a TILLAMOOK HhJADLIGET, MAY 4, löll SHOCKED THE GUARD. r SENSE OF TASTE * Canadian Railway Official Who Did Curious Selective Powers Exhibited by Not Appreciate Kilts. the Tongue. any years ago a well known Scotch Four classes—sweet, bitter, salt and ileman went out to oue of our kuih II. acid—hare been assigned to the sense de|art of tbe organ t one of the stopping places along Some persons are unable to perceive route the guard, to whom kilts ' any bitter taste when quinine is ap re an absolutely unknown article of plied only to tbe tip of the tongue. Ire and who apparently, when he At the back of tbe tongue the bitter ked In at tbe carriage window and ness of tbe drug Is [lerceived at once. the gallant colonel sented there- Au explanation of tbe curious selec­ imagined that that gentleman had tive isiwers exhibited by the tongue [wnsed with bls nether garments oh is that a variety of nerve fibers are lint of the heat. said. “We are get- present In that organ, each kind being g near town, sir." sensitive only to one of tbe four prln t the next station be enme again. clpal classes of taste. These nerve a . seeing the colonel in exactly the hers are distributed in varying num­ e costume, he exclaimed excitedly: bers over different purls of the tongue. xcuse me. str. but 1 must Insist on i 1 At tbe tip. for example, tbe nerves that r dressing yourself at once. We are sensitive to sweet and acid stimuli II arrive at tbe town station in five I are most numerous, and accordingly utes!”—London Tit-Bits. I in that locality those tastes are tbe ones most readily perceived. At the back of tbe tongue, on the contrary, LUCK AT MONTE CARLO. the nerve fibers concerned In the per­ Fly Which Cost the Gambling Room ception of bitterness prevail over tbe others.—New York Press. a Small Fortuno. bout Jnn. 25. 1904. a curious thing |H>ned at Monte Carlo. The super- TERRIBLE WEAPONS. Ion of gamblers Is well recognized. 1t Is seldom that their relinuee upon Ferocious Knives Wielded by ths Na- ns brings them such luck ns was tivea of Hindustan. case on the above date. At what Tbe weapon common to every pnrt known as the “suicide" table In tbe of Hindustan, so ns to deserve the nte Carlo gambling rooms the fill­ name of the uatlonal arm. Is the ”ka- ing reinnrknble Incident occurred: lar.” Thia Is « broad, two edged dag­ fly alighted on No. 13 on the rou­ ger, tbe hilt of which Is formed some­ te table at the time when the piny- thing like an H. tbe hand grasping the bnd suffered a persistent run of crossbar, which is generally double, luck. The superstitious gamblers while tbe aide bare extend on each hanged covert glances and searched side of tbe wrist. Ir |>ockets for money with which to Some knt a re are made with five ke. Io a few moments the “middle blades which unite luto one. hut by I eu"—that Is to- say. the Nos. 13 1« squeezing together the crosshars dl- were literally covered with stakes, verge like tbe fingers of n hand when en an elderly gambler arose and the thrust has been given. Other kn- napoleons round the square on tars are made In sets of two or even h the fly hnd Hllghted. thus back- I three, of diminishing sixes, tbe blades the numbers from 10 to 17. Less con- I of the larger being hollow and form­ nt players staked smaller amounls| ing sheaths for the smaller. the "transversales." Some of the southern Indian kntars. he Ivory marble was sent spinning known as “death givers." are Immense nd the roulette wheel. There was I weapons, nearly two feet long In the ■moment of sus|iense and then the’ hlnde. and the hilts are a mass of foupler announced tbe winning until-1 fantastic scrollwork and mythological ► -13. But what Is far more extnior extraor- j ' moisters. the cobra with expanded i teary the same number came up three hocal figuring largely. in-s In succession. There Is also the "blc-h'hwa." or fl'hat fiy cost tbe casino over $25.000. scorpion's sting, a doubly curved dag­ ger; tbe “khanjar." a larger form of tbe same, and the "pesbkabx.” or 1 What an Account Book Doas. A bank book with check book and bunting knife. Rut noue of these elab­ ■bs is tbe easiest way of keeping a orate weapons has about It tbe terri­ account, and then you have the bly “businesslike" look of the Khyber k to prove your nccount for you. knife (ch'hural. with its ponderous sin­ cash register is a means of keep­ gle edged, tnperlng blade and plain accounts of receipts and payments Ivory hilt.