TILLAMOOK HhiADLlGfiT, JUNE 1. 1011 .1 Foi Sale. 1 it has been done, I think that your in bonds an average tax levy of two Good Sewing Machine, only $8.C0. mills, based upon the preeent valu ­ ENGINEER’S REPORT. maintenance expense on the upper ation, will carry out the work out­ 15 Vol. International Encyclo­ section will be practically nothing. pedia, only $10.00. Below Trank River the material lined in this report, paying inter­ H. R. S alisbury . Port of Tillamook will I is largely sand and gravel, and I est and maintenance chargee and that your proposed work provide for the retirement of the Jersey Bull for Sale. Not Bond for 1450,000 I i estimate will require the removel of about bonds by the time they mature. A well Jersey Bull for sale. as Previously Planned. 80,000 cubic yards of material per It has never t^en the intention of Will sell bred leasonable. William Max- j mile. This can all be placed on the the Port to issue any bonds in this -well.______ _ matter until it should have the tlats adjoining the work. STATEMENT BY PORT. tide Cattle to Pasture. The choice of routes on the lower advice of a thoroughly qualified section lies clearly with the south engineer as to what was advisable Wanted, cattle to pasture at the Will Build a Dredge and channel, as the estimated amount for the Port to undertake. Having Netarts sand spit. Enquire of of material to be excavated by that procured the advice of Mr. Lock ­ Improve the Channel to route is 300,000 cubic yards as wood in this matter, the Port has Hodgdon Bros., Fairview. Lost. the Bay. against 380,000 cubic yard«' via the taken action as stated above. main channel, and the mainten­ In order to have the propoeed Lost, a roll of poultry netting, 2 Engineer Lockwood has filed hi« ance charge is sure to be materially plan thoroughly understood the foot wide, near Fairview Creamery. has called a Finder will please communicate or Port Commission repirt with the Port of Tillamook less. leave same at the Headlight office. be held at the By the south channel you avoid public meeting to in regard to the improvement of Hoqnarten Slough and the channel nil silt from the Wilson and Kil- Commercial Club, next Thursday, Call For Warrants. to the bay. Although Mr. Lock- chis Rivers and your maintenance June 8th, at 1:30 p.m., where the expense wtll be limited to moving whole matter will be discussed. Al) All county general fund warrants wook hag made no mention of the endorsed prior to Jan. 1, 19)1, will proposition to appropriate money the silt from Trask and Tillamook are invited to attend this meeting be paid upon presentation. You will certainly eave so that whatever objections there for the improvement of the bar, Rivers. Interest ceases this 10th day of he has advised the port nottogpend half of your maintenance charge in may be to the Port’s actions may May 1911. B. I.. B eal », C o . Treasurer. money on a north jetty, and as to keeping the south channel open as be discussed, nnd the wishes of the the most desirable channel in the against the expense via the main people in regard to the matter Warning. ascertained. Those opposing the bay, owing to the government channel. former propoeed bond issue are persons are hereby warned If you huve the work done by All building the jetty, he appears to be Promis- to purchase ,------------ a _ certain r somewhat doubtful whether the contract your bids would probably especially invited to attend. The not sory Note given bj- the undersigned government engineers would allow not be less than 25c per cubic yard Port Commission wishes, as far as to George Vanderseefor$225.00 with- un opening to be made in the jetty on the upper, and 15c per yard on they can learn what is wanted, and out interest, due payable some time to open up the Sturgeon Channel, the lower section. Your mainten­ it is for this reason they have called nextOctober. Said note was obtain­ ed from me by fraud. which would cost lees for manten- ance work you could probably not this meeting. T. L. M c F alls . It is hoped that a large attendance ance, so he recommended the south let by contract to advantage (if at all) us it must be done annually may be had so that the Port may Pasture to Rent. channel. In consequence of this the Port of and will be so small in amount as know that it is either supported by Pasture to rent.