Tilhnmk Vol. XXIII. No. 49. llcdòligbt TILLAMOOK. OREGON, MAY ■ 11, iqix . >i-5o per year. I - Lyman Lamb, brother to G. B. Baby Chick food, Blauchard’eCalf Lamb, is in on a visit, it being nine 1 Meal, Dement’s Best flour $1.50 sk. years ago since he was in this city, Dement’s Marvel flour $1.50 sk. 1--Extracts from a Diary. when he worked ¡for Wade A Briggs. grass seeds, Vegetable fertilizer, He is now traveling for a machinery Land plaster. Cement, Shingles, house. Lath, Hay, Grain, Mill-feed, Cream An ordinary safe is ‘‘dead easy” for yeggtnen and There is rumor on the waterfront separator, Machinery, Farm imple- safe crackers. Stude- ments, and the celebrated that First Officer Fritx, of the “ Last month my wages paid my board steamer Sue H. Elmore, will go to baker wagons and harness, or any OURS IS BURGLAR PROOF, the new Elmore motor packet "Till­ other old thing you want at the and other living expenses, and left me ten Tillamook Feed Co. amook” when she comes out in And as further precaution, WE CARRY BURGLAR dollars for incidentals, The ten is gone. I One of Rogers’ teams had a sensa­ the coast run.—Astorian. AND HOLD UP INSURANCE. have nothing to show for it. I have tried to L F. R. Beals returned to the city tional spin through the city on Mon­ day morning, and notwithstanding Don ’ t worry and loose your sleep when you can ' on Friday, coming in by way of Sea- remember just how I spent it, but at the best, the team fell once and the buggy I side after being in Curry County. put your money and xalmbles where they are out of there is almost half for which I cannot ac­ ’ He reports that the P. R. A N. Co. was prevented from going over by the reach of robbers. count.” will have trains running into Tilla­ several men holding it up at another place in the mad rush, Levy Green, We invite the opportunity to explain more fully mook by the 1st August. ‘‘ I am spending too much for pleasure, and who was unable to control the Bids are called for to carry the the facilities we have to safe guard the money and team, managed to head them into there are many things I need ” mail from Tillamook City by way valuable deposited with us. Dawson’s barn, without any injury, of Netarts to Bay ocean, a distance but Green was all in over his ex­ The Way to Save — Have a Savings of 15.75 miles, six times a week, to ertions. Account with leave Tillamook City at 10:30 a.m. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF Rollie W. Watson, since the last and Bayocean at 6.00 a. m. TILLAMOOK THE OLD RELIABLE. The Sue H. Elmore came in on issue of the Tillamook Headlight, Wednesday with the following pass­ lias been putting in his spare time Only U.S. Government Examined Bank in the engers : J. J. JohnsonJ and two sending out literary matter in re­ ¡n County. gard to Tillamook County ; and children, Mr. Billison, G. W. Ad­ Assistant Secretary El J. Claussen, ams, Mrs. Allen, Miss De Lillies, of the Tillamook Commercial Club, C. H. Baker, J. H. Hollister. T illamook city , ore . SUPERVISION OUNTY has been doing the same. The A checking account will pay you Portland Commercial Club furn­ which they partook of a supper and TWO MARKET DAYS even tho you may have but $15.00 ished the local club with a long list prepared for their night’s work. EACH MONTH. or $30.00 per month to deposit. of names of persons who were en­ About thirty people were taken LLAMOOK JOTTINGS Fresh Home made Candies at Check it out and eave paying bills quiring about Oregon, and Mr. into the lodge which took until four Mrs. Hill’s. the second time, as it is very often thirty the next morning. Supper Tillmook City Merchants Claussen is attending to this. I will pay 8c., 10c. and 11c. for calf the case when cash is paid. Til­ jal $10 ton, see Shrode. The city authorities will enforce was served at twelve forty-five to will Auction Off Farm­ • hides at my shop. Try me out and lamook County Bank. of seventy-five people. r. Morris, eye specialist, the curfew ordinance, which has upward see. The Old Reliable Hide and ers’ Stock, Etc., Free. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Haultere, from Much excitement was caused while remained obsolete for a long time. knnies Wanted at the Tillamook Fur Dealer, N. E. Melchoir. * Chicago, have located in this city- The ordinance compels young per­ coming home by racing between taty Bank. • Tillamook City ¡8 to have an Chas. Ray, of Cloverdale, was reg­ Mr. Haulters is engaged in the the teams driven by the ladies and kr rent—House of 21 rooms. In- istered at the Hotel Vidito this barber business, having bought sons under the age of 18 to be off the the ones driven by the men, which Auction Mart. One week front streets after nine o’clock, unless ac- re Headlight Office. week. He was in looking after his out Johnson’s barber shop, where companed by parents or some one added much to the merriment of next Saturday, May 20th, the merchants of this city will hold Bod buggy and harness for sale, business interests in this section. he