Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 15, 1911, Image 2

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    I. as~ *
One year........
Six month«....
Three months
Entered uh second class mail mat­
ter July, 1888, at the post office at
Tillamook, Ore., under the act of
March 3, 1879.
Editorial Snap Shots
Hellow !
Grandpa Goyne !
Don’t be a grumbler and don’t
be a “knocker." Get the boost­
ing spirit and boos».
Isn’t the city getting tough,
and more so, all the time, since
the people were fooled to vote
for Home Rule.
and smoke it, while other« can
paste it in their hats so it wont get
away. If there is anything we like
it is a kicker—one of those old-fash­
ioned kickers who can knock the
rim off the moon and send the stars
all to bed with a headache. Here
is the item. Read it:
“Every public improvement adds
to the value of vour property. En­
courage every legitimate enterprise.
If you will not work and push and
pull yourself, at least shout, hurrah
and clap your hands to cheer those
who do. Don’t object and kick and
grumble. Don’t stand in the way
of progress. Don’t whine and cuss
the country. Better leave it. No­
body will object and many will
bless you for it. The country is all
right. The trouble is with you.
join the procession. Full together.
Encourage immigration, develop­
ment anil progress. Don’t kick and
Don’t be a nuisance.
Your own interests are involved in
the matter. Put your dollars in
county improvements anJ your
shoulder to the wheel und an intel­
ligent effort will achieve success.
Don’t forget it.’’
Other than to prove that the
There may be quite a few pet*
Port law is constitutional, we
are inclined to think that is all ¡sons who attempt to thwart the
thut the money subscribed for 1 progress und development of
the county, yet, for all that, the
will amount to.
progressive citizens will suc­
A gallon house on the out­ ceed because they are progres­
skirts of the city would prove a sive. Knocking and complain­
profitable business and would ing may retard for a time the
help to smash up the monopoly. growth of the county, just as it
It’s a wonder to us that some­ did in the early history of this
one have not caught on before city and county—not so many
years ago either—when persons
who came to Tillamook to lo-
Tillamookers who went to cate were informed that they
the Portland Rose Festival all were not wanted here.
report having a splendid time. this was an ideal dairying
When the weather gets too hot country was impossible to
Portlanders can come to Tilla­ keep people out, and as a
mook and have a splendid time result we have a dairy i in­
dustry that Tillamook people
as well this summer.
are proud of, and in a compara­
tively few years modern school
The city council will be per­ houses, bridges and a large
fectly justified in granting the amount of good roads have been
restaurant keepers beer and built. This helped the dairy
wine licenses. The city needs industry as much as anything,
the money and the poor man but we do not hear one word of
and those who drink don’t like complaint that for a long num­
to tn* robbed of 10c. for a Binai’ ber of years the bulk of the tax
drink officer. Anyway, as it .s money went to bring about the
not the malt drinks which mike improvements, and we want to
men intoxicated, for it is the say right here that Tillamook
spirituous drinks which are county is making rapid progress
largely responsible for that, we and the progressive officials
believe the city council should who went ahead, and paid no
grant these licenses, but with heed to those who complained
this restriction, not to dispose about the expense, are deserv­
of drinks behind screens or in ing of a great deal of credit. Is
private rooms.
the progress of Tillamook coun­
ty to stop at the dairying indus­
Everybody from this county try ? Hardly so, The timber
who saw the Tillamook float at owners, who have been paying
the Rose Festival in Portland about 75 per cent of the taxes
were well pleased tit the splen­ for schools, bridges and roads,
did showing, which was one of who have received no benefits
tiest commercial floats there, for the large proportion of taxes
and, undoubtedly, would have they have paid, are entitled
tieen awarded a prize had there to some
been any set apart for that style it conies to bar and harbor
of float. Tillamook County has improvements. So it is just
received a great amount of ad­ as well for the dairymen
vertising of late, which, com­ to be as
magnanimous to­
pared with the large amount of wards the timber men as the
money expended by other coun­ timber men were magnanimous
ties for advertising, have cost towards the dairymen in the
this county comparatively little. latter getting good schools, good
The local newspapers have sent bridges and good roads largely
out a large amount of literary at the timber owners' expense.
