tillamooki HEADLIGHT, MAY 18, 1Ô11 Tsar and Czar. Frequently tbe Inquiry is made aa to jvby tbe spelling tsar, to designate the emperor of all tbe Rumtlaa. should be preferred to cur. Tbe most uat- ural and obvious auswer la that the spelling Indicates tbe Russian pronun­ ciation of the word, wblcb csar does not. Tbs title comes from an old Slavonic word, wblcb some authorities are agreed Is not derived from tbe Latin caeear. but there are authori­ ties who bold tbat its ultimate deriva­ tion is from tbs Roman. Tbe origin of tbe common spelling is supposed to be tbe writings of Herbersteln. about 1550. Tbe letter "c” tn Roman- Slavonic has tbe sound of “tx.” Tbe letter was copied, but tbe sound wsa not. The letter “x” never belonged tn tbe word. Tbe spelling czar Is now regarded by many as old fashioned. With some Germans tbe spelling is zar, which Is pronounced tsar. Many of the French bare adopted tsar as tbe spelling, and tbat form is increas­ ing in English. The London Times, a most careful authority, employs it, and so does tbe Encyclopedia Britannica in its supplementary volumes.—Chica­ go Reccrd-Herald. Ths Green Constable. A new constable on duty in a pro­ vincial town banded to a sergeant a shilling which be said he bad found. Tbe man with tbe three stripes told bim he was quite right tn acting as be had done. Proceeding on bls round, tbe sergeant met a brother sergeant and. with a grin, told him tbe tale of tbe shilling. They both agreed tbe new recruit was very green, and at tbe conclusion of their duties they went to tbe nearest inn. and the pos­ sessor of tbe coin called for fwo drinks. On receiving them he threw down the ■hilling to pay for them, but tbe land­ lord refused it. saying it was a bad one. Tbe sergeant, notoriously mean, bad to supply the requisite amount out ot bls uwu pocket and also to put up with tbe laugb against himself. On bls telling tbe constable bis find was a bad one tbe man answered: “Yes. of course It was. Do you think I would have been silly enough to give it to you if it hadn’t been?”—Pearson's. An Honor to Allison. “Do you know,” Inquired Wilbur Reaser, the New York portrait painter, “that when my painting of Senator Al­ lison was bung in tbe lobby of tbe senate the precedent of forty years was broken Y' Surprise being expressed. Mr. Reaser explained: “It is a fact that since tbe beginning of constitutional government tbe sen­ ate had bought only nine portraits for the lobby. Tbe flrat was Washington’s and tbe eighth was Charles Sumner’s. For almost forty years nobody was considered worthy to follow in the dis­ tinguished line. It was generally thought tbat no other portrait would ever be added to the group, but when Senator Allison died, after serving longer in tbe senate than any other man in tbe history of the government, the rule was broken, and bls picture be­ came tbe ninth.**—Washington Times. Gorman Bursauoraoy. A good story la going the rounds of tbe French newspapers illustrating tbe beauties of bureaucratic go ivern- meat in Germany, We are told tbat in tbe postofflce department if * clerk wishes a new pencil be has to band in tbe stump of the odo tbst has be­ come too short to work with. In tbe particular instance cited a clerk re­ ceived his new pencil without return­ ing tbe end. Before tbe omission was discovered the clerk was transferred to another office. Just after be bad comuieuced his duties at bls new post be received an official intimation that be bad neglected to hand in bls pencil end. By this time It bad disappeared, but to prevent bother the clerk pur­ chased a new pencil, cut off a piece about the length of the missing bit and disfwtcbed It to tbe stationery de­ partment. Criticising Dad. “A d eld man In Missouri tried to commit suicide by banging bltnwlf wltb a blind bridle.” said Champ Clark. “His son cm him down Just in time. "When the son cut bim down and brought him to tbe old man complain ed feebly: “‘It ain’t right. Henry: you've kept yonr old father out of bearen.’ " ’You’d cut a One figure la heav­ en looking through a blind bridle, wouldn’t you? retorted tbe son " Docoitful Man. “Didn't you think that wsa a beaotl ful girt with me today. Artburi“ "What giri. my dearest Y’ "Why. »he waa with me when you tuet na in front of tbe ebnrrb.” “Wan there a girl there, dear? I didn't notice. I was looking at you.” And then she loved him all tbe more. Maska of th» Marquooana. Tbe Marquesana of a geueratiog ago were tbe moat completely and artisti­ cally tattooed people tn tbe Pacific. a^d tbe pnictlca of tattooing is carried on ltuoug them to a certain extern today. Tbe really fine pieces of work, how­ ever. such as tbe famous right leg of tbe late Queeu Vaekebu of Nukablrn. are confined entirely to tbe very old. and. what wltb wrinkles, deformities and tbe wear and tear of time, these have lost most of their original sharp­ ness ot color and outline. None of tbe new generation appears to have tbe fortitude to endure tbe ^qulsite pain incident to bavlng a whole limb picked out in a lacework of geometric design or tbe face barred and circled like a coarse spider's web. Women are rare­ ly tattooed at all now. and most of tbe young men are satisfied wltb a broad band of solid black, not unlike a highwaymans mask, which reaches across tbe face from ear to ear. giving I to tbelr never overmlld looking coun i tenanees an expression of amazing fe­ rocity.—Lewis R. Freeman In New York Tribune. His Long Sult. He had written essays critical nnd digests analytical. His articles polit­ I ical were very widely read. He'd pro­ duced some tales of mystery, of trsvel, love and history; bls scientific treatises light o'er the land bad sbed. He wrote about photography, geography, stenog­ raphy; he'd finished a biography of some distinguished man. His views npon geometry and mystic trigonometry were everywhere declared to be on tbe progressive plan. His tracts on I modern sciences, mecbunlcal appli­ ances. hydraulics, steam und railroads were Indulgently received. His writ­ ings on morality were of superior qual­ ity—were publicly commended. If they weren’t quite believed. His verses so poetical, abstruse and theoretical, de- llgbied tbooe who patronize tbe poets as a fad. but tbe manuscript he thought tbe best, the one tbat money brought tbe best, was Just a simple, wisely worded, big newspaper ad. I— Newspa- perdom. Littlo Boy Grizzly. Enos A. Mills, writing of bls ad- ventures with a pet bear known as Little Boy Grizzly, says: "He and I bad a few foot races, and usually. In order to give me a better chance, we ran downhill. In a 200 yard daab be usually paused three or four times and waited for me to catcb up, and I was not a slow biped either. Tbe grizzly, though apparently awkward and lum- berly, is one of tbe most agile of beasts. I constantly marveled at Grizzly’s lightness of touch or tbe deftness of movement of bls forepaws Wltb but one claw touching it be could slide a coin back and forth on tbe floor more rapidly and lightly than 1 could. He would slide an eggshell swiftly along without breaking it Yet by using one paw be would without effort overturn rocks tbat were heavier than blmaelf.” —Suburban Life. An Early Airship. We are told by I’eter Farley, who wrote as an eyewitness, that In Au­ gust. 1835. the airship Eagle was of­ ficially advertised to sail from Ixindon with government dlapaictMa and pas­ sengers for Paris and to establish di­ rect communication between tbe capi­ tals of Europe. This early type of air­ ship was 100 feet loug. fifty feet high and forty feet wide, and she lay iu tbe dockyard of tbe Aeronautical so­ ciety In Victoria road, near Kensing­ ton gardens, then quite a rural spot. Built to bold an abundant supply ot gas. »be was covered with oiled lawn and carried a frame seventy-live feet long and seven feet high, with a cabin secured by ropes to tbe balloon. An immense rudder and wings or tins on each side for purposes of propulsion completed her fittings. Tbe deck was guarded by netting. After all Ibis preparation and advertisement tbe Ea­ gle never got beyond Victoria road, for Count Lennox and bis assistants fail­ ed to provide tbe necessary motive power.