T illamook headlight , J une jib , 1011 Pointed Remarks If your glasses are broken, send them to me at McMinnville, Ore. Mr. Carnegie predicts the disap­ pearance of multimillionaires. If New Boat for Run to Coast I have an up-to-date grinding plant there all will adopt his system of giving Surpasses Expectation during lifetime the forecast cun be and will attend to all repair work promptly. regarded as a sure thing. of Her Designer. If the Panama Canal is completed Making a mile in excess of her by July 1, 1913, it will not be easy to contract requirement and traveling I will make trips to Tillamook about of the four hours without a hot bearing, prevent aY"? the ‘«v people v>. ...c United v I.. . . States from burning a good deal of every two months. the trim passenger yacht Bayocean, . ...... . . . , .. „ , , . . on extra powder three days later, which left Supple s yards at 2:30 Bfcxt Door to Tillamook County Bank. o’clock yesterday afternoon, re-1 In a Missouri town fifty clergj men turned at 6:30 o’clock, after a spin ¡ioined force8 and built a church in to a point a short distance below ten hours. That indicates whal can Reeder's. The trip was purely a done for K00«1 road8 when ,he builder's trial, as she had not been | PeoP'e wake up and bunch teams, Alaska reports an important new tested except for a short time Fri­ day afternoon, and then with but gold Btrike. In a territory more two of her three gasoline engines, than twice as big as Texas the min­ Her best speed was 17 miles an eral announcements are likely to be interesting for a long time in the hour. While Captain Hirech acted as future. master of the vessel, she was virtu­ “Mr. Lorimer will now have a ally run by Fred Ballin, her de­ chance to swear,” says a news item. signer, and A. B. Rober, of the No matter what the placidity of his Rober Machinery Company, which I exterior, we venture the assertion had the machinery contract. A few he has already done considerable guests were aboard, including swearing in private. FOR T. I. Potter, and Fred P. Baum­ American farmers, according to gartner, representing the S. Elmore latest official reports, are turning & Co. interests. As soon as the more and more to fertilization a9 a vessel can be placed in readiness, means of production. Thia is a she will go on the Portland Bay­ long step in the direction of reduc­ Hod all points on Tillamook Bay. ocean route. ing the high cost of living. But one feature tended to inter­ Can it be that the reason the Dem­ Next to the Post Office. fere with a full trial of the machin­ ocrats object so strenuously to the ery for the entire time ; the exhaust “rule of reason” in defining trusts FROM was not carried off as expected, and is the fear that it may yet be ap­ slight changes are necessary. The I plied to this extra tariff busting ses­ water found its way to the main sion as a combination in restraint engine and prevented a free igni­ of trade ? tion for a short period. Mr. Rober An aviator is at work on a biplane expressed himself as satisfied with the showing and confident that the with a hydroplane attachment, also Bayocean will reel off better time a catamaran to rise from the water when her engines have been thor­ and fly equally well over land or oughly adjusted and bearings worn water. Land lubbers are getting down, which will follow natually af­ ready to surprise old salts on their Foot of Washington Street. own element. ter a few trips. The death of the author of Little Vibration Noticed. J. R. GLADDEN, Agent, Tillamook. In establishing the water line, Mr. fore reminds us that tuneful glory Ballin’s calculations were approxi­ of vanished years died before him, ¿XPOR F BEER, mately true, and in the model of but with a promise of an early r res- the Bayocean, he says it will be urrection. After several seasons of KAISER BLUME proven that she is a good sea vessel, musical comedy that resurrection is Unsurpassed. Non Intoxicating but one-third of her displacement now about due. being in the water. While her Miss Katherine Elkins has again MALT TEA. three engines were working and as gone to Europe and again been in­ Highest Classed and Best many propellers revolving, there terviewed as to her matrimonial in­ STAR BREWERY was little vibration noticable. Each tentions over there. The swift fist Stallions in Oregon. engine which is of the Speedway of some of her gentlemen friends type, reeled off approximately 500 should have answered this imperti­ revolutions. The