TILLAMOOK HhJADLIOHT, MAY ra A WASTED SALUTE «T CHOOSING A PRESIDENT, PERFORMING LIONS g Early Method« That Paved the Way to National Convantiona. Hlatory records that George W a sh­ Ingtuu waa chosen president ot tbe Naval Powder, Pomp and Splen­ I’nlled States without first baring been nominated and even without an dor and a Fizzle. opposing candidate. So was bls suc­ cessor iu office, John Adams. In tbe ! language of the street the presidency A SURPRISE FOR FARRAGUT. i was in the case of each of these dis­ tinguished patriots "bauded to him on The Admiral, With His Assembled 1 a sliver platter.” The presidency went, Staff, Was Under the Impression as ft were, by common consent to the That He Wae About to Greet a Mili­ founders of tbe republic, to whom a grateful people looked for continued tary Guest, but He Was Mietaksn. service and guidance. A group of officers were “swapping" In the early days president choosing, stories at the Army and Navy club In according to the primitive way. was as Washington one night when one was simple compared to modern methods reminded of an amusing incident that as a kindergarten exercise tieside a occurred lt> connection with tbe stay course In four dimension mathematics. of the flagship Monongahela at I'ensa- Since then tbe changes, though gradu­ al. have been marked and have led up colu bay wbeu Farragut wae on board. to our present complicated convention , The old fighter bad been very busy nominations that make the electoral tbe week before paying official calls on college but a mechanical device for tbe mainland, and among those who registering tbe popular decision as be­ had eulertulncd him was General Can­ tween rival party organizations, lt by. When, therefore, word wn« re­ was tbe fluke that almost Installed ceived that the general would visit the Aaron Burr as president Instead of ship the next day the admiral was de­ Thomas Jefferson that forced the In­ termined to have everything in readi­ itial modifications of tbe plan of presi­ ness to receive him In a style becoming dent choosing agreed upon by tbe framers of tbe constitution. bls rank. Originally members of tbe electoral The old boat was scrubbed and holy­ college were to vote for two persons, stoned from stem to stern, tbe brass tbe one receiving the highest numtier work was given an extra rub, and of votes to be president and the next things generally were put Into the best NAPOLEON’S POLICE. blgb“st to be vice president. Tbe of order. The captain of tbe marines bail a special Inspection of his com­ An Incident That 8hows How Closely danger of a succession that would puli tbe political lever each time from one pany, and not a spot of rust or a dull They Were Watched. helmet spike escaped his notice. When During tbe reign of Emperor Napo­ side to tbe other made Imperative the night closed In darkness settled down leon 1. at a dinner in Paris tbe conver­ change by which the electors should over a very clean ship and u very tired sation turned upon tbe emperor and vote for only one person for president ship’s company. bls government. One of tbe company and for another for vice president. Bright and early the next morning remarked that be was a great man, Two or three object lessons, too. of tbe admiral's launch was sent off to but was too fond of war. When tbe Irresponsible and haphazard action by bring the general aboard. At the last party broke up a gentleman wbo was the electoral college, throwing tbe moment lt was discovered that there present requested to speak in private choice of president to tbe bouse or of was no fruit for luncheon, and Pomp, to tbe person wbo bad made tbai ob­ vice president to tbe senate, because the admiral's cook, was sent In the din­ servation. "Sir,” said be. *'l am sorry no one bad a majority of tbe votes ghy to get some. fur It. but 1 must request you to go cast, showed the necessity of centering l’omp was a character In bls way with me to the police.” tbe efforts of the newly aligned politi­ and bad been witb tbe admiral for "Why?” said tbe other in tbe great­ cal parties each on a single presiden­ many years. He was very proud of est apparent alarm. “I have said noth­ tial ticket and-of Imposing on the wbat he called his military bearing and ing against tbe emperor but wbat ev­ I members of tbe electoral college a wore bls beard carefully trimmed to a ery one must acknowledge, that be is moral obligation to cast tbelr ballots polut. His hair aud beard were nearly too fond of war. There can be no uniformly for tbe nominees of the white, und. although be was sixty barm in that." party which had elected them. years old. he ruled tbe other negroes “Witb that I bave nothing to do. I Tbe forerunner of our national nomi­ witb a rod of iron. You must go with me to tbe police." nating convention was tbe caucus or By 10 o'clock every one was standing Tbe other now began to show tbe conference of membere of congress of by in full dress, when tbe quartermas­ strongest symptoms of fear. He en­ tbe same political faith wbo got to­ ter came aft and reported that tbe ad­ treated tbe police agent In the most gether on their own Initiative and miral's launch was returning. Tbe pathetic language to have compassion without any mandate from their con­ officer of tbe deck walked to the rail on him. The other, however, stood stituents assumed to advise ns to wbo. und took a squint at tbe boat through unmoved by all his