Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 15, 1911, Image 1

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    il hi ni o c*k
Vol. XXIV.
No. 2.
!oal $10 ton, see Shrode.
>resh Home made Candies at
*. Hill’s.
“ry those 15c candies at Lamar’s
fiety Store.
forks easier, makes best bread
fement’s Best” Flour,
he Palace of Sweets has fresh
idies on every boat that comea
Tillamook County’s Float at the Portland Rose Festival.
t Art Case for auto trips to any
of the county. Ready at ell
[anted, a girl to do general house
Apply at the Headlight
small farm to sell or trade for
x property on easy term.—J. R.
ve chickens wanted at the Tilla-
>k Meat Company’s Market, 13c.
)v. B. E. Emerick has been re-
Binted pastor of the U. B. church
lie city.
tr “A.” Star Shingles, for sale
ip for cash, by J. M. Selby at
ten Gate Dock.
torney H. T. Botts left on Tues-
to attend the Masonic Grand
ge in Portland.
your chickens to the Tilla-
Meat Company*s Market. We
per pound.
t forget to stop in and get
those ice cold lemonades at
of Sweets.
cheapest and beet paper
in town.
Leave orders at
to Harris’ barn.
1 Mrs. Dave Martiny ie closing
boarding house, no more meals
be served after Sunday.
(s Blanch McNair, who has
in Portland for sev-
returned on Tuesday.
Alex. McNair left on Wednes-
attend the commencement
University at Eugme.
is no drink that has as
nurishment for the price as
shake at the Palace of Sweets
>1.50 per year.
I * M"j°r Weitzel, No. 33.271. held his
good reputation~this spring in the
horse shows in the valley. At Salem
I he won the sivercupwith his family
, of colts and second in the standard
bred class of stallions of buy age.
His colts won first in everything
they were entered in at Mt. Ange),
lie won first prize and Ilia colts took
first prize in nearly every elrss at
Woodburn. Major was given second
place, but
his one, two and
three year old colts won first in every
class. This demonstrates the qual­
ity. The opportunity is yours. •
The mail handled for the month
of May at the Tillamook poet office
amounted to 158,659, which shows
I that the incoming mail ie double
! that of the outgoing mail. Con­
sidering that most of this mail ie
handled from two to four times,
this is a large amount of mail for
this office to handle. It is made up
as follows :
Incoming mail.
First cl?«s .
Second class
Third class.
Fourth class
Total.............................................. 106,670
Outgoing mail.
First class
Second class ....
Third class ...........
Fourth class ...
Try those 15c candies at Lamar**
Variety Store.
Rough spruce and hemlock lum­
ber at $8.00perthousand at the Faw-
cet Creek Saw Mill, seven miles
south of Tillamook City. Goldsworth-
ey & Dalpaz, pros.
Bell Johnson'e barn was destroyed
by fire at three o’clock on Monday
morning, which was insured for
$500. It is thought that some one
set tbe barn on fire.
Our Snaths hang so nice and
Scytua Blades cut so easy that ft is
low rates on house necessary to chain them up nights
during May and June, Till- to keep from working over time —
Electric Light and Fuel K ing & S mith C o .
Early Sunday morning anelectric
a peep in the parlor at the storm passed over this city with
of Sweets, they accommodate heavy thunder and lightening, but
every thing cold and strange only a small sprinkle of
rain fell at the time.
For rent, a large store room, 24x
candies at the Palace of
on Stillwell Ave. and six living
all good, because they
Also one
in the case and kept clean rooms in same building,
store room on First Street. Inquire
at Tillamook Bakery.
postmaster received a tele­
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Williams re­
today to discontinue the Till-
turned last week from a visit to
t-Bayocean star route on the
Victoria, B. C., the Sound cities and
Portland and report having spent
i M. E. Margarie, of Juneau, a moat enjoyable outing.
l, ie visiting with Mr. and
Haying time will soon be on. Do
J. Bales and will remain all
not wait until the last minute to get
ready. Are showing a complete
I team, harness and wagons line of hay tools in window this
lher implements for sale cheap week.—K img 4 S mith Co.
to at once. Inquire of George
Rosd Supervisor Aiderman in­
fe, city.
forms us that there is such a de­
bcean extends an invitation to mand to work on the roads thst he
»pie of Tillamook City and could obtain a hundred teams if he
fe to spend the Fourth of July had ihe*work to give them.
