dairying in Tillamook County. nnBni»B»Bramimw»mi»Bm»»»iaiMrawa»»»simma»Nss »Leaf Creamery jhRoeiation. estimating part of November and all of December, 370,093 lbs. On thia basis the average yield is 10.92 RBeived during the year lbs. of cheese per 100 lb. milk. E' of milk. Receipts per 5,084 boxes cheese manufactured. ba. were as follows : Jan., The year’s cheese from January bruary, 57,052; March, 1st. 1910, to the last of October sold ^riL 388,934 ; May, 564,433; for $53,063.79. The .November and 17 ; July, 589,482 ; August, December cheese will bring th>s pternber, 361,796; October average down, as the market is Following; is a report covering some of my work for the 19 factories •vetnber, 209,189, Decem- down considerable from the highest1 and dairies for which I acted as secretary and salesman for the year price received. 1910 : M lbs. of bnttei fat in milk, Average paid patrons for the first Total milk received, 23,639,663 lbs. lbs. of cheese manufactured 10 months, $1.54 2-10 per 100 milk. Total cheese manufactured and sold, 2,541,057. boxes cheese. Estimating the cheese still on Total boxes of cheese sold, 35,938. ting the value of 47 cases hand, factory received $6,478.38 for Total butter fat in milk, 918,869 lbs. ion hand at 14c. per lb., making the years cheese, Amount received for cheese, f.o.b. shipping point, $400,014.84. B cheese sold for $66,320.59. Patrons were paid for butter fat Average price received for cheese, 15% cents per lb. tea the average price prac- as follows, in cents : January, 41.7; Average yield, 10.75 lbs. of cheese per 100 lbs. milk. .9 c. »>er lb. cheese on the February, 46c. ; March, 45 ; April, Average butter fat in milk, .03887 per cent. ’Ulamoox. 38;May, 38; June, 40; July. 40.2; Aug. ct sold for the several factories Receipts of milk and value of r received lj^c. per lb. for 39.3 ; Sept. 38; and Oct. 35.8. follow : Pounds Milk Gross Value. ■Mjkese, receipts having The expenses for the past year The Tillamook Creamery................. . 3,910.110 .... . $66,791.49 were $5586.83. 66,264.42 Maple Leaf Creamery ................... . 3,905,179 .. . for the yenr were $6,913.- Resources and liabilities of the . 3,393,751 ... .. 58,360.88 Fairview Dairy Association association are as follows:- South Prairie Creamery .................. . 1,1126,803 .... .. 33.17Z71 29,830.50 ■rait payments have been as Resources: Supplies on hand, Three Rivers Creamery.................. . 1,770,429 .... Clover Leaf Creamery..................... . 1,562,406 .... .. 27,075.40 1 per lb. butter fat in cents : $430.30; due association for cheese, ... ... 19,862.03 Elwood Creamery Co......................... . 1,186.031 IP, 43H ; February, 45.7 ; Mar., $790.33; cash in bank, $094.18;factory, 1,177,820 . . .. 19,547. .'Ki Meda Co-op. Creamery ................... iril, »Mi ; May, 38.3 ; June, 40; $2800.00; due factory for making 954,059 ... . .. 16,507.10 Cold Springs Cheese Factory........ 707,500 .... .. 11,663.28 August, 39.3 ; September, Nov. and Dec. cheese, $23.64; other East Beaver Cheese Co................... 920,000 .. . . .. 14,674.7.3 Nehalem Dairy Ass’n (estimated) ■MOT, 37. Average for the resources, $668.13. Total resources 603,257 ... ... 9,745.40 Miami Valley Creamery................ |K|fa38.38 c. per lb. butter ! $5406.58. 8,780.27 530,477 .... .. Alder Vale Creamery.................... flfaBCtically 39c. [ Liabilities are 11 shares of the 4,767.(11 290.570 .... Pleasant Valley Cheese Co............ 3,565.63 214,455 ... ... HVces are: Bills Receivable, Capital stock, par value, $1,100.00; Jackson A Sailing............................... 203,346 ... ... 