tillamooki HEADLIGHT, MAY 25, 1Ô11 ! Summon». >450,000.00 Plutocracy in the West. so every year, for taxes are too is affiliated with. Those who have repeatedly advocated this ^STBICTLT IM ADVASCB.) Iowa folks own more automobiles Port of Tillamook, Oregon, In the Circuit Court of 1.50 high. vine year........ Oregon for Tillamook r have been accused of wanting in proportion to population than 6 per eent Harbor Improve­ Lois O. MacMahon, 75 Six months.... to interfere with the sovereign We do not > resume to know, 50 Three months are owned by the people in New Piai otiti ment Bonds. We will but we will gamble that it will will of the people. vs. York. According to the official point out the muss the Repub ­ Notice is hereby given that sealed I '^•¡,ne8 and Francis Entered uh seconddas* mail mat- be n mistake and that the Port registration figures of the varioüe ter July, 1888, at the poet office at of Tillamook will not sanction lican party finds itself in in the bids will be received by the Treasur- 1 re’?r> Tillamook. Ore., under the act of City of Portland on account of states 70,000 automobiles are owned er of the Fort of Tillamook, in the any of the Port ’ s money being in New York and 24.000 in Iowa. City of Tillamook, in the State of lo *rnnc,B Freyor. Jr., March 3, 1879. expended on a north jetty. It depriving that party of repre­ On the basis of population, the Oregon, at his office in said city, t " ,(X.e nanletl defend sentative government. Three seems, however, that some sel­ ratio should be about one machine until Thursday, June 15, 1911, at 101 In ll,e name of tl fish motives and interests are Republicans placed themselves in Iowa to five in New York. The o’clock A. M., for the purchase of ‘ Oregon . 9}ht or any part of the bonds of the i reM»»ired v, at the back of the movement to in nomination for mayor, and pictures painted by insurgent all said Port issued by virtueof a reso- a"ain"?8^,r .the, I'otnp]^ create a sentiment in favor of with an exceedingly small vote hands in Iowa have shown “the lution of said port, duly and legally ; a K? ‘ nst you ln the aboVe’ at the primary election, a passed April 6. 1911. I 8 ™ °r '>efore the eip,' Editorial Snap Shots. a north jetty. Sentiment and cast tariff plutocracy of the protected private interests must cut no man with a rushlight caliber East” riding down the "unprotected Said bonds are to be dated July 1, I » had long been wont to travel. They terstate commerce law than to consulting engineer for the Port clared when a loud protest was York Citv, N. Y. Said bonds are *ere.8t held by yon have, or had, caught the idea that 900 in number and the denomina- °ilnfiTd'i8>“*'• 8a'e and except the whistle blows at nine o’clock, which will guide the members affair is the peculiar mix up Taking the automobile as the vis­ bar and bay. sold to the highest bidder for cash, 1 ”'.1,,8r t’e«t’nbed portion, for the purpose of keeping the in what is best to tie done. For that the primary election law is ible sign and symbol of prosperity, and all bids must be accompanied , £’*rip ot land 300 feet in Ex-Senator J, young people off the streets nt the reason that the government responsible for. feet on each sideofi and we believe it is generally so ac­ by a certified check equal to 5 per cent of the amount of the bonds bid I ?. co,,"ne»cine , night, but a red light district is has already made improvements Simon, now the mayor of that cepted, the Iowans are riding' fast city, always a »trict party man iLe"” r Cr"k, at upon. allowed to be started on one of and completed its project, it enough to break the speed limit. The right is reserved to reject any ' . V, ,?8!, of ,lle West will be hard to obtain the con­ and successful leader of the Re­ the main streets. _ _ i ..11 i.bla romlvprtiap for , * * * n-Olltll nl Iowa has more than her share of and all bids and to readvertise for ¡Section 13 and Qlliirfpr ’ntnX* sent of the government engi­ publican party in Portland for bids for the same. automobiles as compared with a number of years, has consent­ Dated at Tillamook, Oregon ,, this , easterly following up the L Attorney R. R. lluniway is to neer to change any of the work, ed to run in opposition to the New York. As compared with said creek 200 feet, and » > and here is where Mr. Lock ­ 10th day of April, 1911. of be paid $500 to fight the Port I land 20 feet in width, beint» so-called Republican nominee Pennsylvania, said to be the most M. F. I.EACH, Treasurer. wood may be handicapped in Tillamook on technical grounds P ort of T illamook . ion each side of the point «1 as an independent on request of highly protected state in the Union, | pipe line of Tillamook Citv and with the idea of knocking planning out what is best for a large number of voters. Will Iowa has a still greater advantage. water system