Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 22, 1911, Image 1

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No. 3.
nly Two Hours Ride
From Portland.
>1.50 per year.
Where Rail and Water Meet
usiness Investments
Only Two Hours Ride
From Portland.
Business Opportunities
ie Coming Town of Tillamook County, situated at the Head of Navigation in the
Heart of the Great Nehalem Valley with the P.R. & N. Railroad on three sides-
north, east and west. At no place in Oregon will you find the Natural
Resources as they are at Mohler and vicinity.
Note These Great Features-'—Timber, Dairying, Fishing
These are Only a Few of the Many Great Industries to be Found in the Nehalem Valley.
There is 20 billion feet of the
lest saw timber in the world
jack of Nehalem Valley. This
done will keep numerous saw-
nills of large capacity in oper-
ition for 100 vears.
Four factories, the one best
equipped being located at Mohler,
all busy turning out the famous
Tillamook Cheese,
which is
known on every continent.
e 15c candies at Lamar's
. Rowe, of Nehalem, was
I Sunday, to the wife of
|e. a son.
collars and pads at the
Feed Co.
¡M. for the best shingles
■mook Feed Co.
irts post office is to be
led after the 30th.
k Zachmann is sick with
■ttack of erysipelas.
Ease for auto trips to any
e county. Ready at all
kens wanted at the Tilla-
Company's Market. 13c.
yTinnerstet has taken
Foland'a place in the
ixlge has his anti in a
suit of blood poisoning
” Star Shingles, for sale
bash, by J. M. Selby at
te Dock.
Two large canneries on Ne-
halem Bay and River furnish
employment for a large number
of men.
IE establishment of Manufactories, Hotel, Stores, erection of u
Depot, and shipping, facilities of the I*. R. & N. Ry., arc some
of the improvements to be brought about at an early date. 1 he
great cities of the world are the points where Water and Rail Meet, for
instance, Portland. Seattle, San Francisco and other great cities. This
advantage is in evidence at the beautiful townsite of Mohler.
No better opportunity for investment has ever been offered to the Public
than we are now offering at Mohler.
James J. Hill said : “ There are millions to be made in Oregon.
not invest at Mohler?
Business lots, close* to shipping facilities, $250 to $400. Lots for your
home, $20 and up. Terms 10 per cent down, balance long time.
Remember this new townsite is 25 miles nearer Portland than Tillamook
'ity and Tillamook valley. This means less expense for the farmer or
nanufacturer in getting his products to market and has a marked effect
m Mohler as a shipping and distributing point for the great Nehalem
{ alley.
Jton, see Shrode.
lome made Candies at
fishing is
pally halibut and cod.
HE location at Mohler with the P R. & N. Ry. on three sidesand
water conditions make it the only logical shipping and distributing
point in the Nehalem Valley, in the center of a farming community.
The townsite of Mohler has a gradual slope from the railroad to the
southern boundary. Could nature provide a more beautiful place for
a home as well as an investment in this sightly townsite of Mohler ?
F. R. BEALS, Sale Agent
Try those 15c candéis at Lamar’s
Variety Store.
Extremely low rates on house .
wiring during May and June, Till­
amook Electric Light and Fuel
Good team, harness and wagons
and other implements for sale cheap
if taken at once. Inquire of George
Gaston, city.
Case’s Garage has received the
finishing touches and Mr. Case is
present doing a big business in his
new quarters.
Gotxl horse for sale cheap. Ride
or drive. Must sell at once. En­
quire F. A. Scofield, Tillamook, Ore.,
King A Smith's.
Fishing tackle fit for fishing.
Everything in the line. Guns and
ammunition until you can’t rest.—
K ing a S mith C o .
Miss Elva Atterbury and Clarence
Atterbury and wife, are in from
Portland on account of the serious
illness of their brother.
There was a slight frost early
Saturday and a thin sheet of ice at
some places, which had the effect
of nipping garden truck.
“Dement's Best" Flour, faat get­
ting the lead. They haul it to Mela,
Woods, Nehalem and intermediate
points. Tillamook Feed Co.
I will pay 8c., 10c. and 11c. for calf
hides at my shop. Try me out and
The Old Reliable Hide and
Fur Dealer. N. E. Melchoir.
Are you going to the beach or
mountains? We can supply every-,
thing you will need from tent to i
fish book.—K ing a S mith C o .
. |
The Golden Gate left on Monday | In buying your shingles from the
with Casper Lutzhy, Joe Custer, R. Tillamook Feed Co. you patronize a
A. Carden, Steve Clenns, L. W. Fay. home industry as their shingles are
H. Gouldstone, W. B. Gorden, T. made in the county, while all oilier
I shingles brought here come from
B. Handley.
Thomas W. Morgan vs George E. i ; the outside.