I place.
The Shakespeare Club had an­
Ing tackle fit for fishing, other pleasant and enjoyable gather­
king in the line. Guns and ing on Friday afternoon, meeting
■ition until you can't rest.— at the home of Mrs. B. W Aider­
I S mith C o .
man. who served a dainty luuch.
■ McCann, representing the
Sheriff Crenshaw and wife and
Ban Importing Co. of Astoria, Postmaster Baker and wife, with
bn doing business in this Miss Fredericks Travis, who came
r about a week.
in on a visit to her grandparents,
Best" Flour gives sat- returned from Portland on Satur­
becauae it ie so easy to day.
makes such pure bread.
A checking account with us will
about it
cost yon nothing. We furnish pass
pay 8c., 10c. and lie. for calf book and checks free of charge.
my shop. Try me out and $25.00 or $30.00 is enough with which
Old Reliable Hide and to open an account.
County Bank.
N. E. Melchoir.
The Percheron stallion Ville will
going to the beach or
? We can supply every- make tbe stand for the season st
will need from tent to Rogers A McNamer*« Livery Barn,
in this city, with the exception of
A S mith Co.
Mondays and Tuesdays, when tbe
expected that the mail
will not go by way of stallion will be at Beaver.
bnt that a contract will be
Mrs. Catl Patzlaf. Mrs. J. C.
it there daily by boat.
Holden, Mrs. W. J. Stephens. Mrs.
has replaced the A. K. Case and Mrs. P. ). Sharp
city and Hob- returned from the Rose Festival on
a Buick machine, and Monday. J. W. Bewley bringing
parcels, can carry three them in from Sheridan in his auto
Notices are posted for the annual
M. McNair will be one school meeting on June 19th, at
in the senior which time the matter of bonding
the University of Oregon at the district for $3,200 for the pur­
bnencement exercises on the pose of purchasing ground for
school purposes will come up for
your calves without milk by
Things that we have ordered
them the World’s Famous
ird’« Calf Meal.
Cheaper yqur dinner Sunday (they will
Ik. Can be bad at the Til- in on Saturday», pesche«, a prie ola,
c fie me«. pineapples, bsnanaa. or­
Feed Co.
anges. ice cream end the best of ell.
Stat Theatre changes musk mellone, at the Paises of
Tillamook County’s Float at tbe
A coach belouging to the P. R. A
Boyd Mendenhall, Win. Dwight
Portland Rose Festival was a suc­ N. Co. was standing at the side and Whit Lamb left on the Yamhill
cess in every particular and proved tract at the Life Saving Station, ami stage Saturday evening for Port­
a great attraction to the large on the 6th instant a party broke all land. Mr. Mendenhall went to meet
crowds, which received great ap­ the windows on one side of the car the Chicago representative of the
plause. Miss Ollie Case was the I and one at the end. It is known Florsheim Shoe Co. in order to pur­
Queen of tbe float, and her maids who the parties are and they will chase the Fall stock of shoes for
of honor were Miss Ruth Holmes be arrested.
Haltom's Department Store.
and Miss Estella Evans.
For Sale, a full blooded Holstein Dwight and l.anib are out on gen­
Bull, 14 months old. He is from eral business.
Frank Easter swore to a com­
good milking Btrain, his dam
giving 76 lbs. of milk per day, and plaint in Justice Stanley's court,
his grand dam on his father’s side charging Rudolph Stump and Cas­
giving 87 lbs. of milk per «lav. per Liitchy with assault and buttery,
which grew out of a disturbance in
Registration papers furnished.
Carl Possettl, Hemlock, Oregon. ’ one of the saloons, where Easter
Attorney Webster Holmes' house was pummelled by the two men
at Hobsonville (what is known as who undertook to paint the town
the Sibley house) was broken into. red. Stump was lined $21) and $5
The back door was forced open but cost and l.utcliy $10 and $5 cost,
Sheriff Crenshaw, who went down which was paid.
Attorney and Mrs. A. W. Sever­
there Mondny evening was unable
to tell whether anything had been ance, of Washington, have been
stolen, as Mr. Holmes was out of the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lilly
at their country home at Glenwood
the city.
The passengers out on the Golden They expect to go to McMinnville
Gate yesterday were:
J. Olson, this week to visit Mrs. High,
Mrs. G. W. Kiger, Mrs. B. Heinen, mother of Mrs. Severance. Mrs.