crosses the wh I it out. He made himself con­ the entire bay. Pennsylvania has more than four anyone explain to us where and , of said South East quarter spicuous by fighting a bond times the population of Iowa, but Section 15, and following J The large number of addition­ what is the sovereign will of she owns onlj’ one automobile and sale in Portland, but all his N otice is H ereby G i ven , that in , line easterly to the dam 7 people in this peculiar mix up ? al copies of the Headlight of the pursuance of an execution and or ­ . Killam Creek; that such bluster did not amount to any­ two thirds for every one owned in der of sale duly issued out of and ; interest be decreed to be void' thing, anyway, for he lost out. 4th May which we mailed for Iowa, the figures being, for Penn­ under the seal of the Circuit Court , plaintiff be decreed to be the the purpose of helping boost the We predict that those who sylvania, 40,000 to the 24,000 regis of the State of Oregon, forthe Coun­ iof said lands in fee simple w county appear to be appreciated have started the legal tight on tered in Iowa. ty of Multncmah, to me duly direct­ ’ title thereto quieted as agaiw Should anyone delay the U.S. by those seeking reliable infor­ the Port of Tillamook will meet This is an interesting comparison ed, dated the 21st day of April claim held by you in or t0 mail they are liable to prosecu­ mation. This is one out of seve­ with failure, and that they err and we will pursue it a little fur­ A. D. 1911, upon a judgment rend­ I laP,d?’ and for general relief tion, but the unnecessary de­ ral letters we have received : in judgment. The Headlight ther. Kansas has 2000 more auto­ ered and entered in said Court on i This Summons is publi the 3rd day of February, 1911, in ¡order of the Honorable lay of making the postmasters Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis will be candid and outspoken, mobiles than she would have under favor of A. V. Allen, plaintiff, vs. j Mason, County Judge of Til count every piece of mail pass­ Railway, Coalmont, Tenn., and concede the right of those an equal distrubution of wealth August F. Mahne, defendant,for the County, Oregon, made Ap ing through their offices during May 17, 1911. who want to oppose the Port with Massachusetts, registering sum of $58.13, and the further sum 11911, and the time prescribed this month does not appear to Editor Tillamook Headlight. But 13,000 to the 22,000 the larger popu­ of $15.75 costs and disbursements, publication of this Summos D ear S ir ,—I received a copy of law their right to do so. be c onsidered delay when looked your paper date May 4th. for which and also the costs of and upon said said order is once a week fv we want to point out the equity lation of Massachusetts shows. writ, commanding me to make sale successive weeks, and the da at through the goggles of the please accept my thanks. I have and justice of the situation. It Nebraska, home of Bryanistn, in­ of the real property of the above the first publication liereofiiJ postal authorities. But it it» a shown it to several of my friends, 13th, 1911. who have become very much inter­ it is dairymen who are opposed surgency and Congressman, Norris, named defendant attached by vir­ delay, nevertheless. H. T. B otts , ested in Tillamook County. Some to the Port. For a long num­ has 4000 automobiles more than tue of a writ of attachment in said H. K. S argent , are expecting to come to Oregon ber of years they have paid only Connecticut, land of the tariff plut­ cause, said property being describ­ ed as follows, to-wit : Attorneys for PlamrJ Some “strings” are being this fall. I am coming and expect from 20 to 30 per cent of the ocracy (15,200 to 11,000,) though the The North East quarter of Section to make your town a visit first thing, pulled for the purpose of reduc­ to taxes, the timber and other in ­ look into the timber situation. margin between the populations of 9 in Township 3 North of Range 6 Notice of Sale of Tide West, situated in TillamookCounty, ing Thomas Holman's sentence, Please send me a few copies along terests paying 70 to 80 per cent. the two states is not wide. The who was fined $1,000 for contri­ when you have anything especially The tax money have gone to Wisconsin of the La Follette has State of Oregon. Now. therefore, by virtue of said N otice is H ereby G ives ,- buting to the delinquency of a to say of your county and I will build roads, bridges and school about 1000 too many automobiles, execution and order of sale, and in the State Land Board of the handle them to advantage with minor child. Holman was let friends. houses and educate the children az compared with Massachusetts, compliance with the commands of of Oregon will «ell to the hi c. R. D aniel , I down too easy, considering the I of those who reside