TILLAMOOK Sheriff's Sale publication of thia $ ] said order is once ■« J'N of good money into a project practical, experienced person to PETER ASP TAKES LIFE. N otice is H ereby G iven , that in successive weeks and .STRICTLY IM XDVANCR.) that would not obtain the de­ advise it on road work. To pursuance of an execution and or­ «•“■»••«A 1.50 One venr........... Carbolic Acid was the Fatal der shove how ridiculous it looks to sired object. Those who are of sale duly issued out of and i 75 Six months.... Dose which Ended His under the seal of the Circuit Court a r. a,,,,. conversant with us, when any point of law is 50 thoroughly Three months of the State of Oregon, fortheCoun- local conditions know that a raised the court obtains advice H R. bARGEXT Family Troubles. ty of Multncmah, to me duly direct­ Attorney* fCr ’ Entered as second class mail mat south jetty is the proper thing, from attorneys who are paid by ed, dated the 21st day of April I ter July, 18»», ut the post office at if it is necessary to improve the the State, but when it comes to Peter Asp, a shoe cobbler of this A. D. 1911, upon a judgment rend­ Tillamook, Ore., under the act of bar that way. But as bar im­ a department spending over city for about five years, put an I ered and entered in said Court on Notice of Application^, March 3, 1879. provements, for lack of govern­ $100,000 on roads, the court has end to seriouB trouble in hie family the 3rd day of February, 1911, in to Sell Spiritous, Malt an¡ favor of A. V. Allen, plaintiff, vs. ment assistance, cannot be un­ no one to appeal to for expert Friday by taking carbolic acid August Liquors, Etc. F. Mahne, defendant,for the dertaken until congress makes advice and often have to rely on which caused his death. sum of $58.13 and the further sum N otice is H ereby Cm- an appropriation, which it is their own judgment, and the About eight years ago, Mr. Asp of $15.75 costs and disbursements, a petition has been fiui time and also the costa of and upon said County Court of the Stat» not liable to do until next win­ moment they make a mistake and wife, who had at that writ, commanding me to make sale for.the County of tfD Editorial Snap Shots. ter, the question of bar im­ there are those who want to been married about three years, of the real property of the above [ copy ., and transcrip _____ t ther-J* provements must be tabled for recall them. We hope, for the separated and secured a divorce. named defendant attached by vir- the whole thereof, thereof. i„ in a while and efforts made to im­ reasons we have stated, that the After a period of two years, Mrs. tue of a writ of attachment in said ters and figures as folio, Habitual drunkards in this prove the water front and the voters will conclude that a re­ Asp consented to live with her di­ cause, said property being describ- To the Honorable Ci city are getting more numerous channel to the bay. That is a call election iB out of place. i toe State c' vorced husband, which she has ed as follows, to-wit : o' ~ and ginned up more often, bo simple matter when proper ap­ The North East quarter of Section C County of Tillamook ' been doing up to a few days ago. if in Township 3 North of Range 6| We, 1 much bo that the city council pliances are at hand, and which “’ th.e «‘xiersignrt The week before the end of the T1C1 show in to Von ’ should take some action to pre­ will not be as costly as was at THE ROSE FESTIVAL tragedy, Mr Asp being intoxicated West, situated in Tillamook County, , allege and State of Oregon. . ! lowing facte, and petition ! vent them from loitering in the first thought. What, however, Now, therefore, by virtue of said follows: and having become aware of the saloons. appears to be the cause of some In Portland Next Week fact that Mrs. Asp was acting too execution and order of sale, and in • That we and each of ya with the commands of | dents and legal voters win?1* familiar with another cobbler, compliance will be a Splendid said writ, I have duly levied on said aget Precinct, in Tillamook The so-called Oregon System, contention is the most suitable caused considerable excitement at property and will! on Tuesday, the • Oregon, and have been included in which is the recall, and desirable channel on the Display. - thirty **-- his home in the south part of town. 6th day of June, 1911, at the hour of — more than days places a powerful weapon in the bay. Undoubtedly the Sturgeon 10 o’clok a. m., at the front door of' feeding the date of thi,“ hands of “knockers" and poli­ channel is the most natural and The Portland Rose Festival, which The sheriff took him into custody the court house in Tillamook City, 1 having been and now art!