solicitation, wbeo tn I heir Judgment, was entitled to be his glasses. A man clad in blue uni­ suddenly the man lose from his knees recognized as the party standard bear­ form was seated In tbe admiral's cane and burst into a laugh, to tbe utter er. This caucus must necessarily have chair In tbe stern, but as tbe gunwale astonishment of tbe police agent. proved to be too crude and unsatisfac­ struck him Just below bls shoulder and "You think you bave caught me." tory to nerve long as the president tbe awulng bld bls heud the officer of said be. "You are a spy of tbe police. choosing machinery. In such an as­ the deck was not certain that It was So am I, and I was put over yon to see semblage only those states and dis- General Canby until as tbe wind lifted whether you would do your duty." | trlcts represented In congress by mem­ tbe edge of the awning be caught a bers of one and the same political glimpse of a gray beard. party had a- voice, and all the others Imbeciles* Marvelous Memory. Word was passed that tbe general Some imbeciles are endowed witb were left without representation. . It was coming Tbe crew were beat to excellent memories and tbus are en­ was to remedy these defects and to quarters, tbe marine guard paraded, abled to acquire a great wealth of ex­ enable the rank and file of the parties, and the gun squad, detailed to Are tbe perience. Hut, tbe Intelligence of tbe wherever they might be. to exercise at anlute. took their stations. Everything Imbecile being defective, the memory least a nominal control of the presi­ was In readiness, and the admiral and la all lopsided. It works mechanically, dential nomination that the national his staff stood at the head of tbe gang­ without judgment or selection. The convention, meeting every four years, way to receive tbe guest A busb of most insignificant trifles are treasured cn'ne to he evolved as we know It.— expectancy settled over the ship. just like tbe most important facta. Victor Rosewater In American Review Tbe boat drew nearer. Just as tbe Owing to their marvelous memory of Reviews, launch scraped alongside, boom, boom, many superior Idiots are not recoff- | came tbe salute from tbe guns. nixed as such tn school, ' but. on tbe Davy Crockett et the Play. "Present arms!” came the command contrary, are considered to be very John Quincy Adams used to occa­ to tbe guard, and at s sign from tbe gifted pupils, Tbe mistake occurs es- sionally attend tbe theater, end be wo« flag officer tbe band struck up "Hall peclally when tbey are good natured especially plensed with Hackett as to the Chief." When Mr. Hackett bad a and agreeable, A close examination Fa lata ff Amid all this military pomp and shows that such talented Idlota bave benefit It waa announced that at the aplendor the occupant of the launch learned everything like a phonograph particular request of Colonel David was slowly clambering, feet foremost, and reproduce other people's thoughts, Crockett of Tennessee the comedian mid Just ns the last gun was tired be opinions and Judgments. Where aueb would appear tn the play called "The stood erect at the top of the gangway. Kentuckian ” This brought out a house It was the admiral's cook with a bag Imbeciles are living In simple, primi­ full to overflowing. At 7 n’chwk Ib»* tive. Idyllic surroundings their soft of fruit tu each hand! The honors In ■ r-t was escorted by the mnn;ip»r tended for a general had la-en rendered s|M>ts may pass unnoticed, but In tbe I’ the crowd to a front «ent re severe mental strains ot life In mod tu old Pomp! As the situation dawned * -r him. After « short finie ^ern great cities they may become tbe on the men even discipline could uot in rose, and Hackett appear-«! check a general about of laughter The most dangerous elements ot society.— . ig "stiiuip. taiwed to the rn'.l old admiral hlmaeif laughed until he lxiudon Globe. ettce and then to Cvlonel Cria-kett. could laugh no longer The ■ompllment was reciprocated A Tribute te Garrick's Acting. It aeented that In some way the the colonel, and then the play went David Garrick bad a brother Io tbe - From "Perley*« Remlnlncenct-s." dinghy bad gone off aud left the old country wbo waa an Idol«trous admir- negro a/id that be managed to con er of hla genius. A rlcb uelghbor. • vluce the coxswain that “Marae Farr« To Star and to Starve. gut was Jest bound to have dat fruit grocer, la-lug about to vielt London, Charles Mathews, the English actor, Is-fo' the general came." thia brother Inslated on hla taklug ■ once went to perform at WakefieM. Pomp wanted to land at the port letter of Introduction to tbe actor. Not gangway, but the coxswain Instated I being able to maku up bla mlnd to where, owing to the ilepressts! alate of trade, the drama received no sun that the admiral's launch never went visit tbe groat man tbe flrat day. the port He wns afterward asked how to tbe port aide and that the old tunu grocer went to the play In tbe evening much money he had made al Wake would have to land on the starboard and aaw Garrick In “AM Drugger." field and replied. 'Not a shltllm.’ ” ” aide. aft. Had the awning been a On hla return to the couutry tbe a «hilling?" re|wited his qucstkii little higher the mistake tn idt-ntlflcu brother eagerly Inquired respecting tbe "Why. I thought you went there tlon would not have occurred Aa visit he had been no anxious to bring ■t«r." "Ro I did." replied Math-’V things were, no one isiiilil tie blamed abogt "Why. Mr. Garrick.'