Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 11, 1911, Image 4

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Stunts th. N.w Boys In Som. Banka
Hava to Fac..
Now. when a tyro goes to work in a
machine shop be is aent to tbe tool
room fora left banded monkey wrench.
A foundry wag will send tbe new boy
In search of "core boles.” A printer’s
devil Is sent to tbe typefounders with
u wheelbarrow for a hair space, Hu­
nortats lu certain Kansas City banka
have a revised code, says the Times
of that city.
Here are six thing» the beginner
probably will be required to seek—at
dreg stores, in stationery shops, even
at the county courthouse, where oue
trustful youth went the other day to
inquire diligently for a "speed ball” to
assist him in bls work:
There Is tbe "speed ball,” then, and
there Is the "check stretcher." pre­
sumably used to increase tbe size of
i becks that do not conform to the fil­
ing cases; the “discount board,” sup­
posed to be checkered In a manner to
facilitate the handling of discounted
paper; the "clearing bouse key,” In
iieureb for which half a day easily may
be consumed, and for tbe red and
black Hues that He artistically on the
fair pages wbut could be more appro­
priate than "striped Ink.” aud lest tbe
ink becomes too thick should uot an
"ink strainer" be procured?
Ask tbe new boy.
A Daring and Rssourc.ful Operator In
the Fur Trade.
John Jacob Astor was born in tbe lit­
tle village of Waldorf, in Germany, In
1703, Just as France at the close of
the Seven Years' war was ceding
Cauadu to England. He snlled to our
side of the Atlantic In 1783. when
George III. In the treaty of Paris was
acknowledging our Independence and
when tbe merelianta of Moutreul were
establishing tbe Northwest company.
lie became a fur dealer, gradually
gaiued control of tbe trade south of
Lakes Huron and Superior, except
that which was In tbe bauds of the
Mackinaw company, and won a repu­
tation as a daring and resourceful op­
erator, which made his name known
In Montreal, St. Louis, London and
He bad u dozen vessels afloat, repre­
senting a capital of *1,000,(100, carry­
ing furs to England and China In
1800, and nt the time that tbe pur­
chase of Louisiana In 1803 pushed our
lioundary to the Rocky mountains he
was the wealthiest and most success­
ful merchant In the United States.—
North American Review.
The Man of Leisure.
Most of our rich men work very hard
—not always because they want to. but
In many Instances because they have
to. The husbandry of a big estate In
itself may lie a tusk for the whole of
the time and thought, not of one num,
but of several. As a general thing It
Is fair to say thnt our only man of
leisure Is the tramp. The social parlab,
tbe mutineer against the rule of work.
Is the only one who can be sure of a
care free, sybaritic existence, and even
he Ilves In constunt danger of rock salt
from the farmer's gun or tbe onslaught
of the watchdog around tbe corner as
tbe holxi knocks at the kitchen door
or pauses nt tbe water trough to drluk.
The poor tramp la certainly a more
frequent social phenomenon than tbe
rich one.—Philadelphia I-edger.
M.r. Marked In Mongrels Than Lt
Dogs With Pedigrees.
I generally ilnd. writes a well known
! English scientist, that mongrel dogs
when they happen to be sociable have
a keen sense of humor. Au aristocratic
dog with a pedigree may have some
Inherited smartness, but has no origi­
nality. A common yellow dog with no
ancestry to speak of. who has to gain
bis living by bls wits, could glvi him
cards and spades st bls own tricks In
two lessons.
Once 1 took Into tbe bouse out of
pity a mongrel yellow dog who Insist­
ed on Installing himself at my door
step and always came back, no matter
bow often be was chased away. 1 had
at that time a pedigreed water spaniel,
and I tried to teach him some tricks
when I took him out along a quiet road
at times. Tbe yellow dog. who rnude
friends with him. always came along
and beat tbe water spaniel at bls own
tricks without training. Then be be­
gan to play tricks of his own on tbe
spaniel. When he bad a bone be look
ed out for bis comrade, and when he
saw him loplug along he would lay
the bone in his path and disappear
The xpaufel always made for tbe bone
but the yellow dog. Just as he was
about to grab it, would dart from bls
biding place and, seizing It. run off
with It. This happened over nud over
again, but tbe high bred spaniel never
tumbled to the Joke.—New York World
But Not All of Undo Sam’s Ataortmant
la L.gal Tender.
