ilmiwk $i.5o per year. Conservative, TRIED AND TESTED INVESTMENT is The Results of the Past Are a Positive Guarantee Of the Future. a * By a Small Investment Made RIGHT—Fortunes Are Made BECAUSE Tillamook City and County is Backed up by an unequaled Virgin Wealth, with an assured FUTURE, YOUR MONEY IS SAFE HERE AND HERE IS WHERE YOUR INVESTMENTS SHOULD BE MADE. NOW IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY—TILLAMOOK THE PLACE NOW AND FOR TIME $25.00 CASH AND A SAVING OF $10. MONTHLY INVESTED IN MAPLE GROVE ADDITION WILL START YOU ON THE ROAD TO FORTUNE. $25,000 DOWN, $10.00 PER MONTH Rapid Raise of Tillamook Realty. $25.00 DOWN, $10.00 PER MONTH Buys a Choice Lot in the very Heart of Tillamook City On Wednesday Earnest Geinger V sold to Chas. Barnett lots 3 and 4, in block 2, Stillwell Addition for $1000. Mr. Geingher brought these lots ten days previous from Oak Nolan for $750. Mr. Nolan brought the same property 2s two years ago for $250. This property as well as other realty in the west end of town seems to be on the up grade these days.—Herald. Invested Now in this Choice Property Will Double in Value in Less then 5 years et us show you the slighty LOCATION Come in before it is too late. At the Price and Terms these perfect Home-Sites Wont Last Long. Come in To-day REAL ESTATE. FIRE INSURANCE. OLLIE W. WATSON 2--Extracts from a Diary. I Must Save “ Here it is only the 25th of the mouth and my earnings are about all gone. Of course I was compelled to make some necessary pur- chases and the doctor bill of six dollars, I had not counted on.” “ If I could only make up my mind to save a little each month ! But I would have to forego some of my pleasures, I fear.” “ As it is, I am only working for my board and clothes, and I do work hard.” ‘‘If ¡«could only save !” The Way to Save—Have a Savings Account with Hubert Melchior, who has been Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ mook Meat Company’s Market, 13c. 1 attending school at Mt. Angel, re­ per pound. * I turned home last week and will here during the summer Bring your chickens to the Tilla- remain 1 mook Meat Company's Market. We 1 months. Suits have been filed in the county pay 13c. per pound. * The last shoe sale at Patzlaf's < court by Viola Mills against M. I.. was a success, so will repeat it this 1 Barber and James Christinsen, to coming market day. . 1 recover money for groceries, etc., Dr. Henry E. Morris will make 1 supplied them. THE OLD RELIABLE. JLOEST SANK 't THE HUNT Y TILLAMOOK COÙHTY BANK S0’ TILLAMOOK CITY QffE. I/AMOOK JOTTINGS SUPERVISION r rent —Houseof21 rooms, n town property on easy term.—J. R. re Headlight Office ' • Harter. * lie entire shoe stoc k on sale at I . Owing Io the heavy rains and xlaf s, market day. stormy weather thia week the Sue ' ip Cnps and Saucers. I.V utur ■ H Elmore and Golden Gate have >’ May 2ft — Ijxoiai'a Variety j been detained at Astoria. J. S. STEPHENS / Marriage licenses were issued to Arthur S. Coffery and Nydia M. Barker ; Cyrus Randall anil Ella Martin. The new boat, the Bayocean, is scheduled to leave Portland on the 13th June, the round trip being placed at $10.00. Quite ii nuinlier of Tillamooki-rs lire making arrangements to visit Portland next month to witnesa the Rose Festival in that city. I will pay He , 10c. and lie. for calf hides at my shop. Try me out and see. The < lid Reliable Hide a”d Fur Dealer, N. E. Melchoir. Raise your calves without milk by feeding them the World’s Famous Blanchard's Calf Meal. Cheaper Joe Effenberger, Ixir