TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JUNE 1« 1911 I publication of thia « Sheriff" s Sale. PETER ASP TAKES LIFE. I said order is once « practicid, experienced person to I of good money into a project advise successive weeks a»?*? N otice is H ereby G iven , thntin it on road work. To' .STRICTLY IN ADVANCB.) that would not obtain the de­ pursuance of an execution and or­ the first publication Carbolic Acid was the Fatal 1.50 htt«i One year............ der of sale duly issued out of and ; 13th, 1911. Those who are show, how ridiculous it looks to 75 sired object. Six month«........ Dose which Ended His us, when any point of law io under the seal of the Circuit Court IL T. H otts thoroughly conversant with 50 H * S a »U Three month«... of the State of Oregon, fortheCoun- ' Family Troubles. local conditions know that a raised the court obtains advice , ty of Multncmah, to me duly direct- i Attorney, fot’f from attorneys who are paid by Entered aa second class mail mat south jetty is the proper thing, ed, dated the 21s< day of April i Peter Asp, a »hoe cobbler of this ter July, 1SBS, at the poet ottiie at if it is necessary to improve the the State, but when it comes to A. D. 1911, upon a judgment rend­ Tillamook, Ore., under the act of bar that way. But as bar im­ a department spendiug over city for about five year», put an ered and entered in said Court on Notice of Application fal March 3, 1879 3rd day of February, 1911, in to Sell Spiritous, Malt ig|l provements, for lack of govern­ $100,000 on roads, the court has end to serious trouble in hie family the favor of A. V. Allen, plaintiff, vs. Liquors. Btc. 1 ment assistance, cannot be un­ no one to appeal to for expert Friday by taking carbolic acid August F. Mahne, defendant,for the which caused his death. ' N otice is H ereby G r J advice and often have to rely on dertaken until congress makes sum of $58.13, and the further sum About eight years ago, Mr. Asp of $15.75 costs and disbursements, • a petition has been til^l an appropriation, which it is their own judgment, and the and also the costs of and upon said County Court of theStatetfl not liable to do until next win­ moment they make a mistake and wife, who had at that time writ, commanding me to make sale for.the County of T'illankxJ ter, the question of bar im­ there are those who want to been married about three years, of the real property of the above; copy and transcrip tilery I provements must be tabled for recall them. We hope, for the separated and secured a divorce. named defendant attached by vir­ the whole thereof, is in «J a while and efforts made to im­ reasons we have stated, that the After a period of two years, Mrs. tue of a writ of attachment in said ters and figures as foHo«)! Habitual drunkards in this prove the water front and the voters will conclude that a re­ Asp consented to live with her di­ cause, said property being describ­ To the Honorable County (1 the State of Otego«] vorced husband, which she has ed as follows, to-wit : city are getting more numerous channel to the bay. That is a call election is out of place. The North East quarter of Section County ot Tillamook; 1 and ginned up more often, so simple matter when proper ap­ been doing upto a few days ago. 9 in Township 3 North of Range 6 I We, the undersigned, 1 touch so that the city council pliances are at hand, and which The week before the end of the West, situated in Tillamook County, allege and show to you d tragedy, Mr Asp being intoxicated State of Oregon. should tiike some actiou to pre­ will not be as costly as was at 'lowing _ facts, and petition ’ Now. therefore, by virtue of said I ■ follrxwa. follows: —., vent them from loitering in the first thought. What, however, and having become aware of the execution and order of sale, and in That we and each t saloons. fact that Mrs. Asp was acting too appears to be the cause of some compliance with the commands of j dents anti legal vote U> * familiar with another cobbler, said writ, I haveduly levied on said ' aget I'recinct in Tin ****’» contention is the most suitable The so-called Oregon System, caused considerable excitement at property and will] on Tuesday, the: Oregon, and have l Ol*' and desirable channel on the included in which is the recall, day of June, 1911, at the hour of I more than thirty -l his home in the south part of town. 6th hay. Undoubtedly the Sturgeon 10 o’clok a.m., nt the front door of ■ ceeding the date V ” places a powerful weapon in the The sheriff took him into custody the court house in Tillamook City, ' having been and n channel is the most natural anti I The Portland Rose Festival, which hands of “knockers” and poli­ less costly to maintain, but con­ has, within the last few years, be- and kept him over night in the Tillamook County, Oregon, sell the | dents within said Pr°.