3, .553,09 Netarts Creamery ............................. ; creamery plant, $4,127.89; I due patrons for their portion of 3,145.80 190,471 ... . .. Sand Lake Creamery Co ................ »River Farmer’s Water Co., !cheese sold and for which returns 2,673.95 166,000 . . . ... Two small accounts ......................... supplies on hand, $370.05 ; I in, $533.60 ; other liabilities, none ; $4(»,O44.84 23,639,664 Casta in bank, $2.966.19; Novemlier. Total, »1633.60. Totals Deducting 1% cents for making cheese, being the price charged for making due factory. $440.96; Dec. making around Tillamook City, leaves a little over $1.50 per 100 lbs. Total making due factory, $228.07. milk received by the patrons. resources. $8.25s 6. This does riot On the basis of 1% cents for making the farmers received an include cheese sold to merchants Factory received during the year returns are outstanding, average of 38.7 cents per lb. butter fat during 1910. I have not heard of 603,257 lbs. of milk, divided as fol­ another section of the United States receiving as high prices for money is due the farmers, lows : April, 54,926 lbs. ; May, butter fat. ities are : Capital stock out- 102,995 lbs.; June, 119,457 lbs.; July, Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, April 19th, 1911. .00, and due farmers C arl H aberlach . 111,366 lbs.; August, 91,417 lbs.; er returns for which we September. 62,589 lbs. ; October ed checks. Resources 38,579 lbs.; and November, 21,938 less the supplies now on hand, for cheese sold, $754.28; due cheese lities by $6,724.12. lbs. $1,754.26. This does not mean the equipment ‘ maker, $100.00; ; total, I Estimating the cheese in the of the factory. | Net expenses for 1910 were factory at 108 lbs., the factory pro­ Factory now has a balance of $3,721.11, as per itimized statement eived during the year duced 63,086 lbs. of cheese during $131.74 balance in the hands of the attached hereto. To this might be 3,940,110 lb*, of milk, divided as 1910. treasurer. This and the supplies added the 1910 dividend account of Cheese sold for $9,856.59, being an Feb. 31,139 ; follows: Jan. 75.502 ; on hand and the factory equipment 12 per cent, which amounted to Kkfa- MB,556 ; Apr. 369,536; May, average 15.62 cents per lb. constitute the resources of the $228.00. In the past year 2 cents No triplets were made, and the fce, 601,562 ; July 609,348; 569, ; Jone, factory. The liabilities consist of a was charged per lb. for making fact that nearly all cheese was made Sept. 381.510; Oct. 337,- joint note g;ven by the stock­ which is hardly, suflirient when 059 ; Nov. 207,350, and Dec. 112,253. into twins brought down the aver­ hauling cheese is paid out of thnt2c holders. Till» milk contained 151,428.61 age price. Factory received for making lbs. butter fat 423,262 lbs. of cheese manufactured, cheese the sum of 2% cents per lb., or a total of $1,419.43. making 5,600 boxes. Factory received during 1910, Expenses for the year were $1,465.- Estimating 56 cases cheese now Factory received 1,177,820 lbs.; of ett the dock at 14c. per lbs., the 44, less the supplies and the value 1,770,429 lbs. of milk, being divided milk in 1911, |di videil by months as of wood now on hand. I trust you in months as follows : Januar/, follows : Feb. 5,566 lbs.; Mar. 76,- CbM»e Mid for $66,832.33. Average 0ric<- received for cheese will give me the amounts of these 14,079 lbs. ; February, , 18,551 lbs. ; 709 lbs.; Apr. 178,300 lbs.; May, 225,- gp tbis bMis was 15.70c. per. lb. items, as we need the figures in March, 96,243 lbs. ; . April, 225,901 056 lbs.; lune, 221,615 lbs.; July, June, 168,372 lbs.; Aug. 132,745 Jl>s.; Sept. May, 317,726 lbs. ; Average cyield was IO.74 lbs. of making our annual report to the lbs. ; 304,357 lbs. ; July, 268,777 lbs. ; 85.426 lbs.; Oct.55,326 lbs.; and Nov. government. 