tilianmk il. XXIII. No. 51 JtaÒI i ij!j i TILLAMOOK, OREGON, MAY >i.5o per year. 35, 1911. I The passengers in on the Golden S. A. Brodhead and John Aschirn Gate Fiiday were: Mrs. M. C. returned on the Anvill on Sunday 3-Extracts from a Diary Frazier, H. F. Frazier, Mrs. W. C. from attending the Oddfellows' 1740 1911 King, G. W. Sackett, Wm. Barker, | Grand Lodge in Portland, also Mrs. The Coffee Pot Bank. The Up to the Minute i Frank Severance, who represented Thes. Smith and Frank Silva. Grass is growing fast now. To I the Rebeccas, and who took the Bank. keep it down you will need a hand Schivalry degree, others from Tilla­ mook who attended the grand lodge sickle, scythe and snath or lawn mower. We have a nice assortment were County Judge Mason, H. I “ I talked with ottr Foreman yesterday. I spoke of The savings idea is just as worthy, just Farmer, Alex Imlah,Charles Elliott of all.—K ing & S mith C o . and F. Worthington. Dst of living. He says he started in on less wages than as necessary to business success to-day as it S. A. Brodhead is prepared to do In the case of Samantha Mills vs. I getting and managed to save money. It seems almost was in 1740, but the methods have advanced all kind of wood work on short notice. Furniture repaired, All A. C. Daniel, which was argued issible, but he began by making a schedule of his living during that time. work guaranteed first class, Call before Judge Galloway and taken uses—those things absolutely necessary. What remained under advisement, he has decided • We now have the most modern savings at his shop and leave orders. klled his profits, and used half for pleasure expenses, Frank Viereck is in visiting his that the plaintiff ie the owner of convenience invented and respectfully in­ lg the other half. He said it was all due to the little parents. He is a printer ¡and real premises described in the find­ vite the people of Tillamook Couuty to call ings of fact and the whole thereof since hie last visit here has m he used and knowing exactly what lie spent.” subject to lien andjfcharge thereon and see them. traveled quite a bit over the country, working in different cit- ♦ of the defendant Daniel in the sum In brief, let us tell you that it is a small of $2,410.83, with interest thereon, ies. and the same to be paid on or be- HOME SAVINGS BANK which registers, The Golden Gate left this morn­ fore four months or indicates, at all times, THE EXACT The Way to Save—Have a Savings ing and her passengers were : U. AMOUNT OF MONEY which has been Sheriff Crenshaw has been ’ con ­ G. Reed Miss E. Goodwin, H. » placed in it. fined to his home tili« week on I Account With the Masters, J. Long, Ray James, F. O. Hyde, H. C. Rasmussen ami account of sickness, caused by The amount of money is plainly shown at blood poisoning. As his condition several others. all times, the amount of each kind of coin— became worse, the eruption which The Shakespere Club met at the started in his hand going over hie Nickles, dimes, quarters and so on. home of Mrs. T. H. Goyne on Fri- body, Drs. Smith and Boals had The thing that stimulates saving is to see TILL AM OOK CIT Y, OR E SUPERVISION NTY day and several invited guests were a consultation, it being thought the amount grow, to see it every day, right present. Another pleasant after­ that it was erysipelas he was suffer­ noon was spent and the hostess before your eyes. With one of our new banks ing with, but this did not prove served a dainty lunch. this feature is the big thing and these banks correct. He is somewhat better to ­ AMOOK JOTTINGS See Art Case for auto trips to any The Golden Gate came in on Wed­ I day, but still too sick to be out. have proveij very popular wherever they have part of the county. Ready at all nesday with the following passen­ been placed. The P.Y.P.C. of the Methodist times. . gers: F. H. Miles and wife, James $10 ton, see Shrode. Church will give a box social at the GET ONE THE FIRST TIME YOU H. Sours, cheapest and beet paper T. Moore, wife and eon, Mrs. Bo- lorris, eye specialist, ARE IN TOWN, especially if you have hanger in town. Leave orders at gari, Mrs. Everding, Mrs. Gerald Williams’ building, formerly oc- cupied by Mills’ store, next Satur. h Home made Candies at store next to Harris’ barn. children, for you know the adage, “ as the twig * and five others. day night, A short program will [ill’s. is bent, so is tree inclined,” and the children Lost, between this city and Ne­ How about that checkingaccount. be given before the baskets are rent —House of 21 rooms In- halem, a tail automobile light. Better open one ^iow. will take unusual interest in these banks be­ It is sold, which will consist of: An tleadlight Office. Finder please inform A. K. Case. good business to pay all bills by cause THEY ARE SOMETHING NEW AND address, Robt. Stillwell ; Ladies’ re easier, makes best bread, UNIQUE. Extremely low rates on house check. You always have the cor­ Quartett; recitation, Pauline Beale; int’e Best” Flour. wiring during May and June, Till­ rect change with you. Try it. Tilla­ Male Quartett ; recitation, Cloyd THEY ARE to be had FREE for we * public echool will adjourn for amook Electric Light and Fuel mook County Bank. Dawson ; and an impromptu loan them to anyone who