solicits a share of the patronage. responsible forthem. City Marshal the Rebeccas. the first of a serieB of market pply to Webb Maddux. Quite a number of persons from News was received here Friday A New Shoe Repairing Shop is Reading has made arrangements days, it being decided that the lE. O’Neil, who went out on a located at the back of Beals’ offices, this city accepted the invitation to with the Tillamook Lumber Mfg. of the death of Mrs. Mary Johnson, first and third Saturdays in each btion, returned on Sunday, by George Ross, where first class attend a dance at Bay City on Sat­ Co. saw mill to blow three war­ wife of John J. Johnson, formerly of month are to be devoted forthat krn, on Friday, to the wife of work is guaranteed. Give him a urday night, and they report a ing whistle at 8:45 and three more of this place. Mrs. Johnson passed purpose. The principle feature good time, notwithstanding that it at nine o'clock. trial. away at their home in Selah, Wash. Wilson, at Bay City, a son. of these market days will be several hours after midnight k rent-Rooms for rent close in. W. G. Dwight has filed four tax was Several ¡hundred extra copies of The cause of death was measels, the auction sales of stock, im­ Lress Box 62, Tillamook, Ore. forclosure cases in the circuit court when they returned to this city. the Tillamook Headlight were followed with bronchitis, which plements, wagons, harness, There should be no further delay against Jas. S. Barfield, J. M. struck off last week, and since then came as a great Burprise to her rel- etc., which the merchants will rite or phone to E. G. Ander- latives here, who did not suppose endeavor ¡to dispose of free of | Hemlock, for Cedar Fence Wiley, John- Hicks and Eben in building a bridge up the Wilson there have been a steady demand river. As the matter has been so forthem by persons who want to that she was so seriously sick. She charge to the farmers, and in Skaggs. r ’ Sheriff Crenshaw has been hav­ long in controversy and so much send reliable information about was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. that way it is hoped that an ex­ [small farm to sell or trade for N. Hansen, who lives north of this ing same trouble with his hand, procrastination in regard to it, the Tillamook to their friendsand those change mart can lie established k property on easy term.—J. R best way out of the difficulty is to thinking of moving west from the city, and she was a young woman which will be of mutual inter­ which had blood poisoning caused ■er. highly respected, with many friends by a small pimple on one of his put the bridge in without any further eastern and other states. As we est to sellers as well as buyers. re chickens wanted at the Tilla- delay. have quite a number of copies left, in thia section who mourn her un­ The merchants have engaged fingers. t Meat Company’s Market, 13c. timely death. Mr. Johnson and his Miss Laura Kiger, of Van West, these will be mailed free of charge C. E. Reynolds us auctioneer, Raise your calves without milk by found. two son, with the remains, arrived feeding them the World’s Famous Ohio, who is a niece of G. W. Kiger on persons furnishing us with the herexm Wednesday, and the funeral ami the Headlight will publish Ing your chicken to the Tilla- a list of the property to be dis­ Blachford’s Calf Meal. Cheaper of this city, arrived in town the last names and addresses. took place this afternoon, the ser­ t MeatCompany’s Market We than milk. Can be had at the Til­ of the weekin company with Mrs. The young men of the P. Y. P. vices being held in the United Bre­ posed. of in our next issue if 13c. per pound. G. W. Kiger,who has been visiting Class of the Methodist Church en­ tbofie interested will furnish us lamook Feed Co. r Rent, 15 cow ra^ch, stock her mother at Estacada, Oregon. tertained the ladies of that class at thren church, which the deceased with the items. The adver­ Rough spruce and hemlock lum­ lie. Apply at once to G. II. Miss Kiger expects to remain here the I. O. O. F. Hall, Friday night, was affiliated with. The sorrowing tising and auction will nil lx? ber at $8.00 per thousand at the Faw- relatives have the sympathy of I, Tillamook Ore. as the result of a contest which was their many friends in their bereave­ done free of charge. cet Creek Saw Mill, seven miles during the summer. It is expected that the market inted—A Girl to do housework; south of Tillamook City. Goldsworth- The passengers out on the Golden carried on bj- the men and women days will cause considerable in­ Gate last Friday were: J. II. Mvars, of that class. The program con­ ment. wages to a steady girl. Apply ey & Dalpaz, pros. terest and "-ill bring a large Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Pangbom, V. sisted of games, songs, and talks e Headlight office. Club Selects Committees The Golden Gate arrived in port Jackson, J. A. Gant, Mr. and Mre. number of persons to the city, by some of the leading members. ting of Buff Orpingtons, $1.50 Monday with W. R. Douglass and H. Freeborough, Elva Atterbury, Punch, ice cream and cake were The Executive Board of the Tilla­ for thia section of the county $2.00 for 15 eggs.