TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JUNE |15,41911. WON 1 SPANKING ELEPHANTS AS NURSES. SCIENCE IN BUSINESS. SPECIAL OFFER Th« Way th« Task and Bonus 8ystsm Children In India Often Cared For by th« Big Brutes. Operates In a Factory. It is by no means uncommon in In­ Tbe task aud bouus system was in­ The Woman Who Played Bridge a troduced by me in the Bethlehem Steel dia for the children of a mahout to be works in 1801 as a means of affording cared for by tbe mabout'q, elephant. Trifle Too Well. substantial Justice to the employee, Tbe whole family of the mahout be­ while requiring him to conform to the come, as it were, parasites to the ele­ best Interests of bis employer, says a phant by which they earn their living. SHE CHEATED HER FRIENDS writer hi the Engineering Magazine Instances are not wanting of a moth­ The employee was not told In a gen­ er's systematic placing of her baby In an elephant's care and within reach of And When Hsr Daring and Hsarttess eral way "to do better." but bad a Its trunk while tbe mother goes to definite standard aet for him and was Rapacity In Fleecing the Ladiee of i shown how to reach that standard, for fetch water or to get wood or mate­ l!*r Set Became Unbearable Some- which he was awarded compensation rials to cook the family meal. thing Startling Happened. No Jackal or wolf wcuid be likely to In addition to bis usual day's pay. Tbe system may be described in a pick up and carry off a baby who was The vicissitudes of a woman who played bridge well, but not too wisely, general way as follows: A card Is thus confided to tbe care of an ele­ phant, but most people who have lived and who suffered personal chastise made out showing in detail tbe best in tbe Jungles know bow very possible method we cau devise of performing ineut at a country bouse, are described [ each of the elementary operations on it Is for a jackal or a wolf to carry off by 'Elizabeth of H ” | any piece of work, specifying the a baby when It Is lying In a but or Her consistent winning, It is said, | time needed for each of these opera - when tbe mother Is unprovided with was greatly commented on, and many I tlons as determined by experiments. means to fight off tbe marauder. Children thus brought up In tbe com­ a hint was throwu out as to the lady’s The sum of these times Is the total fairness at tbe bridge tables. Two la­ I time needed to complete the piece of panionship of an elephant become dies of title who bad been staying at a , work. If a man follows bls instruc ridiculously familiar with tbe big ö < ertalu country house first detected i tions nnd accomplishes all the work pachyderm and take all kind of liber­ ties with him — liberties which the ele ­ tills petite madam deliberately cheat­ | laid out for him as constituting bls ing. Naturally they avoided playing proper task for the day he Is paid a phant seems to endure on tbe principle with her again, and what follows real­ definite bonus In addition to bls day that it does not hurt him. while It ly sounds far more like fiction than , rate which be always gets. If. how- amuses tbe child. One may see a lit­ plain fact, and yet It Is absolutely true. ' ever, at the end of the day be has tle native child, quite naked, about It so happened that these three la­ i failed to accomplish all tbe work laid two feet high, standing on an ele­ dles ngaln met at another bouse party. j out he does not get his bonus, but phant’s bare back and taking It down The two honest dames avoided so far I simply his day rate. As the time for to tbe water to bathe, vociferating all as possible playing ut tbe other one’s I each detail operation Is stated on the the time In most unbecoming terms of table. They congratulated themselves ■ Instruction card, tbe workman can con­ native abusive language. On arriving and uaj eighteen? Superior Caddie (wearilyi- I 1 dlnna ken Oetfor-Wbatf Haven't more «¡factual In Its cures of ue»» listening "-Kansas City Journal yon been counting? Superior Caddie " 'Mrs Gormaa.' I eald. my mag Mon. aa for countin ' its Bo a caddt« Coughs. Colds and Crouo look« a lot nicer thio morning ' lomewhst Wooden. fee wantin'; It'« a clerk ¡-London An than Chamberlain's Cough Bamedr In Boiler Work, Logger’* Work a “ 'll surely does, air,' ebe replied, A popular soprano la eald to have a •w ert many homes It Is rotted upon ne Im­ glancing up at mo 'Ton always look voice of floe timbre, a willowy Brure, plicitly an tbe family physician L non­ Fl»« Machine Work a a lot better with a clean share.'“— cherry Upa chestnut hair and ba eel talus no opium or other narcoUc. and Cleveland Plain Dealer . .. ,Ut»«' Wee* •yea 8be must bare boon raised tn ba given as oonfldently to a baby -Now, ®ay the lumber regions. - Lippincott's ««to an adult. Price ado; large alas act dkln t yen -au tbe prisvssr ttet t * *«ree!ty’ Witness-K* ' J Mr. For a short time we will GIVE AWAY FREE with every Pound can Cleveland’s Baking Powder. 25c. 1 bar Pearl White Soap. 1 Pound can Cleveland’s Baking Powder, 45c. 2 bars Pearl White Soap, Or 1 Can Round Up Cleanser 3 Pound Can Cleveland’s Baking Powder, $1.00* 3 Cans Round Up Cleanser, Or 6 bars Pearl White Soap. Pound Can Cleveland’s Baking Powder, $1.65 8 bars Pearl White Soap, Or leans Round Up Cleanser. 10 Pound Can Cleveland’s Baking Powder, $2.50* No Free Goods. YAMHILL & TILLAMOOK Daily Stage Line. Portland. Shortest and Quiekest i^oute to FARE, $5.00 Yamhill. Tillamook Lumber Manufacturing Compy. i KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND *. ■ FINISHED LUMBER. ( ALL KINDS OK MOULDINGS fWe Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook > county s Most Famous Cheese. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy A. K. CASE, rillamook Iron W T 4 General Machinists & w TILLAMOOK, I FQ ley * kidney pills BU^lDNEYn, » *