TLLLAMOOKI HEADLIGHT, MAY 25, 1Ô11. Ths Chin and th« Throat. Remember always to arch tbe throat, almost as a horse does, if a woman talking to some one turns her shoul­ ders »lightly from him and then glances back tbe line of the throat Is always good. For myself 1 have nt all times thought tbe delicate line from tbe tip of a woman's ear to tbe tip of her shoulder one of tbe most exquisite of tbe feminine body. Many artists, 1 believe, would agree with me. So re­ member what 1 say. dear ladles—do not spoil or bide that lovely contour with blgb linen collars or boning. Wear low collars, or If these are not becoming to you at least dress your throats comfortably. Always carry tbe chin high, if while you are still quite young you can remember to thrust tbe chin upward and forward-uot to an absurd degree, of course—you will not with advancing years bave to fear those soft rolls of flesh above the col­ lar tbat add so much to a woman's ap­ parent age.—Anna Pavlova in Har­ per’« Bazar. Powsr of Words. “For me.” writes Lafcadlo rietirn In the “Japanese Letters of Lufcudlo Hearn,” “words have color, form, character. They have f nces. ports, manners, gesticulations; they have I moods, humors, eccentricities; they bave tints, tones, personalities." A good Instance of this power ap­ pears In a description of Patti's sing Ing: "There was a great dim pressure, a stifling heat, a whlsi>ering of silks, a weight of toilet perfumes. Then came an awful hush—all the silks ship­ ped whispering. And there suddenly sweetened out through that dead, hot air a clear, cool, tense thread gust of melody unlike any sound I ever heard before save—In tropical nights—from tbe throat of a mocking bird. It was ’Auld Lang 8yne' only, but with never a tremolo or artifice, a marvelous, au­ dacious simplicity of utterance." Tasting ths “Bud.” An old bachelor bad somehow stray ed into a young people’s party, and. realizing that he could not hope among so many handsome youths to make tbe heart of a single maiden throb, he said to ibe nearest girl, whose conversation bad shown somewhat more good sense than he bad expected: “Look about the ballroom. Notice tbat the girls who have removed tbelr gloves bave well shaped arms. And— ahem!—some have not removed them”— “But neither generalization fits me." anawered tbe girl, "for, you see, I have one arm bare and one gloved. What would you say about me?” “Walk out and let me look at them," ■aid tbe old bachelor unfeelingly. Tbe girl took a few steps out. paua ed and returned. "Take the other glove off,” said the old bachelor.—New York Times. A Policeman’« Advice to Tolstoy. Count Tolstoy once saw In Moscow a policeman dragging tn a most rude manner a drunken moujik to the sta­ tion. Tbe count stopped tbe policeman and said to him: “Canst thou read?" “Yes." was tbe reply. “And hast thou read the gospel?" "Yes. sir." “Then thou must know that we must not offend our neighbor." The pollcemau looked at the unpre tentioua figure of hla interrogator and asked him in hla turn: “Canst thou read?" “Yee." replied the count. “And hast thou read tbe Instructions for policemen F’ "No.” “Well, go and rend them first and then come hack and talk with me."— From tbe Anglo-Russian. Ths Awakening. The hallway was dark. He softly came behind her and kissed her light­ ly on the cheek. Ebe didn't scream. Ebe didn't even look around, And lie darted away undiscovered. A little later he met her In the par- lor. “Then you knew who It wna?” he as Id “Knew who It was?" she repented. “Knew who It was that kissed you F* Rhe gave a sudden start. "Good land, was it you?" ahe cried And the», wan something In her tone that sent him up to the dressing loom, where ho glared at himself In the glaaa and klcke«! hla own ahlua Vlgoroualy.—Cleveland Plain Healer. An Authority. Peter McArthur was once talking with ■ friend whsn he quote«! another man aa a financial authority. Ills friend disputed the right of the per •on quoted to be considered an expert. Mr McArthur Instated that the man had a right to apeak like an oracle. “What la your definition of an au­ thority?* naked bla friend “My Idea of an authority." retorted Mr McArthur, "to a person who bluffs beyond n>y limit.” Sever« Critics. Al^c«—1 like Tom Immensely, sad Hu's very much the gentleman, but he dpeu llke to talk about himself! Grare -Tsa. dear, your knight hath a tteou sand I-*-Puck Net Wholly Educated Ebe—Ro you bave an educated deg* Do yon let him go to tbe poatoffl.