Uncle Sam officially has ten kinds
of money—gold coins, standard silver
dollars, subsidiary silver, gold certifi­
cates, sliver certificates, treasury (1890)
notes, United States (greenbacks)
notes, national bank notes, nickel
coins and bronze coins—says tbe In­
dianapolis News. While some of this
paper currency Is not legal tender,
minor coins are legal tender In small
amount. Legal tender Is so called be­
cause In payment of a debl or obliga­
tion of any kind It can be forced on
the creditor "In full of all demand."
Gold certificates, silver certificates
and national bank notes, despite the
enormous quantity In circulation, are
not legal tender. So far as silver coin
is concerned, only *10 worth of
"hnlves,” “quarters" and "dimes" are
legal tender, and, as to nickel and cop­
per coins, only 25 cents can be forced
on tbe creditor. However, with the
standard silver dollar there Is no limit
to the amount to be paid In liquida­
tion of a claim. Tbe creditor can re­
fuse the silver certificate, but when it
comes to tbe "dollar of the dads" tbe
dollar must be received at Its face
value. eveD If a thousand weigh 58.92
Jack Robinson.
A. Foxton Ferguson of Oxford uni­
versity. speaking of the old time bal­
I lads. said that as most of the public
executions took place In some park or
market place, where everybody could
be present, the onlookers oftentimes
amused themselves by singing ballads
giving the entire history of tlie victim,
and tills Is the reason why ao many of
the old songs are concerned with the
hangman and the gallows tree. Par­
ticularly Interesting also was bis de­
scription of the origin of the expres­
sion "quicker than you can say Juck
Robinson." heard so often In both Eng­
land nud America. It came, he said,
from an < Id ballad about a sailor nam­
Tho Earl and ths Anglsr.
One of the earls of Minto had a ed Jack Iloblnsou. who returned to
kindly nature. Ono day a Hawick an­ Portsmouth. England, to And his old
gler was throwing his Hue on the river sweetheart married to another. The
near Mluto when a tall gentleman p<a»r sailor vowed that he would roam
came up to him and Inquired what the sens forever, which he set out to
kind of sport be was having
The do hardly liefore his friends realised
tinker replied that It was not very what he was doing They called after
good and that he could do better If him. but he bad goue.
tie were at tbe other side of the water,
adding. "I'll gl'e ye sixpence If ye'll
Why Business Fell Off.
carry me across " The bargain was
Two London business men were taUr-
struck, and the gentleman, getting tho Ing when a seedy Individual came up
angler on his lutek. carried him through and spoke to oue of them. After be
the water to the other aide. True to had goue the one to whom be bad
Ills promise, the angler produced tbe spoken said to hla friend: "That's s
alxpeuce. which he proffered to tbe brother of mlue and about tbe most
nt ra tiger. who, however, smiled and unfortunate fellow tu the world
remarked. "Give It to the first beggar have set him up In business three
you meet ami tell hint It la a present times The last time 1 bought a pork
from tbe Karl of Minto'
shop business for him In a place called
Barking After a few weeks he wrote
Why She Worried.
• nd said tbe business had all dropped
"Blit, mother, why do you object to off. Would 1 come up? 1 weut. and
tut 1*1 ua pleasant to tbe young men? the first thing that caught my eye was
Y'll cun't hope to keep uie with von a ticket In tbe window Invltlug the
always, you know One of them will public to Try Our Barklug Sausages.' "
Like me away from you some day "
"Take you away from me? Well. It
Making ths Cormorants Work.
thnt hiipi>eii» I ahull not complain It
The cormorants are among tbe most
1» the certainty thnt none of the young Interesting and useful birds tn the
t <'n who lune been coming bore so world
They are employed In the
far would take you away that has fishing Industry off the coast of Scot-
vi orrled l*otli your father and me **— land tu a large extent. They • re ees
Chicago Itscord llerald
lly trained to work for their owners,
who place a brass ring round each
of their throats so as Io prevent the
Only Wanted the Chance.
