TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MAY 25. 1911. NEW BOOKS Sunshine Annie, Gates. Synopsis of the annual rtatement Flamstead Quarries, Waller. of the Better Man, Brady. The Creator, Sinclair. Bankers’ & Merchants’ Cynthia’s Chauffeur, Tracy. Chariot of Fire, Phelps. Mutual Fire Relief Periwinkle, Payson. Association, We give below a list of the new | Burning Daylight, London. Philippa at Uaycon, Brown. K>ks which have been added to the Going Some, Beach. Of Forest Grove, in the State of Oregon, on the 31st day of Decem­ lllamook City library. For future Lone Trail, Bower. ber, 1910, made to the Insurance ference for those who patronize Princess Maritza, Dreber. Commissioner, of the State of Ore­ ie library, it is suggested that this Jewe 1, Burnham. gon, pursuant to law. Doctor Latimer, Burnham. It be cut out and preserved, Mother and daughter, Chance. Cash received with ap­ lie Way of all Flesh, Butler, Open Water, Connolly. plications during the y Right of purchase, Bindloss, Isle of Man 1909. Caine. year from first year’s »rimer of the Northwest, Bindloss, The Danger Mark, Chambers. premium ......................... $7,541.51 n Annapolis Second Classman, The Maid at Arms, Chambers. Cash received during Beach. The Crossing, Churchill. the year from renewal en of the Hills, Clegg. A Man’s Woman, Dixon. premiums ..................... 12,973.02 Ddern Chronicle, Churchill, Once upon a Time, De vis. llvator, Gibbon. The Girl who won, Ellis. $20,515.. 43 »e Country House, Galsworthy, The Star Gazers, Goodloe. Total received from holiday with the birds. Moody Circuit Rider’s Wife, Harris. members less amount ic Marks. Gretchen, Holmes. paid for re-insurance. TX. TH le Three Graemes, McNaughton, Paul Ralston, Holmes. le Girl of Limberlost, Porter, The Adventures of Two Anta. Ham- Net premiums ............ $19,704.75 jppy’s Diary. merstrom. Income from all other le second violin, Richmond, The Finer Grain, James. sources received dur ­ leodore Roosevelt, Riis. Rest Harrow, Hewett. ing the year ................. 160.53 d Rose and Silver, Reed, The Modern Mother, Gordon. le Master Violin, Reed, [Cavanaugh, Garland. $19,964.18 [the sign of Jack O’Lantern, Reed, The Ward of King Canute, Lillyen- Total income..................... tiwers of the Dusk. Reed, crants. D isbursements . year out of Life, Waller. The revolt of Annie Royal, Martin. King of Khaki, Webster. Net amount paid to Sabina, Martin. Whispering Man, Webster, members for losses A Splendid Hazzard, McGrath. ie Boy Geologist, Houston. and claims induding Two Wyoming Girls, Marshell. I for Hawaii, Botiehill. adjustment expenses $7,884.12 The Girl Ranchers, Marshell. nuance of Roman Villas, Champ­ Romantic California, Peiotto. Dividends paid to mem­ bey. bers ................................... 4,193.26 The Animal Why Book, Pycroft. re Months off a Derelict, Houston, Fighting Chance, Chambers. Premiums and assess­ recked on a Coral Island, “ ments charged off..,. Notice. None. Special Messenger. Chambers. ¡Captivity in the Pacific. “ The Sword of the Old Frontier, Commissions and sala­ N otice is H ereby G iven ,— That [School in Cannibal Islands, " ries paid during- year . Pa rrish. 6,063.40 Hing People’s Hist, of U. S., Prisoners of Chance, Parrish. Taxes, licenses and fees 10.00 he County Court of Tillamookt County, Oregon, will receive sealed Ulis. Amount of all other Keith of the Border, Parrish. king People’s Hist, of Germany, Captain June, Rice. expenditures ............... 535 23 bids for the clearing and grading of the right-of-way of what is known Ulis. Ranch Life & Hunting Trail, Roose­ Dr Boy’s Chance, Habberton. Total expenditures . $18,656.11 as the Wheeler’ Road, commencing velt. at the first mile post and continu- , I Kings and Naval Heroes, Hart­ Hero Tales from Am. History« A ssets . ; ing to the end of said survey of said ; bell. Roosevelt. "iff ' road, according to plans and speci- . The Princess Dehra, Reed. Cash on hand and in ficationson file nt the office of the The Vow, Trent. Banks and Trust Com­ County Clerk. By Inheritance, Thanet. panies ............................. $9,602.36 A certified check equal to 5 per Max, Thurston. Premium in process oi cent of the amount of the bid, or a Fly on the Wheel, Thurston. collection ..................... 