», illaitwk III. No. 52 Mmòliobt TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JUNE 1, 19™. ,i 5o per year By paying all bills by check you have a record of where your money 4--Extracts from a Diary goes. We keep your books for you. If you haven’t already done so open an account with us now.—Tilla­ •J mook County Bank. * The Percheron stallion Ville will make the stand for the season at I’ve been thinking over what the foreman Rogers A McNamer’s Livery Barn, in this city, with the exception of e about his way of saving money. I have re­ Mondays and Tuesdays, when the Ito give it a trial when I next get my pay." stallion will be at Beaver. • rhis ‘hand-to-mouth’ existence is too much To keep pace with the times, we bk for me to carry. If I should be taken sick have added to our well assorted Jdentally hurt and laid off, I should not only stock of hardware, a line of up-to- to debt, but be an expense and burden to my date millinery. Newest early sum­ L* > i mer patterns now displayed in our window.—K ing a S mith C o . • believe I can save several dollars every Notices are posted for a special Now! to figure just what are my living election to be held on July 1st for s." the purpose of submitting to the voters of Bayocean, Barnegat and part of Carnahan precincts the ques­ The Way to Save—Have a Savings tion of organizing a Port of Bay­ ocean. Account With the The yacht, Bayocean, built by the T. B. Potter Realty Co., was launch­ ed in Portland on Saturday.. She will be completed in about two weeks, when she will make the run TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE. SUPERVISION between Portland and Bayocean Park. The junior class will give the OOK JOTTINGS Case's Auto Garage is fast tiear- yearly reception in honor of the worked so hard to make it a success trading that day. C. E, Reynolds Bukei and wife, Mrs. Belle Morgan, ing completion. Most of the roof seniors at the Commercial Club are entitled to a good deal of credit. will act as auctioneer, who has been Mrs. I). L. Shrode mid children, About and siding is on at present and the rooms, Friday evening. Baby Chick food, Blanchard’s Calf engaged to auction off, free, any­ Mias Belen Johnson, E. Twist ma 11, ton, see Shrode. • forty invitations have been sent out inside will soon be complete. Meal, Dement’s Best flour $1.50 ak. thing which the farmers may want Mrs. S. E. Wilks, D. McCrimmon, ie, eye specialist. Norcross hand cultivator is the and the juniors look forward to Dement's Marvel flour $1.50 sk. to dispose of. There will be a par- Leonard Wilks, M. E. Sinclair, Ella tHome made Candies at newest tool to be use in the garden. this its being one of the classiest grass seeds, Vegetable fertilizer, ude, headed by the Tillamook band, Spaulding, T. Holman and eight P«. They are a success. Everything in events of the year. Land plaster. Cement, Shingles, and n game of base ball between I passengers from Buy Points. easier, makes best bread, garden tools.—K ing & S mith . For Sale, a full blooded Holstein Lath, Hay, Grain, Mill-feed, Cream the classy Columbia Grays, of Port­ * t’s Best” Flour. They pay four per cent interest on Bull, 14 months old. He is from separator, Machinery, Farm imple- land, and the yet undefeated Tilla­ Taylor was up from Clover- money left for six months or a year good milking strain, his dam ments, and the celebrated Stude- : mook Commercial dub teams. FOR SALE AT ONCE first of the week. Thirty five of the High Schoo) on time certificate on savings ac- giving ”6 lbs. of milk per day, and baker wagons and harness, or any iames Walton has gone to connt at Tillamook County Bank. * his grand dam on hiB father’s side other old thing you want at the i students made ready Monday even- giving 87 lbs. of milk per day. Tillamook Feed Co. Owing to leaving Tilla­ day for a picnic excursion to Mun­ > visit her relatives. To enjoy good health and econo, Registration papers furnished.— The work grading the street on son Falla, Tuesday, there being no mook in about a week I have t Case for auto tripe to any mize on the rent proposition, live Carl Possetti, Hemlock, Oregon. • the water front has reached the road school that day. They started at the county. Ready at all in one of our tents during the sum­ The Elmore arrived in port near the saw mill, and as the rail­ eight o’clock sharp, two loads go­ for Sale mer months.—K ing & S mith C o . * Thursday with Mr. Thone, H. P. way company is under contract to ing, one in M. W. Harrison's carry­ 1 Tedder, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I. Clough will 11 farm to sell or trade for Reed, C. W. Struse, G. C. Rollas, have the tract laid and a side tract all and the other in a large rack. 1 Hay Baler, iperty on easy term.