-e tar mall? He-Ne. I am afraid fe» might take It to iny wife first. I’M Hire Making * Homa Run. Auglo Moran, ex-ball player »nd umpire, was telling a story to u gloup of fan*. “There was a time when I played in tbe state league, and at that time on the Hazleton team there was a noted eater, “Kid” Jordan. Well, the year that Hazleton won the pennant noth­ ing was too good for tbe boys, and a number of business m?n arranged a banquet for the team and a few of the dyed-ln-tbe-wool rooters. Everything went off well, tbe courses were ar­ ranged temptingly and called 'Innings,' and the table was decorated to repre­ sent a baseball field. “We had everything there was to eat, and one of the innings was roast Bquab. This was served on a platter and the vegetables arranged In the shape of a diamond. The base lines were made of creamed potatoes, and at every base there was some vegeta­ ble cooked and cut in tbe shape of a base. “This dish was a hit with the boys, and we all commented on it. I turned to Jordan, who wasn’t saying much, but was Industriously paying attention Ths Dignity of ths Office. to the dish, and asked him how he An Indian Judge when first appoint­ was getting along. ed to bls position was not well ac­ “‘Fine,’ he «aid. ‘I’m eating ’em up quainted with Hindustani, says tbe around third base.’ ” — Philadelphia i Bombay Gazette. He was trying a Times. case in which a Hindu was charged with stealing a “nilghai." The Judge Poisoning as a Diversion. did not like to betray bls ignorance of Poisoning is never likely again to be­ what a nllgbal was. so be said, “Pro- come a fashionable diversion, as It was duee the stolen property.” from time to time in ancient Rome. In The court was held in an upper room, B. C. ¡131, for Instance, there was a your so the usher gasped. "Please, mysterious pestilence, which seemed lordship, it's downstairs.” to be particularly fatal to leading men. “Then bring it up Instantly!” sternly I At last a slave girl gave information ordered the Judge. to tbe authorities, and a consequent The official departed, and a minute police raid resulted In tbe discovery later a loud bumping was heard, mln of about twenty matrons, some of gled with loud and earnest exhorta­ them of high patrician families, busily tions. Nearer came tbe noise; tbe door preparing drugs over a tire. They in­ was pushed open, and the panting offi­ sisted that tbe drugs were not poison­ cial appeared dragging In the blue bull. ous, but, being compelled to drink Tbe Judge was dumfounded. but only them publicly In the forum as a guar­ for an Instant. “Ab! That will do,” said he. “it is antee of good faith, perished miser­ always best, when possible, for tbe ably. Further Informations followed, Judge personally to Inspect tbe stolen and 170 matrons In all were condemn­ property. Remove tbe stolen proper­ ed. But this record was soundly beaten In B. C. 184, when a four months’ In­ ty, usher." quiry by the praetor Is said to have led to the condemnation of 2,000 persons.— "Catgut” From Silkworms. Probably but a small percentage of London Chronicle. the fishermen who use dies strung A Dream and Its Result. with tine translucent “catgut’’ are In 1720 a terrible epidemic decimated aware that the almost unbreakable substance that holds the books against Marseilles and Provence, and Sardinia the fiercest struggles of the struck fish owed its escape to a dream. At this comes from silkworms. period the viceroy of Sardinia dreamed The principal center of the manu­ that the disease bad invaded Sardinia facture of this kind of catgut Is the and that the ravages were frightful. Island of Proclda. In the bay of Na­ When the viceroy awoke he wub deeply ples. but most of the silkworms em- Impressed by his dream, and a little ployed are raised near Torre Annun­ later a merchantman put in Its ap­ ziata. nt the foot of Vesuvius. The pearance at Cagliari and demanded a caterpillars are killed just as they are place to berth. The Sardinia refused, I about to begin the spinning of cocoons. and when It was hinted that the mer­ I he silk glands are removed and sub­ chantman wanted to land some sick jected to a process of pickling, which the viceroy threatened to train the Is a secret of the trade, and afterward guns of the forta upon the vessel if the threads are carefully drawn out the captain did not depart instantly. by akllled workers, mostly womeu. The people of Cagliari thought that the The length of the thread varies from viceroy was mad, but great wus tbelr a foot to nearly twenty Inches.