TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MAY 11. 191L it: th In •q M* w ¡‘I n« bt it el tí tt Ci 11 5 b d Tl O d D d t S a r 0 k 1 r t í * J < ■ i < • 1 i 1 i b A Palmer................. A De Beau............. A Miller................... Geo Ludtke ........... Jos West................... C L Allen ............... S Scovell................... H Scovell................. 7o at W H Brobet ........... Minds of Company’s 30 00 Frank Moore........... The Board of County Com ­ 3 75 Officials. G T Bash............. 54 (X) missioners, composed of Coun­ Mrs Aug Davidson From the Oregonian, 29 (Xi ty Judge Mason and Commis­ Fred Hill ................. A h soon as business conditions sioners Alley and Farmer, was C L Alley.................. adjust themselves, the United Rail­ in session last week and trans­ Andy Hayden ....... Geo Hoskins........... ways line will be completed to Till­ acted the following business : E J Bartrow ........... amook Bay, declared Lous W. Hill, In the matter of the petition of Chester Hoskins ... son of J. J. Hill and president of D. Reddaway and others for a S Barber ................... the Great Northern Railway, upon county road, it was ordered that Moses Bartrow .... Ilia return to the city ^yesterday U. G. Jackson, Forrest J. Ayer and Wm Hoskins, team H. Dunstan be appointed aboard Herb Thompson ... evening after a run over the United J. of county road viewers to meet at Fred Alexander ... to Banks. R Green................... Beaver. This project now is foremost in In the matter of the petition to Warren Hoskins .. the minds of the Hill officials and organize a Port at Bayocean, the Geo Hobson ........ Erick Wilson ........ will be taken up first. Although court ordered that a special election Lenard Pacquet. . be held on 1st July to submit the the financial situation recently has Question to the legal voters of the Jap Perry........... ... Mark Hobson ... . not been encouraging to railroad istrict embraced in the petition. 32 25 Tho only baking pow^ Blake Thompson . development, Mr. Hill believes that In the matter of the application Wm Kennedy .... 57 (X) the United Railways enterprise can of F. J. Kumm and othere for a Herb Perry........... 46 1’5 made from Royal Gne be taken up and completed with in county road, it was ordered that U. Grant Marshell .... Oream of Tartar 40 25 42 50 Joe Hauxhurst ... the next few years. He was greatly G. Jackson, Forrest J. Ayers and a J. H. Dunstan be appointed - 40 00 pleased with his trip yesterday board of county viewers to meet at Ben Johnson........... 47 00 Tom Robertson . . afternoon and admitted that he Blaine. « 84 00 Geo Eichinger........ found agricultural conditions in In the matter of the petition of F K Strueby........... 37 50 ¡James Rhodes.......................... | 47 50 Joe Cason ................. the Tuulaton Valley far superior J. S. McDonald and othere for a Andrew Peterson . fc county road, U. G. Jackson, F. M. E Krumloff ........... 10 0 ) 1 Hurley Curl............................ | to what he had anticipated. Wakeley and Fred Zaddach be ap- John Krumloff .... 10 00 | S C Woods .............................. 15 Included in the party, besides Mr. I -nted a board o{ county road Sam Johnson ....... 10 00 lake Huston.. ........................ 5 ill warn Pori I? i l 1 i* tl 1 Hill, were Carl R. Gray, president viewers. Mr Lingley, doz scraper U S Edwards........................... 13 1 (X) ! G W Ramsey ........................ I of the North Bank road and the Hill handles................................... In the matter of a petition of lines in Oregon; George B. Harris, George Loerpabel and others for a Fred Emery .............................. 12 00 G E Ryan.................................... J 7 00 I E R Hays.................................... 1 W Zaddach............................. chairman of the board of directors county road, it was ordered that U. G 7 a» II A Halberg .......................... J G. Jackson, G. R. McKimins and F Zaddach, team ................. .. of the Burlington system; William H. H. Tubbeeing be appointed a Chas Easom............................... 