* actI tical agitators, for the minute above described real property at than thirty days ec ‘ nc tli ditions have changed and are come world-famed, is about to be- jai|. public auction to the highest bidder .......... lt'xt Pro ■ public officials does anything May 20th, 1911. ' gin its Fifth Monday. Annual June Celebration., liable to became more so every Commencing 5. and I -p. The trol,ble oi th,s night caused for cash in hand to satisfy said exe­ that does not suit them they are 1 hat we are an actural year which will demand the continuing throughout the entire H>e sheriff to make an investiga cution and order of sale, interests i of the whole number of tkB threatened with the recall. removal of the jetty at Dick’s week, the merry -y monarch, Rex Hex tion, by uy wmen which it was found that and costs, and all accruing costs. , voters within said precino B H. C renshaw , That we hereby petition B point. When the government Oregonus, Kingoi the __ Festival, will jjr. and Mrs. Asp had been partici­ I grant a license to sell, in ksB again hold sway and the entire city 1 Most everybody iu this city engineers practically closed that pating in unlawful cohabitation Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore. 1 titles than one gallon, know that to make Tillamook channel it was not thought that will be in holiday attire. Capital of since they began living together Dated at Tillamook City, Oregon, | malt and vinous liquors fB Portland, the Summer <_ ,____ live aud progressive it must the Bouth and west sides of the America, ------- Mr. Asp was May 4th, 1911. has long been famous for ufter the divorce, period of one year from theB have industries. Well, didn’t bay were the most valuable nnd ..... ____ _____ _____ .---------------------------------------------------- '; said license, within said pS her roses, rose „ gardens, rose hedges, therefore notified that the beet Notice of Sale of Tide Lands. ______________ . •-• —- thing for him and the Mrs. Asp to the citizens vote for the saloon that a great seaside resort would L. and at Bayocean, therein, toB and even roses along¡the parkmjfs, .! B. Potter Realty Company. ■ industry, and they are doing a spring up there. And for that and has justly acquired the title, ’ i do was to separate. This was N otice 19 H ereby G iven ,—That J M. J. O'Donnell. Bay ocean, Ores® H Rose City. , thriving business, but as for reason it iB not surprising that the During the annual fiesta, which agreed to by Mr. and Mrs. Asp and I the State Land Board of the State J R. Browne. Bayocean, Oregon, ■ R. L. Shreve, Bayoceun, Oregon ■ employment for men and the tlierejis a demand for a channel is held on the first Monday in June he allowed her to live in the house of Oregon will sell to the highest || J. H. Rutter, Bayocean. Oregon E bustling spring business of pre­ on that side of the bay, espe­ of ,-ach year, there are used in the while he stayed at the shop. He bidder at its office in the Capital A. Blazer, Bayocean, Oregon. E Building at Salem, Oregon, on 1 J. different pageants and parades " * “ ' c ,lc »««yew ax me W. Vint, Bayocean. Oregon. 1 vious years, why the saloon in­ cially as it is conceded .that it E. C. Lockwood, Bayocean, OrttaB millions of natural blooms, fresh was to have the two oldest children July 11, 1911, at 10:00 o’clock a.in., Wm. Graydon. Bayocean Oregon B dustry evidently queared it. would costless money for main­ from the rose gardens of the resi-’ and I she was to take ., the two of said day, all the State's interest ... A. F. Courtois, Bayocean, Oregon. I in the tide and overflow lands here­ Carl tenance of any of the channels dents. C;;; —* ■-* ——x.--™ youngest. B. Nelson, Bay ocean, Oregon I One of"the — most interesting inafter described, giving, however S. Inghram, Bay ocean Oregon. I features of the entire week is the Land values in this county in the bay. We hope, however, However, when Mrs. Asp was to the owner or owners of any lands i John Carlson, Bayocean, Oregon I “Shower of Roses,’’ in which a bevy Henry Erickson, Bay ocean, (UgmB have probably reached their that some arrangements cun of city for abutting or fronting on such tide | R. B. Teehan, Bayocean, Oregon. 