—London Standard. Carrying a Strotchor. Tbe bearers of a stretcher should be as near tbe same height as possible. If there Is any difference tbe 'alter and stronger man should be at tbe bead. A stretcher should be carried by the bands or suspended by straps from tbe shoulders. Never carry n stretcher when loaded upon tbe shoul­ ders. It frightens the patient, and he might fall off very easily, especially If one of tbe bearers should stumble. The bearers should not keep step, but break step, the one in front starting off with his right foot and tbe one behind with bis left. Tbe injured should be car ried feet first. In golug up u hill or up­ stairs tbe bend should be In front nnd tbe reverse In descending, except tn case of a broken thlgb or leg. when tbe feet should be first in going up «no Inst In coming down to keep the weight of tbe body off the Injured limb.—“First Aid to the Injured." 1 >r. EL H. Hnrtung. in National Magazine Coming In Out of the Wot. There Is an amusing story by Atbe- naeus which suggests tbe possible ori­ gin of tbe phrase “He does not know enough to come In out of the wet.” Ac­ cording to tbe entertaining grammarian referred to, a town In Greece under stress of evil circumstances borrowed money from a rich man. who took ns security for tbe loan a mortgage on the handsome portico which surrounded tbe market place. He was not an un­ generous creditor, for when It rained be caused tbe town criers to announce that the citizens bad permission to take refuge under tbe colonnade. Strangers visiting tbe town who fail­ ed to have the mater properly explain­ ed to them were so impressed by tbe extraordinary circumstances that they spread abroad the report tbat tbe peo­ ple were so stupid tbat they bad to be told when to come tn out of tbe wet. When a Dog Chokaa. Dogs frequently cboke. A bone, a Postal Clerks* Pay In Russia. nail or a piece of tin gets In tbe Tbs remuneration of postal clerks In throat, and there la great danger of Russia Includes emoluments which du death before tbe arrival of tbe surgeon. not appear In the form of money. They Many of them do die, but there is no are furnished quarters, beat and light, reason for this, for it Is easy, without and tn addition allowances for uni­ the slightest danger of getting bitten, forms as well as medical attendance to put tbe band In the mouth of a dog and medicine for themselves and tbelr and to draw out or push down tbe ob­ families. In cities like Moscow a large struction that la choking It. A bandage hospital la maintained for tbe conven­ —a handkerchief or towel will do-ls ience of postal clerks and carriers. passed between tbe teeth and over the Their children are admitted to tbe upper Jaw, and In a similar way anoth­ schools free of charge, which In Russia er bandage 1» pasaed between the teeth tn quite an item of expense, especially and over tbe under Jaw. One person, In preparatory schools for colleges, to bolding tbe ends of them two band which tbe children of tbe titled and ages, keeps tbe dog's mouth wide o|>en tbe wealthy only are admitted. Tbe I A second person can then with perfect pay of clerks and carriers ranges from ease and safety put bls fingers dowu >12.50 to SIN per montb. They may. I the animal’s throat and relieve It moreover, receive gratuities from those — ..... . ... - to whom they deliver mall. A Snak» Story. This story is told of tbe late Dr Police Methode In Berlin. Emil Reich. One day when traveling Berlin la the most strictly governed be lay dowu to mt In tlw »hadow of city io the world, and a stranger will a hush and fell asleep. He uwuke with be continually violating the ordinance» a start to find that night was coming and regulations without being cos on and tbat rain bad begun to fall. scions of his offenses. But tbe penal­ Quickly snatching up his umbrella, he ties are not severe, and tbe policeman tried to open It and. finding It worked who arrests yon is prepsred to Im- stiffly, be pressed tbe spring rigorous­ pose tbe fing c on tbe spot fnstesd of ly. Suddenly there wss s sound of calling p.Arol ____ _ _ a , ___ I wagon and taking yon ripping and tearing and a snake fell to to tbe police station. You jmy him a tbe ground split In two. The reptile few marks, for which be gives you a bad apparently swallowed tbe umbrel receipt, and witbin twenty-foor hours la as far aa It could! you must appesr before tbe captain I In charge of that precinct and turn Original Era of Good Feeling. In tbe receipt nn a check upon tbe po­ The phrase applied to the admliilstra liceman who baa arrested you. tlon <«uu of o> James name» Moorue. aiouroe. "the rue rra of 01 An Alternative. “Now. then.'' said tbe profesnor of logic, -give us an idea of your knowl­ edge of tbe question 1 b plain words.