here,while, for that due regard to distribution said writ, I have duly levied on said bidder at its office in the C Fright and Passenger Agent. property and ¡will! on Tuesday, the Building at Salem, Orego way he perjured him self and It is not often that we publish on the other hand, the timber of wealth for which her unfaltering 6th day of June, 1911, at the hour of I July _ 11, 1911, ... ____ o _ ’clock __ at 10:00 attempted to drag others into a this class of letters, but We do owners have received no benefit insurgent statetnanship stands. fOo’clok a. tn., at the front door of ! of said day, all the State's ini nasty scrape. Let him remain so on this occasion simply to whatever from the burdensome Nebraska, Kansas and Minnesota, the court house in Tillamook City, , in the tide and overflow land;.4 where he is or pay the fine. show what the county news­ taxation the people of this coun­ all agricultural states, all distance TillamookCounty, Oregon, sell the j innfter described, giving, above described real property at to the owner or owners of any papers are doing to boost the ty have imposed upon them, Connecticut, home of the protected public auction to the highest bidder j abutting or fronting on such with no road or other facilities octopi, in automobiles more than for cash in hand to satisfy said exe- and overflow lands, the pref The |>erson who dictated a county. There is a large call of getting their timber to mar­ they outdistance her in population, cution and order of sale, interests I right to purchase said tide letter, and which was written for sample copies of the Head­ •overflow lands at the high«« ; ket. Most every farm in the while Iowa, with less population and costs, and all accruing costs. by u child *»f tender years, and light of late. It is a well known H. C renshaw , offered, . provided ___ such ofc which stated that three of the fact that persons who want re­ county have comparatively a than Massachusetts, has 2900 more Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore. i made an good faith, and also good road leading to them that liable information regarding a Christian ministers ought to be machines on the road. It is very Dated at Tillamook City, Oregon. I viding that the land will not 1 sold for nor any offer therefor run out of town, is probably place where they exi>ect to locate have cost many hundreds of clear that Iowa has been getting too May 4th, 1911. thousands to construct, and the j cepted of less than $7.50 per gloating over the departyre of send for or aubscrilie for the much, to quote her peerless Cum­ Citation to Heirs. the Board reserving the rigte. some of them. But "Christian newspaper published there, and farmers themselves have been mins, of “the spoils of ultraexelu- 1 al any and all Said ¡fin la a a Cal rs « . r* reject *111 y cl 11 (4 cl J I I bids. H (I o • 0ulU In the County Court of the State of are eituaied in Tillamook C»J devils” in Christian churches in this respect the home news­ paid an enormous amount of sive socialism.” Oregon. - Oregon described as follows: j are doing a lot of harm to the I papers are doing a lot of good money for work on the roads. The truth is, of course, that both In the matter of the estate of Louis No one ever heard a word of Tide lands fronting on Lotsla work. Christian religion. ; industrial and agricultural states Blattlar, Deceased. 2 of Section 23, T. 3 N.. R. 101J complaint on account of this To Mrs. Matthes, mother of the I have prospered under tariff protec- Beginning at the meander ml from the timber owners who above named deceased, Josephina The most ingratitude persona I tion in such degree that the auto­ on bank of North Fork of New believe in patronizing in Tillamook City are saloon pay 75 percent of the taxes, but mobile, ns the outward sign of their Gsell and Joseph Blattlar: River on line between Section In the name of the State of Ore­ and 24, T. 3 N.. R. 10 W. home industry, Instead of pay­ keepers. They induced voters directly the timber men want prosperity, has multiplied exceed­ gon : (Said meander corner beint Si ing $500.00 to a Portland attor­ to make the county “wet,” and money for bar and harbor im­ ingly in all of them. The total reg­ You are hereby cited and required 45’ E., 1.34 chains from cornel ney to tight the Port of Tilla­ succeeding in their efforts, and provements so that they can to appear in the County Court of istration this year, to date, reaches Sections 13, 14, 23, 24) thence II mook, flint amount of money now they are fleecing those who manufacture and get their tim­ the State of Oregon, for the County J the enormous figure of 780,000. of Tillamook, at the Court room; \V. 5’ to left). given to one of the local attor­ patronize their places of busi­ ber to market, the first to op­ Rhode Island, a state of which