TILLAMOOK’ HEADLIGHT, MAY 18, 1Ô11 of the most interesting sessions TILLAMOOK AS SEEN BY ever held in this state. There were FRED M. ROWLEY, over two hundred regular delegates there throughout the session and on the last two nights the number Traveling Auditor for the of Grangers swelled close to the thousand mark. Mr. Sheets cannot Equitable 8avings and Loan An ordinary safe is “dead easy” for yeggrnen and say too much in praise of the Agri­ safe crackers. cultural College of Corvallis, as an Association, of Portland. educational body, but he was very sorry to find such a poor class of OURS IS BURGLAR PROOF, cows on their farm. He invited the For years past Mr. Rowley has directors to visit Tillamook and se­ traveled extensively through the And as further precaution, WE CARRY BURGLAR cure a herd of first class cows to States of California, Oregon, Wash- AND HOLD ,UP INSURANCE. add to their farm. , ington and Idaho, and what he had Ralph Ackley, one ofiPortland's Don’t worry and-loose your sleep when you can progressive Real Estate men, has to say to a representative of the put your money apd valuables where they are out of removed from offices in the Corbett Headlight about Tillamook County Building, where he has always been will prove interesting to its read­ the reach of rQbbers. pleased to have Tillamook people make their headquarters when in ers. He said: WebrClte the opportunity to explain more fully “I am quite surprised in finding Portland. He has moved to No. 179 Fifth street, on the ground floor such good roads as I found here in the^idiflities we have to safe guard the money and across from the Postoffice were he Tillamook County. There are no Valuable deposited with us. has elaborately equipped a lobby than and »even private offices. Since better stage roads any where taxing up hia residence in Portland the road between Beaver and Tilla- Mr. Ackley has been unusually tiiook. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF successful and is now oneof the lar­ “The farms all along the road gest and most prominent real estate TILLAMOOK dealers in the Northwest. With a are well kept up, the fences are force of eight salesmen he is doing all in such ¡good repairs and the Only U.S. Government Examined Bank in the a big business in a big way, but he houses and barns are in most County. is never toobusy to extend the hand cases painted in a neat and tidy if welcome an the comforts to his offices to Tillamook people when way, while iu many places there in the city. Call on him the next was a beautiful well kept, large green lawn in front of the farm­ . being an expert rniissagiat. He in­ time you are in Portland. TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS tends having the most up to date Next Friday evenin g. May 19th, house. “There are a fine lot of progres­ shop in the city us soon as the is the date for the Junior I'luy Much time lias been spent in the sive business men here in your Jap Cups and Saucers, 13c. Satur­ proper equipments arrive. !>reparation of the parts and the day, May 20.—Lamar’s Variety The Tillamook Athletic Club went unior Class of the High School town and the fanners should be Store. to Nehalem Saturday with their >ave gone to considerable expense proud of them. The bargain daj A. G. Gaylord has been appointed baseball team to play Nehalem a in trying to make this the most at­ sale I see advertised shows very tractive feature of the season. The ticket and freight agent at BayCIty, game of ball Sunday. The people play is given in order to partially keen business ability. One can find and T. ft. Duncan foreman ot the of Nehalem entertained them clear the expense of the SeniorClass anything in a store here in Tilla­ Tillamook division between Tilla­ royally Saturday night, but for and commencement week and a mook that you could find in a large mook and mile poet 30, of the P. R. some reason or other they seemed large attendance of not only the city. I noticed, too, that the store theatre goiug people but also of the A N. Co. to be unable to do much in the way lovers of better education is ex­ keepers take an interest in decorat­ Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Williams will of playing baseball. The Athletic pected. The Juniors have secured ing their'display windows in a tasty leave on a vacation as soon as the Club boys bad them entirely shut the use of