starts an account of Miner holidays on June 9th. Co. We furnish bank drafts on Port­ debate. $1 or more. Seattle, San Francisco, rent-Roome for rent close in. A suit has been filed in the land, Mrs. J. E. Epplett and daughter County Court by J. N. Malschek Chicago and New York without Lena returned from Arizona Satur­ ks Box 62, Tillamook, Ore. Ity Judge Homer Mason re- Candy Co. against C. • A. Parker to charge to our customers. A-small day to spend thb summer in this charge ie made for Bank Money recover $218.09. from Portland on Sunday. county. Mrs. Epplett has been Orders. Get them from Tillamook Flour gives sat ­ “ Dements Best ’ ’ spending the winter in Arizonia in : Roy and S. V. Leabo, of Ne- County Bank. . the interests of her health, which . were in the city on Saturday, isfaction because it is so easy to The Only Government Examined Bank in the G. L. Hunter has returned to she feels that the dry climate of that work and makes such pure bread. is Schnal returned from a County. Tillamook from Centralia, Wash., section has benefited to a great ex­ 1 Vancouver, B. C., on Sun- Ask Shrode about it. where he expected to locate, but tent. If her health remains im­ W. C. King has returned from a trip to Idaho, and being impressed work not being very brisk there he proved she will undoubtedly remain e or phone to E. G. Ander- decided to return to this city and here until fall. Hemlock, for Cedar Fence with the irrigated districts, invested follow hiB trade here. He was ac- and Mr. Debauw. The Golden Gate PASTOR IS NOT GUILTY. in some land in that state. 'd Sunday t. Gekeler, of l.itnu, 3. Dwight vs. Andrew Gotten. Blanchard's Calf Meal. Cheaper for daisies. Drop of lc. for the passengers from Bay City. by the mill, The horse backed up appeared before (he church court. Is a tax certificate suit filed in than milk. Can be had at the Til­ week. This will lay Wisconsin A number of subscription lists and beca me mixed up with the He declared Rev. Mr. Ebinger fcuit court. chsese in coast markets at from I lamook Feed Co. were circulated on Saturday by the team of Wm. Maxwell. Mr Noyes’ preached tlint the Bible was written I opera house is being moved 1214c. to 1314c. Rough spruce and hemlock lum­ farmers to raise $500 to employ At­ team, which was standing in the as Hie word of God, but that some it in Maple Grove addition, ber at $8.00 per thousand at the Faw- For Sale, a full blooded Holstein torney R. R. Duniway to fight the lumber shed, became frightened by slight mistakes had lieen made in Mr. Ellison’s. cet Creek Saw Mill, seven miles Bull. 14 months old. He is from Port of Tillamook, and sufficient seeing the other horses mixed up, the verbiage. Ig your chickens to the Tilla- southof Tillamook City. Goldsworth- good milking strain, hie dam A letter from Mr. Ebinger was money having lieen raised, that and started to run but hung up Meat Company's Market. We ey A Dalpaz, pros. giving 76 lbs. of milk per day, and gentleman will be employed to bring on the door before they hail a g purchase 11 certain Promis­ The evening The different sulting engineer for the Port «if Spirit. in right away. See, phone or ■ this summer and rent a place be- and evergreens. sory Note given by tin* undersigned I fore buying there. classes of the High School, with the Portland, and thia Port lias lieen "Christ’s View of a Nee fy World.” | to J. E. O’Neel, Tillamook. George Vao«letxcelorF225.i4i » ilh- no txxik | This is the church with exception of the Freshmen, gave fortunate in securing his services. ont interest, due payable xonie time lint the i next < N tolwr. Said note waxolituin- their flags for decoration. The Golden Gate left port Sxtur tmt the Bible. no creed Divine, ed from me by fraud. Baby Chick food, Blanchard* a Calf day with the following passengers: Christ, no name but the T. I.. Mi FALL*. just tlir Meal. Dement’s Best flour II Ml sk S. G* Finney, J. fl licit. Eatella Mills, Come and get the gos|x-l the way it is in the Book. Pasture to Kent. Dement’s Marvel flour $1 .10 sk. W. A. Kimball, ft. J. Park, , Agnes grass seeds. Vegetable fertilizer, Hathaway, Maney Hathaway, Annie Pasture lo rent Enquire ol E111- Card of Thanks. I ji nd pinnter.. Cement. Khinglea, Hathaway, J. k L*cy. Stella I-acy, fiu-tt Halen, Tillamook, Ore. , ocated two Doors west of Lamar'« Drug Store. Lath. Hay. Grain, Mill-feed. Cream C. Ci. Buggs. C. M Godfrey, A. J. Thro* the lines of the |xi|ier we For Bale. separator. Machinery. Farm imple­ Mapea, Mabel Mapes, H G. Han wish to express our sincere thanks AND LOOK AROUND. ” “DROP IN ments. and the celebrated Stude­ sen, Maggie Hansen. Adolph I Neil- U> the friends who so nobly st xxi vy traili, aii'l 0 o!d ; baker wagons and harness, or any son, Mrs. Adolph Neilson, F. L by us in our dark hours ol sorrow i A Ur-i Rest Room for Ladies. lirMvy hairitra»« and new 3-incii other old thing you want at the I Middleton, O. S. Brewster, C. < *1 ih bell W h ^ oii with I m »<. Eiapiirt W. over llie loss of our loved onr. Mtt». < MKBA Y axv F amily , lui V. U * uvlvy, llcaicr, Ore. Tillamook Feed Co. Sterling. M. Waltebled. K. J. Doster I h ïe Man’s System. F TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK S“ FIRST LAMAR'S VARIETY NATIONAL BANK TILLAMOOK, STORE I I OF