Jlanuwk Ucaiiliijljt TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JUNE 8, Raise your calves without milk by feeding them the World’s Famous 1 Blanchard’s Calf Meal. Cheaper than milk. Can be had at the Til­ lamook Feed Co. ._ Rough spruce and hemlock lum­ ber at $8.00 per thousand at the Faw- cet Creek Saw Mill, seven miles I have given the foreman’s plan a south of TillamookCity. Goldsworth- ey A Dalpaz, pros. fair trial—yet I am not satisfied with the results.” | The passengers out on the Anvil 1 for the Rose Festival this week I had laid by almost ten dollars, j were: Mrs. Capt. Groat, Walter saved from my last month’s pay. I Baker Bert King. Frank Hannen- kept it in the bureau drawer. It was ’ kratt and Mr. Hayes. too handy there. Three different times For rent, a large store room, 24x have I taken some amount for immedi­ I 36, on Stillwell Ave. and six living j rooms in same building. Also one ate use. I see now it was spent foolish­ I store room on First Street, Inquire ly. There is less than five dollars left at Tillamook Bakery’. I MUST save THAT.” Grass is growing fast now. To keep it down you will need a hand The Way to Save—Have a Savings sickle, scythe and snath or lawn mower. We have a nice assortment Account With of all. —K ing A S mith C o . • THE OLD RELIABLE. S. A. Brodhead is prepared to do all kind of wood work on short L-DES t T notice. Furniture repaired, All work guaranteed first class, Call at his shop and leave orders. TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE SUPERVISION I )UNTY In the account of the suicide of J Peter Asp, where it stated that Mrs, Asp was too familiar with another AMOOK JOTTINGS Try thoee 15c candies at Lamar’s cobbler, it should have read another Variety Store. • man, for he was not a cobbler. Dee Moon and Jim Woods, of A checking account with us will il $10 ton, see Shrode. Blaine, were doing business with our cost you nothing. We furnish pass Morris, eye specialist, merchants the first of the week. book and checks free of charge. ah Home made Candies at If you want a milk shake or a $25.00 or $30.00 is enough with which Hill’s. Tillamook good old lemonade, stop in at the to open an account. [ those 15c candies at Lamar's Palace of Sweets.—Honey A Sone. > County Bank. * ly Store. —— The roads across the mountains Two liquor petitions have been rk Bays was in town from filed with the County Clerk for having dried up, Geo. W. Grayson irdale Tuesday. licensee at Bayocean and Garibaldi. is now running the stage over the rks easier, makes best bread, Extremely low rates on house Tillamook North Yamhill route and tent’s Best” Flour. wiring during May and June, Till­ is now prepared to take care of the K. Hesser, of Timber, Ore., amook Electric Light and Fuel traveling, with no delays. D the city on Wednesday. The Percheron stallion Ville will Co. • I Board of County Coinmis- Attorney H. T. Botts expects to make the stand for the season at re is in session this week. leave the end of the week for Port­ Rogers A McNamer’s Livery Barn, lie W. Watson and family land to attend the Masonic Grand in this city, with the exception of Mondays and Tuesdays, when the Lodge. out to Portland on Sunday. stallion will be at Beaver. • Mayor C. W. Talmage left for E. Lytle, general manager Wanted immediately by E. T. Hal- Portland last week, and while out- A N. Co., came in on Wednes- aide will argue a case in the federal tom, at the department store, a cold storeage stoker. Good wages to the court. Art Case for auto trips to any right kind of a man who will quar- >f the county. Ready at all " The candies at the Palace of antee not to “freeze out’’ every ten­ Sweets are all good, because they ant in the Tillamook Block. ■mall farm to sell or trade for are all in the case and kept clean Mrs. J. C. Holden and Mrs. Carl « i property on easy term.