the Gem Theatre for this manner. I have seen some fine event and will give two per­ displays here and it is this that at­ weather improves. They will go to out until the eighth innings, when great formances of an hour each, begin­ Seattle and Victoria, and on their the Nehalem team managed to ning at eight and nine respectively tracts the strangers. “ Too much cannot be said of return will take iu the Rose Festi­ make three runs on errors. The in order to accommodate the large crowd which is expected and let your Commercial club, with its val at Portland. score being 7-3 Tillamook. everyone see the Junior Class ut its commodious and comfortable quar­ A frequent complaint : “ 1 have A party of about twenty people best. ters, which conveyes to the mind of had to pay bills the second time on went from this city to J. Muuphey’s several occasions because I neg­ Saturday night to attend a birth­ Death of Mrs. F. Hannenkratt strangers that there are many live lected to take a receipt.” He has a day party given at that place in Mrs. Olive Hannenkratt, wife of wives in your little city, and with I checking account now with the Til­ honor of Vinejenkins. After reach­ Frank Hannenkratt, passed away at your rail roads completed, lamook County Bank. ing Mr. Murphy's games were the home of Morris Hannenkratt in predict a promising future for this City, Thursday evening, at Tillamook. There will be no preaching ser­ played until late in the evening, about four o’clock. “The vast timber resources of Mr*. Hannenkratt, prior to mar­ vices at the Presbyterian Church when a sumptuous banquet was Tillamook county, which will natu­ next Sunday, as the Rev. S. !' G. enjoyed by all those present. After riage was Mies Olive Irene Frank- liii, her parents being Mr. and Mrs. rally develop large lumber manu­ Finney will leave on the ■ next having a jolly good time and wish­ H. M. Franklin, of Spokane, Wash. steamer for the South, goiug there ing the honored lady many more At the time of death she was facturing centers in the vicinity of happy birthdays the party started twenty-tbree years, four months Tillamook City and Tillamook and on account of his health. and twenty days old, having been Nehalem Bays, together with tfie At the Baptist Church next Su il- back for town, arriving here some born in Rochester. Minn., Decem­ various splendid beach resorts, time past two in the morning. day: Sunday School at 2 p. m. ; ber 21st, 1887, one of a family of which will draw a large number of Assessor A. M. Hare has probably seven children, of which three preaching at 3 p.in. ; subject, pleasure seekers from Portland and “John's Buptism, was it Christian beaten the record. He had four brothers and three sisters survive her. the interior, combined with the Baptism ?” At Adventist house of cows last year which made him She came to Portland in 1899, was great agricultural resources of the $547.23. His factory checks amount­ married in the fall 1905, in Portland, worship. Everybody invited. county as yet almost untouched, Rev. J. T. Moore, of Cornelius, ed to $493.23, and using about 300 to Frank Hannenkratt, who,together point to rapid progress and develop­ with three children, two boys and pounds of milk per mouth for Ore., will fill the vacancy in the one girl, remains to mourn her un­ ment in the near future. Methodist Church, caused by the home consumption, which he val­ timely death. “I shall always remember my The funeral services were held pleasant experience in Tillamook resignation of Rev. H. R. Salisbury, ued at $54.00, making an average of $130.81. It is Jersey cows which from the Methodist church, Mon ­ who will leave with his family for at two o’clock, interment and the courtesy accorded me while Mr. Hare is milking, one of which ia day, California about the 8th June. being made in the I.O.O.F. here, and I will always do all I can now giving 52 pounds of milk a day cemetery. A large number of her to help boost for Tillamook. The Old Maida* Convention, given by the ladies of the Christian with a 4.4 test. Mr. Hare lives on many relatives arrived in time to present at the funeral. Mrs. Church on Friday evening at the a three acre tract of land north of be For Sale. Haunenkratt had a host of friendB in opera house, drew n full house Tillamook City and raises most of this city and neighborhood who hia feed on the place. join in mourning her