TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JUNE 8, 1011. The main fight in county affairs Notice of Application for ». told when thousands will knock at NEWS ITEMS. centered on clerk and sheriff, and to Sell Spiritous, Malt and v our doors for admission and accept­ at one time the elected parties were Liquors, Etc. * ance into the great family of Tilla­ Published in the First i on dangerous ground, but being good political leaders they rallied mook. N otice is H ereh ?(;IV1^ We shall strive to give you all the Issue of the Headlight i their scattering forces and w-ent to a petition has been ti|«j new«, county and general, and in | battle in a spirit that always de- County Court of the State oi fu order to do this, it behooves every on June 8, 1888. ' notes victory. To say the campaign for the County of TiliamSk' citizen to send us the, news from i was marked by harmony would be copy and transcrip tlierws’*1 his respective locality. In this an error. Both parties used tactics the whole thereof, is in w ••» We are informed by Mr. W. J manner the reputation of the Head­ j unbecoming—a fault of the head, ters and figures as follow, , Smith, that there is a vast amount light can be built up until it will j not of the heart. To the Honorable County c be sought with greater zeal than of farm land on Wilson river await­ the State of Oregon t? ing some interprising person who Election day passed off pleasant the buried wealth in the vaults of County of Tillamook • ' * wishes to make a home and fortune and quiet, with not a jar to mar the the nation’s treasury. We the undersigned, u "Cast your bread upon the waters in Tillamook County. To immi ripple of the tide of votes. But and it will return after many days," grants this would prove a boon, be­ some one was destined to get a allege and show to yon .C lowing —so deposit your wealth to the ing of ready access to markets, etc. black eye, politically, and cons- follows: facts, and petition v* There appears to be a good fullest extent with the Headlight, Editorial Snap Shots. Commissioner W. N. Vaughn, of quently it became necessary to That we and each of us arp . score the fellows who "promised many false and misleading and one year from to-day we will Kilchis. sent the editor a sample to vote for me,” but whose ballots dents and legal voters within i guarantee each and all of you a straw-berry on memorial day meas- statements being circulated by Precinct, in Tillamook (£ ; uring seven inches in circumference all seemed in favor of the other aget Nothing can be gained com­ persons who are not correctly genuine surprise party. fellow. Such is life—for the candi­ Oregon, and have been land four inches in diameter. If plaining and “knocking” about informed or who are endeavor­ more than thirty days next there is any doubt in the minds of date. county affairs. Try boosting ing to create an agitation about TRAIN SERVICE JULY 1. ! easterners The Headlight was the recipient ceeding the date of this r>etJ that this is no fruit instead. ________ _ country, let them dispel that idea on Tuesday, of one of the finest having been and now actual“ the road fund. For the infor­ within said Precinct for ¡at once. People in this county strawberry boquets we have gazed dents On P. R. & N. Co. Rail Between thirty days next procs! What a great hubbub some. mation of our readers, we have upon for years, the berries being than frequently hew out apples and use May 20th, 1911. 1 Tillamook City and Wheeler. them for rain sheds, to say nothing plump and large and too delicious people are kicking up because obtained some figures which That we are an actural aim,, for utterance while the intersper ­ I of the pumpkin crop. may be useful to refutue the some other fellow and not they of the whole number of the 9 false reports that the county General Manager C. E. Lytle, of The first $5 bill was handed us by sion of florvers rare gave the con­ voters within said precinct - * are working on the roads. the P.R. AN. Co., sent the following I our wide-awake citizen, Dr. Patclien. trast of admiration. The editor court has exhausted the road That we hereby petition v™ ' wishes the donor, Mrs. Mary L. fund and is purchasing