_ be- and kept him over night in the Tillamook County, Oregon, sell the | dents within said Precinrtu tical agitators, for the minute less costly to maintain, but con­ has, within the last few years, L- above described real property at than thirty days next B * public officials does anything ditions have changed and are come world-famed, is about to be- jail, p gin its Fifth Annual Celebration. The (rouble of this night caused public auction to the highest bidder May 20th, 1911. that does not suit them they are liable to became more so every Commencing Monday, June 5. and 1 make for cash in hand to satisfy said exe­ That we are an actural _ year which will demand the an investiga threatened with the recall. continuing throughout the enhre »he sheritt to mane and order of sale, interests of the whole number of th, removal of the jetty at Dick’s week, the merr -y monarch, Rex tion, by which it was fouqd that cution and costs, and all accruing costs. | voters within eaid precinct'1 point. When the government Oregonus, Kingoi >f the Festival, will Mr. allj Mrs. Aop had been partici- H. C renshaw , That 've hereby petition „ Most everybody in this city engineers practically closed that again holuocu thereon mereon si __ _ T. - and based said B cumstances, it is surprising late untruthful and misleading dne week of the year homage is paid j the body until 11:50a.m. However, and exchange for the full amount ¡ter Realty Company will at to her beauty. Let no one who that he did not first take the life statement, but who will never visits Ptirtland during the Festival Mr. Asp had been unconscious offered and should be addressed I tune and date, apply to said C G. G. Brown, Clerk State LandlCourt for a license to be granted of his wife before he took the turn their hands nor put their fail to attend this part of the week most of the time after being found. to Board, Salem, Oregon, and marked I said T. B. Potter Realty Compa» fatal dost*. of pleasures. I An inquest was held over the “Application and bid to purchase * to sell within said Barnegat“" shoulders to the wheels to build Hovever, as a fittingclimax to the icinct, and at Baycx'ean therein, * , body Saturday, at which it was de­ tide lands.” A strong able bodied man was up and progress. Therefore we week, comes the grand and impos­ G. G. B rown , less quantities than one g» cided that death was caused from ing electrical parade. Such is the hope the voters will use their Clerk State Land Board. given a job to work for the spirituous, malt and vinous liq niagnificence of this wonderful carbolic acid. good judgment and come to the Dated thia 26th day of April, 1911. lor a period of one year from county, but directly the boss pageant that words can but inade- , The funeral services were held date of said license. was out of sight the man quit same conclusion that we hdve, qiuitely describe its pomp and f Dated this 29th day of May, 1911. the U. B. Church Tuesday, . work ami too* a long rest, but that it is starting a laid prece­ splender. This is the dream of Rex , from T. B. P otter R ealty C ompa .1 Summons. Following float of | interment being made in the I. O. F ’ „ the ’ Supervisor Aiderman got next dent to recall the County Court Oregonus. A Corporation. His Majesty come beautifully built! O. F. cemetary. In the Circuit Court of the State of and the man «-as given his time. unless there is some just and • anti nd wonderfully illuminated table- | j Mr. Asp was a native of Sweeden Oregon for Tillamook County. tangible grounds, but should hux - . wu, In years gone past, bad some |; aux tienta, Hunts, depicting depleting the reaiiracea resursces *. ' i. . ■ . .. _ Lois O. MacMahon, Citation to Heirs. future possibilities of Ore- been born there over fifty of the road supervisors done the it succeed it would not be long and the Plaintiff ii'Liln 1..». . Iltril T I *x »L,.'.. — ___ gon. while some of them relate tolyear,uH°- He came to this conn- lx*fore another election would vs. same thing there would lx*con­ historical events that have helped try when a young man and has Agnes and Francis In the County Court of the State siderable more*inoney in the lx* hehl to recall the othercouti- to build up the Oregon country. I Oregon. Trevor, Jr., lived in this county for about ten ty officials as well as the newly road fund and the rouds would With such a symposium of events In the matter of the estate of Defendants. J years. He was one of the leading elect«*«! County Court, the Ports sprea«l over an entire week, what lx* in far lx*tter shape today To Francis Trevor, Jr., one of the , Blattlar, Deceased. that Portland has become members of the socialist party of To Mrs. Matthes, mother of. ttj The County Court ami the road and city officials, And in thia wonder above named defendants : not«Ml for her Rose Festivals, and In the name of the State of t above named deceased. Joseph«* suix'rvisors are to lx* commend­ way there will lx* constant tur­ th it tourists from all parts of the thia county. toMMNe Gsell and Joseph Blattlar: Oregon : ed for insisting upon those who moil and trouble for there are United Stales, as well as abroad, Wins Fight for Life. You are hereby required to appear, In the name of the State of Ort* I always a lot of fault-finders and have made decide«! effort to reach work for the county doing a I It was a long and blo«xly battle and answer the complaint filed iron : Portland during her annual fiesta, You are hereby cited and reqtii fair «lav’s work, but strange to, agitators ready to say things and i thal w‘',, walf<‘ng the administrator of the«« have had them in their barns. I >100,000 is involved ; second, Meri-' I-“U1S Blattlar, deceased, to sell st grippe, asthma, hay-fever or any Range 9 West. Willamette Your Neighbors Exper ence. WiHaniette Meri-| These are some of the reasons ' the petty jealousies of those throat or lung trouble its supreme. dian, save and except therefrom the! l,riYate 9a,e for cash, all of the who worked on the roads in How you may profit by it. Take w by some persons tire "kmx'k — described .