Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 18, 1911, Image 5

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• Keeper.
f snake bite on
soological gar-
to the foolish-
I Be was in charge
1, coming in one
I friends, began to
•ver the creatures
■rhlcb they would
With by one whom
■t to practical ex-
tnfideut keeper
from its com-
and, declaring
ter, proceeded to
d and play other
festive snake cbarm-
iowii there was no
to rouse the snake's
for the race abhors
taudden movement
•suit of the exploit
r was bitten on the
Med off to the bos-
few hours.—Loudon
- of
an<J an,
0 the g
i" thee
• you b,
v t-'lriitb nt
* to the
P 2 Su
“ette J
on, to.
t in V
de of a
Looking Person.
rid famous French
■ wonderful career,
en who have risen
fame, be still pre-
le simplicity of bis
ay he was entertain
among them a Ger
Sr before visited the
|r they were waited
ty plain looking wo-
' cento
a Btrip
remarked tlie Ger-
of the woman's ab-
■ room, "that you
■ very dreadful look-
you. Why don't you
looking young bouse-
h dai.
.MRdden gbastly silence.
M be waited on at meals
• be explained.
person Is my wife.”
te date
of il Ai
- landa
any lari
inch tri
tide is
eat pm
also pa
I not It
refor a
oer act
Conan I
ots! aril
■r cone
tiona !
ng S?l
omet »I
ice (Let
. W.
s 2rii
1? 1
il MU
of Europe.”
ices of Mrs. T. P.
“1 Myself," tbe author tells
t meeting with Henry .lames.
» ealta “a sort of Massacbu
F Gatabad:”
Tbe Brat time I met him I sat next
him at a dinner. I hud just <-..me to
UMM> and he asked me if I liked it.
Isold 1
made up my mind, and
Id— that in London you
•very independence of
action, only you must con
»thing socially - l-t-auty (and
very courteously to me. aud
*My prettily to him) or wit
-•—>esa— and then I. oik I. ui ar-
1 said: "History repeats
.*X«a, where I was born,
they say a man is not asked Ids na
Uoaeltty. bls religion or ids poiiti-s.
but only If be is a good fellow." -Ah.'
said Mr. James, "then London is t hi-
Texas of Europe.”
Jolted Mark Twain.
"Mark Twain." said a magazine ed
Itor. "brought out J n t \r.
moualy. Before be mkuuwledged its
authorship be Sometimes tislied for
compliments about it. One evening
at a dinner hwsaid carelessly to a sen
»vel reader?'
t novel reader,’ was
ose you re fullowiug
new serial. “Joau of
i. tbougb, every lu-
mu think of it?
is it
dly a fair question to
leuator. who knew the
Ibor. replied. 'You see
of Are" myself.'”
des In Iceland.
d superstition In Iceland
Stride must Invite all her
(inner ill her owu home
Icle of food must tie pre
■bride herself, if she is
¡pleasing her guests she
Ives praise for her own
M along her younger sis
■e then assumed to be
I at cooking and conse-
a much better chance of
(Wits to go woulgatber
pusion to a pitiful Indus
is seen in older count riva.
I France. Germany and
aid people are sometimes
I gathering wool from
Bep imsturvs. where it baa
I from tbe tleece as the
too close to tbe branche«
LittI» Boy.
been a little defender
to dumb animala to
ia. I let your ranary
'eage. and when tuy cat
tt Tuwser ou ber.”
tangs of Opinion-
old fellow, your wife still
•arried a treasure?’' re-
tbelor to a married friend
(be benedict: “I bare a
reaslou that she regard»
Worked the Visitor.
High School Flashes.
“Speaking about visiting English­
The Junior Class of the High
men." said a hotel manager recently School will render the yearly Junior
i who bad been reading about one In the Play at the Geui Theatre, Friday.
i newsiutpera. "reminds me of one that The Juniors are trying to make this
came to the Palmer House in Chicago event the best one of the season,
some years ago when 1 was room clerk and have gone to no small expense
I out there. He and another bad been in preparing for it. The play is
given for the purpose of raising
I paying a visit to tbe Rockies, and their • | funds
for the Senior Class and Com­
last stopping place bad been Cheyenne. mencement and a large attendence
Coming east they bad fallen in with of the progressive citizens of our
some Americans who made themselves town is expected. Two shows will
be given, one commencing at eight
agreeable, with thia result:
“After they bad put their names on and the other at nine o’clock, in
the register one of tbe Englishmen order that all may have a chance
to see this, the most laughable
leaned over the desk.