2,308.36 Bond satisfactorj to the Court must The Champeron, Williamson. accompany each bid as a guarantee Lightening Conductor, Williamson. Total assets admitted that the bidder will execute a Bond The Marriageof William Asp, Ward. in Oregon............... $11,970.72 for the completion of the contract A Chip of the Old Block, Houston. if awarded the same. in. Tommy Post Office, Jackson. L iabilities . All bids to be filed in tlie office fries of the Gorilla, Duchaillu. By Reef and Trail, Ames Fisher. of the County Clerk of Tillamook Id Life under the Equator, Du- The Other side of the Rainbow, Gross claims for losses County, Oregon, on or before Wed­ baillu. unpaid ........................... 71.03 Bone. it in the Jungle, Duchaillu. Reserve fund .................. 2,415.59 nesday, the 7th day of June, 1911, at Captain Pete in Alaska, Copper. fa Country of Dwarfs, Duchaillu. The Motor Boys in the Clouds, All other liabilities........ . 907.19 9 o’clock a. ill. The County Court reserves the t Big Brother, Eggleston. Young. right to reject any and all bids. lg Knives, Eggleston. Total liabilitins in­ A Little Princess of the Pines, By order of the County Court. ie’s Holidays at Roselands, cluding reserve Higgins. May the 5th, 1611, inley, fund ....................... $3,393.81 Mistress of Shenstone, Barclay. 1. C. H olden , Couunty Clerk. le Bear Stories, Miller. Mark Enderby, Hoffman. I nsurance . ie Tilda, Couch. Wild Oats, Oppenheim. I Cavalier, Cable. The Golden Road, Allen. Shipt By he Anvil. Amount of property at .Soldier Lady, Durley. The Golden Heart, Barbour. risk Dec. 31st, 1909.... $930,850.62 The Twin Screw ship Anvil is now lomance of Old Sienna, Hare. Amount of risks added Fysalie, Kramer. making regular runs to this port during the year .......... 1,192,16100 from Portland, with passengers toman Alone in the Heart of John Larsen Dies Suddenly Amount of risks can ­ |pan, Fisher. and freight. celled, with drawn or I Other Americans, Ruhl, She is under good clean manage­ at Nehalem. terminated during the te of Mongrel, Shultz. ment, and the patronage of the pub­ year................................. 923,175,62 lic is solicited, and courteous treat­ »Privileged Classes, Wendell, Surrounded by members of his Gross amount at risk, ice Boys in the Mountains, Cody. ment will be shown to one and all. December 31st, 1910 .. 1,199.840.00 Have your shipments consigned J; ; The Story of a Boy Who Had family at his death bed John Larsen Largest amount of In ­ care Str. Anvil, Alliers Dock No > Chance, Cody. passed away Tuesday evening at surance carried on Iners, Beach. Portland, Gre. For information I n nine o’clock from paralysis of the any one risk. Gross, quire of D. I* Slirode, Tillamook, < Loves of Lady Arabella, Sea- $4,000.00. Net, $3,000.00. heart. He had eaten a hearty 111. supper and did his usual amount Bankers’ & Merchants’ Mutual Fire ^Circle, Thurston. Now is the time to get rid of yo y Wales Freshman, Ward. of work that evening. He had Relief Association. 4 4 rheumatism. You will find Cha ly “ Soph more, M. P etersen , Pres. neglected to attend to one errand 44 berlain’s Liniment wonderfu " Junior, W. H. H allis , Sec. however, and when he returned 44 effective. One application will c< " B. A., vince you of its merits. Try 'Hand Made Gentleman, Bach- the other members of the family ler. had gone to bed. The Kingdom of God and the For sale by Lamar’s Drng Store. Ine of Marches, Oppenheim, Soon afterwards he suffered from Is there anything mail this wor Preacher. jmbtish, Van Vorst. that is of more importance to y< I Greatness and Decline of severe'pains in the region of his "Go thou and preach the king­ than good digestion? Food mu )nie, 5 Vols. (Students Edition) heart and called for assistance. dom of God.” To whom should the lie eaten to sustain life and must I rrero. When