—J. R. leave for Portland the end ot the C. Dolan, C. O. Struvast, Mr». Thos. Elmer Lucan who took the crowd week for a ten days’ vacation. They Blach, A.’Wellman and nine men, laid in the mill property by the 28th I Hay Rake, June, there is not much time left nut, managed to get them all there riage license was issued to will drive out and back, making J. lean Kahars, J. J. McCormick, for the P.R. & N. Co. to fulfil its safe and souid. At 10:30 a.m., the 15 Tons of Hay. Mrs. Hobson, J. J. Chasp and Mr. contract with the Tillamook Lum­ crowd started up the creek and Id C. Jennings and Grace easy stages. Raise your calves without milk by Lindsey as passengers. Will sell at person’s own camped about one half mile below ber Mfg. Co. the falls for dinner. After dinner price if taken at once. Although Memorial Day was not hickens wanted at the Tilla- feeding them the World’s Famous Rev. James T. Moore, the new Blanchard's Calf Meal. Cheaper observed in a public manner last they went to the falls, some of the eat Company’s Market, 13c. than milk. Can be had at the Til­ Tuesday, a large number of persons pastor of the Methodist Church, in boys scaling to the top. The start Frank Hannenkratt. nd. • this city, delivered his first sermon lamook Feed Co. for home was made at 4:00p: 111. went to the cemetety and placed Collett and wife, of Blaine, in this place Sunday evening to a Rough spruce and hemlock lum­ flowers on the graves of their loved April Butter Fat Price«. The steamer Golden Gate came in ling business in town the large and appreciative audience. ber at $8.00perthousand at the Faw- ones. There was but little business with a number of passengers on the week. Rev. Moore has good use of English, cet Creek Saw Mill, seven miles done in town that day, and some of Maple I,eaf............... ........... 33Mc. fine delivery, and is a man who can Sunday, and left again on Monday f your chickens to the Tilla- south of Tillamook City. Goldsworth- the stores closed in the afternoon. with a full passenger list, included Tillamook ............... ........... 34.3c. hold the attention of any audience. leat Company’s Market We ey A Dalpaz, pros. Fairview.................... ............33c. Honey A Sons, proprietors of the The members of the M.E. Church in which were a numtier of citizens . per pound. For rent, a large store room, 24x ‘"Palace of Sweets,” have been ad­ may be thankful that they were able who went to Portland to attend the South Prairie......... ........... 38Hc. r thing fit for fishing. We .36, on Stillwell Ave. and six living ding quite largely to the spacious­ to secure such a valuable man as Rose Festival. The passengers were Clover Leaf............... ............ 34c. I your mail orders prompty. rooms in same building. Also one ness of their confectionary and ice their pastor. Miss M. Wade, Ben Wade, J. T. Elwood....... ............. ............ 33c. store room on First Street. Inquire cream parlors. They are fixing up 1 A S mith C o . * Woodward and wife, Miss Hattie Long Prairie........................ 32c. A petition is being circulated at * Rent, 15 cow ranch, stock at Tillamook Bakery. a new and up to date ice cream par­ present to raise money for sprink­ Walker, Mrs. A. D. Perkins and Which is about 5c. lens per |a>und John Hrathaway has rented his lor and contemplate putting in a e. Apply at once to G. H. this time last year. ling the streets of this city. So far children, C. S. Weils and wife, Fred ranch, fotnerly ¡the Elmore ranch, complete line of soft drinks and all the merchants have been willing Tillamook Ore. ng of Buff Orpingtons, $t.50 to LouiB Wilson, late of Kansas. beverages. to donate toward the good work, LOO for 15 eggs.—C. A. Corn- Mr. Wilson took possession of the The ladies who gave the enter­ with the exception of two on 2nd ranch the first of the month. Tillamook, Ore. tainment, called the ” Old Maids Ave. East, who claim that the city Grass is growing fast now. To Convention,” a couple of weeks ago, should pay for all such work. iber for two cottages to be 1740. 1911 d at Bayocean was shipped keep it down you will need a hand went to Bay City, Friday afternoon, Sprinkled streets will tie a great im­ sickle, scythe and snath or lawn to give the performance at that provement over the dust which The Coffee Pot Bank. The Up to the Minute his city last week. mower. We have a nice assortment place. They report a most en­ flies so freely on summer dayij. and Ours, cheapest and best paper of all.—K ing A S mith C o . • Bank. joyable time in Bay City, a well will also keep the show articles of jr in town. Leave orders at For Sale Cheap — A covered eight filled house and an increase in the merchants in better condition. next to Harris’ barn. • passenger, six horsepower, gasoline church treasury. The Commercial Club and the J. Handley vs. J. A. Fildew is The savings idea is just as worthy, just launch complete. Price only $150 The telephone line between this Clamdiggers, of Bay Ciiy, played I filed in the circuit court to if taken right away. See, phone or city and Bayocean was completed a game of baseball at the Gilford as necessary to business success to-day as it title to certain property. write J. E. O'Neel, Tillamook. last week, and the two places are Stillwell Park, Sunday afternoon. was in 1740, but the methods have advanced . Henry Kunze «pent Sunday S. A. Brodhead is prepared to do now enjoying telephone communi­ The main feature of the game was halem visiting friends. She during that time. all kind of wood work on short tion for the first time, enabling the that nothing happened that was led to this city Monday. All sea side resort to talk on the long exciting. notice. Furniture repaired, Undoubtedly a good We now have the most modern savings Golden Gate will be in again work guaranteed first class, Call distance, as the Bayocean line has game would have lieen