1 ot ronianu •»■• young nearly ready to leave this . j Portland’s » , musx moat fair be made whereby the Ports of and overflow lands, the preference M. Sanden, Bayocean, Oregon. j highest point, that is for dairy­ women are taken through the’ prin- Portland, she informed Mr. Asp J. Fleming, Bayocean, Oregon. j right to purchase said tide and ing purposes, and they will in Tillamook and Bayocean can cipal streets of the city in cars that she desired to take all four of I. W. Simpson, Bayocean, Oregon. I overflow lands at the highest price F. Lietheiser, Bayocean, Oregon. I loaded down with beautiful roses — co-operate and obtain permis ­ all probability have to take a the children with her and if he offered, provided such offer is D. A. Shaw, Bayocea 1, Oregon. I ammunition with which to Olsen, Bayocean, Oregon. | decided drop tiefore much pro­ sion from the government to fragrant pelt the spectators who throng the would not allow her to do that she made in good faith, and also pro­ Chris C. R. Fleming, Bay ocean. Oregon. I * perty will change hands. In remove the jetty and open up streets. This feature becomes a would jump over board from the viding that the land will not be Leslie Fenwell, Bayocean. Oregon. I John o >7 Bayocean, Oregou. I boosting dairy lands and in the Sturgeon channel, which veritable “Battle of Roses” when steamer with the younger children. sold for nor any offer therefor ac­ Con H. II. Dicke, Bay ocean. Oregon. I cepted of less than $7.50 per acre, placing inflated values upon would relieve the Port of Tilla­ the crowds enthusiastically gather M. F. Webster, Bayocean. Oregon. I Having been already nearly driven the Board reserving the right to qp the fallen buds and beseige the C. H. Blazer, Bayocean, Oregon. I them is a good thing in many mook of the cost of maintaining fair insane by the trouble and drink, reject any and all bids. Said lands E. B. O ’Neel. Bayocean, Oregon. I rebels. E. L. Berg, Bayocean, Oregon. ways if they can be maintained. the channel from Dick’s point Another feature, not less interest­ Mr. Asp procured a two ounce bottle are situated in Tillamook County, ' A. C. Robinson, Bayocean, Oregon. 1 The recent fluctuation in the to Bay City, while on the other ing, is the “Human Rosebud” par­ of carbolic acid from a drug store Oregon described as follows: J. A. Bibby. Bayocean, Oregon. Tide lands fronting on Lots 1 and D. E. Burdick, Bayocean, Oregon. ade, which consists of about 10,000 hand the Port of Bayocean price of cheese is liable to knock and prepared to end his troubles. Bert Biggs, Bayocean. Oregon. 2 of Section 23, T. 3 N., R. 10 W. children in street drills and the propB from under tbe high would open up and maintain school Beginning at the meander corner Wm. Hobson, Bayocean, Oregon. maneuvers, making a sight which, i On Friday at 9:30 a. m. he went the channel from Dick's point. State of Oregon, 1 priced dairy farms, and this to his shop, together with his wife,, on bank of North Fork of Nehalem if seen, will never be forgotton. should also lower the assess­ For the best results and from a Then, too, the automobile parade two ___________________ children and his wife’s brother. River on line between Sections 23 County of Tillamook. ) 88' I, the undersigned being I entering the shop he mo- and 24, T. 3 N., R. 10 W. ments on that class of property. financial stand point it is not and the horse and vehicle parade y (Said meander corner being S. 1 duly sworn, say: That I am« but be classed as very ini-[ . r .. . surprising to find so many per­ cannot portant events of the festive week. 1 timied to lus brother-in-law to stay 45' E., 1.34 chains from corner to the petitioners within namei^ sona in this city opposed to the I circulated the same, and Peter Asp, the night before spending of the Port’s money Through the united effort« of the outside while he and Mrs. Asp en. Sections 13, 14, 23, 24) thence (Low that each and all of the forq^H W. 5' to left). Portland Hunt Club, the Riverside tered the shop. After having been he committed suicide, took us in maintaining a channel to Bay Driving Club and many enthusias­ S. 01» 51' W 111.9' along H. W. L. named petitioners signed tbe sag inside but a short time, Mrs. Asp into his confidence and told us with his own hand, in my prese^B City when a better one can be tic citizens, the horse and vehicle went to the window to see where Low Water 3' to left. i that each have stated his mfl S. 61° 25' W. 500.0 along some of the troubles he was is made one of the most im­ obtained on the other side of the parade poet office address and resitk^B having with his wife. He told bay at no expense or trouble to posing that has ever been seen her brother was and almost iinmed- Low water 5' to left. << correctly', and that each one »■ S. 58° 38' W, 363.9 along in the West. < : iately she was seen rushing from us that he had thought serious­ legal voter within said BarnM the Port of Tillamook. Com­ During two days of the Festival the when 811e 8uid that Mr. Low water IO” to left. ly of running away, but he Precinct, and has resided actumM S. 52° 51' W. 216.2 along week, thousands of visitors are at- , . V . , i. mon