TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JUNE 15. 1911. z D. S. Boyakin, merchandise.......... 6.15 that said Port is not a duly incorp­ D. S. Boyakin, damages fir tree.. 5.00 Tohl & Anderson, merchandise. .270.67 orated Port within the State of Ore­ On Wednesday, June 7th, the County H L Provost, merchandise............. 20.66 gon an«l is illegetl and that its said Lumber Co., us of scow atteiuped incorporation be annul­ Court met in regular session and tran­ Wheeler moving rock crhsher................ 15.00 sacted the following business: led by the judgment of the court- Mrs Marbel, for tent...................... 18.00 In the matter of the contract Rock Bay City LumberCo., for timber .18.43 Also plaintiffs demand judg « Road which contract stipulated that F. Sheldon, 55 hrs............................. 13.75 ment that the defendant have us-____ Q urped, intruded into and unlaw- the road was to be completee June 1, A. Vanderhoff,30 hrs............................ 7.50 G. W. Wilkes, 188 hrs...................... 47.00 fully hold and exercise a public an extension of time was allowed to Peter Cassidy, 168 hrs.................... 42.00 The savings idea is just as worthy, jllst INJUNCTION SUIT FILED. office within the State of Oregon, July 1st to complate said work, L. J. E. Erickson, 173 his..........................43.25 as necessary to business success to-day as it and that «aid defendant by judg- and Ole. B. Redberg are the contract- U. tf Pesterfield,23 hrs...................... 5.75 A. S. Kramlouf, 10 hra.................... 2.50 was in 1740, but the methods have advanced To Restrain Port from Levy­ ment of this court be ousted there- ora.In the motter of bids for the con- D. Gervis, 10 hrs............................... 2.50 during that time. form. Roy Maine, 70 hrs ............................ 17.50 ing Taxes and from Pay­ Also, plaintiffs demand judg- struction of the second mile of the W. H. Sayles, 22 hrs....................... 5.50 We now have the most modern saving» ing Interest on Bonds. ment that the Port of Tillamook has Wheeler road, bids of J. H. Hicks of Wm Hartzel, 125 hrs........................ 31.25 not been incorporated in accord­ $4,359.00 and F. A. Rowe of $3,800 Otto Seaman, 30 hrs....................... 7.5o convenience invented and respectfully . j- m- A suit was filed in the Circuit ance with Chapter 39, laws of 1909, were rejected. Bid of Luke Wolf of J. Hocaman, 40 hrs........................... 10.00 D. Conners, 85 hrs ............................ 21.25 vite the people of Tillamook County to call Court, on Wednesday, by the State for the reason that there is already $2,700 was accepted. Party of second R. Green, 85 hrs............................... 21.25 of Orgon, upon the relation of S. V. a legally incorporated Port of Tilla- part agrees to clear right of way 40 ft. H. G. Byrne, 85 hrs....................... 21.25 and see them. Anderson an«l Lillian Anderson vs. Joe Siahcourt, 15 hrs ....................... 3.75 in width, grade and excavate a wagon mook, covering part of the same In brief, let us tell you that it is a small The Fort of Tillamook, a pretended territory and there is no authority road 16 ft. wide and build all trestles, G. W. Wilkes, 228..............................57.00 Pete Cassidy 240 hrs.........................60.00 HOME SAVINGS BANK which agisters, quasi municipal corporation, IL T. to incorporate a second Port under work to be finished September 15th. Tom Watte, 170 hrs ......................... 42.50 Botts, A. G. Beals, D. Fitzpatrick, or indicates, at all times, TH® exact In the matter of the report of the E. Erickson, 170 hrs....................... 42 50 Chapter 39 of the laws of 1909 that James Walton, jr., and M. F. AMOUNT OF MONEY which lias been territory being occupied by the law­ viewers on David Reddaway road same Roy Maine, 11 hrs............................. 2.75 U. R. Pesterfield, 90 hrs............... 22 50 Leach, which attacks the constitu­ placed in it. was continued. ful Port. A. S. Cramlauf, 80 hrs.................. 20.00 tionality of the Port law. In the matter of the petition of A. Dave Gervis, 70 hrs........................... 17.50 Also, plaintiffs demand judg­ Plaintiffs demands judgment that ment, that the attemped incorpora­ O. Folaod and others for County road M. Zandolt........................................... 