The Percheron stallion Vill«* will
Nolan and Harriet E. Nolan, hus­
band and wite, is a suit tiled in the make the stand for the season at
circuit court to recover $500 on Rogers A McNamer’s Livery Barn,
in this city, with the exception of
promissory notes.
Rough spruce and hemlock lum­ Mondays and Tuesdays, when the
ber at $8.00 per thousand at the Faw- stallion will I m * at Beaver.
Hay Carriers, Track Hooks, Floor
cet Creek Saw Mill, seven miles
south of Tillamook City. Golds worth- I Hooks, Single and Double Hay
! Forks, Straight and Bent Pitch
ey A Dalpaz, pros.
| Forks.
Rope all Sizes, Pulleys,
Our Snaths hang so nice and |
Scytua Blades cut so easy that it is I j Blocks, Harvester Oil and OilCans.
necessary to chain them up nights I Complete line of hay tools. — K ing I
to keep from working ovet time.— IA S mith C o .
Every l>oy and girl in the county j
K ing A S mith C o .
I should have one ttf our handsome
Everett Lughton, who has been
working with Latimer and Marrey, I steel savings banks. They are an I
barbers of thia city, during the i incentive to save. Get one by op-!
past winter, has gone into business {ening a savings account with a de-I
j posit of $1.00 or more. Tillamook'
for himself at Bayocean.
■ County Bank.
* j
If you intend to put in a cement
The horril things! How did they
sidewalk, foundation or any other
get in here? May l»c you neglected |
kind of cement work, give me a call. getting screen doors. or perhaps i
Will do it by day or job. Address the ol«l doors need new wire or if
Box 440, Tillamook, Ore
! you have a window up, adjuatible
Haying time will soon lie on. Do , window screens will keep the flies
not wait until the last minute to get out. kixg a S mith Co.
Are showing a complete
Mrs. l-ottie Rogers, the instructor
line of hay tools in window this ; in fine art painting, from Salem,
week. K ing A S mith C o
wifi be in Tillamook City until Au­
Chas. Martin, who has been run­ gust 1st. On account of tlie short 1
ning a lunch counter in connection time, will teach at half price or 25c. |
with Clement's Saloon, for over a ati hour, so the pupils can pul in ,
year, clo«el out his place of busi­ double Hie lime for the same money.
ness Monday and will move to Bay- Satisfaction guarantee«! or money re- '
Studio over Tillamook
Next Monday evening is the County Bans.
monthly meeting of the Tillamook
The Supreme Court liiis handed
Commercial Club and a full attend­ <lnwn a decision in tlie case of S. V.
ance of memtiers ia «lesired, as Anderson va. Miami Lum I m * r Co.,
there ia some important business , sustaining tlie decision in the lower
to be attended to.
¡court in favor of Amlcraon. Tlie
Potter Chaper Co. has been lumber <orn|«iny had a Contrai l to
awarded the contract to carry the take timber off the plaintiffs la ml
mail to Bayocean, leaving thia city by a certain date, ami failing to do
daily at S: 00 a. m. and arriving there so the com|Htny undertook to claim
a. tn I .eaves Hayocean at the logs.
lur chickens to the Tilla-
¡Companyr's Market. We
Ir pound.
J’Dav and niecr. Miss
rortland. are in on a visit !
Dk County.
T. B. Handley left Mon-
For sale:
A gasoline launch,
► nd th«- grand lodge of
with a good new
1 at Astoria.
H P. engine and all other fixtures.
L cheapest and best |»aper
For further particulars inquire at
Leave orders at
thia office.
In Harris’ barn.
A checking account with ua will
lem k. who has been at-
I cost you nothing We furnish p»«s
» State V mveraitv. re-
book and checks free of charge.
■ is city on Sunday.
gB.iil or laciJO is enough with which
IStech. representing the to open sn account-
Tillamook 10:4ft and
p Insurance C«K, is in the County Bank.
* ) 12:13 pm.
Interest uf that company.
in Tillamook I
The Star Theatre changes
every night.
The Coffee Pot Bank.
The Up to the Minute
The savings idea is jtfft as worthy, just
as necessary to business success to-day as it
was in 1740, but the methods have advanced
during that time.
We now have the most modern savings
convenience invented and respectfully ih-
vite the people of Tillamook County to call
and see them.
In brief, let us tell you that it is a small
or indicates, at all times, THE EXACT
AMOUNT OF MONEY which has been
placed in it.
The amount of money is plainly shown at
all times, the amount cf each kind of coin—
Nickles, dimes, quarters and so on
The thing that stimulates saving is to sec
the amount grow, to see it every day, right
before your eyes. With «die of our new banks
this feature is the big thing and these banks
have proven very popular wherever they have
been placed.
ARE IN TOWN, especially if you have
children, for you know the adage, “ as the twig
is brut, so is tree inclined,” and the children
will take unusual interest in these banks be­
to be had FREE f«r we
loan them to anyone who starts an account of
♦ i or more.
The Only Government Examined Hank in the