death. which proved to be highly enter­ A heavy team, 5 and fl years old ; A deal was closed Tuesday be­ also heavy harness and new 3-inch taining, causing considerable Mitchell Wagon with box. Enquire Bids Wanted. luughter and umuseuient, ua well tween W. B. Honey, proprietor of of C. L. Wooley, Beaver, Ore. the City Dairy, aud Chas. H. Bo­ us a fiancial success. The Tillamook Building Co. in­ A pleasant evening was spent at gart of the Moderu Conf ectionary, vites sealed bids for furnishing and Jersey Bull for Bale. whereby Mr. Honey takes over the putting in place 40 Tin Clad Fire the home of Mrs. Anna Williana on business and stock of the "Modern. ” ShntterB »miners for tor the tile openings on the A well bred Jersey Bull for sale. the Wilson river, it being a birth­ Mr. Honey ia u man of experience north and west sides of Tillamook Will sell îeasonable. William Max­ day surprise on Roy. The evening Block, Tillamook City, Oregon. well. • was spent in playing games, after in the confectionary line and will Same to conform to rules and re­ undoubtedly have one of the most quirements of the National Hoard which refreshments were served. Ship By the Anvil. The guests departed at u lute hour . up to date sweet shops and ice of Underwriters. Bids will be re­ ceived until limejlst, 1911. Work The Twin Screw ship Anvil is now wishing him many happy returns. cream parlors in the city. The to be completed by July 10th. 1911. making regular runs to this port owner of the building ia to place a The right to reject any or all bids from Portland, with pasHengers A ten-page edition of the Tilla­ new front in the store and construct is reserved. and freight. mook Headlight found its wav to 1 a concrete sidewalk in front. Mr. T illamook B uilding C o ., She is under good clean manage­ the local editorial desk thia week. Honey will cater to the beat trade By H. T. B otts , Pres. ment. undthe patronage of the pub­ The edition is a special booster for and wishes them to give him * trial lic is solicited, and courteous treat­ ment will be shown to one and all. Card of Thanks. Tillamook county, containing three in lilts new place. Have your shipments consigned full pages of advertising literature I wish to express my sincere care Str. Anvil, Albers Dock No 3, Dr. H. E. Morria and wife re­ that would do anyone good to rend, thanks to the many friends who Porrland, Ore. For information in­ at least anyone that is interested in turned to their home in thia city showed so much kindness and sym­ quire of D. L. Shrode, Tillamook, Or Saturday evening from McMinn­ pathy on account of the sickness progress. Seaside Signal. ville,where they have been visiting, and death of my tieloved wife and For Sale, u full blooded Holatein Cattle to Pasture. in company with Dr. Morris' father, for the many tokens of sympathy Hull. 14 month* old. He is from they have shown me in my sad good milking strain, Ilia dam Mr. M. Morris, his sister, Feme bereavement. Wanted, cattle to pasture at the F rank H annenkratt . Netarts Hand «pit Enquire of giving 70 lbs. of milk per day, and Morria and sister-in-law, Mrs. M. L. Morris, all of McMinnville, Dr. Hodgdon Bros., Fairview. hie grand dam on hia father's aide Warning. giving 87 lb*. of milk per day. Morris remained in thia city to take Lost. up the duties of hia profession, All persons are hereby warned Registration papers furnished. while his wife went to the Garibaldi not to purchase a certain Promts Lout, a roll of poultry netting, 2 Carl Possetti, Hemlock. Oregon. • Beach with their company. While •orj Note given by the undersigned foot wide, near Fairview Creamery. Baby Chick food, Blanchard*a Calf on their way in ou Saturday, near to George Vanderoee for$225.(Xt with Finder will please communicate or clu* pay*blr sometime Meal, Dement's Beat flout $1 30 ak fXil,>h, Mrs. Dr. M. L. Morris shot next October. Said note waaobtain leave name at the Headlight office. Deuieut's Marvel flour fl 30 eh. a cub bear, weighing about 2U ed from me by fraud. gruss seeds. Vegetable fertiliser, pounds. Call For Warrants. T. L. M c F alls . As the rig was over Laud plaster, Cement. Shingles, loaded, they had to leave the ani­ All county general fund warrants Lath. Hav, Grain, Mill-feed, Crea in mal where it was shot. endorsed prior to Jan. 1. 