24.00 The amount of money is plainly shown at said pretended Port of Tillamook tion of the Port of Tillamook is not It is ordered that report of viewers be Joe West and team........................... 30.00 all times, the amount of each kind of coin— be a9, attempting to autho­ road, report of viewers wai accepted Number of other Bills are crowded rize tlie formation of Ports, is a children, for you know the adage, “ as the twig out. Don’t fcrget The Star has and same was ordered opened for pub­ violation of tlie Constitution of is bent, so is tree inclined,” and the children lic travel. two classy singers and two Oregon and is void, Storage Battery Possibilities. will take unusual interest in these banks be­ In the matter of the platting of Fair new reels change nightly. Alsu plaintiffs demand judgment 1 It has long been admitted by Port. F. R. Beals presents for ap­ cause THEY ARE SOMETHING NEW AND Foley Kidney Pills contain just that said Port of Tillamook Iras not | the ingredients necessary to regu­ proval plat of the same, located in i those most advanced in electrical UNIQUE. been incorporated itt the mode and 1 late and strengthen the action of Sec. 35, T. 3, N. R. 10, W. Plat sp­ • science that if the storage battery manner provided in said Ctrapter tlie kidneys and bladder. Try them THEY ARE to be had FREE for we in the matter of the approval of the ! could be made economical it would 39 of tlie laws of Oregon, 1909, and yourself. Chas. I. Clough Co. loan them to anyone who starts an account of plat of Barview. « loyd C. Smith pre­ supersede other methods of utiliz­ $i or more. sents the same for approval, located in ing electrical power. The question Sec. 18 and 27, T 1, N. R. 10 W. Plat is one of cost and practical adapta­ bilities. Storage batteries are sate approved. In the matter of the approval of and free from any incidental un­ SECURITY '^SERVICE Rowe’s oddition to Wheeler, same is pleasant features. But they have kw "" been expensive, their weight is approved. In the matter of the approval of the great, range of action limited, and The Only Government Examined Bank in the plat of Elmore Park, Paul Schrader, methods of recharging slow. They County. Tillie Schrader, John Groat. John T. would be preferred if these difficul­ could be overcome. For sev­ Ttoneroad, and Martha T. Stoneroad ties 1 years Edison has been at work present the same for approval. Locat- eral 1 ed in Sec. 5, T 1 N R 10 west. Plat is to reduce the storage battery in “ Last week I told a close friend that I would Church of Christ. Furniture for Sale. weight and cost, and at the same approved, • save about ten dollars from my wages this week. Bible school, 10 a.m. Hear that time increase its efficiency. His ROAD DISTRICT No’ 1. As I am going to California,I« Yesterday he came to me to see if I would loan him statement that he has succeeded is special, also the spell down in train­ offer my entire furniture, includu Mark Hobson, 59 hours at 25c per hour............... 1.............................. $14.75 an interesting announcement. Last ing for service. five dollar. He has another job at better wages, one high grade piano, at lowprio Blake Thompson, 130 hrs ............... 32,50 year it was known that he had in­ Sermon 11 o’clock. “The Fruit of and easy payments, also horse « but did not have enough money to buy his railroad Herb Perry, 55 hrs.............................13.75 buggy. H. C. Kunze, close by t ticket after paying all he owed. He promised to Wm. Kennepy, 216 hrs......................54.00 vented a storage-battery cell espec­ the Spirit—Meekness.’’ Y. P. S. C. E. 7:15 p.m., a helpful Academy, Tillamook. Ore. Grant Marshall, 146 hrs................... 36.50 ially adapted for traction. In ap , send it to me first pay day so I let him have it.” Joe Hanxhurst, 76 hrs...................... 19.00 pearance it differs little from the service fot everybody. Ben Johnson, 106 hrs....................... 26.50 original Edison cell of 1901, but both I saw this advertisement in the paper today : Loren Davidson of Portland will Dairy Farm for Sale. Sam Johnson. 