— Chambers' Journal. blned with a "bell punch” upon esty. System is an indls|>ensable No Black on Nature's Palette. ulslte of successful business; hon- Nature uses uo black In any part of and ability will not succeed with- her work. 1 will not eicept the black­ it. Tbe first step in this direction berry and tbe so cnlled black pansy. tbe part of youth is keeping a per- On a bright, clear day shndows on the I cash account. The orderly set­ snow are pale ultramarine blue; under down of receipts and expendi­ a blue sky in midsummer tbe color of confronting oneself with what tbe placid lake Is cobalt blue and tbe been expended and for wlutt pur­ shadows ou the grass are lilac: on a carries a continual moral, a warn- weathered gray boardwnlk they are if need be. and a lesson In respoii- nearly as blue as tbe sky Itself. Tbe lity. The balance, the proof and the palpitating atmosphere of a warm bring home the power and res|a>n- July day lifts tbe coloring of the land­ lity of receiving and s|a-ndlug. —A. sea |>e to a blgber but softer key in­ stead of reducing It with gray, and In ton Hepburn in Leslie's. tbe autumn, when the sugar maple's leaves are turned to gold, the shad­ Ths Sympethetic Watch, e sympathetic watch Is all very ows on the trunk and every gray rock I. writes a corre«|>ondetit. but there in tbe vicinity are tinged with strong mnuy who firn) that tlielr watches lilac. In fine, when the sun shines never Is* relied U|inii to behave everything, even the shadow which tlarly. Generally the wearer ' Is we are prone to believe Is gray, la re­ d to la» of a very nervous dis|HMl- plete with color.—F. Schuyler Math* . and It certainly ksiks ns If thia ewa. tuunlcated Itself to the watch. Pie In Art. Inherited by tbe writer. wlil<-h An artist In Chicair» tells of « lady J kept gissl time for years. Imtne- ely develo|ied erratic tendencies In tbal town wbo. with her maid, went i t worn by him and has never got to purchase a still Ilfs picture for her of them. Only once for a brief ; dlniug room. She selected s canvas •e did a watch go regularly with on which were painted a bunch of It was a Swiss one. whb-h had Dowers, a pit cut In two and a roll i when worn in England, but and was about to pay $25 for It when accurate time on a Swiss holiday, ber maid approached to whisper In ber the question was whether It wss ear. “Excuse me. ma'am.” Mid the sew wearer's temporarily braced nerves he effect of Its native air on the ant. but you ars making a bad bar­ h that did tbe trick. — l-ondon gain. I saw a picture very much like i tbla sold tbe other day for $18 " mlcle. Spoiled Hie Speech. ’hen I rose to apenk It was V) Io the hall you could hare beard n drop" Best Automobile on Notice is hereby given that sealed I bid» will be received by the Treasur­ er of the Port ot Tillamook, in tht^ City of Tillamook, in tlie State of be SOLD CHEAP so as to introduce this splendid machine Oregon, at hi« office ' in said city, until Thursday, June 15. 1911. i.t j(! into Tillamook o'clock A. M.. for the purchase ol all or any part of the bond» of the said Port issued by virtue of a reso lution of said port, duly and legally passed April 6. 1911. Said bonds are to be dated July I. 1911, and run years from then date, interest payable semi-annual 1V, Loth principal and interest pay ■ able in I'nited States Gold coin in ; Tillamook. Oregon, or ut the oflici of the Port's fiscal agent in Nev York City, N. Y. Said bonds an 900 in number and the denotnina tion of $500 each and are issued fot the purpose of defraying the coat ot harbor improvements on Tillamook OVERLAND MODEL SO bar and bay. Said bonds will be sold to the liiglieat bidder for cash, and all bids must be accompanied by a certified check equal to 5 per Two passenger torpedo body ao-horse power, transmission, cent of the amount of the bonds bid upon. planetary. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to readvertise for bids for the same. Duteil at Tillamook. Oregon, this 10th day of April, 1911. M. F. I.EACH, Treasurer. P ort of T illamook . PRICE, $925.00. A. K. CASE, Agent Sheriff« Site Jones & Knudson Furniture Company. N otice is H ereby G iven , that in pursuance of an eitecution and or­ der of sale duly issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, forthe Coun­ ty of Multnomah, to nte duly direct­ ed, dated ¡the 21st day of April A. D. 1911, upon n judgment rend­ ered and entered in said Court on the 3rd day of February, 1911, iti favor of A. V. Allen, plaintiff, vs. August F. Mahne, defendant,for the sum of $58.13, ami the further sum of $15.75 costs and disbursements, and also the costs of and upon sain writ, commanding me to make sale of the real property of the above named defendant attached by vir­ tue of a writ of attachment in saio cause, said property being describ ed as follows, to-wit : The North East quarter of Sectioi- 9 in Township 3 North <>l Range ( West, situated in Tillamook I ounty. State ot Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution and order ot sale, and in compliance with the commands o said writ, 1 have duly levied oil s.uo property and nil, on Tuesday, tin Util day of June, 1911, nt the hour ol 10 o’clok a. in., at the Iront di.or o the court house in Tillamook t ity, Tillamook County, Oregon, sell tin above described real property at public auction to the highest biddel lor cash in hand to satisfy said exe cution and order of sale, interests and costs, and all accruing costs. H. C renshaw , Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore. Dated at Tillamook City, Oregon, May 4th, 1911. Dealers in Excursion Dav Prices on Matting : All 20c. per yd. matting at - 18c All printed mattili g pr. 22c 20c. All 25c. per yard at 25c. All 30c. per yard at 30c. All 35c. per yard at 35c. All 40c. per yard at For one day only, Saturday, May 6th, 191], all good delivered at the train. Citation to Heiro. In the County Court of the State of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Louis Blattlar, Deceased. To Mrs. Matthes, mother of the above named deceased, Josephina Gsell and Joseph Blattlar: In the name of the State of Ore­ gon : You are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Tillamook, at the Court room thereof at the Court Hou«e in Tilla­ mook City, Tillamook County, Orc gon, on Monday the 5th day of June. 1911, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, then and there to show cause, if any there lie, why said Court »bould not make an or­ der authorizing licensing andrlirei t- ing the administrator of the »aid l»uis Blattlar, deceased, to sell »t private sale for cash, all of the fol­ lowing descrilted real property, situated in Tillamook County, State of Oregon, to-wit : s An undivided otie-lialf interest in and t > f.ot numbered one and the Southeast quarter of the Nortllr««t quarter of Section six and lait tiiini- l/ere npi-ear nnrl i-oswer ' e plnintifl will apply to il e ( cutt or the relief prayed tor tn lb< evni- ilnint, winch is that yon I e re- piired to set forth any claim or in- crest belli by you tn or to the fol­ owing described rent property, to- wit : The South East quarter of 'ection 15, in Township 2 South, Range 9 West, Willamette Meri­ dian, stive and except therefrom the folowi ng described portion, to-wit: A atrip of land 2ri> feet iu width, being 109 feet on euch side of a line described as commencing in the center of Killam Creek, at a point 300 feet East of the West line of said South East quarter of «aid Section 15. and running thence easterly following up the center of eaid creek 200 feet, and a strip of land 20 feet in width, being 10 feet on each »ide of the point where the pipe lineof Tillamook City, Oregon, water system t rosaeti the went line of said South East quarter of said Section 15, and following said pipe line easterly to the dam on «aid Killam Creek; that such claim or interest be decreed to be void; that plaintiff be decreed to be the owner of said lands in fee simple, and her title thereto quieted iik against any claim held by you in or to »aid lands, and for general relief. This Summons is published by order of the Honorable Homer Mason, County Judge ot Tillamook County, Oregon, made April 11th, 1911, nod the time prescribed forthe publication of this Summon« bv said order is once a week for nix successive weeks and the date of the first publicatic n hereof is April 13th, ' 1911. 11. T. B otts , II. K. S a wo ENT, Attorneys for Fluintiff. Port of Tillamook, Oregon, 6 per cent Harbor Improve­ ment Bonds. the MARKET. “And waa It as good aa tbla?” "Better, ma'am. There waa a good deal more pie In it"—Lippincott's Tbe landlady-Tbe gentleman that ell. I stood there for a moment * waa occupying tbe room last. air. waa Ing out over tbe audience and a literary person. Tbe Possible Tens at Ing my first sentence, and I am | —What makes you think be waa lit­ that I «honld hare been able to erary? Tbe landlady-Why. be bad along all right, but Jost before I ink on bls fingers, str. an' be went got ready to ntter my first word away without paring bin board.—Cleve­ fool in tbe back end of tbe ball land Plain Dealer Thsy Always Havs. you think that yonr apeecbv« echo down tbe corridor« of time?" Ain't know about that.” replied enerretlc at a teaman, "but I'm aura of my cumic anecdotes will coo- tv du «<• "—Washington Ktsr The “Overland,” The Summon«. >450,000.00 for Saved Child From Death. For Sale. A heavy team. 5 and « years old ; also heavy harness and new 3-inch Mitchell Wagon with box. Enquire ofC. L. Wooley. Beaver, Ore. Cattle to Pa «ta re 4 Wanted, cattle to pasture at the Netarts sand «pit Enquire of Hodgdon Bro«., Fairview. Is there anything in all thia world that ia of more importance Io you I than good digestion? Frxrd must t>e esten to sustain life and muat be digestion fail« the whole tx>dy suff­ er«. Chamberlain's Tablets are a rational and reliable cure for in­ digestion. They increase the flow of bile, purify the blood, strengthen the stomach, and tone up the whole digestive apparatus to a natural and healthy action. Sold l>y La­ mar's Drug Store. “After our child hail suffered from severe bronchial trouble for a year.'’ wrote G. T. Richardson, of Richardson's Mills, Ala., “we feared it had consumption, ft had a bad cough all the time. We tried many remedies without avail, and doctor's medicine seemed as uae leaa. Finally we tried Dr. King's New Discovery, and are pleased to say that one bottle effected a com­ plete cure, and our < hild is again strong and healthy.*’ For cough«, colds. hoarsen ess. Ingrippe, asthma, croup and «ore lungs, Ha the most infallible remedy that'« made. Price ,Vk and fl Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Cha«. I. Clough__ The valued family re­ cipes for cough ami cold cure, liniment«, tonic« and M other remedies have careful attention here as the most intricate prescrip­ tions. I A Burglar's Awful Deed may not paralyse s home so com­ pletely’ as a mother's long illness Sick headache results from a dis­ But Dr King's New f.ife Fills are Hoisteia Bull for Sa|*. ordered condition of the atomach. a splendid remedy for women. “They gave me wonderful tienefit in I constipation and fema'e trouble." | For «ale. a (borough bred Holstein and cast be cured by fh« ti«e ______________ wrote Mrs Ihinisp, of ! »aoi11. bull. n«< rly marked, first class ____ pedi. Chamberlain'« Stomacl- and Li W’ill trade, or price ll-S ¿ash. Tablet«. Try it For eale by Tenn I1 siting, try them , mar'« Drug at t has. 1. Clough s. Our fresh, {high grade drug« will help to make these terne dies more effec tivi than ever. Right price« assured. are CLOUGH. I « 4 : 8 8« •! also i