Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 15, 1911, Image 6

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    T illamook headlight , jure ns,4 lôli.
The Way the Tack and Bonue 8yetem Children In India Often Cared For by
ths Big Brutes.
Operatee In a Factory.
It is by no means uncommon in In­
Tbe task and bonus system was In­
The Woman Who Played Bridge a troduced by me In tbe Bethlehem Steel dia for tbe children of a mahout to be
works In 1U01 as a means of affording cared for by tbe mahout', elephant.
Trifle Too Well.
I substantial justice to tbe employee. The whole family of the mahout be
I while requiring him to conform to tbe come, as it were, parasites to tbe ele­
Interests of bls employer, says u phant by which they earn their living,
writer in tbe Engineering Magazine i Instances are not wanting of a moth­
The employee was not told in a gen­ er’s systematic placing of her baby in
an elephant’s care and within reach of
And When Hsr Daring and Heartless eral way "to do better.” but bad a
Its trunk while tbe mother goes to
Rapacity In Fleecing ths Ladiss of definite standard set for him and was
shown how to reach that standard, for fetch water or to get wood or mate­
H«r Set Bacarne Unbeerable Some-
which he was awarded compensation rials to cook the family meal.
t , rig Startling Happened.
No jackal or wolf wenid be likely to
In addition to bls usual day's pay.
Tbe system may be described in a pick up and carry off a baby who was
Tbe vicissitudes of a woman who
thus confided to tbe care of an ele­
played bridge well, but not too wisely, general way as follows: A card is
phant. but most people who have lived
and who suffered personal chastise­
method we can devise of performing In the jungles know how very possible
ment at a country bouse, are described
each of tbe elementary operations on it is for a jackal or a wolf to carry off
by "Elizabeth of H.”
any piece of work, specifying tbe a baby when it is lying in a but or
Her consistent winning, it is said, time needed for each of these opera- when the mother is unprovided with
was greatly commented on, and many tlona as determined by ex|>erimeuts. means to fight off tbe marauder.
Children thus brought up In the com­
a hint was thrown out as to tbe lady's The sum of these times is the total
fairness ut the bridge tables. Two la­ time needed to complete the piece of panionship of an elephant become
dies of title who bad been staying at a work. If a man follows his Instruc­ ridiculously familiar with the big
certain country house first detected tions and accomplishes all the work pachyderm and take all kind of liber­
this petite madam deliberately cheat­ laid out for him as constituting bls ties with him—liberties which the ele­
ing. Naturally they avoided playing proper task for the day he Is paid a phant seems to endure on the principle
with her aguiu, and what follows real­ definite bonus in addition to bls day that it does not hurt him. while It
ly sounds far more like fiction tbaD rate which be always get*. If. how­ amuses tbe child. One may Bee a lit­
plain fact, and yet it is absolutely true. ever, at the end of tbe day he has tle native child, quite naked, about
It so happened that these three la­ failed to accomplish all tbe work laid two feet high, standing on an ele­
dles again met at another bouse party. out he does not get his bonus, but phant's bare back and taking it down
Tbe two honest dames avoided so far simply bls day rate. As tbe time for to the water to bathe, vociferating all
as possible playing at tbe other one’s each detail operation is stated on the the time in most unbecoming terms of
table. They congratulated themselves Instruction card, tbe workman can con­ native abusive language. On arriving
and Un the secrecy of confidential bed­ tinually see whether be is earning at tbe water the elephant, ostensibly
room chats at night) each other on the bouus or not. If be finds any opera­ in obedience to the child's command.
deftness with which they bad managed tion which he cannot do in the time Iles down and enjoys himself, leaving
to hold nloof from the cheating one set be must at once report to his just a portion of his body, like a small
and her play and at the same time foreman, who must show him bow to island, above tbe water. Upon this
prevent their host and hostess from j do It or report to the man who made part of tbe elephant the child will
noting the fact. One night, however, ' out the instruction card. If the latter stand and shout, shouting all the more
I has made an error he must make out If be has several companions of bls
their wrath rose at tbe sight of the
own age also in charge of elephants,
distress this unscrupulous little per­ a new instruction card, explaining tue
son was causing a young girl who was proper method of working and allow­ all wallowing In tbe wnter around
ing the proper time. if. however, the him. If tbe child should slip off bis
lier opponent. The two wise ladles
intsructor contends that the work can island tbe elephant's trunk promptly
watched the small. Innocent seeming
be done In the time set be must show replaces him in safety. These urchins
tliiine cheat time after time and win.
as they grow up become first mates to
tbe workman bow to do It.
The girl was very unsophisticated.
mahouts and eventually arrive at the
Ebe continued playing, although her
dignity of being mahouts.—New York
face gTew white and drawn, for she
Was losing more than she could afford.