event of the season. Come, bring
" T say,' he whispered. T am expect­ your wife and children and if you
ing President Cleveland's son to call have none, come anyway.
this evening to return £30 which I
The eighth graders have been
lent him on tbe train. Will you please going through the trying ordeal by
put the money in tbe safe for me if I taking the regular eighth grade
do not happen to be in?'
examinations and at present they
“1 promised, for I bad not the heart ! are very anxious to know whether
to shatter bis confidence in human na­ they passed or not. Mrs. Hansen,
ture. President Cleveland didn’t hap­ | their teacher, states that the exami­
questions are harder than
pen to have such a thing as a son at nation
usual, possibly because of the
that time."—New York Sun.
change made in the States Super-
i intendent’s office last election. Mrs.
Hansen is considered by the High
Royal Perquisites.
Tbe king has many privileges which School as being one of tlie best in-
he never exercises. He enjoys an lm- ■ structure ever in charge of the
graders, and with ner teach­
, memorial right to all gold and silver | eight
ing it is doubtful whether any of
mines, not only on bls owu laud, but the class will fail in making their
upon any of bls subjects' lands within 1 grade this year.
his dominions. So shareholders in
The base ball boys journeyed to
Rand and Westrallan mines would Nehalem Saturday afternoon to
have to forego their dividends if tbe play the Nehalem base ball team at
king felt avariciously disposed. Tbe j that place the coming Sunday.
king is also eutitled to a yearly tribute Because of the unsettled condition
from bls tailor, consisting of a pair of ■ of the weather the boys were a little
white doves, a pound of cummin seed, uncertain whether it would be
a pair of scarlet hose and a silver possible for them to play or not,
but the weather turned out to be
fine on Sunday and a lively game
All sturgeons and whales caught tn of ball was indulged in on the
British waters are royal perquisites. Nehalem diamond.
The whale has a split liability. Its
The chief characteristics of the
tall belongs to the queen, while its game were the excellent field work
bead goes to tbe king. It Is generally of tbe Tillamook team and the
assumed that tbe partition was decid­ pitching of Clint King. The bat­
ed upou in order that tbe queen should teries for the two teams were: Ne­
always be supplied with whalebone, halem—Emery and Kebbe. Tilla­
mook—King and Scofield. The score
but if so tbe founder of this act of was
7-3 in favor of Tillamook.
beneficence committed the mistake of
If the weather permits a return
giving tbe queen the wrong half.— game will probably be played in
London Chronicle.
this city next Sunday.
The Nehalem team royally enter­
Witty Ann Pitt.
tained the Tillamook boys Saturday
Rollngbroke called England’s great night, which caused a sleepy lot of
statesman. William Pitt (Lord Chat­ boys to be in school Monday.
ham), “Sublimity Pitt,” and he dubbed
The Senior class have received
his sister Ann “Divinity Pitt.” But their class pins, which certainly
j that must have been long after there are beauties. They are solid gold,
were written and received the delight­ the shape of a diamond, with a fine
T.H.S. monogram engraved upon
ful letters addressed to Pitt’s "Dearest them.
They have also received
Nanny,” his "little Nan,” his "little their invitations which certainly
show the good taste of the class in
“Oh. for the restless tongue of dear choosing things of beauty.
little Jug!” he exclaims in a letter writ­
The last monthly test has passed
ten by him from Northampton when, a and every one is anxious at present
lad of twenty-three, be bad but lately to know whether he or she has
flunked. A number of the boys
joined bls regiment
Ann Pitt’s restless tongue was never who otherwise would have passed
stilled, for when Chesterfield, calling with good grades, will have to take
on her in his later life, complained of finale because of deportment.
The Ciceronian« will give their
decay with the words, “I fear that I
next Friday afternoon.
am growing an old woman,” Ann brisk­ program
Undoubtedly this will be the last
ly replied:
program of the year and everyone
“I am glad of it. I was afraid you is looking forward to it as one of
were growing an old man. which, as the most interesting programs of
the season.
you know, is a much worse thing.”
Benly Stain has quit school in
order to work in the mill. We do
Branding Loafer*.