main engine is nent question. Special Brew. of 175-horsepower and the port and It is claimed in Iowa that the per­ starboard engines each 150. centage of divorces is increasing in BOTTLED BY THE The main engine is air-starting direct ratio with the rise of the suf­ and air-reversing, while the others fragist movement. But is it not also are air-starting and have clutches coincident with the rise in insur­ for reversing. There is an auxiliary gency, and in the temperature, and engine for electric lights, for which in yeaat bread? provision has been made for 120, A Democratic paper has this note while the same gear pumps from They are at present filling the promise of return to the South the blige and furnishes pressure from Washington: “The speaker's Sod» Waters, Sipthong, Bartlett Mineral Water. blue eye twinkled humorously when end of the County, and are located at W. H. Wilson’s Feed Barn, for the fire pumps. A fresh water late in the night he read the nine­ in Hebo, and will remain until the 12th or 15th of June, then capacity is provided with 2000 gal­ teenth draft of a resolution iutended lons and other tanka will care for will come to Tillamook City and remain there to August 1st, and 2500 gallons of gasoline. It is to Bolidify Democratic ranks upon the wool tariff.” This nineteenth then go to Nehalem for a month, that will fulfill my obligations estimated that with all engines resolution dodged the question. for thia season, and from the present prospects will be at the working, 50 gallons of gasoline will The fight will be renewed and grow FAMILY be consumed each hour and her TONIC IN ACTION - QUICK IN RESULTS hotter. same stands next season.. tank supply will last for two round Give prompt relief from BACKACHE, RECIPES. The “friends” who induced Gov. trips. It is a pleasure to meet satisfied customers, each one thinking Folk to withdraw from senatorial KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, Officers Are Experienced. their colts are best. This is Major Weitzel’s patrons. Captain Hirsch came here several race when it was practically as RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION of the The valued family re- years ago as mate on the liner plain before as after it was run that KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION of the Dr. E. F. ROGERS, V.S. cipes for cough and cold Numantia, and until recently he he could win it, are said now to lie BLADDER and all annoying URINARY was on tugs of the Port of Portland advising him to withdraw from the IRREGULARITIES. A positive boon to 9 cure, liuiments, tonics and at the mouth of the Columbia. First presidential competition for the other remedies have MIDDLE AGED and ELDERLY Officer Vickman has been signed Missouri delegation. Such friends careful attention here PEOPLE and for WOMEN. on the Bayocean, and in the engine­ of a statesman can always keep the most intricate prescrip­ room Engene Weideman and L. H. him out of danger-and out of HAVE HIGHEST RECOMMENDATION tions. 4 office. R A. 627 Wnshintrton St.. ConnrrnviBo. Campbell will preside. With the Jod.. is in his 85th year. He writes us: ‘ 1 hare We of the United States are ac­ lately suffered much from my Indue- h and tiled- deck crew, oilers and those in the Our fresh, high grade I had severe backaches and my kidney action steward’s department there will be customed to thinking of the British dor was too frequent, camdrif mu to lose much sleep : drugs will help to make night, and in my bladder there was mnstaui a crew of 15 and the sailors are House of I .ord a as the historical at these remedies more effec- pain. I took Foley Kidney Pills for mnos time, garbed in true yachtman’s style, forerunner of our Senate. And so and urn now free or all trouble and hrhm able to tivj than ever. up and around Foley Kidney Pills have my having white duck uniforms for it is if we go no farther back in the be highest recommeodalion.” I fair weather and blue for other oc­ history of the House of Lords than Right prices are also casions. The officers are uniformed the period, before it had begun to C.I CDOUGH.Tillamook. assured. (CAPT P. SCHRADER) lose its power of legislation, when also. In operating the Bayocean, an Alexander Hamilton fastened r. effort will be made to handle the copy of it upon our system. But if CLOUGH. touriBt and regular beach classes, we go farther back we shall find there being berth for 51 persons. that it is not the Senate that stands Reliable