Several times she attempted to leave The Human Eye and ths Mystery of
Distinguishing Huss.
tbe table, but each time tbe other three
players persuaded her to play on. At
It is a curious fact that while there
length the game ended, and the girl are seven colors in the rainbow—red, A Pun That Pleased Victoria and
That Hit Albert Edward.
stood up the loser of a sum that ran orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and
Caroline Fox in her memorials
well into three figures. Like n thor­ violet—only three of them are primary
ough little sportswoman, she made no —red, green and violet. That is to suy. der date of May 24, 1837, Queen
outcry about her losses, but the other these three appear to be simple colors, torla's birthday, jots down an egre­
two—the lookers-on—knew what they while all tbe others may be produced gious pun reported by her famous
meant to her. They knew tbe girl, by various combinations of these three. kinsman, Charles James Fox. "Uncle
and they knew her family, a great Red and green combine in certain pro­ Charles dined with us today. He was
though not n wealthy one, one which portions to produce yellow, in a dif­ de'Igbted and dazzled by the display
even In these censorious days no scan­ ferent proportion tbe two produce or­ on the qneen's day and mentioned a
ange. Again, green aud violet combine right merry quibble perpetrated by my
dal had heretofore touched.
After the girl had left the room and to produce blue. It is said all shades Lord Albemarle, who on her majesty's
gone to bed the two who knew hastily of color are merely different combina­ saying, T wonder if my good people
of London are as glad to see me as I
held a secret consultation, with the re­ tions of the three primaries.
In keeping with this fact some of am to see them?’ pointed out as their
sult that they Invited little madam to
the room of oue of them for a mid­ the ablest writers bare held that there immediate cockney answer to the
night chat. She was flattered at the are three nerves, and but three, in tbe query 'V. R.’ ”
human eye—one to respond to the color
Jokes run in cycles. Sixty-five years
invitation and readily accepted.
Both of them accompanied her to red. another to green aud yet another later Edward VII. was on the English
tbe room of the one guest whose rooms to violet. Other authorities present a thione. Sir Walter Parratt, professor
lay farthest from those of tbe otber different explanation. In tbe eye of tbe of music at the University of Oxford,
members of tbe bouse party, and some frog in tbe act of seeing there is a vis­ was practicing with part of bls band
tiling very, very like tbe following ible chemical action. There Is a chem­ in the music room at Windsor palace,
ical substance exuded or spread over where all the furniture was covered
took place;
"You are a cheat,” one haughtily tbe retina or Interior of tbe eye of the with sheets bearing the royal cipher.
contemptuous dame asserted as soon frog, called purpurine because of its Suddenly he turned to the musicians
as the bedroom door was locked on purple color. Under the action of light and said, "We all know that the king
is king, but why is he?” The men
their victim. “We, Lady Barbara and this substance bleaches white.
Many today believe that tbe human looked astonished, but said nothing.
myself, have watched you on several
occasions. For the sake of your poor, eye has truly but a single optic nerve, "Because E. R., of course.” chuckled
unfortunate husband's name we have for surgeous seem able to find but one. Sir Walter as be pointed to tbe ini­
remained silent, but tonight was too They bold, however, that in our act of tials around him.
A more humorous Jest of this sort is
much First of all, you will return to seeing a chemical substance is exuded
us nil you have won from poor little or spread over this nerve and that thia found in tbe “Life of Richard H. Bar
Laura tonight and also give back to us substance has three different constitu­ ham." author of the "Ingoldsby Leg
ents, one element In it responding to ends." On tbe night of Jan. 25. 1842.
her I. O. U.'a. We Insist.”
After a feeble and frightened protest the color red. another to green aud yet the late king of England was christen­
Barham, going
the money win handed over, and tbe another to violet. These latter authori­ ed Albert Edward.
pieces of pa|>er signed by the little ties dispense with the three special out to see the illumination and observ­
du| e were quickly placed on tbe red optic nerves by providing our eyes ing In almost every window the In­
with a threefold chemical substance.
itials A. E.. heard some one say (most
hot coals aud burned to ashes
The act of vision and Its effect u;x>n likely it was himself). "Ah. he'll make
"Now we will see that laiura receives
the brale are one of life's great mys acquaintance with tbe other three
the money which you fleeced her out
terlee.- Louisville Courier-Journal.
vowels before be comes of age!"—New
of. and also ws will guarantee that
York Tribune.
from us she will never learn ths truth
He Wai Wise.
No; you cauuot go yet" (as the terrl
"Now," said the Intrepid explorer
lied little madam turned toward the
Mean Advice.
door,, "and It la useless your attempt after he bad shown tbe guileless native
Old Gent—On tbe eve of your mar­
lug to escape. for 1 have tbe key of
riage let me give you a piece of advice.
the door, i’aluful as It Is to us. we and hud noted bls naive wonder at the Hemember when your wife's next
have determined to teach you n severe mysteries of the mechanism. "I will birthday comes and give ber a hand
Issson. We are going to beat you. If let you have out of these for two some preseut.
you ». ream you may attract the atten tusks; theu you can be tbe envy of the
loung Man—Yes. of course.
tlon of some otber guests; if they whole tribe."