expen­ communication to Mayor Talmage, A young colt belinging to Mrs. Day, a life of peace, prosperity and grant a license to sell, in less'oa the Commercial Club, the news ­ A report gained currency that sive machinery, and by way of tities than one gallon, spirits Hutchins gave up the ghost on happiness. malt and vinous liquors, for" the county court had ordered parenthesis, there is nothing to papers and others in regard to com­ [Tuesday, and now wears wings. A Sunday school was organized period of one year from the 6» three cars of galvenized cul­ it. The last tax levy amounted mencing a train service between Mr. Blackwell’s eyes came in con­ in this city last Sabbath with Mrs. said license, within said prtC verts, but on investigation it to $80,508,73, and ofthatamouut this city and Wheeler : tact with the busy bee on Tuesday. Mondell as superintendent; Mrs. and at Bayocean, therein, to th» Severance, assistant superinten­ proved that only one car was the sheriff collected $70,039.70. GENTLEMEN:—I am pleased to an­ The bee knocked him out the first dent; Mrs. Rear, secretary; Mrs. Ma­ B. Potter Realty Company, ! M. J. O’Donnell, Bayocean. Oregon. ordered, and that to save price. The expenditures are : Amount nounce my recommendations in round. son, librarian and treasurer. About J. R. Browne, Bayocean, Oregon Anyway, in the three road dis­ outstanding road warrants can- connection with the establishment 1 The Messrs. Hauxhurst brothers, fifty scholars were present for en­ R. L. «Shreve. Bayocean, Oregon. Hobsonville, called on ye editor H. Rutter, Bayocean. Oregon tricts that amount will be used j celled, $45, 133,76; expended on of regular train service on the Till­ | 1 of and from the outlook and J. A. Blazer, Bay ocean, Oregon. this week and found congratulatory rollment, manner in which the school is offic­ J. W. Vint, Bayocean, Oregon. this year. road work, March, April and amook Division between Tillamook talk. Thanks. E. C. Lockwood, Bayocean, Oreron ered, it promises to be one of the Win, Graydon, Bayocean Oregon* May, $14,953,64 ; Bay City road and Wheeler or a point four or five P. H. M. Smith, one of Uncle permanent religious institutions of A F. Courtois, Bayocean, Oregon 1 Considering that the project tax, $1,136.66 ; balance on hand miles East of Wheeler has been ap­ Sam’s trusty boy’s stuoie a smile the coming city of Tillamook. The Carl B. Nelson, Bayocean, Oregon S. Inghram, Bayocean Oregon. is completed for the channel on ion Monday, $9,415.64, which proved by the president of this Com­ upon us Tuesday, and remarked he choir is fully guaranteed of success John Carlson, Bayocean, Oregon would remember us in his prayers. when we know that Dr. Patchen is on the bay and it is answering totals $70,639.70. Henry Erickson, Bayocean, Oregon. The court pany. the leader. The doctor is always to K. B. Teehan. Bayocean, Oregon the purposes for which it was will take $40,000 from the gene­ The equipment is now being as­ A. P. Wilson, of Hobsonville, the fore in cases where push and M. Sanden, Bayocean, Oregon. gave us a pleasant call Tuesday J. Fleming, Bayocean. Oregon. constructed, it seems to us that ral fund for bridges, a small sembled as fast as possible, and it I. W. Simpson, Bay ocean, Oregon. morning. Mr. Wilson congratu­ energy is required. it would be unreasonable to ' amount for some necessary ma­ is my desire and will be my par- ' lai-d the Headlight substantially, F. Lietheiser, Bayocean. Oregon. The Grand Central Billard Parlors D. A. Shaw, Bayocean, Oregon. oppose any new project which chinery and to pay salaries of ticular ____________ effort to inaugurate the ser- and said it was bound to “get there were opened in splendid style Mon­ Chris Olsen, Bay ocean, Oregon. Eli.” And his prophesy shall not day night of this week. To say that C. R. Fleming, Bayocean, Oregon would give the south side of the supervisors, ana and airogetner altogether it it, by juiy j8t. Leslie Pen well, Bayocean, Oregon Mr. Hadley has exceeded the most bay a channel also. will give the court about $120,-1 j a98lire yOu we will make every be in vain. Con Johnson, Bayocean, Oregon sanguine expectation of hie