96 hrs.........................24.00 Tom Robertson, 126 hrs....................31.50 positive and negative plates have speak at 8 o’clock. He will have a My ranch of 195 acres, mostly h Geo. Eichinger and team, 180 hra 45.00 been radically modified, and So message of more than ordinary im­ WE INVITE YOU. Dick Johnson and team, 25 hrs. .. 56.00 has the chemical solution used. portance to Tillamook people. river bottom land, either all orll Would it not be an immense advantage in event Y. K. Strueby, 40 hrs...................... 10.00 acres all bottom land, together«™ The claim last year was that the Don’t fail to hear him. of illness, or accident, or any other cause whereby you Andrew Peterson, 140 hrs............... 35.00 14 good milk cows, 1 span ofhontd should require a sum of ready money, to be able to E. Kummloff, 151 hrs....................... 37.75 new battery can not be injured by call for the amount at the bunk ? Storage batteries never explode. 1 set of harness and all iiecesaiq I. Krumloff, 151 hrs.......................... 37.75 overcharging, that it does not de­ W. Renick, 147 hrs........................... 36.75 teriorate, and that, tested by weight, They do their work gently, but pow­ machinery to run a first class dairy! We invite you to come to this bank and open a Z. Illingsworth, 125 hrs................... 31.25 savings account with $1.00 or more, We pay four per erfully. The field they offer for im­ farm, a good 8 room house, sod Mike Jobe, 66 hrs................................16.50 it had double the mileage of other cent, interest on Savings. barn and dairy house and otkn batteries. proved service is one of th«; best. W. H. Livingstons and team, 60 hrs. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK Now the inventor tells of later im­ ............................................................. 15.00 Postmaster General Hitchcock buildings. 1 mile from High Seto« Wm. Bragg, 30 hrs.............................. 7.50 portant improvements, and his now says that his department is and Public School, and 1 mile fro« J. Karr, 80 hours............................... 20.00 opinion goes far with the world in able to meet all its expenses with­ cheese factory. Terms easy. H. K I inn going to make some inquiry about a Ed. Tomlinson, 10 hrs. at 20c ........... 2.00 S. Barber, 190 hrs.............................. 47.50 all such questions. It was years out aid from the federal treasury. Tubbesing, Nehalem, or enquired Savings account.” Wm. Derby. 90 hrs........................... 22.50 before he brought the incandescent Accordingly he has returned to H. C. Kunze, Tillamook. Hayden Andy, 152 hrs...................... 38.00 light to the form in which it became the treasury the $3,000,000 set aside E. J. Bartrow, 75 hrs........................ 18.75 TEACHERS’ EXAMINATIONS Moses Blalock and team, 246 hrs . 61.50 a common utility, but from the first for postal expenses. Mr. Hitchcock he maintained that the fundamental Herb Thompson and team 227 hrs 56.75 also estimates that there will be a oldest } CAPITA L Notice is he’ eby given that the Corl Warren Hoskins, 145 hrs ................. 36.25 idea was best and that its essential surplus of at least a million dollars. Geo. Hobson, 109 hrs......................... 27.25 success was certain Step by step, ty School Superintendent of Tillanwfl It is said to be the first time in E. Nelson, 132 hrs.............................. 33.00 County will hold the regular exami»l TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE COUNTY . SUPERVISION Lenard Pacguet, 28 hrs............. ...... 7.00 Edison lias similarly improved his thirty years that this department - .. ~ ~_____________________ A________________ Jasper Perry, 142 hrs................. ....35.50 storage-battery cell, and probably lias been self-supporting, and tlie tion for application for State papers. | at^the Circuit Court room, Tillamaxl Clarke Smith, 46 hrs.................. ...11.50 can better it still more, chemically, Wm. Hoskins and team, 70 hrs ...17.50 mechanically and in materials. result is regarded by the president City, Oregon, commencing Wedneriij.1 as one of the important achieve­ June 21, at 9:00 o’clock a. m., and co» I Chas. Trask. 