The brand of "S” figures in an ex­ not approve of students leaving
traordinary act passed by parliament school until the end of the year, but
sometimes it cannot be prevented.
in 1547. An ablebodied man or wom­
an found loitering aud not seeking
work fbr tbe space of three days The K'ngdom of God vs. The
could be seized and brought before
two Justices of tbe i>eace. who. upon
Every church member of what­
confession or on the proof of two wit­ ever sect or creed can agree with
nesses. “shall immediately cause tbe me in playing thy kingdom come.
said laborer to be marked with a hot
The only thing superior to the
Iron on tbe breast the mark of ’V’ church is the kingdom of God, and
and adjudge the said person living so Christ is the only |>erson who has
idly to his presenter, to be his slave ever been able to reveal to us its
for two years. Tbe said slave shall possibilities. Every promise and
be made to work by beating, chaining almost every parable pertained to
kingdom of God. Every disciple
or otherwise.” If convicted of run­ the
he sent to preach was commanded
ning away during this period the Jus­ I to preach the gospel of the kingdom
tices could cause him to be branded
I on the forehead or tbe cheek with the of Whenever
men bare become dis­
letter “8” and then adjudged to bis satisfied with the church they have
master as a slave forever. For run­ started a new one in opposition,
ning away a second time tbe penalty but rot ao with the kingdom of
God, the same kingdom that John
was death.—London Standard.
and Jesu* preached has remained
without change.
Christ was the
Illustrated His System.
author of both the church and king­
It was a habit of tbe wise French­ dom, but he never preached the
man Arago to look during bls lectures church or authorized anyone else
at the yonng man who appeared the to, he did not advise anyone to seek
dullest of the students, and when be the church, nor did he make any
' perceived that this one understood be promises to church members or
ordain any ministry, or defit the
' knew all the others did.
church, he spoke of the church
Once In a drawing room be bad just twice, once to Peter and once about
explained this habit of bls to some referring a dispute to the church,
friends when a young man entered but on almost every occasion he
referred to the kingdom of God.
and saluted blm familiarly.
1 “But to whom have I the honor of He said I must go into other cities
and towns and preach the kingdom
speaking?" asked the scientist
“Why. Professor Arago, you do not of God, for therefor am I sent.
church ia what we make it.
know me? 1 always attend your lec­ for The
it is our church. We have no
tures. and you never take your eyes influence over the kingdom of God,
off me the whole time.”
for thine is the kingdom. The one
is proprietory the other is not.
Many efforts have been made to
Kaffir English.
As a sample of Kaffir English here unite the church, but the church is
constituted that it can never tie
la a love letter eent by a Cape Colony accomplished.
One church ia as
boy to bls duaky Inamorata:
good as another to one who ia a
Dear Mise-1 bave greet confidence la subject of tbe kingdom of God.
thundering tbe width of my opinion thet
There is far more satisfaction in
I shall thank for kindness if yoe will give
anticipation of the promises Christ
me th* privilege of lettering with you oen-
,-vrnlng love, u your moat winning fsc* made in wrangling about church
has drawn my serious attention to you. differences.
Men are sent from God to preach
and that I shall appreciate yoe In antici­
pation of an early reply and also termi­ the gospel of the kingdom of God.
nating this with supreme of high enuncia- but there is no inspiration required
to preserve a church difference.
Solitary confinement ia the great­
Taken at Hie Word.
est punishment, the greatest <>b
“Since you are ao busy today." nald j jection of the kingdom of God ia the
tbe urbane journalist, "will you kindly I fact that men have abandoned it.
tell me when and where I can meet ‘There is no place where the king
I dom of God is preached, so there
you for an Interview?”
"Go to blazesr exclaimed tbe Irate | is nothing but that forlorn sense
of lieing alone.
J. C. <»«>VE.
"Thank* I'll consider It an appoint
Is there anything in all this world
menL”— Washington Star.
¡that is of more imjiortance to you
[than good digestion? F'««>d most
Is* eaten to sustain life and must lie
Desperatoly III.
21 r» rarke-Your husband has been 1 digestion fails the whole body suff­
Chamberlain's Tablets me a
m. tMsu't be? Mra. Lañe—I never aaw
rational and reliable cure for io
btm ao III Wby. fbr two weeka be ■ digestion. They increase the flow
never epoke a cruro Word to me
purify the blood, st en.-1*i<n
; the stomach, and tone up the wfioM
idtgestiv« apparatus to a natural
J a nd hea.tliv action. Sold by Lai-
mar '• Drug Store.