—Enquire of Em­ Tillamook; has practically decided not to justify the expense of bring­ the people, or if they are disap­ mett ~ Bales, Tillamook, Ore. not to bond the Port for $450,000, ing a proper plant to do it. The proved, where the trouble lies, and amount of material to be moved see if all cannot get together on For Sale. but may do so to the extent of from $50,000 to $100,000 to build a combi­ annually for maintenance of the some plan which will be supported A heavy team, 5 and 6 years old ; nation dredge, as recommended by channel can only be guessed at, by the people generally. also heavy harness and new 3-inch engineer, and ns it will only take but it should not exceed 30,000cubic Mitchell Wagon with box. Enquire about $56,000 or $00,000 to do the yards for the south channel, nor CONTEST FOR QUEEN of C. L. Wooley, Beaver, Ore. work improving Iloqunrton slough 60,000 cubic yards for the main cha­ Of Tillamook Float at Rose Foley Kidnej Pills contain just and channel on the bay, it may be nnel route. the ingredients necessary to regu­ The question of maintenance al­ that the Port will raise this amount Festival Ends. late and strengthen the action of by taxation, covering several years. most compels you to provide the the kidneys and bladder. Try them The contest for the queen of the yourself. Chas. I. Clough Co. When the Port of Bayocean is elected necessary plant and do the work and organized, a proposition will under your own supervision, and if Tillamook float at the Rose Festival F. S. Rexford, 615 New Y'ork Life be made to open the Sturgeon you can secure the proper plant, in Portland closed on Wednesday Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., says: “I channel, und us the south side of and have it operated efficiently and evening at the Commercial Club had a severe attack of a cold which settled in my back and kidneys and the buy is needing deep water economically, this is the best and rooms, when Miss Ollie Case was I was in great pain from my trou­ cheapest method. the winner, the proceeds netting facilities, the Port of Bayocean ble. A friend recommended Foley I consider that the best, and in $104.00. Kidnej’ Pills and I used two bottles would take cure of the channel on 556 of them and they have done me a the bay from 'Dick’s Point to the fact the only kind of a single dredge Mias Ollie Case ........... 407 world of good.” Chas. I. Clough "Jennie Wooley.... mouth of the harbor, which would that could do all of your work 47 Co. " Vida Rogers........... be u saving of from $8,000 to $10,000 would be a small hydraulic, pipe 18 "Gladys Beals......... Whooping cough is not danger­ to the Port of Tillamook which it will line machine, with a rotary cutter, 13 ous when the cough is kept loose " Dolan De Lillies . strongly built so that it would not " Veronica Melchior e and expectoration easy by giving have to spend improving the south Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It channel from that point to Bay break down when digging out has been used j in many epidemics City, and would be a saving as well snags. A machine of this kind Governor West Redness Hol­ of this disease withjperfect success. to the Port of Tillamook in not would cost, complete, $50,060.00 to man’s Fine. For sale by Lamar's Drug Store. $60,000.00. It should do the work having to maintain a channel on on the upper section for 10c to 12c Sheriff Crenshaw received a mes­ the bay in future. per cubic yard, and on the lower sage from Governor West on Mon­ The Report. section for 4c to 6c per yard. On day to release Thomas Holman from Your proposed work of improv­ maintenance work the cost would the county jail upon the payment of ing the channel from Tilla­ be 10c. to 12c per cubic yard, and it $750, which was immediately paid mook City to lower bay naturally would be necessary to add care-tak­ and the prisoner released from jail. separate« itself into two divisions, ers expenses when the dredge was Holman was fined $1,000 by Judge viz. 1st, From the head of Hoquar- laid up, which would probably' be Galloway at the last term of the cir­ The cuit court for contributing to the ton Slough to the mouth of Trask about $200.06 per month. River, a distance of about 9000 feet chances are, however, that the lat­ delinquency of a minor, to which when following the route proposed. ter can be ignored as the history he pleaded guilty. Since Holman 2nd. From the mouth of Trask of almost al) harbor