150 hrs................... . . 37.50 Arthur Provost, 58 hrs.............. .....14.50 Hut the light weight battery he says ments of the administration, as he F. Richards, 80 hra..................... ... 20.00 , he has now attained could be ap- inherited a postal deficit of $17,500,- tlnuing until Saturday, June 24, at545l C. V. Stokes and team, 60 hrs . ... 15.00 1 plied so readily, distributed so 000. Hitchcock asserts ttiat the big p. m., as follows: E. J. Davis, 70 hrs..................... ....17.50 widely and employed in so many FOR STATE CERTIFICATES saving has been made, not by cur­ J. Bartrow, 28 hrs...................... .... 7.00 (one year, five year life) I Geo. Hoskins, 60 hrs.................. ...15.00 convenient ways at slight cost that, tailing facilities of the service, but Wednesday a. m.—Arithmetic, Cnnll Joe Court, 20 hrs ..................... .... 5.00 if it meets Edison’s expectations, a by introducing business methods Government, English Literature. J. A, Johnson, 30 hrs................ .... 7.50 revolution in motive power is at Wednesday p. m.—Geography, Craw 1. H. Hicks and team, 8 hrs..... ......2.00 hand. If a cheap storage battery and adopting profitable lines of development. Fred Going, 17 hrs...................... .... 4.25 mer. Physics. Thursday a. m.-Orthography, 1* Geo. Vaughn, 24 brs ................ .... 7.25 capable of moving a vehicle seventy E. 1 horn peon, 10* hrs................ .... 2.40 miles can be carried in a suit case, ory and Practice, Bookkeeping. R ksovrcks . 1. H. Pitts. 119 hrs.................... ....29,75 as Edison says, and recharged in Thursday, p. m.-Writing, Phyw* E. Rhodes, 85* hrs....................... ...21.40 ogy. Geology. . three minutes, the resources for ap ­ Loan» and discounts ... ........ $2t>9.138.33 Wm. Zattman, 105* hrs ............. ...26.40 Friday, a. m.—U. S. History, rM* plying safe, economic power are < »verdrufts, secured und unsecured 55.15 H. Klattke, 110* hrs................... ...27.65 ica) Geography, Botany. , A. DeBauw, 24 hrs..................... .... 6.00 about to be expanded immensely. Honda and warrants.................. Friday, p. m. School Law, Psyc«"' 10,561.45 Otto Kocher, 70* hrs ................... ogy. Geometry. . 17.65 Stock* and other securities............ 5,019.15 A. Palmer. 116* hrs..................... ...29.15 Saturday, a. m.-Reading, Algeort, History is repeating itself in Hanking house ..................................... 2,136.53 Joe. Vanhove, 134 hrs............... ...33.50 Demccratic House. It is proposed General History. Furniture anti fixtures .... Joe Pitts, 52 hrs ........................... 2,880.75 Saturday, p. m.—Composition, Am« ...13.00 E. Graig, 62 hrs........................... ...15.50 in that body to put the executive Other real estate owned ican Literature, History of Edueatma 7,290.89 Gordon departments under a Democratic Pitta, 162 hra .............. l>ue from banka and reserve bunks FOR STATE PRIMARY CERTIF­ 2,951.71 L. Pitta, 172 hrs............................ ...40.50 .43.00 lens with the assumption that ICATES 4 „ , Due from approved reserve tMinl>s 31,073.84 Geo. Lutke, 50 hrs........ ............. ...12.50 Wednesday, a. m.—Methods in Re»’ campaign material, or the seiu Check# und other cash items 173.75 Dan Alley, 138 hrs.................... ...34.50 blance of it, can be turned up to g, Methods in Arithmetic. Cash on hand ....................................... 32,358.96 Tom Casey, 65 hrs....................... ...16.25 Wednesday, p. m.—Methods in Wr Roht. Radeker 45 hrs.............-....... 11,25 direct attention away from the past ¡age. Methods in Geography. Tohl & Anderson. provisions furnished record of Democratic incompetency Total .Thursday, a. m.--Orthography, Tie- 880,377.51 and deducted from mens time.... 114.50 and failure. In 18«? there was a ory and Practice. _ A. Rittenhouse anp team. 153 hrs 76,50 Thursday, p. m.