2 50 H J Tohl ................. J Harder, general agent of the Great board of county road viewers 2 50 C McKillip.................................. 4 J B McKimens ........................ 6 UO Northern in this city; C. A. Cool­ W M Laurence..... ............ ...., 5 In the matter of the application Alex Anderson ........................ 2 50 Frank Bowles........................... 1 idge, general manager of the United of S. Scovell and others for a county J M Harrison ............................. 10 (X) I Fred Kabbe, jr .......................... Claims of jurors and witnesses Railways; L. B. Wickereham, chief road, the viewer’s report having Felix Kabba ............................... 2 50 been accepted, it was ordered to April term Circuit Court. engineer; Charles Patterson, of St. open 37 50 Wm Schollmeyer .................... the road. O W Bodyfelt ............. 21 25 00 C A Patzlaf.................. Joe Angelo .................................. Paul, who is making the trip with In the matter of the application X) Mr. Hill, and W. P. Davidson, of of A. O. Foland and others for a E Gerry ..................................... 21 00 N G Boquist................ a. 33 (X) Wm Maxwell................ Geo Henderson ........................ the Oregon-Western Colonization county road, it was ordered that U. August Schollmeyer ............. 15 00 21 G. Jackson, Forrest J. Ayer and Sam Thompson ........................ 20 50 Chas Easom................. 25 Company. J. H. Dunstan be appointed a board Frank Shelden........... ............. 25 50 R C Magarrell............. 21 In their vast and varied lines, will prepare Frequent S:ope Made. Grant Mills ................. of county road viewers to meet W W vmelsdorf.......................... II 2 50 E R Ayer...................... The special car was stoped at at Beaver. 28 5 ai Frank Dye...................... a bargain event for this day that will surpass Ed Braunersreuther................ 30. In the matter of the application several points along the line to al- Work in R D No 2. Geo A Hoover.............. 311 any price cutting, value giving ever attempted. low Mr. Hill and Mr. Gray to get of C. E. Blanchard and Others for a H B Johnson ............................ 40 50 J J Hudson ................... 23 county road, it was ordered that U. out and inspect the growing crops, Thomas Lyster ........... 28 75 The immense saving the large stocks, and the 211 G. Jackson, R. C. Magarrell and L Getchell................................... R O Richards .............. 47 75 examine the soil and inquire of Isaac Moore be appointed road J B Johnson............................... 23i great variety of merchandise exhibited should Bell Smith................................... 35 00 Frank Fitzpatrick....... 30! persons whom they met of the gen­ viewers to meet at Hemlock. Herman Schollmeyer 25 00 Lando Darby .............................. 201 superinduce your coming. You will lose money In the matter of contract for ma- H Zunker ................................... 32 50 W H Eberman............. eral situation. ■V Tile United Railways now is terial for a bridge at or near the Charles McDevit........................ 4J 00 John W Morgan......... if you don’t join the happy MARKET DAY 30 Maple I.eaf Factory, the contract of Al Jones....................................... 20 00 S W Elliott........... ....... built and in operation to Banks the 31 Coast Bridge Company for croud at J P Caghlon............................... 52 50 Frank Severance......... 18 Station, five miles east of the town $3,850.00 was accepted. Mrs John Perry, gate watcher 3 25 Peter Heisel.................. 18: of Banks. Grading has been com­ In the matter of the report of the John Perry .... 13 00 O A Jackson.................. 24' County School Superintendent, the pleted about a mile beyond the sta­ C Getchell ............. 