it is thereof at the Court House in Tilla-i S. 6L 51’ W 111.9’ along H. » neys would have lieen appre­ ness 10c. for a glass of beer and pose it is the farmers who have Low Water 3’ to left. said that pluto in the person of mook City, Tillamook County, Ore-1 S. 61° 25’ W. 500.0 along ciated, for it is like throwing 15c. for a drink of whiskey, derived so much money and Senator Aldrich has organized the gon, on Mortday the 5th day of June,! Low water 5’ to left. money into the gutter. How­ which is certainly base ingrati­ lienetits from the timber owners 1911, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the' S. 58° 38’ W, 363.9 along ever if some of our citizens tude and rubbing it into those paying so large a proportion of most plutonian of plutocracies forenoon of said day, then and there Low water 10’ to left. I i there, has less than 5000 machines to show cause, if any there be, whyj have money to fool away in that who voted for saloons. If this the taxes. Did the farmers of against the 15.200of Missouri, which said Court should not make anor-i S. 52“ 51’ W. 216.2 along Low water 17’ to left. manner tlint is their business. city expects to retain saloons it this county ever stop to figure may explain why other agricultural der authorizing licensing and direct- • S. 62“ 53' W. 277.7 along must break up the saloon mo­ it out what their taxes would states of the West drew cards, ing the administrator of the said ’ Low water 18' to left. amount to with the necessary Louis Blattlar, deceased, to sell at S. 67“ 05' W. 469.4 along ■ Because it happened to be a nopoly confining the city to five public improvements going on J whic’i, as they now look them over, private sale for cash, all of the fol­ bit breezy, with the spray from saloons, so as to create compe­ if they had to foot the bills them-1are;no.v,n» th'm to deeP and loud lowing described real property, ! Low water 18' to left. S. 68' 58' W. 269.0 along the juvenile comber* going over tition, or loose license money selves ? Where they pay $1.00'’ . The manufacturing situated in Tillamook County, State ' Low water 12' to left. of Oregon, to-wit : the launch, while going down to from saloons altogether, for the for taxes they would have to pav I 8tates wllich ,hen discarded and ' S. 63° 01' W. 205.4 along An undivided one-half interest in ! Low water 7’ to left, the bay on Sunday, one young men who imbibe feel that it is $4.00 if it were not for the tim- !drew’ ,na‘ead of 8,andin« P«». «re and 11 Lot numbered one and the j S. 56° 47’ W. 239.8 along lady, who wasn’t a very good next to robbery to be fleeced by ber. We ronsider, looking at also, of late, beginning to make Southeast quarter of the Northeast I Low water 12’ to left, Jack Tar, for fear of going to the saloon monopoly and will quarter of Section six and Lot num­ the matter from an equity and j faces behind their new cards, in a bered four and the Southwest quar i S. 54“ 37’ W, 192.5 along vote for local option the next Davey Jones’ locker, wanted to to corner on line between lots2 justice stand point, that as the i way to indicate that they have found of the Northwest quarter of Sec­ 3 of Sec. 23, low water line l-! get out and walk, little think time they have an opportunity. farmers have received so many nothing to bet on.—Globe-Democrat. ter tion five, in Township three North to point of beginning, contai« ing that Captain O'Neal was From a business point of view of Range nine West, W. M., and 0.778 acres. lienefits, and for so many years, cii using the spray to fly for the the saloons have caused a stag­ Lots numbered twelve, thirteen and from taxation, they ought Bid should be accompanii Do Ghosts Haunt Swamps. fourteen of Section thirty-one, in purpose of giving the Indies a nation, taking $41«) to$500 a day to show a magnanimous spirit i No, Never. Its foolish to fear a Township four North of Range nine regular application to P from the legitimate channels of good complexion and a good ap­ are ..... real West, W. M., less tract of 6% acreB and exchange for the full towards the timber owners now fancied evil, when there ------ — business. As the city author­ they and should be a petite. justly demand a water wav . dca-lv penl? to 8ru?rd «««'»«« sold to F. R. Beals and one acre for' ,offered ities are responsible for the ordi­ the swamps and marshes, bayous grave of Mrs. Ludtke, and except ; j to G. G. Brown. Clerk State nance which confined the city to benefit them and get their and lowlands. These are the ma­ the merchantable timber on lands j ' Board, Salem, Oregon, and ma i “Application and bid to p to five saloons, and now they can products to market. This mat­ laria germs that cause ague, chills in Sections five and six. and crude i ! tide lands.” improvements i and fever, weakness, aches in the oils reserved,, and