efforts, H. H. Dicke, Bayocean, Oregon. Maddux, the Mountaineer mail would be but a feeble effort to con 000 (XM) when it is all collected. It * effort to handle your business in a M. F. Webster, Bayocean, Oregon agent.came into the sanctum of our vey C. H. Blazer, Bayocean, Oregon. will be noticed that outstand- _______ ________ , , . , llanner agreeable to you ; and we the grandeur and magnificence it is just as necessary to have E. B. O’Neel. Bay ocean, Oregon. quietude with a rush and a bang in which hie parlors are fitted. Two E. L. Berg, Bayocean, Oregon. a sprinkler to pack crushed ing warrants absorbed consid respectfully solicit the co-operation and said: "Put me down for a half of A. C. Robinson, Bayocean, Oregon, the best tables in the market rocked as it is to have a rock erably more than half of the Bnd patronage of the citizens of dozen copies of that Boomerang of adorn his floors, while the walls are J. A. Bibby, Bayocean, Oregon. E. Burdick, Bayocean. Oregon. money collected, and the ques- Tillamook County towards the sue- yours. It ain’t wuth a continental decorated in a manner superior to D. crusher to procure crushed rock. a. Bert Biggs. Bayocean. Oregon. ... ... •-*-»! hose fly, but I don’t propose seeing any hall it has been our pleasure to Win. Hobson, Bayocean, Oregon. One is just as necessary as the tion which will soon have to be cess of this experiment. you starve, and beside, I want to State of Oregon, ) other is the experience of all decided, does the people want Will the secretary of the Commer see if you have good hose sense.” gaze upon. The hall is illuminated vfith numerous brilliant lights which County of Tillamook. | And down he went for six copies. give good roiid builders and good the court to quit road work cial Club please bulletin copy. the place a tone far in advance I, the undersigned being fa If any of our readers ever wish to road boosters, and that is the when the road fund is exhausted enjoy themselves let them take a of the common run of billiard par­ duly sworn, say: That I am out: and not do any more work on reason, no doubt, that the court the petitioners within nameia RAILWAY GETS SITE. trip across the mountains with ye lors in western cities. the roads until after the next ordered them. The Headlight returns thanks to that I circulated the same, andtkw grandee Maddux, and that will set­ all of the for«™ taxes are collected or continue Land for Tillamook Bay Ware­ tle it. Mr. Baxter Stillwell for a handsome each and boquet, the first present of the named petitioners signed the saa to have more or less outstand ­ People who live in far distant season. It takes motley to make busi­ house Transferred. with his own hand, in my preiw climes and imagine that Tillamook ness. Anyone can see that the ing warrants. Mr. Geo. Cohn, of the firm of that each have stated his nas- is a place somewhere, where no one post office address and reside® That the United Railways Com­ saloon monopoly of this city is get to it, will be surprised to Cohn & Bro., left Thursday for correctly, and that each one in It was on June 8, 1888. that, pany plans to carry on alargeship- can gathering up and sending out learn that while Seattle has been Portland, where he will make neces­ legal voter within said Barner arrangements for 4th of July the money which makes busi­ the Headlight made it first ap­ I ping business when its extention busy raising $1200 towards a cele­ sary boomerangs in Tillamook, Adver- Precinct, and has resided actualr pearance,and today it celebrates bration for the 4th of Julj-, completed is Tilla- j to Tillamook Bay is ness. So don't complain about therein for more than thirty di» ■nook has done, at least, 1 half ___ as tise it well, George. next proceeding May 20, 1911, ii business being dull if you voted its twenty-fourth anniversary, [ made evident by the recent acqui- well, Mrs. B. H. Hathaway met with a that and will give a three davs all of the facts set forth inaai to put business on the bum and and it still holds the broom as sition of terminal grounds and source of pleasure. To parties in serious accident on Wednesday, petition are true as I verily belim allow the saloon monopoly to the pioneer newspaper of