20 00 J S Deihl........................ 21 30 00 WJ Gilbert.................... tion. No tracks have been laid on following amounts were transferred W M Millet............. 33! from the general fund to the special 25 75 W T Chance .................. 221 this grade, however. The line has school tax fund: District No. 37, Ruse Johnson .... H. Haywood .. 55 00 H S Davidson................. 33t been surveyed all the way to Tilla­ $150.00; district No. 47, $21.55; district H Ed Homer............. 5 OO Wm Purcell.................. 34 mook Bay and terminal property No. 50, $80.00. Geo Humgoener.. 2 00 D D West...................... 30« has been secured at Bay City, which In the matter of locatidg a road Amos Vaughn .,, 27 00 Andrew Anderson....... 301 15 50 Alex Imlah.................... 31 is to be the western terminus of the commencing at the N. E. corner of Riley Peters......... Ross McFalls ... S. E. of N. E. %, of Sec. 53, Tp. 4 42 50 C B Wiley...................... M road. The plana also provide for S, R. 10 W, and running thence in a Ross McFalls......... W H Easom ................... 22 50 n the extension of the line to Tilla­ northwesterly direction to lot 11, Lad Quick............. 4 75 Wm Bogart........... . mook City und some terminal Sec. 29, Tp. 4 S, R. 10 W., it was Amos Vaughn.... 22 50 J J Powell...................... 15 00 J R Harter.................... 31 grounds have been secured there. ordered that U. G. Jackson, J. H. Träte McFalls ... Dunstan and F. J. Ayer be ap­ Teddy McFalls .. 11 00 A M Austin.... ........... 31 When John F. Stevens, ex-president pointed a board of county road Emil Hellenbuyck 15 00 F D Stalford.................. 31 of the local Hill system, returned viewers. S Davis ................. 1 (X) R T Boats.................... ■ Jusi as our portraits of adults from the East early in the year, he In the matter of advertising for John Childers .... 10 10 Ferny Klinelian.. possess strength and character. 10 00 J 11 Klinehan....... annouuced that the Tillamook ex­ bids on what is known as the S Wermer ............. 7 00 Mrs F J Klinehan We are experts in lighting tension as well as that of the Ore­ Wheeler road, it was ordered that A Wermer............. 70 25 Guy Mattoon........ clerk advertise for bid. — Epplett ............. nud posing, and our equipment gon Electric to Eugene would be the It county John Whalen ....... was ordered that the county W B Stubbs......... J W Edwards........ is complete. Come in and see completed before the end of the clerk draw a warrant in favor of L L Snyder ......... 75 Lillie Webb............. present year. Since then, however, John Blum for »78.50, balance of L L Snyder, jr. ... ? our line. (JU Mrs L V Wilson. . . Mr. Stevens’ leaving and the con­ payment for 102 ricks of wood for G Zimmerman ... C W Brown ........ 50 Arthur Holden.... stantly changing tiancial situation rock crusher No. 2. A M Myers ......... 75 Iva Wells ............... Bills allowed by the County Court A Gackowoky ... have caused a temporary suspen­ 75 Chas Wells............... were: Rade Wearwick .. .-Ml Mrs WellB................. sion of activity and no definite B Powell ................. Next to the Post Office. 25 Joe Buffen.............. 04 00 steps have been taken recently to H. M. Turner, labor............. 25 Wm Withrow......... I. M. Smith, salary................ 150 00 J E Zimmerman.. push either the United Railways or H. V. Alley, labor.................. 50 00 B A Leach............. 50 A S Beni................... the Oregon Electric beyond their Mutuial Tel. Co., Phone,.... W T Newcomb....... 600 J E Zimmerman . present respective termini. Herman Eadus.... H. Crenshaw, services 2 00 Ed Lee .................. Dan Conner .......................... H. Crenshaw, elections .... 50 00 C E Harmes......... “ We expect that Mr. Gray soon ia to be caulked, painted and cov ­ Bayocean Brevities. 30 00 Edgar Snyder....... L I. Stillwell............................. ered with canvas, then cased with will be ready to do something on F. J. Klinehan. miliage Higgenbotham . G E Leach.................... ............ and a liulf by fourteen». These the Tillamook line,’’ said Mr. Hill. Tillamook Headlight............. 282 58 George Astute and ancient und uuthen- one U. G. Jackson, expenses... 167 00 A Sherman”........ Cost Bill Soule case. latter ate in turn to undergo the t.c, 1» the adage, “It's u long lune same treatment as alaive, and in this "He lias been given full charge of Homer Mason, salary .... 50 00 P. Sherman......... E W Stanley ........................... that Ims no turning.'* For 11 way it ia thought to overuome the the work out here, and when he be­ Homer Mason, expenses ... 8 75 E Swift.................... D E Dawson ........................... period covering ten yeurs nnd I. Clough to Mrs. Conklin 6 75 S Tomlinson......... comes thoroughly acquainted with C. Jesse Earl................................. more, mid with a record of over ruvugea of these aalt water |>eat-. M. F. I.eacli to Jones 3 50 Oscar Smith......... Mr. Morri» Leach and Mr. Burnett the situation he may decide to make R. F. Zachman, plumbing.. I CoBt Hill John Hackman caw. : five hundred consecutive trips, the 4 15 Gera Lunan......... Elmore tiua been stolidly entering were visitor» on Monduy last. the extension to the ocean even be­ J. C. Bewley, Truant Officer Wm Young, deputy constable Wfl 7 58 J R Tompkins .... the bay, slowly dropping to Bay Work ia steadily progressing in <4 E. T. Haltotn. jail furnishings 8 40 — Billings............. ¡Ed Rector... ......... < ity on the flooding tide, thence the various departments, and up­ fore we now anticipate it be done. Till. Water Works ............... 15 00 Chas Adkins......... |UH Wheeler .................. “ The Tillamook line will be com ­ io i thru the lain riuth 01 the slough to ward-of sixty names adoru the pay­ H. Crenshaw, court expense 3 00 C T I.ousignont ... K A Worthington............ Tillamook. Its advent r.nd its <’e roll. This number will dikiii be pleted first. Then we hope to take O. G. Parker, iron shoots .. 5 00 J Mansan .............. , Jos Effenderger, Justice purlure have followed the deep rut greatly augmented and the different up activity on the Oregon Electric W. G. Harris, livery............. 35 00 A Jones................. ¡ <>t halxt and circumstance, like a improvement» will la* rushed thru from Sulem to Eugene. No other John Ascliim, salary............. 37 50 J Perry.................... Thomas Coates, witness .... cavalcade over u mountain roud. with all possible s,»eed. C R Funk ............... I George Hoskins **....... ■ •• 'J Beach Mfg. Co., plows ....... new work is planned for Oregon But on liul.n. Muy tile filth, the! I E W Stanley, Justice, ( ‘Mtrao* L O Leach............. F. M. Wakeley, surveying . set linea ofcuatoiu were crimed, and I right now. We will build the Oregon Fred Zaddach, Ed Weston............. Notice. ! case............................... « 4 it turned from ita iiccnatoined, Trunk to Bend as rapidly as possi­ Jasper Alley, Ed Hannenkratt .. E W Stanley, Justice,Norman 0« 44 N otice is II krkhy G iven ,—That deeply furrowed path uml from tlie Jack Rupp............. Jas. McKimins ble, but further thau that we have case........................................ 4 first time in history, sought the* the County Court of Tillamook E Swift ................... Blaine Hays E W Stanley, Justice, WilliamSi»1 confines of the buy, laying to for County, Oregon, will receive sealed no defiuite plans. j. W. Hill — Langley case..................... * the night nt Hiiyiweiiti Dock. Tri bids for the clearing and grading of “Some day a road will lie built I)awson Daws Bros., livery............. Emil Benscheidt... Chas Griffith, cutting wood < viul uh tin* tiling muy seen to those 1 tile right-of-way oi what is known across the state from the eastern Pacific Tel A Tel Co, phone Clem Rust....... Beach Mfg Co, meh ........... ® who weekly see the Sue II. laahad as the Wlieeler Road, commencing H Lee ................. . F. J. Ayer, labor......... ......... H Crenshaw, expenses Par­ to their wharves, it caused a glow nt the first mile |»>st and continu­ border to connect with the lines in j. M. Baker, road woik. ... 