—Writing and Physi­ l.iABILITIBS. C- J Ally and team. 57 hrs.......... 18.50 Republican president, but a House ology. . Fred Kebbe and team 186 hrs......93.00 IVmocratic by a large majority. Friday, a. m.-Thesis. Subject!* Cupital stock paid in ................................................... Kebbe and team 167 hrs ... 83 50 The McKinley tariff had been in 30,000.00 Felix Thesis: lesson by Stories. I-aMJJ Fred Emery, 180 hrs ...................... 45 00 force a short time and the Demo­ Surplus fund ........................................................... 2,500.00 G. Work in Primary Grades, Busy *** W. Zaddaeh and team ............ 10L50 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid ... in Primary Grades, Possibilities-«» 1* 5,(XXue to Ixinks and bankers .......... ..................... 4,440.7« Wm plicant chooses one subject. C- K. Emery................... Z ~ De|H»sits due State Treasurer ..................... 5,000.00 Ansel Tommen...................... Friday, p, m.—Physcnologv 31 95 mised tlie earth in tariff and every- 1 Individual deposits subject to check ..................... 202. .’WO 71 Geo. Star--------------------------ZIL4&.’» thing else. The presidential election Th* only baking W. S. UUEL, County School Sipt Demand certiticates of de «»sit .............. ----- ..-- 11 Chas. Eaaaon Jr........................ « eq of 18«? »as a Democratic landslide, 3.530.50 Note: Questions on Theory andI Pj* "»ado from Rt Certitksl checks. ................................................................. 143 (Ml fr”* McKianeiw ............................ 22.50 and shortly the Democratic party, tice. Writing, Arithmetic. PhysiotW Oream of I Time certiticates of de|»oait ... ......................... and Psychology will be the san,pL, —45.00 for the first time in a generation, ..38.00 Primary Certificates as for other Savings deposits ................................ .................... Bl.(Mi.56 Jas McKinnon...,..... . ._. 7.50 had control of all departments of tificates. Hills payable for money born»we«i................ A. Ludtke «4« and tram team ............. ................... .26.50 the government. With astonishing • Liabilities other than those above Mtnted ........ ............ 3,211.50 Iw. » 2r2 r*1L‘“d t?""- l5W hr* .60.00 quickness it had something else, H.'Broba't^ndTi hra ..20.50 an«! that was a period ________ of cala- Mrs Aug. Davidson'* man and Total 380,377.51 ,.24.50 business depression that team, 49 hrs .... A. Graalie, 17 hrs .. .• .......... <75 c“n be forgotten by those State of Oregon, County of Tillamook, SS. J. Mink and learn. 49 hrs 1, Erwin Harrison, cashier of the above named bank do 8. heovell and team. 17 hrs ..24.50 who witnessed and felt its para- .. 8.50 lysing results. T. Baah ..................... solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the beat of G. T ‘ 80 lon* ,her* *• • Jem«nd for Located two Doors west of Lamar’s Drng Store. my knowledge and belief. E. McIntosh............... Alex McNair, Mercbandiae'.'.'". ..56.®? «eroplane contests and automobile E rwin H arrmon , Cashier Smith, part payment on con- DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND.” races the question of a aafe and Subscribe.! and »worn to before of j*.**., June. ....I, 1911 ’ S A tract, .. me this 14th --------- day —.- — Wheeler road.. I in 2 *“"* Fourth J“>F celebration will M vmtlk o. M ills Notary public Kini * Smith, merchandise tal as L----------------- wworanoa mu Rest Room for Ladies. Correct attest C aml H abirlach , M. \V. H arribon , Directors I® ®aUln*r- blacksmithing "i/lMO have"»ulated to the better . Commissioners’ Court. PORT LAW ATTACKED On Ground that it is Un­ constitutional and Port of Tillamook not a Legal Body. The Coffee Pot Bank. FIRST 1911 The Up to the Bank. NATIONAL BANK TILLAMOOK OF 6—Extracts from a Diary. THE INVITATION. The Way to Save—Have a Savings Account With sank ¡TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK Report of the Condition of the TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK, At Tillamook, Oregon, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, June 7th, 1911. Makes Home Baking Easy POWDER Absolutely Pure ■ ALUM, NO UME PMSHiAl bAMARS ' ' judgment of the future. VARIETY STORE