mutter in recent years, and in We believe in the spirit of give
that way have »lone consider­ ami take in helping to foster all
able effective advertising. A new industries, especially the
great deal of credit is due those lurulter industry, winch will lx*
who hustled to make the Tilla­ of so large magniti/de in a few
mook float such a sucoess, for years in this county that the
the great crowds cheered it as dairy industry will be insigni­
it passed them in the parade, ficant compared to it. Personal
und it seems that most every and selfish interests must not
Tillamooker did his her part in nnd should notent any figureiu
helping swell the great ovation i the progress, development and
the float received.
industrial growth of the county.
thing which will help to knock
the wind out of inflated land
values. Those who have been
holding their farms or bought
them at inflated figures have no
reason to complain at the high
assessment, but it is those who
want to remain on their dairy
farms and do not want to sell
out who have just cause to com­
plain on account of higher as­
sessments and higher taxes, yet
in laying the blame for this they
thoughtlessly jump onto county
officials who have done their
duty, and overlook the fact that
it is those who have boosted
lands skyward who are respon­
sible for the increase in taxes.
But as long as dairy land is held
and sold at high prices, there
is no other alternative for the
assessor to make the assessment
correspondingly high. There is
quite a little complaint just now
about taxes and the tendency is,
as sotneoue is to be singled out
for a scape goat, the county
court is unjustly criticised for
a condition of things over which
they had no jurisdiction in the
market and prevailing price of
land. There are always two
sides to every question, and
those who place high prices on
their dairy farms must natu­
rally expect high assessments
and high taxes.
Circular Letter Sent Ont by Super­
intendent Aiderman.
N otice ib H ereby
the State Land Board of the State
of Oregon will sell to the highest
bidder at its office in the Capital
Building at Salem, Oregon, on
July 11, 1911. at 10:00 o’clock a.m.,
of said day. all the State’s interest
in the tide and overflow landB here­
inafter described, giving, however
to the owner or owners of any lands
abutting or fronting on such tide
and overflow lands, the preference
right to purchase said tide and
overflow lands at the highest price
offered, provided such offer is
made in good faith, and also pro­
viding that the land will not be
sold for nor any offer therefor ac­
cepted of less than $7.50 per acre,
the Board reserving the right to
reject any and all bids* Said lands
are situated in Tillamook County,
Oregon described as follows:
Tide lands fronting on Lotsl and
2 of Section 23, T. 3 N., R. 10 W.
Beginning at the meander corner
on bank of North Fork of Nehalem
River on line between Sections 23
and 24, T. 3 N., R. 10 W.
(Said meander corner being S. 1
45' E., 1.34 chains from corner to
Sections 13, 14, 23, 24) thence (Low
W. 5' to left).
S. 61» 51' W 111.9' along H. w. L
Low Water 3' to left.
S. 61° 25' W. 500.0 along
Low water 5' to left.
S. 58° 38' W, 363.9 along
Low water 10' to left.
4 4
S. 52» 51' W. 216.2 along
Low Kater 17' to left.
S. 62» 53' W. 277.7 along
Low water 18' to left.
4 4
S. 67° 05' W. 469.4 along
Low water 18' to left.
S. 68» 58' W. 269.0 along
Low water 12' to left.
S. 63» 01' W. 205.4 along
Low water 7’ to left.
4 4
S. 56° 47’ W. 239.8 along
Low water 12’ to left.
4 4
S. 54° 37’ W, 192.5 along
to corner on line between lots 2 and
3 of Sec. 23, low water line 13’ S.,
to point of beginning, containing
0.778 acres.