they realized the serious con­ hfale Cup, Dudley. kingdom of God be preached ? digestion fails the whole liody sul 'Motor Boys across the Plains, dition of the stricken victim, they “ L'nto you it is given to know the era. Chamberlain’s Tablets ate immediately telephoned for Dr. mystery injniuij vra tilt niii^uvut Ibour. of the kingdom wi of viuu God , ; rational and reliable cure for i __They increase the flo | digestion, Ding his Shoulder Straps, Bran- Randle who arrived ten minutes but to them that are without, all [of bile, purify the blood, stiengthr after the call was sent in. But Mr. things are done in parables ; that ¡the stomach, and tone up the who seeing they may see, and not jdmotlier Elsie, Finley, Larsen was breathing his last when perceive ; and hearing they may digestive apparatus to a nntur ■topher Aibbault, Bryant, he reached the house and could do hear, and not understand.” To and healthy action. Sold by L rt of the World, Haggard. [Porter, Morris. nothing to give relief. In a few my mind it would be a waste mar’s Drug Store. I of Virginia, Thurston, moments all signs of life had of life and energy to attempt to preach the gospel of the kingdom frpringi Kingdom. Dir Chailler. vanished and the spirit had de­ of God to one who is constitution Thitnble Finger, Harris. parted in peace to the other shore. aly blind and deaf, the only one we In of White, Anderson. Kl Bandage. Andrews, Mr. Larsen was one of the early could hope to interest are those to whom God has made it possible to iry. Barclay. settlers in this valley and enjoyed comprehend. le McMattes Master, Bell, the respect and confidence of all who re Dwellers, Bower, S ent to P reach . fford of the Three Bars, Boyles, knew him as a man of unquestion­ “ How shall they hear without a frr Betsy, Burnham. able character and a devoted hus­ preacher ? and how shall they ■'a Story Book, Burnham. 1 he valued family te- band and father. lie waa of Danish preach, except they l>e sent?' It Princess, Burnham. cipes for cough and cold birth and first saw the light of day “There was a man sent from God, ■ Shutters, Burnham. whose name was John.” “He sent I Paige, Chambers, September 26th, 1840, in the city of them to preach the kingdom of cure, liniments, tonics and n Mouse. Chambers. Dypel. In 1864 he fought in the God.” "Pray ye therefore the other remedies have as |r side of the Door. Chamber- war between Germany and Den­ Lord of the harvest, that he will careful attention here as mark and came to this country send forth labourers into his har­ if the Wind, Chamberlain, the most intricate prescrip­ vest.” rho lived in the woods. Cook. with Mrs. I.arscn in 1860 to avoid The man who is sent to preach tions. B Mice, Davis. service in the German army in the and the one who is educated to ira Adventures. Dugmore. preach, are entirely different, the war of 1870 against France They Our fresh, high grade Ira Winslow. Ellis. lived in Chicago two years before educated man is a part of civili­ Moon of Bath, Ellis, drugs will help to make sation, he preaches with the same r of Dishonor, DeMorgan. moving to Joplin City, Kansas. proprietary interest that another these remedies more effet- Dr a Life. Herrick. From thence they inigarted to Lin­ plows, his success is measured by five than ever. Id Love. Ford. coln County, Kan., where he fought ins pay. No pay, no preach, it ia pering Pines, Green. a mere avocation and could never Cherokee Indians in the early 70’s. be expected to assume any respon­ also Right prices I and the Candle, Ingram. RtheTrail Devides, Lillibridge. After several years of continuous sibility of preaching the kingdom assured least, Linsay. residence in Lincoln County, the of God. I of Lonesome Hill, Landis. No F ormality . family moved to Oregon and settled [Sister Snow. Little. Neither prayer or singing was on the North Fork of the Nehalem I Master, Lincoln, with the preaching of ir Saxon, Meredith, in 1891, after which they moved to associated the kingdom of God, nor was there in the Ring, McCutcheon, Upper Town where they have lived any religious rites of ceremonies. 