subject to right-1 see for themselves the mono­ ter of harbor G. G. Bl bones and muscles and may induce of-way for county road Clerk State Land poly it created in making peo­ j should not be looked at selfish- deadly typhoid. But Electric Bit- Bit­ \V ITNE8S the Honorable Homer ly or in a dog in the manger, ters destroys and casts out these Masou, Judge of the County Court1 Dated this 26tli day of Apo ple pay exorbitant charges for f L. blood of the State of Oregon, for Till»-! th? drink, it is up to them to make light, and because the farmers vicious germs frotn “Three bottles drove all the mook County, this 6th day of April, ' a change or should« r the re­ have succeeded in obtaining the malaria from mv system.” wrote A. D. 1911. K Notice of Dissolution of P sponsibility. When the city public improvements first they Wm. — Fretwell, v* I • of >.,iiv Lucama. iiiiiu , X. (J*. ship. Attest: J. C. HOLDEN, should be willing to concede«! “and ttl’ve had fine health ever authorities confined the city to Clerk of the County Court. that tlie timber owners are now since, I’se this safe, sure rernedv five saloons we believe they did N otice is H ereby Ginx onlv. ■XX at Chas. I. Clough's. {all whom it may con, era, i Saved Child From Death. so in good faith. They, like the entitled to some improvements “After our child had suffered ■ co-partner»hip heretofore e voters at the last election, have that will now benefit them. We Saved His Mother’s Life. from severe bronchial trouble for a between the undersigned, been imposed upon, and those hope that the farmers will soon " Four doctors had given me up," year,” wrote G. T. Richardson, of i been doing business under tn* who drink in saloons in thia city take this broad view of the sit­ writes Mrs. Laura Gaines, of Avor'», Richardson's Mills, Ala., ”we! na**re «nd style of A. Finley * uation, for the matter of harbor are having to pay some of the J.a., " and my children and all my feared it had consumption. It had «1 Tillamook City. Oregon.“ enormous ex|H*naes which were improvements will not only ben­ j friend* were looking for me to die, a bad cough all the time. We tried j mutual consent of the 1»»*®*% when mv son insisted that I use many remedies without avail, and f dissolved, and that Mr. A r entailed in the Home Rule elec­ efit the timber owners, but will | Electric Bitters I did so, and they doctor's medicine seemed as use-jh»8 assumed the paymen* be of benefit to the farmers and tion. have done me a world of g'i i e county is in nred of a water It wa» freely predicted the I help to open up this bottled-up Bitter* is a priceless blessing to say that one bottle effected a com­ ¡debts due and owing to wagon now that the county is primury election law would turn county and set the wheels of in 1 i women troubled with fainting and plete cure, and our child is again are to be paid to the said wet. It is well enough to buy out to be a failure and a fizzle, dustry moving. | dizzv spells. backache, headache. strong and healthy.” For coughs, 1 Dated at Tillamook. Oreg®* | weakneaa. debility, eonatipatkm or colds. hoarseness. lagrippe. April 28th, lull. all necessary appliances for whereby the peanut politicians HA. KiNXA»* V8e ‘hem ■nd asthma, croup and sore lungs, its road building, yet in thia wet would be able to secure public I Sick headache re.ulu7ro.ua di. 2^2*’ ALVA FiNLrr. the most infallible remedy that's orilered condition of the stomach h f “ 1,h ’ e,l * n inh and si-ction of the country we urv __ office. This proved correct,and C.nd ct. b, cured by Uie uLe » «2T « J *y ** to made. Price 3Qc and «.Oft Trial inclined to think that it will instead of healing the factional Chamberlain . Stomach and Mver^ *"^7 "funded Oaly bottle free. Guaranteed by Chas Kicked By a Mad H«* *• 1 ,ou« last Bncklen's Arnica Sank ing taxation, should not be Inst it imperative that before a per I Salve, but forty years of wonderful a aplendid remedy for wome n <>r injury. Chamberlain's Liniment it completely. It* sight of, fur that is becoming u son can become a nominee of '* **xellent. This liniment is also cures have proved them true, and They gave me wonderful benefit in healer of ulcer*. I '"«* burning question of much im­ any party he must first obtain highly esteemed fer the relief it af­ everywhere it is now known as the con stipation,and female trouble." eczema, scalds, cute. c< portance, and will become more n majority vote of his party he fords in caaea of rheumatism. Sold best salve on earth for Burna. Boil*, jro»« Mrs. Dunlap, of L^dih. sores, bruises and pile* bcalda. Sores and Piles Only 25c by l.amar a Drug Store. T* «Hing, try them. 25c. Try it. 25c. at Cbas I- at Chas. I. Clough's. at (. has. 1. Clough'*. drug store. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. ^tHumooh Ijieabligbt I « T t Ki T G< I