100 milk. Resources of the factory are August, 200,103 lbs. ; September, 28,705 lbs.; V WcfaSy received l%c. for making as iallows : Money in hands of 127,921 lbs. ; October, 105,368 lbs. ; The milk contained 44,462 lbs. of fMMfa M jk total of $7,407.05. KftpMMC for the year were $7,915- treas irer, $222.09; due company for November, 59,821 lbs. ; and Decem­ butter fat, or an average butter fat cheesi $751.92 ; supplies on hand, ber. 30,992 lbs. content of .00775. It will lie noticed This milk contained 66,425 lbs. of thut the factory received over half I: of the company are : — ; wood, $17.50 ; factory build­ butter fat. ^^JUjfcds of treasurer, $356,40; ing. $800.00 ; total, $1,791.51. of the milk during the months of Estimating chefse still on hand, Apr.,;May and June, which accounts Liabilities—Capital stock, $700.00; fa crapxnv for cheese, $3,394.54; bills payable, $206.49 ; due patrons 188,252 lbs. of cheese made in 1910. or the low average butter fat. ■^^^■ptints due company, $41 2,559 boxes of cheese manu­ 125,905 lbs. of cheese manufactur­ E;faMMMry plant and equipment. for milk, $724.72 ; due cheese maker, ed during 1911. 1»1 expense account and $79.24 ; due secretary, $17.42 ; total, factured. *, Estimating the value of December, »n hand, $655.04. Total $1,787.87. _________________ Returns are incomplete for the cheese on hand at 14c. per lb., Nov. cheese, but for the cheese $9,276-67. makes the year’s cheese sale total made to Nov. first the factory receiv­ UMB m , captial stock outstand- ng, $flM0; due patrons for milk, ed $19,044.71. Thia makes an aver­ 190,471 lbs. of milk were received in value the sum of $29,830.50. Average received for cheese, 15.87 age of 15.57c. per lb. cheese at the ■■Ktot:il liabilities, $2,543,49. during the year, divided as follows : boat landing, Oretown. Figuring March, 9,054 lbs. ; April, 19,991 lbs.; cents per lb. at Tillamook. Estimating December, factory re­ thia on the basis of Tillamook prices, May, 35,397 lbs. ; June, 39,958 lbs. ; July, 41,261 lbs. ; August, 28,169 ceived $3,765.04 for making 1910 this difference in freight between the cheese. two points being 19c. in favor of lbs. ; and September, 16,641 lbs. Patrons were paid for butter fat Tillamook, would add »339.91 to the pry received during the 19,705 lbs. of cheese were manu­ as follows : January, 40c. ; Febru total, making the average on a Til­ | of 3 390,751 lbs. of milk, factured, making 329 boxes. or the several months Cheese sold for $3,145.80, an ary, 46c.; March, 45c.; April, 39c.; lamook basis 15.85c. fier lb. cheese. May 38V4c. ; June, 40c.; July. 39.4c.; Factory receives 2c. per lb. for »ary. 67,519 lbs.; Febru- average price of 15.96 cents per lb. 38c.; mttking cheese, making »2,518.12. Ibs.; March, 152,787 lbs.; Milk contained 7,251.42 lbs. of August, 39c. ; September. October, 36.7 cents. In addition to this, *105.80 was de­ 119 lbs.; May, 485,940 lbs.; butter fat « Resources of the factory are as ducted from gross receipts for in­ 57 lbs.; July, 480.126 lbs.; Average butter fat in milk, .0381 follows: Due from merchants for specting 1910 cheese and *138.32 for 597,008 lbs. ; September, per cent. $1061.84 ; Oregon hauling cheese to the »lock there. f; October, 270,857 lbs. ; Factory received $501.86 for mak­ cheese sold. Cheese Co., $65.57; creamery plant, I do no4 know what charge to make ; 192,107 lbs. ; Decemlwr, ing cheese. Patrons were paid as follows for $1,825.65 ; supplies on hnnd Janu­ for the 50 esses Nov. cheese hsuled butter fat : March, 32V4 cents; April, ary 1st, 1911, $256.75 ; cash in bank. to Tillamook. it in milk, 135,482 lbs. Farmers werr paid for butter fat , test or butter fat in milk 31H cents; May, 33% cents ; June, $58.73; advance payments made aa follows: Feb. Me., Msr. 4'V , Apr. ear. .