Mrs, C. Burke, D. H. Furgerson, Lilly will accompany them. The
H. H. Furgerson, R. R. Jones, forepart of the week Mr. Severance
Mrs. A. McNair, J. McCann anil ten was in Salem on legal business.
He was formerly postmaster nt Till­
( QUEEN OF THE TILLAMOOK passengers from Bay City and Gar­ amook.—Washington County News-
of cheese.
A large number of the High
Those who have bought ticket»on
Prof. W. R. Rutherford and wife
School started out Monday morning
the silk quilt for the purtmae of get
are tbe proud poasessers of a seven
for a hike up the Kelchis River and
ting a wheel chair for an old lady
pound boy which arrived Monday
week’s sport and general good
who has lain in bed solong, that on
morning at eight o'clock. Prof.
account of so few being sold, the time. The crowd started from town
Rutherford reached this city Sun­
at about six thirty. They intend to
day morning and is at present look­ drawing will not take place and go to the end of the trail on the Kei
they will please call for their money
ing unusually young.
chis and spend the time enjoying
at Mr. Lamar's drug store ami
the pleasures of camp life. Last
Every boy and gill in the county accept
thanks for their com
year the boys hiked to Scooklim
should have one of our handsome passion and sympathy.
Lake and enjoyed the sport of that
steel savings banks. They are an
The Tillamook Hose Co. met al section.
incentive to save. Get one by op­
ening a savings account with a de­ the city hall Thursday evening to
The Epworth League and Young
posit of $1.00 or more. Tillamook do their regular monthly business. T’eo pie's • lass of till- Methodist
County Bank.
Church met at tin- Church Tuesday
Morris as secretary of the company,
Hay Carriers, Track Hooks, Floor
evening for their monthly business
Egbert Ginn was elected to till the
Hooks, Single and Double Hay
meeting, The main businesr was
vacancy. As the Fire Chief, John
Forks, St-aight and Bent Pitch Aschim, was absent, the other bus­ the semi-annual election of I. ague
Forks. Rope all Sixes, Pulleys, iness was laid on the table until tin- officers with the following results: —
Blocks, Harvester Oil and Oil Cans.
Elsie Lamb, Pres. ; Malsd Govne,
next business meeting.
1st Vice Pres. ; Harry Swenson, 2nd
Complete line of hay tools —K ing
Baby Chick food, Blauihard’sCalf Vice Pres. ; Daisie Allender, 3rd
A S mith Ca
Meal, Dement's Beat flour $1 St) sk Vice I’res. ; Robt. Stillwell, 4th Vice
On account of serious indisposi­
Dement’s Marvel flour $1 50 sk. Pres. ; Stella Goyne, Secretary ; and
tion of one of the principal actors
grass seeds. Vegetable fertilizer. Edwin Boqiiist, Treaaurer.
io the play, “More Sinned Against
Land plaster. Cement, Shingle«,
The apiMxintment of lire wardens
Than Sinning,’’ will not be able to Ijith, Hay, Grain, -Mill-feed, < ream
take part June 21 at St. Alphoneus separator, Machinery, Farm imple. f ir the Whiting Co. Ltd., were made
Academy, so the play will be post­ ments, and the 'celebrated Stude Monday by John Edwards and are,
poned indefinitely.
baker wagons and harness, or any E G Munson. Chief Forester for
The horri 1 things! How did they other old thing you want at the Tillamook Co. , John Wilson, Up-
per Kelehis. II H. Parsons, Lower
get in here? May be you neglected Tillamook Feed Co.
Kelchis ; Clyde Kinnauian, Wilson
getting screen doors, or perhaps
At a special meeting of the city
River; Fred Alnnder , Miami River;
the old doors need new wire or if
council on Monday evening, when
J. B. M' Cowell, Yellow Fir ; Whit
you have a window up, adjustible
Councilmen McNair, Hathaway,
lamib, F jw < ett Crees ; A. I. Me
window screens will keep the flies
Wilt and V’snfress were present,
Carty. Bewly Creak. If tile weather
out.— KI ng a S mith C o .
some disagreement arose lietween
Ex-County Commissioner Geo. the city council and tbe tuarslial in stays deal as it is at present the
W. Bodyfelt was in the city on Tues­ regard to street work. The latter wardens will lie placed in a week or
day. He is one of those who have was called upon to resign as street two.