—J. R. and fresh. Patzlaf left for Portland, who with Good team, harness and wagons Mesdames P. J. Sharp. W. J. Steph­ !. Anderson and Henry Tohl and other implements for sale cheap ens, Clark Hadley and A. K. Case, own from Nehalem on Wed- if taken at once. Inquireof George will make up a party in that city to Gaston, city. * witness the Rose Festival. John Embum has rented his place j chickens wanted at the Tilla- To keep pace with the times, we Meat Company’s Market, 13c. at Fairview to Mr. Apsley for three have added to our well assorted years. John will move to Corvallis stock of hardware, a line of up-to- Dtind. • date millinery. Newest early sum­ lice Snodgrass has been suffer- in a few months. A suit was filed in the circuit mer patterns now displayed in our torn an attack of diphtheria • court by Thos. N. Kennedy against window.—K ing A S mith C o . 1st week. Attorney Webster Holmes is in I Wilson River Road to Forest Z. T. Bogard, which is to quiet title Portland this week attending a case, > is in good condition and to certain property. Mrs. W. W. Wiley, wife of Prof. Wheeler vs. Miami Lumber Co., for travel. [cheapest fruits in the city are Wiley, and children, of Newberg, which is being heard in the Federal pine apples at Honey A Sons, are in on a visit to her parents, Mr. Court. Attorney C. W. Talmage is also in Portland on the same case. and Mrs. C. N. Drew. e of Sweets. , * The only business of importance I “A.” Star Shingles, for sale “Dements Best” Flour gives sat­ I for cash, by J. M. Selby at isfaction because it is so easy to before the city council on Monday work and makes such pure bread. evening was an applicatien for a in Gate Dock. liquor license by W. O. Chase, who 1 Rent, 15 cow ranch, stock Ask Shrode about it. J. W. Bewley, who conducts a has bought the Palace Restaurant, lie. Apply at once to G. II. livery barn at Sheridan, will bring and is wanting a malt and wine 1 Tillamook Ore. license for that place. Ing of Buff Orpingtons, $1.50 passengers to Tillamook in his auto Frank Rowe was down from Ne­ whenever they desire. |L00 for 15 eggs —C A. Corn- halem last week and he is making I will pay 8c, 10c. and 11c. for calf I Tillamook, Ore. a pull to have the^Bankers’ Conven­ lg your chickens to the Tilla- hides at my shop. Try me out and tion held in this county next year. see. The Old Reliable Hide and ¡MeatCompany's Market We It is proposed to spend two days at Fur Dealer, N. E. Melchoir. • be. per pound. Reed's ranch at Nehalem and two Norcross hand cultivator is the fy thing fit for fishing. We days at Bayocean. II your mail orders prompty. newest tool to be use in the garden. A petition is being circulated They are a success. Everything in g A S mith C o . . ♦ * asking Governor West to parol garden tools.—K ino A S mith . * ferry started the street sprink- Henry McKinley, who was sentenced C. D. Pierce filed a complaint to three years in tlie penitentiary besday afternoon to the delight in Justice Stanley ’ s court against Iryone in the city. at the last term of the circuit court. D Small has been laid up this Edward Davis, to obtain possession One condition in the |>etition is that he leave the country for two [having sprained hia back at of the W. High place at Netarts. ■d storeage plant. Based upon the receipts of the Till­ years. | F. D. Small will leave this amook [Hist office, the postmaster's Mrs. L. Labowitch, who has been lor the East, where •he will salary will be reduced from $1,800 to visiting her mother in San Fran- $1,700, owing to a decrease in this cisco for the past month, returned luring the Summer. to her home in this city, Saturday, I King left for a visit to Ash- office. pn Sunday, and from there he Sheriff H. Crenshaw made up hie coming in from Sheridan by private x> to Willows, Idaho. mind in a hurry and left for Port­ conveyance. Mrs. Iailiowitch will lours, cheapest and best paper land early Monday morning, taking be glad to see her friends at the br in