Bid should be accompanied by a
regular application to purchase
and exchange for the full amount
offered and should be addressed
to G. G. Brown, Clerk State Land
Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked
"Application and bid to purchase
tide lands."
G. G. B rown ,
Clerk State Land Board.
Dated this 26th day of April, 1911.
N otice is H ereby G iven ,-That
a petition has been filed in the
County Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Tillamook, a Jru®
copy und transcrip thereof and of
the whole thereof, is in words, let-
ters and figures as follows, to-wit:
To the Honorable County Court of
the State of Oregon, for the
County of Tillamook :
We the undersigned, hereby
allege and show to you the fol­
lowing facts, and petition you as
That we and each of us are rest
dents and legal voters within Barn-
aget Precinct, in Tillamook County
Oregon, and have been such for
more than thirty days next pro­
ceeding the date of this petition,
having been and now actual resi­
dents within said Precinct for more
than thirty days next proceeding
May 20th, 1911.
That we are an actural majority
of the whole number of the legal
voters within said precinct :
That we hereby petition you to
grant a license to sell, in less quan-
' titles than one gallon, spirituous,
malt and vinous liquors, for the
period of one year from the date of
said license, within said Precinct,
and at Bayocean, therein, to the T.
B. Potter Realty Company.
M. J. O'Donnell. Bayocean. Oregon.
J. R. Browne, Bayocean, Oregon.
R. L. Shreve, Bayocean, Oregon.
J. H. Rutter, Bayocean, Oregon.
A. Blazer, Bayocean, Oregon.
J. W. Vint, Bayocean. Oregon.
E. C. Lockwood, Bayocean, Oregon.
Wm. Graydon, Bay ocean Oregon.
A. F. Courtois, Bayocean, Oregon.
Carl B. Nelson, Bayocean, Oregon.
S. Inghrain, Bayocean Oregon.
John Carlson, Bayocean, Oregon.
Henrj’ Erickson, Bayocean, Oregon.
R. B. Teehan, Bayocean, Oregon.
M. Sanden, Bayocean, ^Oregon.
I. Fleming, Bayocean, Oregon.
I. W. Simpson, Bayocean, Oregon.
F. Lietheiser, Bayocean, Oregon.
D. A. Shaw, Bayocean, Oregon.
Chris Olsen, Bayocean, Oregon.
C. R. Fleming, Bayocean, Oregon.
Leslie Penwell, Bayocean, Oregon.
Con Johnson, Bayocean, Oregon.
H. H. Dicke, Bayocean, Oregon.
M. F. Webster, Bayocean, Oregon.
C. H. Blazer, Bayocean, Oregon.
E. B. O’Neel. Bayocean, Oregon.
E. L. Ber£, Bayocean, Oregon.
A. C. Robinson, Bayocean, Oregon,
J. A. Bibby, Bayocean, Oregon.
D. E. Burdick, Bayocean, Oregon.
Bert Biggs, Bayocean. Oregon.
Wm. Hobson, Bay ocean, Oregon.
A ttorney - at -U,.
Complete set of Abstract
in office. Taxes paid for
Tillamook Block.
Both phones.
Tillamook Block.
A ttorney - at -L aw .
Next to Tillamook County
T illamook
O rkgoj .
A ttorney - at -L aw .
Office : Opposite Court Ho«.
T illamook , O regon . j
Superintendent of Public Instruc­
tion I.. R. Aiderman has sent out
the following circular in regard to
Tillamook Block.
the annual school meetings this
year, which takes place on June 19:
O regon S chool P atrons ,—May
I not ask for your co-operations to
the extent of giving a part of one
State of Oregon.
day in the year to the consideration
County of Tillamook, f ss‘
of public school questions ? We are
Tillamobk Block,
I, the undersigned being first
planning this year in the State of
duly sworn, say: That I am one of
the petitioners within named, and
Oregon, to make the annual school
that I circulated the same, and that
meeting day a great day by having
Administrator’s Sale.