improvements was sentenced an effort wan made River to deep water in the tower is that the more woik is done, the i to get him out of jail, and finally bay “a” about 3’* miles to the de­ more the population and commerce the governor allowed a reduction in sired point in the south channel, incieaaes and the more there is to . the fine. When the sheriff released J Holman on Monday he told him to and—“h” about 4% miles to the do. 1 wish to call your attention to leave the county at once, which he desired connection in the main the fact that a channel is useless did, having but a few minutes to channel. The kind of material, the method without terminal facilities, and the pack up and take passage on the of working an ! disposing of the the Fort should acquire water front Golden Gate. same, and the cost per cubic yard loc .ted so that it can provide Vote of Condolence. of material moved, will be quite 1 wa.irves and landing places when different on the up|»er and lower they are needed. Resolved, that the members of The time required for building sections. Mt. Hebo Lodge. No. 221. I.O.O.F., u dredge and doing the above work Your proposed channel, width baking powdar extend their heartfeit sympathy to and depth of feet wide by 10 will be about three and one-half llother John Creecy, in the recent made from Royal Grape feet deep, is pioper and sufficient years. Dream of Tartar os^'of his father, and that a copy for the present depth on th< bar, Port Makes Statement ■ iftliis resolution be sent to the dif­ for the short curves and bends in ferent newspapers in the county ; and is in about the correct ratio and Calls Public Meeting dao a copy to be sent to our bro- Your Neighbors Exper ence. the channel in Hoquurton Slough. Several weeks ago the Port of tiler nnd a record of same made in How you may profit by it. Take Any great expense in eliminating Tillamook authorized its president the minutes of this lodge. Foley Kidnev Pills. Mrs. E. G. curves in this section would not be to employ a competent engineer to I Whiting, 360 Willow St., Akron, O., Com mittee, justified for a ten foot depth, us any advise the Port as to the best plan says: "For some time I had a very , W. J. G ilbert . j serious case of kidney trouble and vessel which cun navigate on that for it to follow in making improve­ s. c. W oods . |1 suffered with backaches and draft will not have any great diffi­ ments of the Bar, Bay and Hoquar- J. H. H olgate . I dizzy headaches. I had specks cultly, nor much if any additional ton Sough, which the Port was floating before my eyes and I felt expense, in passing over the route wanting to carry out. The services all tired out ami miserable. I saw Dairy Farm for Sale. Foley Kidney Pills advertised and shown on the plan submitted here­ of Mr J. B. C. Ixickwook. consulting My ranch of 195 acres, mostly all I got a bottle and took them accord- with as against one with the other engineer of the Port of Portland for l ing to directions and results bends eliminated. As your traffic the last ten yearn, wefe secured, river bottom land, either all or 80 1 showed almost at once. The pain acres all bottom land, together with increases, ami a deeper and wider but previous engagements made it 14 good milk cows, 1 span of horses. and dizzy headaches left me, my channel are required, you will un­ ini|Miaaible for Mr. Lockwood to 1 set of harness and all necessarj- eye sight became clear and today I doubtedly find it advisable to fur­ come to Tillamook until last week. machinery' to run a first class dairy can saj- I am a well woman, thanks to Foley Kidney Pills.” Chas. I ther straighten the alignment, but After coming to Tillamook Mr. farm, n good 8 room house, good Clough Co. and dairy house and other nt the present time you should Lockwood has gone over the situa­ barn buildings. 