town. I .eave orders at Mr». Crenshaw and Mrs. W. F. Grand Leader. Baker. pext to Harris' barn. For Sale, a full blooded Holstein |anas are always good at the Every boy and gill in the county Bull. 14 months old. He ia from It ot Sweets. because they should have one of our handsome good milking strain, his dam [them in the proper way. * steel savings lianks. They are an giving Tfi lbs. of milk per day, and good health and econo, incentive to save. Get one by op­ hi« grand dam on hi» father*» «ide on the rent proposition, live ening a savings account with a de­ giving 87 ll>«. of milk per dav- I of our tents during the sum- posit of $1.00 or more. Tillamook Registration pafiers furnished. — * Carl Possetti, Hemlock. Oregon. * bonths. — K ing A S mith C o . . County Bank. The steamer Elmore left out with the following passengers: A. C. Jennings and wife, L. Moulton. W. R. Douglas«. M A. Shearer Otto Shearer. Miss William«. A. E. Evan«. E. R. Tobias and wife. Mra. Tittle. Mrs. Hager and child, J. »ted two Doors west of Lamar’s Drug Store. Shorn, W. A. Storey. Mi»a Hal mon 1. V. W. Knight. N. D Johnson, J. AND LOOK AROUND. ” “DROP IN Dalton. G. J. Poyaky, Nona Daniel. M. Hardatey. W. B Brown, C. W Rest Room for Ladies. Talmage. C. L. Lindsey. and aeveral from bay points. 5--Extracts from a Diary THE PLAN WORKS, BUT............... TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANKS“ AMAR’S VARIETY STORE 1911 Blanch Whittemore, who has been visiting at Corvallis for the past month, returned to this city Sun­ day morning. While at Corvallis, Mias Whittemore attended the com­ mencement exercises at O. A. C. and she reports a most enjoyable time in that city. „ Married, on Sunday, by Rev. D. L. Shrode, at the home of the bride’s parents, Councilman J. P. Wilt and wife, Mr. Leslie Penwell and Mies Margaret Wilt. The young couple will make their home at Bayocean, and they carry with them the bent wishes of a large number of friends. The Golden Gate came in on Wed­ nesday with F. Tompsett and wife, Mr. Duncan, O. E. Laughran, S. Johnson and L. Reckers. She left again thia morning with W. D. Stillwell, B. L Powell and wife, J. D. Jones, Nels Axelson, Mrs. Everding, B. R. Haley, 11. H. Pot­ ter, A. B. Robinson. A E. Laughran, an expert phar­ macist of Boston and New York, lias taken charge of the drug de­ partment at J. S. Lamar’s Drug Store during the absence of A. Robinson, Mr. Lamar's regular pharmacist. Mr. Robinson will be absent from town for about a month, visiting friends and relatives in the Willamette Valley. The Golden Gate left on Saturday with the following passengers : O. J. Smith, Mrs. Dr. Smith, T. Hush- back, A. E. Mikleaon, O. Murry, Mrs. A. Swart, A. Lunow, E. D. Egbert, Mr. J. P. Sharp, G. Olson, E, P. Sarrette, P. C. Lamar, V. De Lillies, M. L. Johnson, I, Lillian Wicklund, Mrs. W. S. Stephens, Waynick, Luiella Mrs. C. R. Sweeney. E. P. Sarrette and son, Covey, left out on the steamer Golden Gate for their old home in West Virginia, after an extended visit with their daughter and sistei, Mrs. J . M. De Lillies and family of thia city. Mr. Sarrette made many friends while here and as he likes Tillamook, may move here in the near future. Miss Dolan De Lillies acconipaned them as far as Portland. Baby £ hick food, Blanchard’s Calf Meal. Dement’s Best flour $1 50 sk Demept’-a Marvel flour $1.50 ek. grass seeds, Vegetable fertilizer, Land plaster, Cement, Shingles, Lath, Hay, Grain, Mill-feed, Cream separator, Machinery, Farm iinple- menta, and the celebrated Stude- baker wagons and harness, or any other old thing you want at the Tillamook Feed Co. William High, wife and children came over from McMinnville on a visit the first of the week. Mr. High is feeling greatly encouraged on account of the improvement in his eyes, but since the accident has not been able to work. He will remain a few daya and Mra. High and chil­ dren will remain during the sum­ mer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watt. Great preparations are being made for the Fourth of July at Bay­ ocean Park, where there will be many attractions and a large crowd. Already every room in the hotel is engaged and all the tents in Tent City art» likewise spoken for. On Sunday, July 2, a party of over one hundred, belonging to the Portland Autmcbile Club, will leave that city in the morning, and will spend the Fourth at Bayocean. A. K. Case, county agent for the Overland Car Co., sold a fine, five passenger $1250.