—C A. Corn and wife, Teddy Douglass, G. E. A. H. Nolan, Mrs Brimmell, Mr. need of public served as refreshments. Much credit mook Commercial Club met on has been , Tillamook, Ore. Rider, Frank Reoher, D. E. Dawson, and Mrs. M. S. Stanley and 'two in due to Oscar Ashim who man­ Tuesday evening at the royma and market days and a central loca­ Sours, cheapest and best paper and John Thorpe. children and S. J. Caldwell. aged the program and acted as selected the following committees tion where the farmers can ex­ Leave orders at fer in town. for the ensiling year. The house change, sell or trade their cows, The Epworth League and P. Y. « Engineer J. B C. Lockwood, con- toast master. ¡next to Harris’ barn. committee being selected at a pre­ bulls, horses, young stock, Y. P. Class of the Methodist Church suiting engineer of the Port of The firm of Rosenberg Bron, has Bt National Bank vs. H. S. had their regular monthly business hogs, poultry, implements, etc. Portland, is expected in next week been transferred to Mr. Rogers, an vious meeting: [er is a suit just filed in the House—Webster Holmes, Chas. As the merchants have under­ meeting at the lecture room in the to confer with the Port of Tillamook old employee of the Rosenberg's, tj court to recover »150.00. I. Clough, James Walton, Jr. taken to open a way whereby church Tuesday night. with regard to harbor improve­ and Martin Hoven, who has also Auditing—B. C. Lamb, Carl Hab- an exchange mart can be estab­ Is Dolan De Lillies returned to ments of the slough and channel Claud Parireh returned on the been in their employ for the past erlach, H. T. Botts. lished, it is to be hoped that the Ity on Wednesday after spend- Golden Gate last week from Coos to the bay, in fact, outline a project four or five months. The new firm Reading Room—Fred C. Baker. jeveral months in California, farmerswill taken lively inter­ for that purpose. and will- be known as Rogers Bay, where he bas been the past Reception and Entertainment- est in these events, for it is for r Sale:—Two-room house and winter and has resumed his work They will carry on the Frank Severance, Fred C. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Halsey Pangborn Hoven. their benefit that these market h west Second-st reef. Reason- with M. F. Leach 4 Co. left on the Golden Gate Friday for same line o< business as has been T. R. Monk. days are arranged. Membership — Chas I. Clough, T. [enquire at house. Miss Batt. . S. A. Brodhead is prepared to do their old home in Kansas. It was carried on in that establishment Another tiling, should there ivelers’ checks are jnst the all kind of wood work on short with much sorrow that they bid heretofore and as both are well R. Boats, Geo. W. Willett. Municipal affaire—Will Spaulding, be much stock offered for sale I to take with your trip. Get notice. Furniture repaired, All good by to their friends in this known in this county, they will un­ John Groat, C. E. Trombley, F. I). in this way, it will give the I at Tillamook County Bank, work guaranteed first class, Call section and no doubt they will re­ doubtedly share largely in the rap­ Small, Carl Knudson. farmers some idea of prevailing turn to thia city whenMr. Pangborn’e idly growing grocery business Civic Improvement - Rollie W. prices and the demand for dif­ it, between this city and Ne­ at his shop and leave orders. Watson, E. T. Halton, M. F. Leach. si, a tail automobile — light, —Attorney H. T. Botts went to Ne- lease on his father’s ranch expires. of this county. Transportation- -Webster Holmes, ferent kinds of stock, as well as er please inform A. L. ____ | halem on Monday, where he deliv­ Rev. H. R. Salisbury, pastor A. A. Russell, James Walton, Jr., other property. The women of the Christian K. Cae€7 ~ ‘ Iremely low rates on house ered the address to the High Church will give and “Old Maids of the Methodist Church of this city, E. T. Haltom, R. T. Boals. A committee was appointed Promotion—B. C. Lamb, Rollie on Wednesday, composed of C. Ig during May and June, Till- School graduates that evening, Convention” at the Opera House, has been compelled to resign his Friday night, similar to the one position in the chnrch, because of Watson, Geo. W. Willett, Fred ' C. I. Clough, E. T. Haltom anil A. ik Electric Light and Fuel there being a large attendance. by the Methodist women some time the poor health of his father who Baker. C. E. Trombley. Stillwell, to Icxik after the de­ Thomas Holman remains in dur­ ago. If they receive as much pat­ lives in California. Mr. Salisbury tails, and in all probability the wet weather of the past week ance vile, having failed to raise the Presbyterian Church. ronage as was given the previous will probably be here until the fifth merchants this summer while iving a wonderful effect on »1,000 fine imposed upon him by entertaiment, they will undoubt­ of June, when he, together with his these market days are in pro­ Bible School, 10 a.m. ■tion and making the grass I Jugde Galloway for contributing to famity, will leave for the south. edly be satisfied. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Sub­ gress offer prizes for the best the delinquency of a minor child. Rev. Salisbury is an able minister ject oi sermon "Conditions of Soul grades of dairy stock, horses, Norman Christensen was kicked •ied, on Friday, by Justice of ” Wanted, by two young women in the stomach by a horse on Friday and pastor and his many friends Growth. chickens, and the lx*st displays Christian Endeavor, 7:15 p.m. ace E. W. Stanley, John A. from the East, cooking or general evening at Pleasent Valley, which in thia section sincerely regret <0 of fruits and vegetables, as well Evening worship 8 p.m., "Moth ­ i and Mrs. Margaret Park- house work. Speaks English and was thought to be quite serious at1 have him leave when it has been er's Day” will tx- observed at our as furnish music and other at­ German. Wages required, $5.00 a first and Dr. Boals was sent for. [ such a short time since he took 1 evening service. The pastor will tractions for those who visit the I preach a sermon on the subject I, at Blaine, on Wednesday* week, Enquire at the Headlight i It seems that Christensen had taken . charge of the work at thia place. I * Our Mothers.” The members city 011 market days. ?reecy, an old settler of Tilla ’ office. Apart front all this, tile mer­ The Board of Trustees of the Gil­ and triends of the church, all , the animal by surprise when he county, who was 82 years For sale, quick: Fairly good j patted it on the back, and becoming ford Stillwell Park met with the the memliera of the fi.fi. and their chants will offer bargains and parents are requested to be present dispose of their goods with but I High School committee on park I at team. weight about 2400, both scared kicked him. thia S|iecial service. Strangers ried at the Catholic Church horses, age eight eignt years. years, Wagon w agon Grading stakes sre being driven improvement, at the school house are cordially welcomed at all these little profit, so as to encourage >nday, by Rev. Father Geo. C. new, L harness new. haltere new. T’for the railroad on the water front, • May Oth and arranged for the com­ services trading with home industries 8. G. FlxrkY, Paator. it. in this city, Louis Imhof will sell this outfit of team, wagon and home mercliants, for by preparatory to grading and fixing pletion and management of the. lary Rikenbacher. doing your trailing at home it 1 and harness for three hundred that street for the spur which is park. Many improvement« are to ?ounty Treasurer P. W. Todd dollars, if taken at once. Thia is 1 now constructed as far as the saw tie made nt the giounda in the waj Mother’s Day at the Church of' iielps to build up anil txxist Tillamook. Christ. led from San Jose. Cal., on 1 a bargain for someone that wants a ' mill property. The P. R. A N. Co. of making nmusrments for the 1 ■ t ly, where he has been the past I good teaming outfit. Enquire of will take possession of I^mib’sdock [ children. It was decided that the Next Lord’s day >« s«-t apait for Call l'or Warrant«. ball teams should he allowed to use r. He is looking well Rollie W. Watson, in per*on. national olmeri atice to the honor of the 1st July and with the o|>era All county general Inn’! wnrrunls house site will be made the depot tbe grounds (i|»on tbr payment <>i mothers. The object •" to brighten the lives of our mothers, to remind endorsed prior to Jan. 1, Hill, will for that road, Grading commenced a certain per cent of the gate men and women, boys anil girls, ot lx* paid ii|w»n pre "Queen of the May." Warning. 1 ville, spent Sunday with his wife’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Goyrw. of this city journeyed to Beaver' The minister will in the morning All iwreons ate itereby warned ted two Doors west of Lamar’s Drug Store. apeak on "Mothers In Israel " not to purchase a certain Pronns Mrs. Rutherford will spend some Friday afternoon to take part in the I Special mum Every one, who “ DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND.” time in this city, visiting friends , institution of the Reber-ca Lodge at thinks he or she had, or has, th<- •orjr Noie siren tip the undersigned George vamieraee for $2253») with­ Prof. Ruhterford left by private con that place on Friday night About beat mother that ever lived, is asked Io out interest, dur payable smtie time Rest Room for Ladies. veyance. Sunday evening, in order twenty-three of the crowd went out to wear a white flower or a whit* next Ortober Said note wsa obtain­ ribbon on that day You ar* cordi­ to reenme hie duties the first of the in liverv riga, arriving at Beaver he- ally invited to worship with ua. I ed troni me by fraud. |tween six and seven p.m., alter i. L M c F aua DEAD EASY. I AM SPENDING TOO MUCH ankt TILLAMOOK COUNTYBANY«» AMAR’S VARIETY STORE