Tilla­ warehouse site to the United Rail- quest of enjoymnnt, no better treat while on her way to town with her (Signed), |J. R. B rowne , reap an harvest charging people mook County. Quite a num­ ways was made yesterday by the can be had than to come to Tilla­ husband. It appears there are sev­ Address, Bayocean, Tillamo« eral bad places in the road, and as mook and put in three solid, sub ­ ber of the old settlers who sub ­ Bay City Land Company. County, Oregon. double the price previously paid hearty days of celebration Mr. H. made a turn in the road the scribed for the first issue are When the United Rayways ac­ stantial. Subscribed and sworn to beta for drinks in this city. wagon struck a large root, upset, me interpersed with fishing, etc. this 29th day of May, 1911. still taking it, some of whom quired terminal properties at Bay and threw Mrs. H. to the ground [ seal ] After the election reports arrived say they never missed seeing a She was seriously hurt about the A number of Tillamook's celeb­ City the company contracted with Tuesday evening, and there was no head and shoulders, but with proper (Signed), W ebster H olme , rities came to Nehalem Thursday copy, but as time rolls on we the Bay City Land Company for a doubt Notary- Public for Oregon. left in the minds of the vic ­ treatment will overcome the injur ­ to spend a few hours with us. We find that they are growing less N otice is F urther H ebet tors, Thayers artillery was called strip 400 feet wide, extending from ies sustained. have reason to believe that Mayor numerous every year. That the G iven ,—That said petition willk Tulmage gnve them the "high I its right of way to the channel in into practice and soon the hills re Probably one of the oldest and [»resented to the County Court« sign’’ to leave town in compliance Headlight has been and con­ Tillamook Bay, with an additional sounded with the echo of canonad- veteran type settlers of the state of the State of Oregon, for Tillamot I ing, and shouts of "victory” rent Oregon is Capt. Wm. D. Stillwell, with the vagrancy ordinance. As tinues to be an important factor County, on the 5th day of July, 1® happened that we also had a like in the county all must admit, 400 feet square along the channel, the air. But the celebration was of Tillamook, who set the type on a and based thereon said T. 6 Pa provision in our municipal code, no matter who agrees or dis­ giving the railroad company 800 suddenly terminated on account of missionary missionary_work work during the years yea ter Realty Company- will at sis they soon took the “ hint" and feet of water frontage. The termi­ the disturbance it gave Miss Bunn, of 1844 5. The work consisted of _ a and date, apply to said Coorr departed. Where, we do not know. agrees with it. Like most news­ I nal grounds and water frontage who lies dangerously ill ; the gentle­ Bibical translation into the Indian time Court for a license to be granted! men at once chartered the Gen. papers which are fearless and —Nehalem Enterprise. language and was executed under said T. B. Potter Realty Compar cover a strip of land about 1500 feet Garfield and proceeded to the bay There’s no knowing what outspoken, the Headlight has long. where the boom was kept tip until the aspices of the missionary society to sell within said Barnegat Pre­ who were, at that time, trying to cinct, and at Bayocean therein,!» I the ammunition wagon gave out would have happened to them inauy staunch friends all over At the time this property was its last mouthful of food. All was civilize the untutored mind of the less quantities than one gtlta1 had they fallen into the hands the county, for they know that wild aboriginee. In the future we spirituous, malt and vinous liquor, harmony, peace, quietude, both the of the lord chief justice of Ne­ no boss or any special interests contracted for the company had the vanquished conqueror ming­ shall, in the history of old settlers, for a period of one year from it have any strings on it. It has privilege of selecting the additional ling together, and have more to say on this subject. halem, date of said license. in sweet accord. Now done its part in helping to boost 44» feet anywhere