<3996 per cent, or 35 cents ; July, 37 cents ; August, 37 patrons. $!■».<*); total. $3,208,54. Liabilities — Capital stock out­ 37c., May 37.4c.. |une.’W.3r., Jnly3ltr., cents ; and September, 37 cents. < a four per cent test, Expenses for the year were $635.01, standing. $1.900,60; due patrons Aug. 38»-., Sept. 37Hc. »nd Oct. 35c. of cheese manufactured. CARL HABERLACH’S REPORT Handles 2,541,57 lbs of Cheese, Valued at $400,044.84* Miami Valley Creamery Company. ook Creamery, Three Rivers Creamery Meda Co-Op. Creamery Association. Company. Sandlake Creamery Co. W Dairy Associ­ ation. The Clover Leaf Cream­ ery Co. plies ou hand, $277.65. Total. $25 Ti­ to Liabilities are : the capital stock The factory received during the paid in, $1,200.00; bills payable, year 1,562,406 lbs. of milk. Receipts $1,600.00; due cheese maker, $81.00. for several months were as follows: Total, $2281.00. March, 66,735 lbs.; April. 175,318 lbs. ; May, 258,805 lbs. ; June, 268,- 1«2 lbs. ; July, 255,974 lbs. ; August. 196,UM) lbs. ; September, 132.453 lbs.; Factory received during the year October, 117,805 lbs. ; November, 67.198 lbs, and December. 23,950 lbs. 290,5701bs. of milk,divided in months The year’s milk contained 50,813.39 as follows; March, 8,587 lbs. ; April 39,500 lbs. ; May, 66,732 lbs. ; June. lbs. of butter fat. 171,816 lbs. of cheese sold, 2413 69.812 lbs.; July, 60,782 lbs.. and August, 45,063 lbs. twixes cheese manufactured. Butter fat in milk, 10,637 lbs. Average yield, 11 Ilia, of cheese 30,129 lbs. of cheese were manu­ per 100 lbs. milk. $27,183.19 is the amount dire se factured and sold. Cheese sold for $4,767 03. sold for. Average price received for cheese, Average price received for the year’s cheese, 15.82 cents per lb. on 15.82 cents per lb. cheese. 428 cuses Of cheese mamifactured. the dock nt Tillamook. Factory paid tor blitter fat ns fol. The factory charged two cents April, 36c. ; per lb. for making cheese for all owa : March. 41c. ; the months except March, when 1\ May. 37'»c. ; June, 38'jc. : July, 37c.; \ugust, 37.3c. cents was charged. Factory received lor making the On the basis ol 1 <4 cents making charge, being the amount charged mm of $648.09, making charge hav­ by the larger factories around Tilla­ ing lieen 2c. per lb. cheese for the mook for making cheese, patrons months of March, April rind May would have received an average of and 2<4C. for the months of J tine, July $1.54 7-10 per 100 lbs. milk. Thia in­ and August. The charge of 2c. per eludes estimates for November anil lb.for making cheese is not enough December milk, as cheese is sold to pay the expenses, and several Owing to the factories which received more milk for these months, higher charge for milking, due to in any summer month than Pleasant putting in the water system and Valley received for the year, charge other improvements, patrons will 2c. for making cheese. The expenses for the year were receive a little over $1.52 per 100 lbs. milk. Butter fat price on thia basis $787.43, taking out the supplies sold would have been an average of over aud now on hand. Of the expenses, $384.01) was for the cheesemaker. 