—Sci­ Joy later when they learned that this I entific American. very ship, which went on to Marseilles, was responsible for Introducing tbe Chopin’s Likes and Disliksa. plague into the famous port. Hach and. above all. Mosnrt were Chopin’s Idea la. “hla gods." Hummel. Roads of tho Olden Time. Field and Moseheles were hla favor­ A curious Illustration of the lack of ite pianists. Field's mx-turues were I greatly prized by him. He admired any systematic authority over tbe « roads in England, even us lute ns the Schubert, though not without reserve. I Weber and Beethoven ouly partially fifteenth century, is preserved in tbe satisfied him. He disliked much of records of the manor of Aylesbury. Mendelssohn's music and found still A local miller, named Ilk-hard Boose, less to praise tn Schumann, never us­ needed some ramming clay for the re­ ing any of his pieces in glvlug his les­ pair of his mill. Accordingly—we learn sons. He dlsapprov«*d of Berllox. and. from "Old Country Inns"—his servants while he llk«*d Meyerbeer personally, dug a great pit lu the middle of the he heartily disliked bls music, Liszt road, ten feet wide and eight feet deep, says truly that Chopin sought In tbe and so left it to become filled with great masterpieces only that which water from the winter rains. A glov­ corresponded with bis nature, "What er from Leighton Buzzard, ou his way resembled it pleased him. What dlf- home from market, fell in and was fered from it received scant Justice drowned. Charged with tnuuslaugh- from him.“—Dole's “Famous Compos- ter, the miller pleaded that be bad no place wherein to get the kind of clay era.” be required except on tbe highroad. He was acquitted. Th« Thirsty Elm. it has been computed tbat if the leaves of an elm tree sixty feet blgb English Surnames. were spreud out on tbe ground edge Tbe following list of surnames actu­ to edge they would cover five acre« of ally extant In England today was com land. Ttieoe leaves, a v era glug 7.000,- posed by a Mr. Buggey, an official in 090 to a full grown tree, will absorb Doctors' Commons, who had his own water to the amount of seven tons name changed by law: Asse, Bub, during the normal summer day. Were Boots. Bones. Beast, Cheese. Cod, It not for tbe Ingathering by tbe sto­ Cockle . Dunce. Demon, Dam. Drlnk- mata during the ulgbt a few elms mllk, Fatt, Frogge. Goose, Ginger. would soon drew off all tbe water Ghost. Gimlet, Gready. Hugg, Hump. from a district Headach, Jug, Jelly, Kneebone, Kid­ ney, Leaky, Laay. Mug, Monkey. Pig­ head, Poker, Radish. Rottengoose. H« Wa« Prepared. Mr« McTurk—Mr. McDougall, up­ Snags, Swine, Vlttles ■taira, fell over bl« window «111 an’ wee kilt laat night, «ir. Tbe Mlntotsr— Th« Reason. Ih-or. deer, bow «ad! I trust he was “How did you ever happen to call prepared for tbe end! Mre. McTurk — your little daughter Dagmnr?" Ob. I'm sure be wus. because when be “My wife found after careful Inquiry passed oor window 1 beard him say. that It was about the only thing we "Now fur tbe bump!"—Dundee Adver­ could call the little one without run­ tiser. ning the risk of naming her after some relative of mine ’-Chicar» Record Thra« «f Th«m. Herald. Dearborn-Do you know the ssvsn woudera of th« world! Wabaab—Well. Thoughtful Lad. I know three of tbeui Dearbora—Only Voice From Relow — Harold, you three! Wabnsb—Yea I've silly r»> mustn't Interrupt the plumbers at three sons. yon know.-Exchaog«. tbetr work. dear, Hamid — It's all Illegible Coin Inaariptione. Lying on the table in front ef • numismatist was in old copper aria. It bad experienced bard usage. “Can you read the date and the Ito- scrlptlon?' inquired the collector. The visitor inspected the speclmsa; but. although be bad the aid of a mag­ nifying glass, be confessed that the words and figures were Illegible. “Let me assist you,” the collector re­ marked. Going to the kitchen range, be thrust an ordinary coal shovel into the fire and permitted It to remain there until red hot. Withdrawing It be dropped the coin on the utensil, and it speedily became as red hot as the shovel itself. Immediately tbe date, 1794, shone brightly in glowing figures on tbe obverse side of tbe coin, and similar treatment revealed tbe words “United States of America, One Cent,” on tbo reverse. This test, according to tbe numismatist, seldom falls with any coin even when tbe inscriptions have been worn so perfectly smooth that tbey are Invisible to tbe naked eye.