sense and reason should traded by the competitive Rose Ex- A»P had taken something which she Low water 17' to left. therein for more than thirtytaB thought that, being a Socialist, prevail. next proceeding May 20,1911, «1 hibit, given under the manage- ; thought was poison. S. 62” 53' W. 277.7 along the snap shot man would give that all of the facts set forth in« ment of the Portland Rose Society. I Drew Dawson and Jay Honey, Low water 18' to left. him such a roasting for desert­ The Headlight does not ap­ Nowhere can a more beautiful ex- ! wb petition are true as I verily belitffi S. 67“ 05' W. 469.4 along standing across the street ing his family that he decided prove of the agitation to recall hibition of perfectly formed rosea1 (Signed), |J. R. B rownf , I Low water 18* to left. . . . ... into the shop just in time to to make the best of his troubles the County Court, and our ad­ be seen than ia shown yearly in Address, Bayocean, Tillamo« S. 68“ 58' W. 269.0 along County, Oregon. Low water 12' to left. and work to give his children vice to the voters of the county Portland. The citizens take great see Mr. Asp fall. Subscribed and sworn to beta S. 63° 01' W. 205.4 along a good education. He knew is not to be swayed either one pride in selecting their choice | They called to Dr. Boals who was me this 29th day of May, 1911. Low water 7’ to left. blooms for this exhibit and in show- 8tandi in front of the pO8t offi his duty but did not have tbe way or the other by those who ing [ seal ] the people from all parts of the , . . ‘ vv, S. 56” 47’ W. 239.8 along moral courage and back bone have an axe to grind or those world what Portland can produce 111 nt* who took charge of the case, Low water 12’ to left. (Signed), W ebster H od ® 4 Notary Public for Orep* to do what was right, for no who ure perpetually “knock­ in the way of ro9ea. And it ia not a 1 Everything known to the medical S. 54“ 37’ W, 192.5 along N otice is F urther H hj muu is justified in self-murder ing” public officials. There are favored few who rear this queen of profession was done to kill the ef- to corner on line between lots 2 and tlowers : on the spacious lawns of ofi^,. j . . . . . . . . . 3 of Sec. 23, low water line 13’ S., G iven ,—That said petition will and leaving a young family des­ too many men in Tillamook, flie wealthy and in the small gar feCt of the ac,d but 08 1,e hod ,aken to point of beginning, containing presented to the County Court " / and in the small gar-1 titute. But a faithless, im­ souie of whom are disgruntled <1en • ■ plots of ........................ the lowly is seen q r le ■ between one and two ounces it was 0.778 acres. the State of Oregon, for Tillani moral wife is enough to make office seekers, who are ever rose, reveling in her grandeur and | impossible to do anything but stay Bid should be accompanied by a County, on the 5th day of July, B eath deat h for awhile. Life was kept in regular application to purchase and based thereon said 1. B fl a man crazy, and, under the cir­ ready to pull down and circu­ seeming almost conscious that for : d week of the year homage is paid tbe bod . . un,il ... .. Ir ter Realty Company will at w "7 her “ 7 beauty. Let cumstances, it is surprising late untruthful and misleading One to Let no no one one wh.! who j d,e bod y y unt'1 »:» ll:3° “ a •««• ',‘1' However, and exchange for the full amount ¡time and date, apply to said Coak offered and should be addressed that he did not first take the life statement, but who will never visits Portland during the Festival '*r . - Asp had tieen unconscious to G. G. Brown, Clerk State Land | Court for a license to be granted f -------------- - - ■ of his wife Indore he took the turn their bauds nor put their fail to attend this part of the week most of the time after being found. Board. Salem, Oregon, and marked • said T. B. Potter Realty Comps of pleasures. fatal dose. An inquest was held over the "Application and bid to purchase ■to sell within said Barnegat Pl shoulders to the wheels to build Hovever, as a fitting climax to the jcinct, and at Bayocean therein,! tide iands.” up nnd progress. Therefore we week, comes the grand and impos­ I body Saturday, at which it was de- less quantities than one gal* G. G. B rown , A strong able boilied man was Such is*the cided that death was caused from hope the voters will use their ing electrical parade. !" Clerk State Land Board. ! spirituous, malt and vinous liquaj given a job to work for tbe niagniiicence of thia carbolic acid. wonderful Dated this 26th day of April, 1911. ¡for a period of one year from® good judgment and come to the county, but directly the boss pageant that words can but inade­ ¡date of said license. . same conclusion that we