Druggist. Besides there are six extention in our system for the British House berths that can be utilized in the of Lords, but the Supreme Court. after cabin and with her saloon and Hsve you an idle acre on your Portland, Couch St. Dook galley arrangement, she can care farm ? If so, why not at once put it Tuesday, Arrives Tillamook for a large number of daylight to some use—if for no other reason, trips. Mr. Supple haa «about com­ that it may work no injury to your­ Wednesdays AMO CURE TH. LUNGS pleted hia contract and when the self oi to your neighbor? Every for Portland, every Thursday or Friday veaael is ready, she will leave here such acre, in a settled community, according to Tides. i two evenings each week, making is an accuser, branding its owner, ■ her third trip Saturday mornings.— so says a contemporary, “as either I Oregonian. thoughtless, wasteful or shiftless ; possibly all three.” Oo any such A Channing Woman sere weeds may grow sufficient to £ LAMB. Agent. S. EI.MORE A CO, fORC8ÏSr‘ . j S ìr , is one that is lovelyjn face, form, I "seed down” a township and to in- >ck, Tillamook, Ore. Agents, Astoria, Ore _________ _ But its hard tor mind and temper. crease the labors of the whole farm ­ I. W. W. BROWN, Agent. a woman to be charming without un au pfkosT amp lu m thou au«. VIERECK, Couch Street Dock, Portland, Oregon. health. A weak, sickly woman will ing population. The broad acres OUABAMTMD 8ATISFAOTO&T be nervous and irritable. Consti- erf uncultivated land which form so OB MOMBT BSrUWDKD. 1 pation and kidney poiaona ahow in large a procentage of Minnesota Tillamook Bakery, pimples, blotches skin eruptions ; and a wretched complexion. But farms are a standing indictment of OPPOSITE THE ALLEN HOUSE. • Electric Bitters always prove a systems of land ownership and tax­ Notic e to Credit're. I godsend to women who want health, ation, as unreasonable and unjust. Corner Stillwell Ave. and Firs beauty and friends. They regulate No man should be entitled to hold Notice is hereby given to all whom The Best Hotel St. West, and both Phones. Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, pur- it may concern, That the County |ify the blood ; give strong nerves, more land than he can fully culti­ Court of the State of Oregon for bright eves, pure breath, smooth, vate or make otherwise useful to Tillamook County, has appointed velvety skin, lovely complexion and the community; as, tor instance, PEOIAtTr IN ALL KINO OF CAKES the undersigned administrator of the perfect health. Try them. .We at in the growing of timlier trees or in ALL KIND OF BREAD. estate of Peter A h | i , darenserl, and Chas. I. Clough’s. any and all |>er»on» having claims the maintenance c so quired to present ths noiir properly geod heslth. good temjier, good war a bull-headed general marched heavily taxed that nobody could sense. brighi rye» and » lovelv verified to me nt the office >f George :<»«• men so ferociously snd need­ afford to keep it out of use,—it must ! eotiiplexion, thè rraiilf «rf < orri-ct Willett. »Horney at law in Tillnniook dquarters for Travelling Men. lessly thst all he had left rested be “Cultivate or aril.’* But instead ! living and g«»>d digeritoti, » in» (he City, Oregon, within "lx mr.niha from the «late hereof. Special Attention paid to Tourist». under one tree. A martinet hike of of observing this just rule, we pun »diiiirstion of thè w>>rld. If yotir Dated June tub |V||. JIJO miles in Texas. absolutely un­ ish with heavier taxation the farmer (digestion i» faiilty Cha mite ri a In’» F. W. HTgjrLFY, Class Table. ' Comfortable Beds and Accommodation. who improves and enriches his land Stornarti wnd l.ivrr Tablet» will rt.r- Ailmiatrnfor erf Hie estats oi Peter called for and worse in result?, »nd let off with a nomical taxation . rect it. For Sale by lami.ir'« Itriig Asp, «Ici eused, calls the inci-’ent. th- owner of idle acres. ■ Sture. You Use Them. We Sell Them. Henry E. Morris, W. A. WILLIAMS & CO., The graduates GOLDEN GATE must be photo- graphed Have it done Early iling Days for month of JURE 00K, BAY CITY, GARIBALDI, ROB SON VILLE, Monk's Studio PORTLAND, 6, 10, 15, 20 and 26th t Received Daily at Dock TIULifllDOOK COUNTY ÍN Two of the Bred MAJOR WEITZELi, Registered No. 33271, and . LORD REX, Registered No. 48862. Columbia Bottling Co Astoria, Oregon- Foley Kidney Pills * « The Reliable Route Steamer H. Elmore” « 4 ! mook & Portland. kill ™, couch J NAVIGATION COMPANY. ALLEN HOUSE, New Discovery I