A guarantee on Tires, Springs and Car. This car for $1,750.00
40 horse power, 4 doors, top and glass front. The easiest riding
car in this or any other town. Other cars selling from $775
and up.
Come and take a ride before buying.
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That
he County Court of Tillamookt
County, Oregon, will receive sealed
bids for the clearing anil grading of
the right-of-way of what is known
as the Wheeler Road, commencing
at the first mile post and continu­
ing to the end of said survey of said
road, acc»rding to plans and speci­
fications on file at the oilice of the
County Clerk.
A certified check equal to 5 per I
cent of the amount of the bid, or a
Bond satisfactory to the Court must
accompany each bid as a guarantee
that the bidder will execute a Bond
for the completion of the contract
if awarded the same.
All bids to be filed in the office
of the County Clerk of Tillamook
County, Oregon, on or before Wed­
nesday, the 7th day of June, 1911, at
9 o’clock a. m.
The County Court reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
By order of the County Court.
May the 5th, 1611,
I. C. H olden , Couunty Clerk.
The Reliable Route
Sue H. Elmore”
Tillamook & Portland.
Leaves Portland, Couoh St. Dock
Every Tuesday, Arrives Tillamook
Sailing for Portland, every Thursday or Friday
according to Tides.
Do Ghost« Haunt Swamp«.
No, Never. Its foolish to fear a
fancied evil, when there are real
and deadly perils to guard against
the swamps and marshes, bayous
and lowlands. These are the ma­
laria germs that cause ague, chills
and fever, weakness, aches in the
bones and muscles and may induce
deadly typhoid. But Electric Bit­
ter« destroys and casts out these
vicious germs from the blood.
“Three bottles drove all
malaria from my system,” wrote
Wm. Fretwell, of Lucama, N. C.
“and I've had fine health ever
since.” Use this safe, sure remedy
only. 50c at Chas. I. Clough’s.
B. C. LAMB, Agent,
Lamb's Dock, Tillamook, Ore.
General Agents, Astoria, Ore
I. W. W. BROWN, Agent,
Couch Street Dock, Portland, Oregon.
Big Bargains !
Saved His Mother’s Life.
“ Four doctors bad given me up,”
writes Mrs. Laura Gaines, of Avoca,
La., “ and my children and all my
friends were looking for ine to die,
when my son insisted that I use
Electric Bitters J did so, and thev
have done me a world of goo *. I
will always praise them.” Electric
Bitters is a priceless blessing to
women troubled with fainting and
dizzy s|>ella. backache, headache,
weakness, debility, constipation or
kidtiev disorders. Use them and
gain new health, strength and
guaranteed to
satisfy or money refunded. (>nl> I
50c. at Chas. I. Cfough’sdrug store.
The valued family re­
cipes for cough and cold
cure, liniments, tonics and
other remedies have as
careful attention here as
the most intricate prescrip­
Our frcsli, high grade
drugs will help to make
these remedies more effec­
tive than ever.
Right prices
are also
Reliable Druggist.
Look at Our P rices.
Best Fruit Sugar, per sk
Dry Granulated Sugar, per sack 5.O0
Extra C. Sugar, per s.tek
Leach’s Best Lard,
Leach’s Best Lard,
pai I
Diamond “C” Lard,
Diamond “C” Lard,
Rex Lard, 1(
Rex Lard, <
Cottolene, 4
Cottolene, D
Breakfast Bacon, Rex per lb
Breakfast Bacon, C.B. per lb.
Heavy Bacon, per lb ..
Snow Drift Flour, per bbl
Light House Flour, per bbl.
Elaine Coal Oil, per cast;
The Ray Feed Co.
C. F. SHORTRIDGE. Mgr. Gro. Dept.
f Child Portraits Made by
Vs are Child-Like.
»5 00
iM<Mirja(. 1.00
5. CO
•«a* ««rT**»« •
Wise Dental Co.,»-,
PainleM Dentisi »
rrai.aiasm. nwssro
»•*<<•> reansro m
«s a wir * uw.r.i.1
Jusi as our portiaitx < f adulta
I <••< »s st i «• tig t h an«! < liara, 1er.
V» e at«- cx|*ctts ill lighting
nud j using, and i>nr equipment
is empiete. Celtic n, and -re
tit Ime
Studio ,
Next tu lite Punt ( Hhce ,