hdve, quately describe its pomp and I The funeral services were held was out of sight the man quit Dated this 29th day of May, WB from the U. B. Church Tuesday, that it is starting a bad prece­ aplender. This is the dream of Rex i T. , B. P otter R ealty C ompai ' work and toot a long rest, but Summons. dent to recall the County Court Oregonus. Following the float of j interment being made in the I. O. A Corporation. Supervisor Alderman got next In the Circuit Court of the State of unless there is some just and His Majesty come beautifully built O. F. cemetary. and the man »*ns given his time. wonderfully illuminated table- ! Mr. Asp was a native of Sweeden, Oregon for Tillamook Conn ‘y. tangible grounds, but should and aux floats, depicting the resursees In years gone past, had some Lois O. MacMahon,' Citation to Heirs. it succeed it would not be long and the future possibilities of Ore­ having been born there over fifty Plaintiff of the routl nup«‘rvisors done the | years ugo. He came to this coun ­ tiefore another election would gon, while some of them relate to vs. »time thing there would lx* con­ In the County Court of the Stated lie held to recall the othercoun- historical events that have helped try when a young man and has Agnes and Francis siderable more ytiioney in the Oregon I liveil in this county for about ten to build up the Oregon country. Trevor, Jr., tv officials as well as the newly In the matter of the estate of lxw< With such a symposium of events road fund and the roads would Defendants. J elect«“«! County Court, the Ports apreail over an entire week, what years. He was one of the leading | To Francis Trevor, Jr., one of the Blattlar, Deceased. lie in fur better shupe today. To Mrs. Matthes, mother of the and city officials. And in this wonder that Portland has become members of the socialist party of I above named defendants : The County Court and the rouil above named deceased, Josephtal . way there will be constant tur­ note«l for her Rose Festivals, and this county. In the name of the State of •uperviaora are to tie commend­ Gsell and Joseph Blattlar: tourists from all parts of the Oregon : moil and trouble for there are that Wins Fighrfor Life. In the name of the State of OB' States, iib as well abroad, _ . . , t . ■ I United « ••••v«x cuiir., wen as auroact, ed for insisting upon those who ._ _ You are hereby required to appear reach : —2 to ..i reach, work for the county doing a alwaxs a lot of fault-finders and hove made decided effort I It was a long and bloody battle i and answer the complaint filed Ron You are hereby cited and requ"’’ agitators ready to say things ' Portland during her annual fiesta, . for life that was waged by James against you in the above entitled fair day's work, but strange to behind an officials tiiick which i"” ' ’bat many, after noting the i ’ B. Mershon, of Newark, N. J., of suit on or before the expiration of to appear in the County Coart» say, it is those who have helped -------------- ; ------- - i great possibilities of the Pacific which he writes: "I had lost much six weeks from the date of the first the State of Oregon, for the CouatJ squander the road fuml whoare they would not dure any before Northwest. have concluded to re­ blood from lung hemorrhages, and publication of this Summons, and j of Tillamook, at the Court rook Ilia face. There will always lie main and make their homes. abusing the court. Another you fail to so appear and answer thereof at the Court House in Til» more or less difference of opin- Special rate* have been made by was very weak and run down For if the plaintiff will apply to the Court ntook City, Tillamook County, O' thing, County Judge Mason ia eight months I was unable to work. ubout rigid road work, first, be lx‘ ion uliout ­ !!ll_.,be ¿"ilmad lines covering a Death seemed close on my heals, for the relief prayed for in the com­ gon. on Monday the 5th day of JkkJ surprised at the disappearance cause there is tio practical, en­ period of ninety days and vast when I began, three weeks ago, to plaint, which ia that you be re­ 1911, at the hour of 10 o’clock ik of tools, plows, scrit|>eni, and > numbers of visitors from the East use Dr. King's New Discovery. quired to set forth any claim or in­ forenoon of said day. then and tbera other things, un«l tiecuu»*« he i»i gineer nt the heu«l of the road an I elsewhere are expected in Port- But it has helped me greatly. It is terest held by you in or to the fol­ to show cause, if any there be. work to survey, p'ati «>ut nnersona lire “knock 5Uc. and $1.60. Trial bottle free. folowing described portion, to-wit: Foley Kidney Pills. Mrs. E. G. A strip of land 2UU feet in width, , 'situated in Tillamook County. M»* ing” the court. The snap shot previous year» squandering the Waiting. 