each and all of the foregoing
as many of our people as possible
named petitioners signed the same p^R. I. M. SMITH,
attend the meeting and learn con­
his own hand, in my presence;
by virtue of an order duly made with
ditions of our school plants. We and entered by the County Court of that each have stated his name,
expect to have an annual picnic on the State of Oregon, for Tillamook post office address and residence PHYSICIAN & SUR
and that each one is a
this day in many school districts, County, authorising and directing correctly,
legal voter within said Barnegat
Office over J. A. Todd & Co..
and we hope that every one inter­ the sale of the real propetjy, here­ Precinct, and has resided actually
inafter described by the under­
Tillamook. Ore.
ested in the district school will be signed administrator, I, the under­ therein for more than thirty days
present and help the school officers signed administrator, will sell at next proceeding May 20, 1911, and
all of the facts set forth in said
in making thia event a great suc­ private sale subject to confirmation that
by the said County Court, the fol­ petition are true as I verily believe.
(Signed), ||. R. B rowne ,
described real property, to-
The annual school meeting in lowing
Address, Bayocean, Tillamook
County, Oregon.
your district, this year, occurs on
An undivided one-half interest in
Subscribed and sworn to before
June 19. Please take the time on and to Lot numbered one and the
me this 29th day of May, 1911.
the morning of the 19th to go over South East quarter of the North
to the school house and look over Lot numbered four, and the South
(Signed), W ebster H olmes ,
the school grounds and school West quarter of the North West
Notary Public for Oregon.
buildings. See if you can help to quarter of Section five, in Town­
iven ,—That said petition will be
have conditions improved if they ship three North of Range nine G
presented to the County Court of
need improvement; if they do not, West, W.M., and Lots numbered the State of Oregon, for Tillamook
twelve, thirteen and fourteen of
I ask you to show your appreciation Section thirty-one, in Township County, on the 5th day of July, 1911,
to the members of the School Board four North of Range nine West, and based thereon said T. B Pot­
who brought about these conditions W. M,, lees tract of six and three- ter Realty Company will at said
ttme and date, apply to said County
without pay or without thanks. fourths acres sold to F R. Beale, Court for a license to be granted to
F inancial A ghni
and one acre for grave of Mrs.
Some of our school buildings are Ludtke. and except the merchant­ said T, B. Potter Realty Company
very unsanitary, and our schools able timber on lands in Sections five to sell within said Barnegat Pre­
Tillamook, Oregon.
will not be what they should be un­ and eix, and crude oils reserved, cinct, and at Bayocean therein, in
quantities than one gallon,
til we have the united support of and subject to right of way for less
spirituous, malt and vinous liquors,
county road.
all our school patrons.
period of one year from the | ^R P. J- SHARP,
Said sale will be made either for
Meet at 11:00 a.m.
cash, or twT-thirds cash and the date of said license.
Dated this 29th day of May, 1911.
balance on one year’s time, with
1.—Inspection of Grounds.
(a) Sixe, condition, freedom interest at the rate of eight per T. B. P otter R ealty C ompany ,
A Corporation.
from stumps, rubbish, etc.
first mortgage on the said pro­
Office across the street
(b) Water :
perty. Said sale will be made on
Wins Fight for Life.
Court House.
1. —If well, when was it clean­ the 1st day of August. 1911. Bids
It was a long and bloody
ed ; condition of pump, may be left at the office of H. T. for life that was waged by battle
Wise’s office.
Botts or T. H. Goyne, Attorneys- B. Mershon, of Newark, N. James
drainage of grounds.
J., of
at-Law, Tillamook City, Oregon.
which he writes: “
__ „ lost
1UVI1 much
2. —If no well, have you an en-
“ 1 I ; had
Dated this June 13th, 1911.
blood from lung hemorrhages, and
closed jar or tank with
M. A bplanalp .
was very weak and run down. For
The Fashionable T
Administrator of the Estate of eight
faucet ?
months I was unable to work
Louis Blattlar. deceased.