(1) car to J. II. ■ nd H. H. Roseberg, a week ago Friday. Mr. Case made a recond for deliv­ ery of cars in thia county. He re ceived the order for the car Friday, sent it in to be filled Saturday and received the car on board the Golden Gate Sunday. The Rose |(Crg Bri)< purcha»ed thia car after a close examination of ................... all the lead I ing care handled in this country and decided that the Overland was the best for the money. The Presbyterian Church was filled to its full capacity Sunday morning, when Rev. H. R. Salis­ bury preached the baccalaureate sermon to the graduating class of the high school, Rev. Salisbury was at his liest and the sermon which he preached to the fair class of 'll was one of the best ever de The floral iivered io thia city, decorations were very pretty and the music which was given by a choice choir was not only appro priate, but quite pleasing to every­ one. The senior-junior reception which was given by the junior class in honor of the seniors at the Com mercial Club rooms, last Friday night, was one of the moat unique receptions ever given to any gradtt ■t«ng. Everything had f>een I planned so pc rise Uy by the juniors >1.50 per year. an 1740. The Coflfee Pot Bank. 1911 The Up to the Minute Bank. n The savings idea is just as worthy, just as necessary to business success to-day as it was in 1740, but the methods have advanced during that time. We now have the most modern savings convenience invented and respectfully in­ vite the people of Tillamook County to call and sec them. In brief, let us tell vou that it is a small HOME SAVINGS B‘NK which registers, or indicates, at all times, THE EXACT AMOUNT OF MONEY which has been placed in it. The aniouut of money is plainly shown al all times, the amount of each kind of coin— Nickles, dimes, quarters and so on. The thing that stimulates saving is to see the amount grow, to see it every day, right before your eyes. With one of our new banks this feature is tlie big thiug and these banks have proven very popular wherever they have been placed. GET ONE THE FIRST TIME YOU ARE IN TOWN, especially if you have children, for you know the adage, “ as the twig is bent, so is tree inclined,” and the children will take unusual interest in these banks be­ cause THEY ARE SOMETHING NEW AND UNIQUE. THEY ARE to be had FREE for we loan them to anyone who starts an account of $i or more. FIRST NATIONAL BANK TILLAMOOK. OF The Only Government Examined Bauk in the County. that not even a break was noticed at any place during the whole even­ ing. At the banquet, Prof. Baker, principle of the city schools, acted ns toast master, which place he filled extremely well, and the ban­ quet was one of the best ever pre­ pared in honor of any person or groupe of persons in this city. Major Weitzel, No. 33,271, held his ___ . reputation -____ _ ____ - - ___ — - in the good this spring horse shows in the valley. At Salem he won the sivercup with IT of colts and second in the bred class of stallions of any age. His colts won first in everything they were entered in at Mt. Angel. He won first prize and his colts took first prize in nearly every class at Woodburn. Major was given second place, but his one, two and three year old colts won first in every class. This demonstrates the qual­ ity. The opportunity is yours. • -» The graduation exercises of the Tillamook High School will be held on Friday evening in the Methodist church. The graduates are Misses Jennie Celia Blanchard. Johanna Schlappi, Violet Adelaide Noyes, Gladys Maud Beats, Ruby Belle McGhee, Mabel Florence Goyne and Elsie Lee Lamb, and the program will be as follows : Music .................................... Orchestra. Invocation........... Rev. D. L. Shrode. Salutatory............ Helena Schlappi. Vocal duet, Gladys and Helen Beals. Class prophecy...... Ruby McGhee. Vocal solo...................... Maliel Goyne. Oration, “No Backward Foot­ prints” ................... Violet Nines Music............................ Boys' (»lee. Class Will ........... Gladys Bea ». Violin solo................ Chester McGhee. Class History...................Elsie l.amb. Vocal solo..................... Ralph Himes. Valedictory ......... Jennie Blanchard. Instrumental duet Helen Stain and Gertrude Kbingrr. Presentation of diploma«. Geo. B. I-a nil, John R. Harter vs. W. S. Cone ia a case decided in the Supreme Court in favor of Harter, whi :h reverse» the decision of the lower court. This was a case where the legal title was in favor ol Harter, but forte claimed the land at Bay City, l>y vertue of two tax dent». Ilarter brought auit in ejectment anen allies in person to Mr. Cone, who would not accept the money or re- linguist! the property. The lower court held that Cone had had hts first deed lor more than three years ■nd that gave him title to the land. The supreme court reversed the lower court on the ground that in ordeA Io secure title under the three year limitation that he would have to have actural possession of the property, while in fact, he had but constructive (»ossesaiou. Ti e Alumni Association met at the High School building Wednes­ day evening for the purpose of en­ joying the first annual business meeting and banquet of their aeso- cintion. The officers elected for the ensuing year were John »chini, Pres. ; Edna I’oormau, 1st Vice Pres. ; Robert Stillwell. 2nd Vice Pres. ; Ruby McGhee, 3rd Vice Pres. ; R- Moore, Sec. and Treaa. 1 here were twenty seven present including Prof. L. I.. Baker and wife and Mrs. Ester Lowry as guests. 1 lie banquet whs h most sumptuous affair mid much credit is due Prof. E. G. Munson, the president of the association for the past two years and one of the intel­ lectual star« among the old gradu­ ates, for the manner in which thia affair was brought off. Furiture for Sale. As I am going to California. I will offer my entire furniture, in­ cluding one high grade piano, at low prices and eaey payments, also horse and buggy. H. C. Kunze, close by the Academy. Tillamook, Ore. Theatrk al Play. Given at St. Alplionaus Hall, June 21st, l>y St. Alphonsu«' Dramatic Club, “ More Sinned Aguinat Than Sinning, ’ a drama in Prologue mid three acta. The acene of the piny fa laid in Killurney, Ireland, about the year 1HHI. Deals with the suppression ol poor pen Han la, by haughty land­ lords. Marmaduke ia disowned by his father, through tile intrigues of a designing land agent Laurence Fernaworth am! Hubert Melchoir, who acted very aucceaa. fully in title play in Mt. Angel, will have the leading part«. Dr. Perkina* orchestra will render some very beautiful «election be­ tween uct«. Reserved seats. 50-. Adult«, Sc, Children, 1^:. Tickets on aale at Clough'« Drug Store. Notice to Credit rs. ■ "■ Notice is hereby given to all whom it may rnncrin. That the County Court of the Stale <>f I Irrgon tor Tillamook County, has ap|N>inted the undersigned adiuiniMtralor of the estate of peter Asp, deeoased. and any and all |>er»on« having claims again«! as id estnte are hereby re­ quired to prraent the asine pnqwrly verified to me at the office >f George Willett, attorney at law in Tillamook City, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof Dated June «th, 1011. E. W S tanlby . Admiatrator of the eatate of Peter Asp, deceased.