Emperor- I do uot care to hear your birds swallowing. They naturally feed
pro|xHltlou. sir
Everything that la upon fish and noon learn to depo.lt
catch In their owner»' boats,
submitted must first lie put through what they
the prime minister Subject Xothiug They display remarkable elevemees lu
would please me lietter. I «ranted to time, and a good fisher Is worth a good
show you the new bayonet which I deal of money to a fisherman.
have Invented for army us»- - London
L.tt.ry Chanca.
M Henri Poincare. tbe mathematl
Witting, but Cautious.
data told us a few years ago that If
"Yrs. my daughter eloped"
every on. who burs a lottery ticket
"I suppose you will forgive tbe knew bow little chance tberv was of
young couple?"
any on. winning a prise there could he
"Nut until they have located a place no .u<xw*aful lottery
The chance of '
to board " Washington Herald
each waa about equal to the danger!
of being killed In a railway accident -
Tew»*« Combination.
London Truth
Probably there la no eombluatlon u*
earth harder to live with than aa ar­
tistic temper* msnt »-used In a bad
eold. —aslvestou New*
Passing of a Once Famous Tribe
Mexican Indians.
All the world baa heard of the
mous Yaqui Indians of the state
Sonora. Mexico. They are for the most
part dwellers In the bills, crudely arm­
ed with primitive weapons, but ter­
rific fighters who have more than once
decisively beaten the soldiers of
Peaceable when undisturbed, fully
alive to the riebnes» of their mines
and the value of their fertile valleys,
they sought only to defend that which
was theirs from the grasping bauds of
those who desired their mines and
their lands.
Like most aborigines,
however, they were doomed from the
first. What was at the time of Cortes
a tribe of 5,000 strong, able to defy the
warriors of Montezuma, has dwindled
until there are now not more than
500 souls In the valley of the Yaqul
river and In the mountain gorges
which wall In the source of this
The bulk of the Yaquis have been
wiped out in sanguinary wars or taken
prisoners and shot, and those for whom
no excuse for death could be found
have l*-n deported to the fever strick­
en vales of Yucatan. The Yaquis as a
race are no more, but tbelr passing
has been made complete only during
the past few years.—Wide World Mag­
We carry a Large Stock of
Tinware, Glass
and China,
Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window
Agents for the Great Western Saw
The Most
Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County
Tlaaet, tha Famous French Paintar,
and Hia Critio.
An Interesting story is told of
Jacques Tlssot, tbe great French paint­
er. While In England he painted a
beautiful religious picture and, meet
Ing a countrywoman, asked her opinion
of his work. “It's a chef d'oeuvre,”
she replied, giving a remarkably just
and detailed appreciation of tbe vari­ I
ous merits of the really splendid paint­
"Are you satisfied?" asked a friend.
Tlssot answered in the negative. He
entirely repainted his picture, working
night and day.
When finished he aent again for bls
fair critic, who pronounced It ad-
mirable and remained silently adtnir-
ing it with smiling criticism.
'Are you satisfied?” asked the friend
again when the lady had departed,
“No,” replied the artist, and be set to
work for the third time.
When the Parialeune saw the new
painting she gazed at It for some mo­
ments with evident emotion and then
without a word sank softly to her
knees and began to pray.
“Are you satisfied now?" whispered
the friend, and Tlssot said “Yes.”—
London Saturday Review.
Lumber Manufacturing Compj
H emlock LUMBER
We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook
County’s Most Famous Cheese.
Hannibal’s Downfall.
