­ | barn and dairy house and other
Kail and water transportation vertising fake which comes buildings. 1 mile from High School
bus been mid will continue to along, and in this respect they ( and Public Schoo), and I utile from
bean important question in this are no better than those who cheese factory. Terms easy H. H.
county, for it is the need of it patronize strangers who come Tubbesing, Nehalem, or enquire of
which have kept Tillamook lien* to sell goods. If sauce is II C. Kunze, Tillamook.
Istttled up,
Tom Kichardson good for the gooee, it is also
hit the null on the head that it good for the gander, and it is ’
would lx* the height of business surprising how many business Persons Sprinkling During For-
folly to expect men to put their men will patronize advertising
bidden Hours Will be Cut
r* i
***»* uuuuic, «nil uni
money into saw mills and fac­ fakirs and will not advertise in
Foley Kidney Pill, .re tonic in action, quick in results. E
off Without Notice.
tories under present conditions. the home newspapers, which
N otice » H ereby G iven , —
Ilia advice to the people <-f thia are recognised as the beat ad­
county wns to improve the har- vertising mediums. Every ad­ That the hours fot sprinkling are
tx»r, and when this is done iudu* vertising fakir takes more or Before 7:00 a. m. ; between 12. 00 and |
Rexford. «15 New York Life
»tries would soon follow, and leas money out of the city ItOC p.m.; and after 6:00 p.m. ; '
■ Bldg., Kansas Citv, Mix. says- **1 after you take Dr. King’s New Life
with it large |tav rolls would be There waa one here laat week except Sundiy,
There is one me>lict<*
Parties violating the rules will hail a severe attack of a cold’ which Pills, and you'll quickly enjoy their ; family should be
ensured. It is, however, hard who got away with a "wad”
nne results. Constipation and in- ' especially during
to impress this upon some of from the business men, and we be cut oil without notice
j I waa in great pain from my tron- digestion
vanish and fine appetite months; viz. Cli-''”"VS
K D H oag . Supt.
our people
It was water trans suppose it will not be long be­
V-A Tend recommended Foley returns. They regulate stoma- h, Cholera and Iharriwy
1 used two bottles liver and twwfl» «nd impart new It is almost certain
pottation which enabled the fore others will follow with
The Star has a drama and | of them and they have done me a strength and energy to the
cheese industry of the county to some other kind of a graft.
It costs but n qi>arJ' c
|*“rldO< ,rood-
1 Clough system. Try them. ' Only whole afford
comedy reel every night.
to be witlio»* "■
Chas. I. Clough s.
1 25c at La war» Drug Store.
A guarantee on Tires, Springs and Car. This car for $ 1,750.
lhe easiest ridi
40 horse power, 4 doors, top and glass front,
Other cars selling from Jî
car in this or any other town
and up.
Come and take a ride before buying
W. J. STEPHENS, Distributer for Tillamook, Ore.
We carry a Large Stock of
Tinware, Glass
and China,
Chas* I. Clough, Tillamook.