(c) Outhouses: Are they aani-
Death seemed close on my healed
_ 1_ * ago, to
tary ?
when I I horrnM
began, three _ weeks
Discovery. Cieauing, Pressing and R
(d> Are the school grounds
Hut it
noa helped __________
ing a Specialty.
fenced ?
Tillamook County, like most
Land values, and especially
From the time John the Baptist weak, sore lungs, obstinate coughs,
2—Inspection of Houses.
place?, have had more or less dairy farms, have reached their
the kingdom of God has been stubborn colds, hoarseness. la Store in Heins Phot
(a) Floor: When cleaned ?
chronic “knockers," who must, height in this county, and it will
(b) Walls : Do they need paint­ preached, the panacia for hard grippe, asthma, hay-fever or any
throat or lung trouble its supreme.
it seems, have something to 1 not be long before normal prices
ing or cleaning ?
times The banker tells us that a 50c.
and $1.00.
Trial bottle free.
grumble about. They grumble I will prevail again, for the in­
<c) Heating : Location of stove; bank account is the proper thing. Guaranteed by Chas. I. Clough.
L and OrricK BvsiaaM
if no public improvements are flated valuations placed upon
a S pbcialtt .
it should not tie in center of The fraternalist advocates hie order
going on. They grumble if there ¡some meadow land cannot con-
room. Is there a jacket on to tide the calamities. The poli­
A Leading California Druggist.
& C
are und the improvements are tinue much longer. It is sim-
stove ? Wood supply.
tician points to the ballot. The
Pasadena. Cal., March 9, 1911.
not being carried out according ¡ply a mutter of dollars and cents
Foley and Co., Gentlemen:—We
(d) Ventilating :
there school teacher to an education.
to their ideas. They grumble I how much cow feed ____________
can be taken
sold and recommended Foley’s R oom 334 Woscmn BriLB«».
— . £ farm and
. . turned
. . into
Hnn.v and Tar Compound for
ulsiut taxes and want the other ’ .'off a dairy
T hird amd O ak S tkiist *. __
3.—12 o’clock—Lunch.
ci ~ ik
Hard times
times confronts
confronts years.
years. W
ejjelieve __
it to be one of Room Next to the U.S. Luna
fellow to pay for public im-, butter or cheese, And it does
A—1:30 p.in.— Discussion of how every man, 1, that sense of fearful *be most efficient expectorant's
provementa, etc, They say we' not require a mathematician to
the things inspected may be want has driven thousands to the market. Containing no opiates
need pny roll», but they do not figure it out, for every iutelli-
improved. See if some definite crime, insanity and suicide.
to children. Enough of the rem­
belong to thnt progressive class gent dairyman
knows ___
how _
action can't be taken to-day.
There is no such thing as hard edycan be taken to relieve a cold, 2 ç JRS. ALICIA PHE
xx ho invest in new industries. ; many cows his farm will tut-
A -2:30 p. tn. — Turn meeting over times usscciated with the kingdom as u has no nauseating results, and I
We want to repeat that Villa-. tain and what revenue he will
to Board of Directors.
of God, for God is able and dis­ does not interfere with digestion
in<>ok county is all right and it receive at prevailing prices,
You« very truly. C. H. Ward Drug
posed to provid for his kingdom.
would make much greater pro- But, unfortunately, the inflated
P*r»on«,Sec’yand Treas.
Whooping cough ia not danger-
There is only one alternate, one
^^lhe„or,8r,nal Foley’s Honey
gross if the ‘kuockers" anil the valuations placed on dairy lands oui
when the cough is kept loose
Tar Compound in the yellow
grumblers would hold tin
have caused two things, first, ■ nd expectoration easy by giving is God, the other mammon, and
bether we decide for ourselves ot package. Chas. I. Clough Co.
whist for a while and allow the home seekers are astounded and Chamberlain'« Cough Remedy. It
— decides
--------- for us, we are
pnigreaaive citiaeus to lay the go to other places where hind ia h“» been uaedjin many epidemical someone
It i« worse than useless to take TILLAMOOK,
thia diseuae with perfect success.! I bound to w
be .„i
on one side or the any medicines internally for mtis-
(< uiulation for tusking Tilla­ much cheaper or to the irrigated of
I'or «ale byLamar’s Drug Store.