■——. portion, to-wit- I lowing described real propen Trial bottle free folowing Foley Kidney Pills. M rs. E. G. 50.'. and $1.01 ing . the court. The snap shot J previous years squandering the w niting 3tJt) Willow St.. Akron. O.. Guaranteed by Chas. I. Clough. ? ,and 200 ,ee‘ >n width ‘situated in Tillamook County, St« being 100 feet oti each side of a line | of Oregon, to-wit: maw's experience is, that the road fund ; and. third, because says: "For some tims I had a very described as commencing in the ' /An /ln undivided nnuiviuea one-half one-nait interest» lmerc».— persons who attempt to improve ■ those who have lai«l out town serious case of kidney trouble and A Leading California Druggist. center of Killam Creek, at a txiint i and t ’ Lot numbered one and w* I suffered with backaches and Pasadena, Cal., March V. 1»11 eonditioqs in Tillaimxik must sites and beach resorts cannot «Itzzy roiev an.i *ee* East of the West line Southeast quarter of the North«-«*1 headaches. 1 ha«1 »«recks large sinus of money from Foley and <■« Co., «. Gentlemen: ... expect some ‘'knockers** ,o I | obtain »' ->« ‘7,'S floating before tuy eyes and I felt the nx»«i fuml to build new and camp on their trail. all tirod out and miserable. 1 saw noney nnil 1 ar Uimpoi___ I improve the rouds leading to F.oey Kidney Pill, advertised and years. We believe it to be one of j their property. It will lx* seeu JN»t a bottle and took them accord- the most efficient expectorants on said creek AJO feet, and a strip of i’011 ¡ive. in Township three Nott# ^a,,ge nine West. W. M., «•“ Kligitiecr Lockwixxl bus given there arc many sides to thia1 ■“CT to directions and results the market. Containing no opiates land 20 feet in width, being 10 feet the Port of lillaiuiMtk some ad­ mutter of recalling the county showed almost at once The pain or narcotics it can be given freely on each aide of the point where the. Lots numbered twelve, thirteen »«“ v i and dizzy headaches left me. mv tochildren. Enough of the rem pipe lineof Tillamook City. Oregon ,our,een of Section thirty-one, •• vice that must lie beetled. In ¡count, with ii g«xxl manv ---- u per- (Cyc-sight became clear and today I water system crosses the west line 1 Township four North of Range tn* can be taken to relieve a cold. of the first place his advice is,have sonalltiea bugging out here and c“n •“> I am a well woman thanas edy »aid South East quarter of said ! " e8t* ". M.. leas tract of 8*» •• it has no nauseating results, and ‘----- «-■**- > • ¡° T- R- Beals and one acre nothing to do with the build­ there. In the judgment oi - the to Foley Kidney Pill».'* Chas I does not interfere with digestion Section 15. nnd following said Dine I ing of u north jetty for the im­ •nap shot tnnn it would have I1 lough Cu. Yours very truly, C. H. Ward Drug w"» eae,.er,T ,o »he dam on said Krave o, >,ra* Ludtke. and t-xcj »’e merchantable timber on Ian« ■*£’. .J* P“r*’"“-^ y»nd Tress. Killam Creek; that such claim nr ,’ in provement of the bar, for the Ixscti far more sensible to at­ Wjrk Will Soon Start. Sections five and six. and c rtxk ‘ Foley’s Honey ‘»»»ere« I* decreed to be void that reason that it is the wrong aide tacked the system and agitated after you take Dr. .King • New Life ■»** *he plaintiff be decreed to be the owner oils reserved, and subject to rigkt- and Tar Compound in the yellow to construct it. that it would be for a practical engineer at the rills, and you II quicklv enjoy their package. Chaa. I. Clough Co. ’’J *** «nd her of-way for county road WI TN Ess the Honorable Hof’*’ a costly undertaking and would head of the road work and not fine result» Constipation and in. clafm h71d ‘iU,rted •• »«inst any digeation vanish and fine appetite It is worse than useless to take have a tendency to wash out the the county court, for. no matter returns. They regulate atouia<-h. -T0“ " ,»o said Mason. Judge of the County 1 of the State of Oregon, for TiUa* •pit. That, so far as the Port how the recall election max­ liver amt bowels and impart new mook County, thia 6th dav of Apr» is concerned, disposes of the end, nothing is gained and the etrength and energy to the whole A. D. 1911. Try them Only 25c at worth jetty and dumping a lot cvuuty court is still without a •xateni Attest: J. C. H olden . Ubas. I. Clough*» RATES * HEADLIQST, JUNE 1. 1011 OF SUBSCRIPTION. Clerk of the County Court«