* Mid tbe "Bui they «pell It with a 've* in W>!.i and the affair was trwited as a Joke good man. ”1 am aorry to buri your field. * while the old cook was nicknamed the feelings, but there's your letter I did “General " But It Didn’t. uot choose to deliver It. 1 bapiwned to When an hour later General Canby "When the officials vlstcd the prison did come he wan received with nil see him wheu be did not know toe. and I mw that be waa aueb a dirty, low a courier knocked agalust tbe governor due ceremony and on being told the lived fellow tbat I did not like tu bave accidentally, and what do you think story laughed until the team rolled tbe tttan satdF* down bls cheeks and demanded to see anything to do with him.” “What?" the man who had stolen bis aalutw- “ Be said. 'Pardon me.’ And tbe gov­ Whsrs Lioerice Growl Nuw York I’resa On tbe banka of tbe Tlgrta and tbe ernor answered. That lets you oof Euphrates tbe licorice plant la cblefly Baltimore American Mailing lt ■ Llttla Harder. grown. Three great rivers flow through "Tou need exercise, violent eterclar» Quits Natural. tbat's whai vou twed.'' a fluet or oncw flat, treeless prairies of uncultivated and nearly unIn ba bl ted land. For The Spiritualist—la that the spirit of Mld to a woodsawyer "Wbat la your three uiontba of the year hot winds I-edy Montague? Tbe Medlum-No. business, my manF* blow, aud tbe temperature reaches 104 ma am I'm tbe spirit of 'er ladyship's ”l*m a woodaawyer. sir " degrees For sii moo ths of tbe year maid, an' I'm to say that she's not at "Wall.'’ aald tba doctor. “suppose omw -Toledo Blade. y OU don t grenue your aaw fer a month the climate la moderate and salubrioua aud foe three months bleak and win­ or so“-New tork P tvm Ths Wings Are Thsrs. try. tbs thermometer going down ta 30 Roax-The man who becks a thee tri­ degrees at night. Perils That Cerna With Managing Those Vicious Animals. I asked Captain Bonavlta once wbat be considered bla must dangerous mo­ ment when be performed with bls twenty-seven lions. He Mild that be thought It was when be Orst entered tbe arena. Tbe moment before, when be bad to drive thin great herd of lions in. was almost as bad. hut tbe Orst few minutes when tbe crowd of lions entered were terribly uncertain and undoubtedly tbe most dangerous. In tbe first place, witb sueb a crowd there was the danger of being pushed or knocked down. Then there was tbe danger of tripping amoug them or of stepping on their tails, for many of them would lie down and roll over and over as a preliminary to the perform­ ance. and If he were not struck by tbelr feet be was just as likely to be struck across tbe face or body with tbelr strong, ropeltke tails. In getting them into tbelr places there wn» also considerable danger, for In such a crowd It is difficult to treat each animal according to Its pe­ culiar Idiosyncrasies, aud a flick of tbe whip Intended for one lloo who would be fairly Indifferent to it is likely to be caught by anotber to whom it will mean Instant revolt In any sort of revolt tbe whole number will always side with tbe one that caused IL—Ellen Velvln In McClure's. DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES ;) STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Large Stock of Hardware, Tinware and China x.'"'■ Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window t e . ^uswsl vil1“"' ilia- Sashes Agents for the Great Western Saw ALEX McNAIR CO Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County The Most Tillamook Lumber Manufacturing Compy Manufacturers of KILN DRY FLOORING, CEILING, RUSTIC AND FINISHED LUMBER. ALL KINDS OF MOULDINGS We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook County’s Most Famous Cheese. The Best Equipped Saw Mill in the County. New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and First Class Lumber of the Best Quality. LET US FIGURE ON YOUR LUMBER BILL. i 0ns Idea et Heaven. A man who has been In political Mfe for a long nine Informa us that bls Ides of beatan la a place where a man who gets Into office hlmaeif Is not el pe. led to And a public job tor every holy who voted tor him —Chicago llec ord lleraifl Tnis 'Mends visit in la prosi»city •wily when Invited, but In adi-iMtj they route without Imitation.- 4*b«o pbroeiua. es I ebow In called an angel Joax-Aa angel without wings, eh’ Hoax-No« at all The wings are oa bla money — Philadelphia Record The Best Hotel THE ALLEN HOUSE, J. P. flUUEfl. Proprietor Headquarters for Travelling Men lOWEJjj ■K POMMEL SUCKER 'X and Teapest in the end because it wears longest *322nem««w Special Attention paid to Tourists. A Hirst Class Table. THE MOST COMFORTABLE THE CLEANEST iHE LIGHTEST Comfortable Beds and Accommodation. _ EVERY GARMENT GUARANTEED WATERPROOF 1 A-J Townn Co. Bosros u A a C anadian C o . uHrrro T osohto , reopaiBTog rillamook Iron Works General Machinists & Blacksmiths Holler Work. Loner’s Work and Heavy ForLL THROAT AHO LUWG TROUBLES. ED satisfactqhi OH MONEY RgHJgDXn Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy During the past SB years no rem- •dy baa proven mom prompt or more effectual in Ita cures of Coughs. Colds and Crono than Chamber.uina Oong.-i «remedy. In many honae It ly railed upon as Im. P'kstiiT ae iMtkuffiily pbyuto.au. I. row. tatua no opt iqaffir o bar narcotic, and may oe gl ven ae oonfldemty to a baby halo an adult. Frica aSc. large au»