had, if the convenience invented and respectfully in­ irrow (Friday) and will leave at his shop and leave orlers. • • made the central office in this city team« had been more equally day morning at five o’clock, vite the people of Tillamook County to call its office. matched, but an it was the club inen- Mrs. Belle Morgan, who was itmaster Baker has leave of ab- tally deranged, was taken out on The City Charter Committee, com­ boys had their opponent outclassed and see them. ■ to attend the Postmasters' the Golden Gate by her sister, Mrs. posed of Mayor C.W. Talmage, City at every stage of the game. The In brief, let us tell you that it is a small ’ention in Portland next week, Fred Baker and husband, of Hebo, Attorney G. W. Willett and Fred C. final score was 10-1. Tillamook. HOME SAVINGS BANK which registers, tremely low rates on house and she will be sent to her home in Baker, with President Holmes, of The most important real estate or indicates, at all times, THE EXACT the Tillamook Commercial Club, transaction of the past week was the ig during May and June. Till- the East. >k Electric Light and Fuel AMOUNT OF MONEY which has been A large number of the citizens had another meeting at the club sale of the William High 160 acre placed in it. went down the bay Tuesday on ex­ rooms on Monday evening and com­ dairy ranch near Netarts to Mrs. e beautiful warm weather that cursions. Nearly all the private pleted its work, after going care­ Mary Pence, of Portland, Ore. Mrs. The amouut of money is plainly shown at e it« appearance on Sunday launches wete out, beaide the regu- fully over and diecuMBing every Pence recently made a trip through all times, the amonnt of each kind of coin— much appreciated after the long lar boats, ,the Frolic and the section. Tillamoos county for the purpose of Nickles, dimes, quarters and so on. Henrietta No. 2. The Rev. H. R. Salisbury will investigating values. She is mov­ I of cold. Baccalaureate aermon deliver the ing at present from her home in of Mr. J. C. Buckley and son, «ments Best” Flour gives sat- The thing that stimulates saving is to see :tion because it is so easy to Multnomah County, came in on to the senior class next Sunday, at Rose City Park, Portland, and will the amount grow, to see it every day, right Church. Un­ peraonally manage a large dairy. t and makes such pure bread. Wednesday to look over a place for the Presbyterian before your eyes. With one of our new banks doubtedly thia will be the last time This sale was negotiated through sale at Beaver, and being old i Shrode about it. this feature is the big thing and these banks that Rev. Salisbury will address a Will pay 8c., 10c. and 11c. for calf friends of the editor'« .family, they Tillamook audience and thia fact, the office of Ralph Ackley in Port- have proven very popular wherever they have land. drove into the city for the purpose !• at my «hop. Try me out and been placed. nature of the together with the The box social and entertainment The Old Reliable Hide and of paying a visit. even standing given by the young people of the , address, will make The railroad grade across the GET ONE THE FIRST TIME YOU Dealer, N. E. Melcboir. • room crowded. I Methodist Church, at Williams' ARE IN TOWN, especially if you have large number of our citizens , road at the saw mill should be 1 Melvin Pangborn haa rented the ! Building. Saturday night, was a children, for you know the adage, " as the twig making preparations to visit I lowered. By the time the tie«, rail« t house of George Williams in Sunny- success in every respect, The pro- , and ballaat are laid it will make it is bent, so is tree inclined," and the children Portland Rose Festival, which r mead and is moving into it at prea- gram was quite lively and well will take tin tint a I interest in these banks, lie­ imences in Portland on Monday, that much higher. We reapectfully - ent H. Fago will also have one ' attended. At the close of the pro- e Sth, and ¡which continues until I call Mayor Talmage and the city cause THEY ARE SOMETHING NEW AND part of the house Both Mr. Pang- I gram tlie boxes were sold to the council’« attention to thia matter. following Saturday. UNIQUE. bom and Mr. Fago have I highest bidder. The proceeds were * lately moved here from Kansas and { $40.5). no basket going below $2.50 THEY ARB to be had FREE for we »rill make thia their home if they and some went above $500. The loan them to anyone who start« an account of are satisfied with the conditions. I net proceeds of Hie social will lie $ 1 or more. They are relatives of Mr. Noyes. applied to paying for the new The electric dancet at tlm TiHa I piano, purchased by the church I mook Commercial Chib was the last winter. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF swellest dance ever held in this city, Next Saturday will he the third •. Located two Doors wr»t of Lamar's Drng Store. TILLAMOOK and proved a successful affair, for market day in this city, and like " DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND." the large crawl had a most enjoy the preceding market daya the busi­ The Only Government fixant inert Hauk in the I able time in the gaily decorated and ness men will make inditcrnienta Rest Rocín for Ladies. County. ' artistically illuminated club mom. whi h it will make while for |