"Give ber the best your pocket can
uative gentleman yawned. "1 buy every birthday, but at Christmas.
coms and demand au entrance they
•ball lie admitted; If they Inquire tbe traded a secondhand warclub for a New Year's and such times give her
ivaeou of such drastic treat meat we bushel of those things wheu I was at only Inexpensive ---------
little _ tokens, Form
shall tell them tbe truth I should ad the world's fair In St. l.ouls," said he that habit."
y Ise you not to scream. Now. are you
“Yes, but why?“
ready?" Without more ado oils lady ran for more than a week Got any
"It will pay."
held tbe wriggling, sobbing small per chewin' ulmut your clotbee?"—Indian­
“I presume so."
•on. while tbe other administered a apolis Journal.
"\es In a few years you can
sound and well deserved whipping
to forget tbe birthdays aud she
The little lady did not desert tbe
An Odd Habit Among Rooks.
say a word "-Now York Weekh
house lairty; her two chastisers ware
Among the odd hublta of rooks Is tbe
sweetly amiable to her for the re­ way that members of the same rook­
Fully Informed,
mainder of tbe visit, aud. to their de ery have of luteruiarrying generation
Halit aud every oue rise's amassment, after geueratlon. Tbe males always asked tble Mr. Walstugham's offlce?“
gentlemanly aollcitor ns be
tbe cheat refused to play cards again choose their wives from among their iMiuswl the
before tbe dignified old mail
during the remainder of her visit at near neighbors, and If oue should be
who sat at the only desk In the room
that es|<es-lal couutry house London 00 bold as to bring home to his rook­
"Yes sir"
ery a bride from a dlatunce tbe other
“Are you Mr. Walsingbam?"
rooks will Invariably refuse to receive
"No. I m Just an Inquisitive young
M-amp who has come In to paw over
"1 bare a very dear oM housekeeper some way off In the neighborhood of bls pspers. read his private correspond
-she is aged, but ebs baa tsrea like a big rookeries outlying nests of this
ence aud smoke a cigar that I have
mother to tue." said a solid It tore kind may always be found
taken out of fate vest pocket "-Chicago
•A little while ago I noticed that ray
Record Herald.
silver ahavlug mug was slightly tar-
Silent For Ono.
nlahrd. aud 1 asked the old lady to
Did your wife Jump on you "hen
polish It for me. Tbe next morning yon <ot home late I mm night?**
(who has at last holed out)-
I found It shining libs tbe sun I com
"No. For onco I waa In lihi. Tbe
How many I. that.
plated my toilet and then went lute poopl# In the flat neit door were bsv-
the kitchen to thank her for her kind- lug a spat, and my wife was Nssy elghtere’ Superior Caddie (wrarilyl-
I dinas ken Golfer-What! Havent
Hatenlng •-Kansas City Journal
you been counting? Superior Caddie-
“Mrs Goran.* I said, ray mug
Mon. as rar counttn.' it's no a caddie
looks a lot nicer this morning '
Semewhet Woeden
yer wantin'; ICe a clerk:-London An
“ It surely dose, str,' sbs replied,
A popular soprano is said to bars a
glancing up at me 'Ton always look volet of fine Umbra, a wiliowv figure
a lot bettor with a elean share."*— cherry Up*, ebeetuut hair and bawl
Cleveland Flala Dealer
_ tv
Ugllsr Werd.
*b* must bar* been raised tn
«ollcttor (cross »xamlnlngv—xow
tbe lumber ragtoM-Uppincotfa.
dkin t yen -sU tka prtsuasr 'hat
doubted ► . voraeny? Vltasm-fe I
For a short time we will GIVE AWAY FREE
with every
1 Pound can Cleveland’s Baking Powder, 25c.
1 bar Pearl White Soap.
1 Pound can Cleveland’s Baking Powder, 45c.
2 bars Pearl White Soap,
Or 1 Can Round Up Cleanser
3 Pound Cau Cleveland’s Baking Powder, $1.00*
3 Cans Round Up Cleanser,
Or 6 bars Pearl White Soap
o Pound Can Cleveland’s Baking Powder, $1.65-
8 bars Pearl White Soap,
Or leans Round Up Cleanser
10 Pound Can Cleveland’s Baking Powder, $2.50*
2\o Free Goods.
Daily Stage Line.
Shortest and Quickest Route to
LEAVES TILLAMOOK ...............................
4 p.lll.
ARRIVE YAMHILL ...................................... 3 P-m-
Connecting with PORTLAND TRAIN.
FARE, $5.00
MRS. J. C. HOLDEN, Agent, Tillamook.
Lumber Manufacturing.Compy
Manufacturers of
H emlock LUMBER
.We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook
county s Most Famous Cheese.
The Best Kquipped Saw Mill
in the County,
New Machinery, Experienced Work“vll
krneri and
F irst Class Lumber of the Best Oiialitv
Cough Remedy
’• was • biMtnia' har
Hotel Royal, Agent, Yamhill.
YOUR lhmrp » bil .
» » » Tillamook Iron W
» » »
General Machinists & P'
Boiler Work. I.osr-er’s Work
Flso Machine Work