1 mile from HighSchool Work Will Soon Start. limit the changes in the slough to tion with the Board of Commission­ and Public School, and 1 mile from you take Dr. King's New Life making the two cut-offs shown and ers, and luia made a report. which cheese factory. Terms easy. H. H. i after Pills, and you'll quickly enjoy their to easing off and widening out at is being published in the news­ Tubtiesing, Nehalem, or enquire of fine results. Constipation and in­ H. C. Kunae. Tillamook. the other curves to about 150 feet papers in full. I digestion vanish and fine appetite | returns. They regulate stomach, in indicated. The Port han accepted this report, The material in this section is and han adopted the1 plan outlined Notice of Administrator’s Sale of liver and Itowels and impart new strength and energj- to the whole largely silt und clay, with many by Mr. Lockwood, as shown by the Peraonal Property. system Try them. Only 25c at snags, roots and sticks in it. The following Resolution, adopted May Chas. I. Clough's. Notice is Hereby Given, —That by I only places of disposal available 20th: virtue of an order of the County are on the low land along the chan­ "Reeolved, that the Port of ¡Tilla­ Court of the State of Oregon, for nel or on the tide tints in the lower mook accept the report submitted the County of Tillamook, made and tony. The first is the better plan a. to it by J. It. C. Lockwood on May entered on the 24th day of May A.D., i Wil. 1 will, on and after the 13th it requires has plant and will im­ 25th, 1911, and adopt the plan for day of June A.D., 1911. offer for sale prove the property. the improvement of Hoquarton at private sale for cash in hand at I estimate that it will l>e neces Slough outlined in said report. The the farm of John Hickey, deceased, | nary to remove about l.TIktUU* cubic matter of connecting the channel near Halm, in Tillamook County, , the following described yards of material on thia section for from Tillamook City with the chan­ Oregon, fiersonal profierty, to-wit : the channel work. yards tor nel in the Hay to be determined 3 Yearling Steers, 2 C qwb , the cut offs, and .HVTO cubic yards later. That of the bonds heretofore 7 2 year old heifers and steers, for a basin iU> feet long and UP feet authorised by the Port not more 2 horses and harness, addition width at the upper end. a than $10U,UDD.l<0 be sold, to lie ap- 4 sheep, total of 'WVu> cubic yards for the plied only to carrying out the plan 3 lambs, section. outlined in the lawkwood report.” 1 1 tedder, 1 spring harrow, Stillwell Ditch should tie closed As can be seen by reading the re­ 1 mower. (with iwrmission of the V. 8> En­ port the total expense of the plan 1 plow. gineer De|»artnient) during the wtll lie about IkV.dUllOtX aathia will 1 wagon. ----. progress of the work. Thia is the pay for the dredge and more than llouaeliold goods and tools. only change in the river channels one year's operating expenae*. J ohn H ickby . Administrator of the estate of thst I can recommend you to con­ Vpon computation it has been John Hickey, deceased sider at the preeent time, and afte found that if liajpjuuou is issued; Hl »nk im JC i DAILY AUTO STAGE LINE Between TILLAMOOK and SHERIDAN. J, W. Beculey, Proprietor. HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. You Use Them. We Sell Them. W. A. WILLIAMS & CO., Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. The Reliable Route Steamer “ Sue H. Elmore” (CAPT P. SCHRADER) Tillamook & Portland. Leaves Portland, Couch St. Dock Every Tuesday, Arrives Tillamook Wednesdays Sailing for Portland, every Thursday or Friday according to Tides. PACIFIC NAVIGATION COMPANY. B. C. LAMB, Agent, S. ELMORE & CO, Lamb's Dock, Tillamook. Ore. General Agents, Astoria, Ore I. W. W. BROWN, Agent, Couch Street Dock, Portland, Oregon. If your glasses are broken, send them to Makes Home Baking Easy me at McMinnville, Ore. I have an up-to-date grinding plant there and will attend to all repair work promptly. Henry E. Morris, I will make trips to Tillamook about every two months. POWDER Absolutely Pure T7»o o/i/y NO ALUM.NO lime phosphate Wise Dental Co., __ PainleM Dentata INFORMATION by TELEPHONE EOPLE are not leaving so much to chance in these days of universal telephone service. Instead of risking disappoint­ ment they telephone and get the facts. P Will school be held on a stormy morning, will your friend be in if you call, what does the weather man predict and when does the train leave—are samples of myriads of questions constantly passing over the wire, and being answered by the proper authorities. There are also questions to be aBked aliout the telephone service, how somebody can lie reached over the Bell Long Distance Telephone and what it will cost, and similar questions, which are being answered by the information ojierators. J THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the System. For Sailing Dates of Golden Gate for June. See next week’s issue.