40.4 cents per lb. $434.69 was spent in improving the Resources of the factory are: Creamery plant $1,185.25; cash in factory equipment and building du­ bank, $121.32 ; due from merchants ring the year 1910. Resources are : the building and for cheese, $2,031.46; supplies on hand, $108.41; wood on hand, $121.50. equipment, $1004.69 ; supplies on hand, $116.40; bills receivable, Total resources, $3562.94. Liabilities: Bills payable, $256.00; $145.09. Total resources, $1296.13, Liabilities: capital stock, $525.00; Capital Stock outstanding, $596.00; due patrons for milk, $1,424.43 ; bills payable, $736.61 ; cash account other liabilities, $105.17. Total, Overdrawn, $2.51. Total, $1,264.12. $2,369.60. _________________, Pleasaut Valley Cheese Company. Cold Springs Cheese Fac­ tory. The South Prairie Cream­ ery Co. The factory received during the The factory received for the year year 1.926.803 lbs. of milk, divided 1910 954,059 lbs. of milk, divided as among the several months as fol­ follows: January, 12,862 lbs. ; Feb., lows: Jan., 16,436; Feb., 15,211; Mar., 19,503 1b«.; March, 52,1801b».; April. 76,023 ; Apr, 196,931 ; May, 289,111 ; 112,064 lbs. ; May, 169,057 lbs. ; June. June, 325,753; July. 365,325 ; Aug . 155,127 lbs. ; July, 134,7971ba. ; Aug­ 239,181 ; Sept., 108,411 ; Oct , 119,538. ust, KB,269 lbs. ; September. 80,680 Nov.. 79,974 ; mid Dec., 37,87«. lbs. ; October, 66,127 lbs. ; Novem­ This milk conlainrd 76,581.77 lbs. ber. 41,596 lbs., and December, 24, of butter fat. 797 lbs. Average butter fat in milk. .6097(1 95,885 lbs. of cheese made nnd sold, per cent. being the make from January 1st 210,147 lbs. of cheese produced to October 31st. 45 cases of Novem­ »luring the year, which made 2962 ber cheese bus been nolil and there ' boxes. is on hand about 64 cases of cheese 210,147 lbs. cheese sold for $.43,1712. - or about 4,608 lbs. This would 71, an average of 15.79 cents per lb. i make the year’s make 104,175 lbs. of cheese at Tillamook. Thia includes cheese. Nov. unit Dec. cheese, but rrturns Average yield on this basis, 10.53 are not received for this cheese. Patrons was paid |>er month for ll>s. of cheese per 100 lbs. milk. flutter fat as follows: Jan., 44c.; Fe.ti.. 35,980 lbs. of butter fat in milk. 47c.; Mar., 46c. ; April, 40c.; May, Average teat, 3.77 percent. Factory received for making cheese 38c. ; June, 38 l-10c. ; July, 39c.; to November 1st, $2157.49. Making Aug., 38Wc.; Sept. 37%c.; Oct., 36c. Figuring on the basis of l|*c. for November and December cheese cheese, patrons would will be approximately $177.83, which making would mean $2335.31 for making up recived a little more than $1.M per the year’s cheese. In addition to 100 lbs. milk for 1910. For part of the season 2c. was thia the coats of hauling cheese was deducted and alao$75.63 for inspect­ charge for makingcheeae. and 1*4«. for the balance of the year. ing the year’s cheese. Factory receive»! for making the I am sending herewith an item ize»l list of the expenses, showing year’s cheese the sum of $3,958.09, them to have lieen $2329.36 to date. loss an»l gain account, $11.74. Ex pence for the year, including a To this should lie added Mr. Pen­ nock's wages from the time he .'om- new boiler coating $214.60; $.4,995.04 menced to January 1st, 1911, and resources ; Factory, $1,500.01); Due from the total should lie deducted factory for Dec .$93.14; Nov. making, the amount or value of supplies on $202 T2; supplies on hand, $168 90. hand. I am not in |MM«e«sion of an Total, $’¿397.96. Liabihtiea.^'apitsl h I» h k. $1,100 <11; invoice of that, nnd wish yo» would scn«l me scopyof supplies on hnnil. due cheese maker, $50.92; Bills Total liabilities, The factory an»1 dwelling house Payable, $1,620.92. coat a total of $2131.71. Resources are: Factory, $2131.71 ; cash in bank, $35.18; due factory for making Novemlier and Decent tier clieear, eatiniate»! 177.82; sup Average Price for 100 lbs Milk was over $1.50. fitable and Successful Dairying! A Good Cow Makes $80 to $100 annually ! The Highest Price Paid for Butter Fat in the United States ! COME TO TILLAMOOK ! OME SEEKERS CORDIALLY INVITED. • « 4 t iting the Tillamook Commercial Club, Tillamook City, Ore., for Further Information. - C . > > .. - la _