38U Willow St.. Akron. O.. Guaranteed by Chas. I. Clough. being 100 feet on each side of a line I I of Oregon, to-wit: mau's ex|»erience is, that the road fund ; and, third, because i sax»: “For some time I hail a very An undivided one-half interest described as commencing in the A Leading California Druggist. persons who attempt to improve those who have iuid out town I serious case of kidney trouble and center of Killatn Creek, at a point i ■ and t » Lot numbered one and tw sites aud beach resorts cannot I «offered with backaches and Pasadena. Cal., March 9, 1911. 300 feet East of the West line of Southeast quarter of the Norths»* cuiiditioq» tn Tillamook must . obtain large sums of money from dixxv headaches. I had specks Foley anti Co., Gentlemen: - We said South East quarter of said ¡quarter of Section six and Lot num- expect some “kniH’kers” to | the roaered four and the Southwest qu»r camp on their trail. all tired out and miserable. 1 saw improve the roads leading to ' Fo'ey Kidney Pills advertised and Honey and Tar Compound for easterly following up the center of I , ter of the Northwest quarter ofSee years. We believe it to be one of I their property. It will tie seeu ’ got a bottle ami took them accord- the moat eftixient expectorants on said creek 200 feet, and a strip ofj tiop five, in Township three of Range nine West. W. M., a*t results the market. Containing no opiates land 20 feet in width, being 10 feet .Lots numbered twelve, thirteen»*1 Engineer Lx kwood han given there are many sides to this: ling to directions anti on each side of the point where the | showed almost at once. The pain or narcotics it can be given freely the Port of Tillnm«M>k some ad­ matter of recalling the county . j fourteen of Section thirty one, j and diuy headaches left me. my to children. Enough of the rem­ pipe lineof Tillamook City. Oregon, | Township four North of Range m* vice that must lie heolexl. !n i count, with n good many per-, eye sight became clear ami today 1 edy can be taken to relieve a cold, water system crosses the west line 'West. W. M-. less tract of 6*» •<*** the first place Ins advice in,have ! tonalities bugging out here and can say I am a well woman, thanks as it has no nauseating results, and of said South East quarter of said sold to F. R. Beals and one «crew nothing to do with the build­ there. In the judgment of the' to Foley Kidney Pills.” Chas. I. does not interfere with digestion. Section 15. and following said pipe j grave of Mrs. Ludtke. nnd eirtg easterly to the dam on said ing of ii north jetty for the im­ snapshot man it would have Clough Cxx___________ __ I Yours very truly. C. H Ward Drug line Killam Creek; that such claim or ; the merchantable timber on ls^ Co.. C. L Parsons, Sec ’ y and Treaa. provement of the fair, for the been far more sensible to at-1 Wark Win Boon »tart. interest lie decreed to be void; that in Sections five and six. and ertrt« reason that it is the wrung side tacked the system and agitated after you take Dr..King's New Life "Get the original Foley’s Honey plaintiff be decreed to be the owner oils reserved, and subject to right- and Tar Conq«ound in the yellow of said lands in fee simple, and her of-way for county road tu construct it, that it woulil be for a practical engineer at the Pills, and you'll quickly enjoy their package. Chas. I. Clough Co. W itness the Honorable Ho** title thereto quieted as against any a costly undertaking and would head of the road work and not fine results. Constipation and in­ digestion vanish and fine appetite held by you in or to »aid Mason, Judge of the County Co*» It is worse than useless to take claim have a tendency to wash out the , the county court, for, no matter returns. They regulate stomach, of the State of Oregon, for Till* lands, and for general relief. spit. That, so far aa tbe Fort I how the recall election may liver and bowels and impart new any medicines internally for mus­ moot County, thia Oth day of Apk* Thia Summons ia published by or chronic rheumatism. All is concerned, C the whole I cular disposes of the] lend, nothing is gained aud the strength and of the Honorable Homer A. D. 1911. Try energy th»’.'. to Oniy that is needed is a free application order Attest: J. C. HoLLFN. Mason, County Judge of Tillamook uorth rth jetty and dumping u lut Icouuty court is still without a Chas. I. Clough“« of Chamberlain's Iumment. For Clerk of the County Court« County, Oregon, made April 11th, •ale by Lamar’s Drug Store • 1911. and the time prescribed for tbe RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. ^bt ^iliamook ^eabligbt. Editorial Snap Shots. THE ROSE FESTIVAL In Portland Next Week will be a Splendid Display. I