Th«’ passengers who came
been taking tbe Headhrht since it commissioner, which he did, re
was first issued, and as the paper signing an well the position of the Golden Gate on Tuesday
Mrs. Win. Muover. J
had mis-arried several times of late. marshal.
«rife. II. h I. Par
George baa been ascertaining the
Ernest Healy, of Seattle, and rep
Holmes. wife e and
resentative of the Baringion. Hur
». I Beaty,
The case of Pierce vs. Davis, ton Co. Hrokera of that city, was in Swam, Gfe
Eagleaton, W. A. Z< agler.
II. J. Eagteeton,
which was a complaint filed in the this city the first of the week on
Miss Jordan, E.
B. McGill, M. M.
justice court to obtain |iosaen~ion business especially as regards the
Tovey, Mies Blanch McNair, J. A.
of the High place at Netarts, was cheese market. Mr. Ilesly stated
Young. C. Wells, wife and •laughter.
settled out of court, the parties not that he had handled cheese since
being able to ag'e« before as whet he wsa s small boy bul ha.I never IC. S Hampton, Estella J. Mile-.
should he paid Davis for giving up „era one made until lie xiMlrd tlie Blanch Murphy and lour ear|s*n
the place
T di a
Cream-’r / M >.i liy.
Total................................................ 51,989
Making a total of....................... 158,659
The Commercial Club has re­
ceived a letter from the Great North,
ern Railway Co. asking its assist-
ance in advertising the Northwest.
The Railroad lias planned an ad­
vertising campaign with which they
will invade Northern Europe, in­
cluding Denmark, Norway, Sweden.
Germany, England, Ireland and
Scotland. Moving pictures and lec­
tures will be used to illustrate the
various localities. They also ask
that as many as possible of the
farmers write letters to their home
papers telling of what they hnve
accomplished heie. The Commer-
cial Club will take steps to gel let
ters from a number of farmers in
this vicinity. Such letters aleiuld
lie effective advertising for this
county and it is hoped that a nmu-
her of farmers will respond.
The graduating exercises of the
High School and eighth grade
which were held nt the Presbyterian
Church Friday night were the best
ever held in thia city. The senior
claaH of seven brainy girls was a
class that would do credit to any
school. All the orations were good,
but the ones of especial merit were
the Valedictory by Jennie Blanch­
ard and the Class Prophecy by
Ruby McGee. However, all the oth­
ers »bowed originality to the fullest
extent and were delivered in a very
creditable manner. The building
was |>acke<l to the doors with peo­
ple eager to hear the exercises of
the senior class with no male mem­
bers. The decorations were very
pretty, the colors of the graduating
class, lavender and white, lieing
used for thia purpose.
A large
numlier of presents and great qual­
ities of flowers were given the
memliers of the class after the ex­
ercises. __________ ,_____
Cattle to Pasture.
Wanted, cattle to pasture at the
Netarts sand spit
Enquire of
llodgdon Bros,, Fairview.
Pastore to Rent.
Pasture to re nt Enquire of Km
melt Bales, Tillamook, Ore.
Horses for Hale
A Sale of Horses and Matched
Tennis, all standard bred, registered
mares and well broken, on Satur­
day. June 17th, at Rogers' Barn, at
1:9) p. Ill
These are not Bum'll Grass
Horses. Horses belong to R. I..
Rice, of Sheridan.
C E. RKYNOf.r*. Auctioneer.
Furiture for Sul«
As I am going to Cnlltornia I
will offer my entire furniture, in*
dialing one high grade piano, at
low prices ami easy payments, also
horse and buggy. II C. Kunzs,
< lose l>y tlie A<',i<lruiy, 'I lllumoob,
Persons Hprinklitig Curing For­
bidden Ilmrs Will be Cut
off Without Notice.
Mtvrti e i* H k * ei <¥ GtvkN, —
That the bouts Im sprinkling are:
Be ore 7: ••> a n> ; tietwren 12:410 sn«f
1.00 |«.ni. ; .ami attar n.ii) p. m ;
ruq>l Mi nduv.
Parties violating the rules will
lie cut off without noih e.
Fr l>. II oag . H i pt.
Tbe Star has a drama and
i comedy reel every uigUt.