4« Reliable Druggist. from Brodneys, since. 44 T he S ambmem . le Parasol. 44 Most people like diversified sub­ Mice Court Through all these years he has S enchantment, McGrath. _________ under gone many hardship« in pro­ ject, but the preaching of the king rial Marriage. Mashmont. dom of God ie not varied. P.-nl Colonel's Maid of Honor, John- viding for the needs of his house­ went into the synagogue at Ephesus hold, having raised a familyof nine and spoke loldly for the space of bColonel's Knight comes rid- children, two of whom have pre three months, disputing and per­ [Johnston. ceeded him on their last journey. suading the things concerning the kingdom of God, and for two whole Ware. Johnston. He has been hale and hearty all years he preached the kingdom of Chance. Nicholson. hi* days and never ha* had oc ­ God at Rome. J. C. GoTE. Ind at Red Gate, Nicholson. [Brown Jug, Nicholson. casion to complain up to the last bel Thwatites' Wife. Nicholson, moment, when death called him. lol Seven Suitors, Nicholson, Bid* Wanted. He leaves a widow and seven frious Prince. Oppenheim. children to morn his loss. They [of the Mirhtv, Page. Building Co. in The Tillamook MBHi [of Way. Parker. are : Mrs. Clark and Hans Larsen, lye Freshman. Paine. of Seaside ; Chris Larsen, of rite* sealed bids for furnishing and putting in place to Tin Clad Fire Borvel. Parrish. Aaforia ; Thorvald V. I-arsen, of I Shutters for the openings on the pt the Spur. Potter. Portland ; and Rndolph. Sophuw i north and west sides of Tillamook [Call. Hoyle aw at the White Gat, Rinehart, and Marina Mraen, of Nehalem.— I Block. Tillamook City. < »regon. 5.W I Some In conform Io rule* sad re f of the Vineyard. Reed. Nehalem Enterprise. quirements of the National Hoard ■■poster. Reed of Underwriter*. Bid« will he re. fr Burnit Steele a.eva.0, a J. M Howell, s (mpahir druggist |C eived until lunedisi. ceived |une“lst. lull, 1011. Work _________ |n.l by Proxy. Trent. f<*r fUt,,u of Green alm rg. Ky.. aays, “We use to he com | det Hkh. . IM I. ' rd * * by ‘ July ---------- iaaaage. Traer, Chamberlain-« Cough Remedy in rite right io reject any or all bid« lot kortune. Tract- our own household and known it M reserved. Painless Dentist« ■ the Immortal*. Tra y. ia excellent” Foraste by Lamar's TlLLANcmg Ht'ILMXu Co., foreland. Williamson I>* m MWI'»I h I*«M««* SMtum. MBaaSaaaa • * ■ «a» » k. »lie. • I Drng. Store. | By H. t. B otts , l’ics. praed King, Wright. 'laced in the Tillamook City Library. OVERLAND MODEL 52 WITH FORE DOORS A guarantee on Tires, Springs and Car. This ear for 81,750.00 40 horse power, 4 doors, top and glass front. The easiest riding car in this or any other town. Other cars selling from 8775 and up. Come and take a ride before buying. The fa Tillamook & Portland. Leaves Portland, Couch St. Dock Every Tuesday, Arrives Tillamook Wednesdays. Sailing for Portland, every Thursday or Friday according to Tides. PACIFIC NAVIGATION COMPANY. B. C. LAMB, Agent, S. ELMORE & CO, Lamb's Dock, Tillamook, Ore. General Agents, Astoria, Ore I. W. W. BROWN, Agent, Couch Street Dock, Portland, Oregon. s Big Bargains! 9 it- ® Look at Our Prices. a 'n a'l ». j I re | J j JI 2 * « * CLOUGH Painless Deni Wise Dental Co.,i Sue H. Elmore” (CAPT P. SCHRADER) | l M »4* ff FAMILY RECIPES fa Reliable Route Steamer i M p ¿5.20 ! Best Fruit Sugar, per sk Dry Granulated Sugar, per sa < k 5.00 È 5.60 i Extra 0. Sugar, per sack Leach’s Lest Lard, 10 11». pail . 1.80 2 Leach’s Best Lard. 5 lb. pail . .9° J Diamond “0” Lard, ¡0 Ib.pail . 1.50 Diamond“C” Lard, 5 lb. pail . .«0 Rex Lard, 10 lb. pail 1.35 Rex Lard, 5 lb. pail .70 Cottolene, 4 lb. pail . . . . .60 Cottolene, 10 Ib.pail 1.50 Breakfast Bacon, Rex per lb. .22 Breakfast Bacon, C.B. per lb. .20 Heavy Bacon, per lb .. .16ic. Snow Drift Flour, per bbl . 5.40 Light House Flour, per bbl. 5.00 Elaine Coal Oil, per case 2.90 • The Ray Feed Co. C. F. SHORTRIDGE, Mgr. Gro. Dept. V Child Portraits Made by Us are Child-Like. out, niniJ ment mt hi and »«e Monk's Studio, Next t»> ti»e !’• '• < ff‘r ¡