1911, will separator, Machinery, Farm impie- be paid upon presentation. l.enu Bieser, a young woman merit*, and the celebrated Stilile Interest ceases this 10th day of May 1911. 7 baker wagon* and harness, or any about 22 years of age, who recently B. I.. B eals , C o . Treasurer. other old thing you want ut the came to thia country from Switxer- land to reside with her brother, who Tillamook Feed Co, Sick headache results from a dis­ lives mi the Netarts road at South Karl Ford, who i* building a new ordered condition of the stomach Prairie, disappeared on Monday Cand can be cured bv the* use ot residence In Sunnymeud. met with morning and being away all night, Chamberlain’* Stomach and Liver quite a misfortune Wednesday when Tablets. Try it. For sale by La- on Tuesday Sheriff Crenshaw had Hie strung south west wind blew mar • Drug Store. Charley Wells organise a search 4n«u the tnnne work to hia house party. They found tracks of the which «flta t^iiily for the laiard*. It For soreness of the muscles woman to where she had gone into whether induced by violent exercise is not known how much damage the timber and it seems that some or injury. Chamberlain's Liniment was done, but prvlialily a large is excellent. Thia liniment is also time Monday night she returned to amount of lumber was broken. The highly esteemed for the relief it af- the homie and left again. She, how building wa* of a high claaa lumg lords in cases of rheumatism. Sold ever, returned aguin ul>out three by Lamar'* Drug Store. alow type. one Story witli up|>cr o'clock Wednesday morning and room* and l>a*ement. wa* discovered by the watchers as Now ia the time to get rid of your Mr I. F. Ilaultera, an expert ton •he crawled under the house. W hen rheumatism. You will find Cham aortal artist of Chicago, ha* bought asked why she had left she said she berlain a Liniment wonderfully the fiat tier shop formerly owned by was home sick. effective. One application will con- vince you of ita merit*. Try it < R Johnson and has furnished it John Sheet* returned from Cor For sale by Lamar’a Dr ng Store. with a complete line of up to date vallis where he ha* been attending tlx urea, having put tn a bath, new the State Grange Convention aa a Th9 Parcel* poet reform*. it ia Mated, chairs, and ■ complete line of delegate from this section. Mr will have a hard road to travel in thé washes and tonics Mr. Hauliers Sheets state* that the convention present House. The art of setting intend* putting Ina Turkish Bath aa which was ia session from the uth up a committee to kill a popular eocn s* be can make room tor it. be to the 12th ot May inclusive, was one movement ia plainly viaible in whet the house majority ia doing. DEAD EASY Second Market - Day — AT TILLAMOOK CITY Saturday, May 20,191 FREE AUCTIONEE During the whole day an Expert Auctioneer will be at your service PREE OF CHARGE. Market Square will be at your dis- posal, to sell, barter, or exchange any­ thing you wish to dispose of, if its J sack of spuds, or the whole ranch out­ fit, bring it, or let it be known to the eager buying throng that will congre-i gate at Market Square. THE MERCHANTS OF TILLAMOOK In their vast and varied lines, will prepare a bargain event for this day that will surpass any price cutting, value giving ever attempted. The immense saving the large stocks, and the great variety of merchandise exhibited should superinduce your coming. You will lose tnonev if you don’t join the happy MARKET DAY croud at TILLAMOOK CITY, SATURDAY, MAY 20th, 1911. Free Auctioneer All Day HARNESS, COLLARS, etc. You Use Tim We Sell Tie w. A. WILLIAMS & CO., Next Door to Tillamook County Bank. LAMAR’S VARIETY STORE Located two Doors west of Lamar’s Drug Store. DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND.” Rest Room for Ladies. Makes Home Baking Easy POWDER Absolutely Pure WAIUMJNUMEPHKHIATT MARKETING TELEPHONE V°U,R FAITHFUL Bell Telephone, always at your elbow, steaililv in­ creases in usefulness. It does a score of errands while a messenger is doing one. 1 ou come to accept telephone service as a matter of course, like the air you breathe or the water you drink. °Ur T*,ePhon« performs these daily ices o neighborhood communication, and it _?Tu1,norC 1111 a un'1 *n tbe universal system and Th tOr r”Ch ?°y °nC ,hnc *i,bin tllC range of the Long Distance Service THS PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY. Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the System. /