—New York Press. I Ths P«ht« Ch«atsrh«ld. A aoblemsu of qiwatlonsbto veracity told Ix>rd CtwaterttoM ou« day tbat b« bad drunk six botltoa of champagne "Tbat to more than I can swallow," remarked bla lordship A Misteri« Irish Bulk Notwithstanding tbs larga amount paid for uiedk-lu« and meiUcal attend ame vary few d««ths occurred durlug the r«nr-From sa Irish Beoevoleut Boetotyto Report right, mother, I’m only talking to the man a ho alts on the stairs and does nothing Ix>ndon Punch. A Proverb Sp«il«d. “Dearest, if 1 were far, far away could you love me still?" "Why. Reggie, what a question! I'm sure tbe farther you were away the better I should love you.” H« Was Wise Her What, going already! 1 don't •uppowe it would be any use to ask you to stay a little longer? Htm Not In that tone of voice. Milwaukee News T. BOTTS, • A ttomney - at -L aw . H The Fast Steamer Complete set of Abstract Book» in office. Taxes paid for non. Residents. GOLDEN GATE Tillamook Block Sailing Days for IDonth of iDAY Both phones. C arl haberlach , FOR TILLAMOOK, BAY CITY, GARIBALDI, HOBSONVILLE, And all points Sail from Port­ land. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, jlbvokat, Tillamook Block. on’ Tillamook Bay Arrive Tillamook. .Sail Tillamook. Q^EORGE WILLETT, Arrive Portland. A ttorney - at -L aw . May 1 st. ft ,. ft...... . 5 10... .5 .5 . 1 + ., IK.... . ft .. 22... .ft „ 27. .. 5 31.... . ft p.m. May 2, 4:30 p.m May 3, 3:30 , 8. 7:00 p.m ,, (j. 9:00 p.m. p.m. ,,11, 1:00 p in ,. 12, 11:30 p.m. 1ft, 3:30 p.m. ,, 16, 2:Ou ,, 20, 4:00 p. in. ,. 19, 6:00 p.m. ., 2ft, 9:00 p in. ,; 23,8:30 p.m. 29, 12:30 p.m. „ 28, 1:30 p.m. p,m, 1 p.m. am a.m. p m. p.m. a.m. p.m. Next to Tillamook County Bank, T illamook O regon . r. Freight Received Daily at Dock H. GOYNE, A ttorney - at -L aw . Foot of Washington Street. J. R. GLADDEN, Agent, Tillamook. Office : Opposite Court House, T illamook , O regon . T. BO ALS, M.D., IT’S HEBE PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, TILLAMOOK. Tillamook Block. s M. KERRON, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Tillamook Block, Tillamcok, Tillamook Delivery Si,250. Every Owner a Booster for the E.M.F. EVERY MAN S FRIEND, Comfort. Style Oregon. R. I. M. SMITH, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Office over J. A. Todd & Co., Tillamook, Ore. C. HAWK, Satisfaction. PHYSICIAN & The biggest and the best automobile value in the world to-day. The Comfort Car. The every-day-in-the-year car You can use and enjoy your car m stormy weather as well as fair The F.M.G. gives you this privilege You’ll want to see it. Conic to-day SURGEON, BAY CITY, OREGON. R. BEALS, REAL ESTATE, F inancial A gent , Tillamook, Oregon J )R. P. J. SHARP, Place Your Order. RESIDENT Remember, when you buy of us you deal directly with the people who build the car and we guarantee every car against break or defect for one year, If you comtemplate the purchase of an automobile let us demonstrate to you the value of E.M.F. over all others at any­ where near the price. DENTIST, Office across the street iron» tbe Court House. Dr. Wise’s office. ''p SARCHET, . The Fashionable Tailor. Cleaning, Pressing and Repair* ing a Specialty. Store in Heins Photographic Gallery. Rollie W. Watson, L amd Ornes B csissm Phone A. 10* a SrscuLTT. pOWlNG & COWINC LAWYERS. AGENT FOR TILLAMOOK B oom 334 W oscbstbs B vu . dum », T hisd and Oti STsabva. Room Nest to tbe U.S. Land office. ! PORTLAND, OREGON 2^/jRS. ALICIA PHELPS GRADUATE NURSE, ¿XPORT BEER. MRS. KAISER BLUME. PAGE’S HOUSE, TILLAMOOK, ORE Unsurpassed. Non Intoxicating J. MALT TEA. STAR BREWERY CLAUSSEN, LAWYER, PcHtochcr 213 Tillamook Bieck, T illamook BOTTLED BY John B. Langley THE Columbia Bottling Co., Astoria, Oregon- N«4a Waters. Nipthoa«. Bartlett llaeral O regon Water. teaming and hauling GRA EL SCREENED OR UNSCREENED. I I WOOD FOR SAUB. Bell Telephone, 1307.