I other.
cular or chronic rheumatism. All
mook County a second Grays' districts where they can grow
needed is a free application
Hartxir for the manufacture < f three crops of alfalfa each year
Foley « Kidney Remedy.
' Under mammon, life is a struggle
— of Chamberlain s Liniment. For
lawyer ,
,he evil <l«y. more than sale by Lamar's Drug Store
lumber ntul shingles It will upon hind that is not nearly* sq Is particularly recommended for ®IO wan’
kidnev --------
and bladder
nmty-five - r
cent 1 never realite,
— ----
not lie out of place to repeat a ¡expensive ns the land is now in chronic caaea of ---------
trouble. T*
‘ the
' day never come«
*tjen>li« to regulate ami though
Your Neighbors Exper ence
►bort editorial which appeared this county ; and, second, the control
the kidney and bladder ac­
The kingdom of God is the bee How you may profit by it. Take
in the Headlight a few weeks inflated values have caused the tion nnd is healing, strengthening
213 Tillamook Bl**'
after it was started.
Herr it assessments on dairy lands to and bracing Chas. 1. Clough C “ thing I have ever known. I regard Foley Kidney Rille. Mrs. E. G
u hiting, 380 Willow St.. Akron, O ’
everything else a failure.
ia, for it ia just as good advice I tie raised, and, consequently,
T illamook - 0»**.
aaya: "For some time I had a verv
The uniform auccesa that has at­
today as it was 24 years ago :
j taxes have been growing in like tended the use of Chamberlain's
■enous case of kidney trouble
irouoie and
I »uffered with backaches and
The following was lianiteil us by ¡proportion.
because Iv’lic, tholers and Diarrhoea Rem
Rev. A. Nickola, who found it .some dairy farmshave changed
A Dreadful Wound
m"«>* <t a favorite every-
|K>«te<l on hia fence. He aaya he j lunula at inflated values und the where. It can always be depended i fro”' " knife, gun. tin can, rusty “<>"«ing before my eyes and I felt ‘
a.ll1,,red°“‘ aud mi*rr»ble. I «aw
will make improvements arouud ¡dairymen iu all part» of the ujon. For sale by Lamar's Drug nail, fireworks, or any other nature. Foley Kidney Pill» advertised and TEAMING AND H-U'Lj
• demanJs prompt treatment with
I ha parsonage If any one will (urn- county thinking their places
■ bottle and took them accord­ GRA EL SCREEN^ |
Buvklen’s Arnica Salve to prevent
iah the lumber and doesn't think just as valuable have jumped Middls Aged Aad Elderly People blood poiaon or gangrene. Its the ing to directions and
h« ia much of a kichsr either
The them up , in price also. Now I »e Foley Kidney Pills for quick quickest, surest healer for all such •bowed almost at once. The pain I
unscreened j
• nd dixxy headache« left me, my
item i« pretty good, and we hope
-- ther* •• considerable complaint
and bladder trouble., .nd
eye sight became clear and today I!
» vbium «ill pUt it m then pip, about taxes, and this is some for painful andanno»
• ’rel1 woman, thanks i
l»aw Chao. I. Cl
J» Fo‘«y Kidney Pills.’’ Chas I
Clough Co.
Bell Telephone.
juina.SSl Tirdh7
Notice of Application for License
to 8ell Spiritous, Malt and Vinous
G iven ,—That
Liquors, Etc.
Notice of Sale of Tide Lands.
John B. Lang!1