1. Work in R DNo3. ker family............................. 41 i of satisfaction to lighten the faces ing to the end of suid survey of said Willamette Valley. I don’t know Win. H. Hoskins, road work J W Fredrexon.... 5 4o I E D Snodgrass, work ... ... 1« of lliiytaemiitc». us they thought road, accenting to plaus arid speci­ whether we ever will build that Fretl Zaddach. road work... P H Messner......... 4 75 Glass A Prudhomme, inch of tlie long mid stubborn luittle fications on tile at the office of llie or not. Somebody will have to S. Scovell. road work .... .. Wm Messner......... 4 5o1 J C Holden, expenses .......... 13« that had been waged ugmnst the County Clerk. W. B. Aiderman, road work Abner Griest ........... build it. _______________ The country ia growing 53 00 ' J C Holden. Oregon _______ laws ..* 73«! A certified cheek equal to 5 (>er forces of Nature, and associated it Alvis Curl............... Coast Bridge Co., Steel . 51 25 1. I. Stillwell, road work, etc 20 J with the Huceeaaful result. cent of the amount of the bid, or a up so uow that it will demand it in C. Carl Curl ....... ... A. Johuson, salary ........... 5o 75 A K Case, work................ In the Elm ire's hold was n com­ Bond satisfactory to the Court must time.“ H. Crenshaw, salary .......... Oren Wallace ..... . 44 75¡ Tohl A Anderson, meh plete oil burning equipment for accompany each bid as a guarantee J. H. Johnson, salary . ... Hugh Wallace ......... 48 5o | John Perry, gravel every engine on the peniiisulu. that the bidder will execute a Bond Notice To Whom It May Concern. A. M. Hare, salary ............... M Shoulson........ 50 00 j Fred Burton, clearing.... These arv to lie immediately in­ fur the completion of the eoutraet W. S. Buel, salary ............... . M Larson ......... 48 75 Cloverdale Meh Co, meh stalled in tlie dredge, the rock it awarded the same. As I urn about to leave here I will Chas Baker............... 52 5o E D Hoag, meh................. All bids to tie tiled in the office leave John Borba, of Beaver, Ore., B. I. Beals, salary ............... crusher, the locomotive, mid tlie Ralph Bunn ........... Wm. D. Bodyfelt, salary.... 51 25 Jess Kennedy, meh........... various donkeys. Oil will lie shipp­ of the County Clerk of Tillamook in possession of mv property and Elmer Davie .. 15 00 Alwin Blum, work ........... ed in ua »«Min aa |>os»ilile mid the County, Oregon, on or before Wed­ all my belongings, lie is authorised Peurl Phelps, salary .... .. Fret! Reda way .... 7 5o H L Provooet, inch......... «lay of the w « mm | tainine will l>c nesday. tlie Till day of June. June, 1911, at to sell or rent or have work done K. Mills, salary.................... J. C. Holden. Hilary . . Lee Lvster................. m J V o'clock a. tn. by my order. 53 00 Bay City Lumber Co .... buried deep in oblivion. Fred Lyster........ lol 5o Tillamook Feed Co meh Nr. Riiesell was one of the pilots I The County Court reserves the I also will say good by to my S. A. Brodhead, cabinet . . Jack Davis ............... on the Susy's maiden trip Hayocean- right to reject any -nd all bida. friends all through the county, Chas. Graffith. for Jones.... 68 So Ira Dimond, lumber .... Robert Hust ou words, returning from a rather pro- By order ot the County Court. , 48 75 : Jack Davis, hauling......... thanking them for al) the kind fav­ H. Crenshaw, for Mrs. Ebbson H. Crenshaw, for Roy Smith J H Holgate ............. M.n Hie 5th. HUI, t acted business visit in INirtluiiU. ors dour fur me. especially those 1 75 - W D Stillwell, gravel .... Henry Farmer........ With Captain Iviumett Jenkins at 75 00 Dan Oliver, work ........... |. C. H uluk . x . Couunty Clerk who so kindly helped tue in time of Tillamook Herald, printing Nehalem Enterprise “ Fre«l Reda way .. the wheel m»«f engineer Tobias 62 5o 1 L J Tittle, Durrer fill ■••• need. I will again say good by to Nelson A Co., Co. i»oor........ Emil Wooley lookiug alter things tielow decks, 3o 00 Tillamook Lumber Mfg- Co.. Sums one has figured that the one and all, hoping on my return, R. Bonis, for Mrs. F.bbson Jay Baker........ 7 the Hubards assailed tlie combers if 1 return at all. that 1 may find 14 00 Alex McNair, meh.................. B B Dunham........... on Monday last nn«l landed safely American lieu each year earns you .all alive and well. I still re­ Todd Hotel, meals................ 21 00 1 D W Gilbert A Son, mcli • • • A. Finley A Co. for Co poor Roy Blanchard ... la her home waters alter an un­ »nought to buy all the silver and main your faithful friend. 55 : A V Brown, road work.......... Myrtle Sills, stenography... Fréta Drehen ... eventful trip. Ker graceful lines and gold dug out of the mine«, all lo 00 i J G Brink, work . .................... M. T. SUARKS. I W. Baker, stationery........... Jim Rhodes............. mill splendid equipment inutiethale- the sheep in the country and their 10 00 | King A Smith, meh................ si* King A Smith. Mdse........... E Lightfoot........ h placed Iler in the foremost rutik 7 5o Sick headache results from a dis Bodyfelt, meals.... T J Trobough .... . ...----- —•• «wricn, Hirais ot tlie water crait now playing on wool, and leave a balance equal to 11 So ordered cvodition o( the etumach , Till. Electric Litrht A Fuel tlie Hay. the entire year's crop of rye, barley, -nd R O Richards ........ 46 80 For Sale. can be cured by the use of! Work in R D No 1 H L Jensen From the establishment of Joe buckwheat and potato»». Or. as a Chamberlain s Stomach and Liver I t u «» . 34 00 °' ' *' Gue Chopard ......... Supple in >*urtian«l, came u ship I hen enthuaiaat writes: “She pays Tableta. Try it. Fui aale bv A J H 51 25 ................................ 45 75 A heavy team, 5 and 6 D F Coulson ......... ■nur', ___ ** i Lester ¡.ester Pitt. « »H»enter and two caulkers and they the intereat on all the (arm inort tsar' Pitts ... 8 87 also heavy harness and ne* a iw..™ Drug o. Store. 43 75 Adam Li pen ___ have already started pounchng 15 «2 ■ Gordon Pitts .. Mitchell Wagon with box. Enq< Ct 25 Dee Moon ............. vataum on the dredge The plank­ gugra. pay» the entire state and ! Dan Alley........ M JS 41 Loot 25 E F. Rowland . logon the bottom was not nearly at county taxes of the whole Union, 29 5e ' E. Rhodes........ 43 75 Ollie Woods ... "■ badly off as wae at first anticipated, and then leaves a balance large en- I Oren White ... 14 73 Loot, a roll of poult nr netting. 2 • 75 R Y Blalock.... although some few of the boards nough to give every man. woman Jersey Ball for Sale. ! Hugo Klem ... 15 5o bu t wide, near Fairview Creamery ¡'T** ” 1« 2» O W Kinnsman... had succumbe«! to the attacks ot 2 00 Finder will please ¡rommunuste or 13 73 and child in the Vniter States a L N Sandox ............. A well bred Jersey Bull f°* turedues This time the plankiag ----- Guttman 2 leave same at the Headlight office " 43 73 Ix>uie Morgan dollar.** Will sell leasonable. Willi»* H Klattke ... 2 25 aa 73 lohn Moon ........ 2 5o well. I Second Market - Day - COUNTY AFFAIRS. HILL EAGER FOR LINE TO OCEAN. Petitions for New Roads —Special Election for United Railways’ Extension Port—Bills Allowed. to Tillamook Foremost in | TILLAMOOK CITY, ¡Saturday, May 20,1911. FREE AUCTIONEER During the whole day an Expert I Auctioneer will be at vour service PREE OF CHARGE. Market Square will be at your dis­ posal, to sell, barter, or exchange any­ thing you wish to dispose of, if its a sack of spuds, or the whole ranch out­ fit, bring it, or let it be known to the eager buying throng that will congre­ gate at Market Square. THE Absolutely Pure NO ALUM.NO UME PHOSPHA MERCHANTS OF TILLAMOOK TILLAMOOK CITY, SATURDAY, MAY 20th, 1911. Free Auctioneer All Day. Ü / Child Portraits Made by Us are Child-Like. \ Monk's Studio, = ¡ "j J 9