between the Base that the election is over let us dwell Dated this 29th day of May, Ml Line and a point half a mile south. T. B. P otter R ealty Counit together in unity. Notice of Sale of Tide Lands. In granting the P.R. & N. Co. and advertise the county, for no According to the deed, which was A Corporation. a right to use the street on the other agency have done so much Among the first of those whose N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That passed yesterday, the company se­ liberality oozed out to any extent water front, the city's interests to send broadcast useful infor­ , _____ the State Land Board of the State lected the 400-foot strip lying just was Mr. Peter Brant. one Wins Fight for Life. <..._ of the of Oregon will sell to the highest were not looked after ns it might mation about Tillamook county. It was a long and bloody batt- south and along the Base Line. substantial ranchers of this district ..................... bidder at its office in the Capital Probably a repetition of the have been, for there is nothing who ordered three copies of thè Building at Salem, Oregon, on for life that was waged by Jan» in the franchise in regard to opening statement from the On account of its situation the Headlight sent to different addres­ July 11, 1911, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., B. Merahon, of New’ark, N. J-, * property is considered ideal for first issue will not be out of grades and putting the street in ses in the east. "By their fruits ye of said day, all the State’s interest which he writea: “I had lost mofi a warehouse site, as it is easily ac ­ place at this time, which fol ­ shall know them” is an old adage, in the tide and overflow lands here­ blood from lung hemorrhages «* shape so that others can us it cessible by both rail and water. and let us remark that the works of inafter described, giving, however was very weak and run down. Fs besides the railroad. The grade | lows : This property is about 700 feet thia paper will be duly felt in won- to the owner or owners of any lands eight months I was unable to wod READY FOR BUSINESS. crossing the public road at the derous strength before another new abutting or fronting on such tide Death seemed close on my h«k The Headlight in all its glory to­ south of the warehouse owned by year verges on the list. saw mill should not I h * allowed and overflow lands, the preference when I began, three weeks ago. * sheds its refulgent rnvs upon the Bay City Land Company. use Dr. King’s New Discoven to be “humpbacked,” and now day something less than one million And they still come, growing! right to purchase said tide and But it has helped me greatly., ft* With the building of the United overflow lands at the highest price is the time for the city council readers and ns time rolls on in its better and better, this time in - all that you claim.” F* to protest. No one wants to majestic greatness we anticipate Railways to Tillamook Bay and the the shape of a fine basket of straw­ offered, provided such offer is doing weak, sore lungs, obstinate cougl* made in good faith, and also pro- something grenter even than all improvement of facilities at the Bay berries. accompanied by a rich dish I place any obstacles in the way stubborn colds, hoarsenew, * All tilings have a beginning, City wharf, it is expected that point of cream. The donator. Mrs. F 1 ! viding that the land will not be grippe, asthma, hay-fever or ««’ of the railroad, but it is the duty this. sold for nor any offer therefor ac ­ but, although our projiortions are Thayer, has the kindest wishes of cepted of less than $7.50 per acre, throat or lung trouble its suprt* of the city to see that the rail somewhat smaller than the leading will develop an important shipping the Headlight fraternity, and we | and $1.00. Trial bottle ft* road does uot raise thu grades journals of the Union, who can business. It is estimated that there hope her path through life will be | 1 the Board reserving the right to 50c. reject any and all bids. Said lands Guaranteed by Chas. I. Clough- in crossing streets where there foresee the future to prophesy that are about 35,000,000.000 feet of saw ever strewn with