The fate of Hannibal turned upon
the result of a promenade. It was after
be bad crossed the Alps and entered
Italy, with winter quarters established
at Capua. His residence was one of
the best houses In the ctlty, and while
walking in the garden he heard ft fe­
male voice singing not far away.
Struck by the tones of the voice, be Is­
sued sn order that the singer should be
brought before him. He was so greatly
Impressed by her charms that be at
once attached her to his household,
disposing of the busband by beheading
him. Retribution followed closely upon
the cowardly perpetration of the out-
rage. The balance of the winter was
devoted to pleasure, discipline and
drills were practically abandoned, and
with the advent of spring the Cartha­
ginian army was so demoralized by
the dissipation of the city that Its pres­
tige was lost, and with It came the
dowufall of Hannibal.
The Best Equipped Saw Mill in the County.
New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and
Kirst Class Lumber of the Best Quality.
The Best Hotel.
ALLEN, Proprietor
Headquarters for Travelling Men
Special Attention paid to Tourists.
Th» Sara-Kabbah Fashion.
The 8ara-Kabbab people of central
Af-ica adopt the hideous fashion of
wearing large wooden disks In the lips.
tb< one In the upi*r lip about three
Inc he* In diameter and that In the
lower six inches. "These ornameuta,"
says Mr. Karl W. Kumm In "From
Hansa land to Egypt." “restrain the
wearers from prolonged conversation.
One of the chiefs, when I asked him
the reason why they disfigured their
women. Informed me that their fore­
father» bad developed thia habit in
order that the women might exercise
no attractions for the Moslem ■lave
Warning a Serpent.
Ih»wn In Bermuda Mark Twain
made a speech about snakes to a
group of little girls. Tbe- speech was
great. The only trouble was that the
little girls could not appreciate It. It
flew over their beads. This was the
humorist's conclusion:
"Never warm a serpent In your bos­
om. It Is far easier to warm It by
placing It under the pillow of an Inti
mate friend.”-Harper a Weekly.
Singleton—Wigwag seems frightfully
He says be doesn't car*
wbst happens to him. Henpackke-
Tbe first thing you know thst fellow
will be going off and getting married.
—Philadelphia Record.
Tbe word bungalow*is an Anglo-
Indian version of the Hindu bongla.
which primarily means Bengali, or of
Bengal, and Is also applied to a
thatched but
Fitting Trett
"Young Riffln, !af,tu.t|on for prêt*
**-?“** GUdy* '* “*r*ly papr’ ‘’’F "
I auppoee that accounts for bis dog
Ute devotion"—Baltimore American
A Hirst Class Table.
\\vx\wears tonqet
Comfortable Beds and Accommodation.
Tillamook Bakery,
Tillamook Iron Works
General Machinists & Blacksmiths.
Boiler Work. Logger’s Work aud Heavy Forgiag.
Fine Machine Work a Specialty.
Corner Stillwell Ave. and Firs
St. West, and both Phones.
KILL the couch
Registered No. 33271.
The Iowa Bred Prize Winning Trotting Stallion and
producer of large sized high classed prize
Winning Colts ; and
New Discovery
Registered No. 48362.
The North Dakota Bred Trotting Stallion of large size,
fine action and kind disposition, and of the very highest breed-
In*,\and ’I'." tO become one of the greatest sires of this coast,
will be in Tillamook City about the first of June and remain two
TERMS on either Stallion Vao.oo to insure
with foal ;
I » j.oo for colt one week old.
merit in quality, and here it is in both these
Yours for business,
E. F. ROGERS. v.s
Cough Remedy
During tbs past 36 yesrs no rem­
edy bae proven more prompt or
more effectual In Its cures of
Coufhs Colds and Crouo
than Chamberlain's CoughBsmedv 3»
many homes It Ls relied upon *»
pi'ri-’y *» ths family physician I. con­
tains no opium or other narcotic »3»
rosy bo given rs eoafldently to a
as to an adult. Prios J6c. la-ws aU«»*