“ “Why—er—I'm afraid.” atammered tbe student, “that 1 can’t just exact- >r- “Perbsps. then, yon may give os an idea of your Ignorance of It to any old words.”-Philadelphia Press T. BOTTS, A ttorney - at -L aw Steamer Complete set of Abstract Books in office. Taxes paid for non­ Residents. Tillamook Block. GOLDEN GATE iDonth Sailinq Days for of mftY Both phoues. C arl FOR TILLAMOOK, BAY CITY, GARIBALDI, HOBSOKVILLE, And all points Sail from Port­ land. Mav lat. ,, ft.... ,. 10 .. 14 .. IN .. 22 27.... ,. 31.... ft .5 .5 5 5 5 5 . 5 Arrive Tillamook. 1 ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Peutecher aM>uohiit, Tillamook Block. Tillamook Bay on Sail Tillamook. . - .. p.tn. Mav 2, 4:3U p.m May 3, 3:30 p.m. 6. 9:00 p.m. 8. T OO 12, 11:30 p.tn. ,.11. 1:00 p.m ..16, 2:00 p.tn. .. 15, 3:30 p.m. ,, 20, 4:00 ,. 19, 6:00 p.m p.tn .. 25. 9 00 p tn. ,. 23, 8:30 p.m. ,, 29. 12:30 ,, 2b, 1:30 p.m. p.m. p.m, BORGE WILLETT, Arrive Portland. A ttorn ky - at -L aw . p.ui. May 4.1U:OOa.in. ,, 9, 7:00 a.tn. h in 13, 8:00 « tn a.in .. 17,10:00 a.m. p m. ,,21, 5:00 p in. p.tu. ,. 26, 6:00 a m. a m. ,,30. 9:00 a.in. p.m Next to Tillamook Couuty Bank, GOY NE, A ttornkv - at L aw . Foot of Washington Street. J. R. GLADDEN, Agent, Tillamook. Office : Opposite Court House, T illamook , O regon , HERE NOW BOALS, M.D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, TILLAMOOK. Tillamook Block. M. KERRON, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Tillamook Block, Tillamcok, Oregon Tillamook Delivery $1,250. J2) k - T- m . SMITH, Every Owner a Booster for PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, the E.M.F. C. HAWK, EVERY MAN’S FRIEND, pillee over J. A. Todd & Co., Tillamook, Ore. Comfort. Style Satisfaction. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, The biggest and the best automobile value in the world to-day. The Comfort Car. The every-day-in-the-year car. You can use and enjoy your car in .stormy weather as well as fair. The F.M.G. gives you this privilege. You’ll want to see it Come to-day BAY CITY, OREGON. R. BEALS, REAL ESTATE, F inancial A gent , Tillamook, Oregon J ^R. P. J. SHARP, Place Your Order. RESIDENT DENTIST, Office across the street from the Court House. Dr. Wise’s office. Remember, when you buy of us you deal directly with the people who build the car and we guarantee every car against break or defect for one year, If you cointemplate the purchase of an automobile let us demonstrate to you the value of E.M.F. over all others at any- where near the price. <1^ HA RUH ET, . The Fashionable Tailor. Cleaning, Pressing and Repair- ing a Specialty. Store in Heins Photographic Gallery. Rollie W. Watson, L and officr B irinnkb Phone A. 1 O ak htbkbta koom N««t Io llx II H. I.land OHlre. B- PORTLAND, OREGON. 2^jRS. ALICIA PHELPS GRADUATE NURSE, ¿XPORT BEER. MRS. KAISER BLUME, Knew» Better New. Tear her-T»tnmy. you «tyxild bare known hetter than to fight with that William* boy Tommy-I know, ma'am, hat I thought I could nek him. — Hearth and Home. O regon . - T illamook Freight Received Daily at Dock good feeling.” flrot appeared In a Bos­ ton newspaper, tbe Columbian Hen Uriel of Jniy 10. 1817. From tbat time >,niU tho present hour tbe two »dnilnlsiro tions of Monro«-* period of eight years. 1717 to 1825—oro referred 10 In tbe terms of tbe newspaper paragraph which 00 aptly expressed tbe public sentiment of the day.—Magazine of American History. She Agreed. Rpinks—Wbat made him so tnad? Wink»-He told bls wife she bad no Jndrtnent. and »be Just kokrd Him over critically from bead to foot and ■aid sbe was beginning to res Ilze It. haberlach , PAGE’S HOUSE, TILLAMOOK, ORE Unsurpassed. Non Intoxicating MALT TEA. STAR • BREWERY Hop G- Çruteclter -^buolint Beer, ir- 213 Tillamook Block, Special Brew MOTTLED B¥ T illamook O regon . John B. Langley THE Columbia Bottling Co., Astoria, Oregon- Soda Water«. Nlpthona, Bartlett Mineral J. CLAUSSEN, LAWYER, TEAMING AND HAULING GRA EL SCREENED OR UNSCREENED. WOOD Water. ■ FOR SALB. Hell Telephone, 1JB7.