roses, and her I are situated in Tillamook County we will not be able, in a few years, timber (tributary to that bay. The general welfare crowned with all is considerable travel. Oregon described as follows: A Leading California Druggirt. . to cope with the greatest journals timber consists of red and yellow mortal could wish. Tide lands fronting on Lots 1 and I of the age. Pasadena, Cal., March#. MJ - - and - cedar. I ' Capf. Wm. Ralston, of Garibaldi, 2 of Section 23. T. 3 N.. R. 10 W ! We are here stricklv in the inter­ fir, spruce, - hemlock Foley and Co., Gentlemen:”’1 There is one of two things ests of Tillamook County and her The distance between Portland a democrat of 64 years standing and Beginning at the meander corner have sold and recommended Foled open to the Port of Tilbimook citizens in general. Therefore our and Bay City over the United Rail- justice of the peace, was notified at on bank of North Fork of Nehalem Honey and Tar Compound ■ a River on line between Sections 23 I years. We believe it to be one 1 in regard to it dreilge. Either politics will t»e neutral, from the ways will be 77 miles. Upon the 10 a. m. on Wednesday to appear at and 24, T. 3 N.. R. 10 W. Tillamook as soon as |w the dredge more (Said meander corner being S. 1 the market. Containing no opirt* to demoralize the best interests completion of the road the distance assist in counting the vote of the Oregon, which was built tt» be of this county than any other one I between Portland and Bay City will county. Mr. Ralston cooked and 45 h., 1.34 chains from corner to - or narcotics it can be given WW used nt the stniill harliors on thing introduced, hence the greater; be 35 mile« shorter than the Colum­ ate lus uinner. then got into his Sections 13, 14, '23, 24) thence (Low to children. Enough of the ** . boat and pulled against a strong W. 5' to left). thia coast. Both have their nd- achievements for the county and bia River route. - Oregonian. edy can be taken to relieve a c®» S. 61» 51' W 111.9' along H. W. L as it has no nauseating result*.** tide up the bay to Tillamook. F> pa|>er can be accomplished bv 1 vnntiiges mid disadvantages. a the strict application to the upbuild-1 miles, arriving at 1:30 p.ni. IJnn Low Water ,T to left. does not interfere with digertj* By txorrow ing the government ing of as grand a county as God [ S. 61‘ 25' W. 500.0 along County’s old man can beat him Yours very truly, C. H. Ward Ww A Charming Woman dredge it would save bonding e'er ordered the sun to shine upon. splitting rails, but when it comes to : Low water 5' to left. Co., C. L. Parsons. Sec'y and Trt6 << S. W 38' W. 363,9 along the district the amount which Upon this issue, then, will t»e the is one that is lovely in face, form. a long pull, a strong pull and a pull “Get the original Foley's ■JJw of the Headlight's principles, mind and temper. But its hard tor l»x hititHclf. we think Squire Ralston Low water 1(Y to left. it would take to build one, mid basis and Tar Compound in the ye#* 3 it working for the greutest good to the a woman to tie charming without deserves, »nd will eventually re- S. 52» 51' W. 216.2 along package. Chas. I. Clough C«. being ii dredge of double the greatest number, always remember­ health. A weak, sickly woman will cetve the bakery. i Low water 17- to left. I S. 62» 53- W. 277.7 along << rapacity ns the one proposed to ing the people's interests are our tie nervous and irritable. Consti- It is worse than useless to & By a combination a real estate Is- built, would ilo the work in interests, anil it devolves upon us pation and kidney poisons show in firm has been formed in Tillamook Low water 18' to left. any medicines internally for to guard zealously the handling of < < pimples, blotches skin eruptions S. 67° iI5' \\ . 469.4 along half the time. When the Ore­ the county finance, that the tax and a wretched complexion. But who will be able to give better deals cuiar or chronic rheumatism* I Low water 18» left. that is needed is a free .ipr1'1*^ gon could be obtained mid for payers may know ex|>enditurea are Electric Bittern always prove a , and more general information than S. 68- 58’ W to < « 269.0 along of Chamberlain's Liniment. “ ,n ,he ; we si»eak Ix>w water 12- to left. what 1-ugth of time is the most made in a manner calculated to godsend to women who want health of \\ S Cone A Co. Mr. Cone has sale by Lamar’s Drug Store S. 63- 01' \\ . 205.4 along perplexing subject to solve, for bring l»enefita to thoee who are beauty and frieuda. They regulate ■ complete abstract of all the tim- tuxed for the general and necessary Stomach. Liver and Kidneys, pur ­ Low water 7 to left unless the work can be com­ improvements. Our greatest aim is ity the blood ; give strong nerves, tx-r lands in this county, and is Your Neighbors Bxper esce << S. 56° 47 W. 239.8 along pleted when the dredge is here] to nee Tillamook county the banner bright eyes, pure breath, smooth, -better prepared to furnish estimates Low How you may profit bv it. **r water 12 ’ to left. it would not help much to have county of the state of Gregon, and velvety akin, lovely complexion and I on timt»er than any man on the Pa­ S. 54' 37 \\ . 192.5 along Folev Kidney Pills. Mrs. E- • , ii health. Try them. 30c at cific coast. Parties from abroad will aOi>4°irerM“.line be,we*n tots 2 and Whiting. 360 Willow St.. \kr0*L; a it delayed several years. This; Tillamook city leading the van in L iwrfevt do well to address W. S. Cohn* Co.. I1MM. I. < lough's. all greatness arising in cities of S. says: "For some time I hads^ 4 is something, however, which note and worth. Tillamook. Oregon, before wasting 3 of Sec. 23, low water line | ^ginning. containing j serious case of kidney tronbt* should be thoroughly investi I We are yet unknown, but be as­ time and money in general running A Dreadful Wound I suffered with backache» *T:a gated by the Port. On tlieother' sured when our resources are once from The Company propose a knife, iroma knife ¿fun, gun. tin can. rusty around. I Bid should be accompanied by a dizzy headaches. nail, fireworks. or any other nature, catering to the wishes of the gen- wii .. ’*" »¿trsof immigration hand, to build adreilge it would _ ...... .. aPPb«"“on »o .purchase I flouting before my eyes "id 1 I ersi public, and take thia method deman 1a prompt treatment with all tired out and 'mineral e. 1 i.i. „„.».a.,, mu„,h. ’,»■«; »««¡ng •"«Iwhange for the full amount ( Foley Kidney Pills advertised },n**rthed, and Tillamook will * ^rnu,B to prevent ?17?anai’h2rhav' *^M ,hou ' d ** addressed nud cost ftkl.OOO, and in that' looked upon se ths wonder of wond blood poiaon | and tide lands, as well as the best or gangrene. lta the ' got a bottle and took them " -- Vier I city property, for sale on reasonable case a dredge would alwnvs be " * h«v« »he climate, advent quukeat. aureat healer for all auch Bo» rd, Salem. Orerei ■ An, and marked mg to directions and available, not only for work the T***?!?*1 r*«ourYe« to make us what "'•«nd« •• «too for Burn., Boil.. terms. If you wish to make a ready ‘Application and biid to purchase showed almost at once. Th« «r | return on money invented purchase tide landa.” Port may have to do, but could make amt °",r"n *•" Eniptiona, Enema. and dizzy headaches left '’«V- Chapped haada. Coma or Pile«. | Tillamook city property of the above be used to advantage aud pro tit world to know of the" dvj?nta«M eye-sight became clear and tedri,, | _ G- G. B rown , next ¿"d* ** k°u”' ,o double in the 23c at Chat. L t tough'a. . Clerk State Land Board can say I am a well woman. ti^T S a | Dated thia 36th day of April, MH1. to Foley Kidney Pills."' to improve private property, all .STRICTLY IK ADVÀXCB.) of which helps to bring about 1 »inc year......................................... improvements, We are inclined Six months.................................... to think if the dredge Oregon Three months............................... . could be obtained at an early Entered as second class mail mat­ date and for a sufficient length ter July, 1888, at the poet office at i of time it would expedite the Tillamook. Ore., under the act of work and be economy as well March 3, 1879. as prudent to do so, and after that, if it was seen that it was flÇfa Tillamook Ijeabliglit, necessary to build a dredge, the Port could do so. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. Clough Co,