Tillamook’s Famous Cheese ! Three and a Half Million Pounds Manufactured in 1910—VALUED at $550,000. THE BANNER DAIRYING COUNTY OF OREGON ! As cheap feed is essential as the area of cleared land is but a States. small fraction of what can and will to profitable.and successful dairying be cleared and devoted to this pro­ it is well to state that but few dairy. fitable industry from which the [ men buy mill feed, consequently dairymen are now receiving month­ there is greater profit in dairying in ly checks ranging from $300 to $800 Tillamook than most other sections of Oregon. Grass is king in Tills. according to the number of cows. With the railroad about completed, | mook and it affords pasturage for the dairy herds the year round, Portland is beginning to call for large quantities of cream and offer­ keeping green in Winter and never ing as good prices as the cheese dryingupin Summer. Whiteclover --------- ' I factories can pay, and large con­ grows naturally on the bottom lands Dairying is the leading agricul­ densed milk, factories have already- throughout the county and is the tural occupation in Tillamook Conn- very best kind of grass for dairy ty. Pure mountain water; never secured sites for the erection of herds. One to two acres of river failing rains; green pasture the plants to utilize the product of thou­ bottom land is sufficient to keep a sands of cows. The demand for year around, blessed for cows even | cow, if properly’ cultivated. Enor­ as for David ; slight variation in Tillamook County dairy products is mous crops of hay are harvested unlimited and at prices above those temperature between summer and every year, and this and the green winter ; the moist salt atmosphere, obtained in any other section. pasture constitute the feed on which make this an ideal dairy’ country. The natural grasses, the cool sum­ the dairy herds are kept the entire In no place in the United States or mer breezes blowing from the Pa­ year. To give some idea of how Canada are dairyman receiving so cific Ocean, the mountain streams rapidly the cheese industry is grow, high a price per pound for butter which flow through its valleys, the ing in the county, it may be stated fat as right here in this favored salty atmosphere, the never failing that in 1898, five years after the first county. All of the cheese factories rains—all these combine to make factory was built, there were eight in Tillamook County, over 30 in this county the “Dairyman’s Para­ large factories in operation in the number, paid their patrons over 35 dise.” , county. Now there are between cents per pound for July, 1910, but­ Prior to 1893 dairying was carried thirty and forty large factories, be­ ter fat and several of them as high on in Tillamook County in a primi­ sides numerous smaller concerns, as 41 cents per pound, the average tive way. The first factory was producing, as they did last year, being about 39 cents. This is due j built at Tillamook City in the spring 3,500,000 pounds of cheese, valued at to the superior quality of cheese j of 1893 and wasoperated as a cream­ $550,000, which is at a premium on turned out. Tillamook cheese stands ery during that season. The follow­ the market, there being a great de­ in a class by itself. The cheese pro­ ing year it was converted into a mand for Tillamook cheese on ac­ duct of thia county in 1910 was over cheese factory, marking the begin­ count of its superior flavor and good three and one-half millions of ning of the cheese industry in the keeping qualities, as well as the pounds. It is claimed by many of county. Owing to climatic condi­ uniform grade, which is maintained the dairymen that one acre of Tilla­ tions, character of grasses and ex­ by the co-operative factories em­ mook bottom land will keep a cow cellent water, it is possible to pro­ ploying an experienced cheese-mak­ the year around, and $100 per year duce cheese here of finer flavor and er to superintend the making and per cow is not an unusual income. better keeping qualities than in al­ grading of the cheese. Dairying here is but in its infancy most any other portion of the United The DAIRYMAN’S PARADISE. Amount of Monthly Checks Paid to a Few Dairymen in 1810 s 1 Mrs. A. L. Donaldson.. M. W. Harrison .......... E. A A. Marolf .... John Morgan................. Beala A Knight............. Goodapeed A Lucas Brant A Nelson............. John Hnthawuy ........ . Schild Bros............... S. Wyaa ........................... Jonas Olson................... B. H. Hathaway........... L. G. Freeman.............. Peter Beisel .. .............. C. A. Svenaon ....... .. Gnat Wicklund ............ Junies Williams............ N. G. Boquist............... A. C. Gist I). Fitzpatrick, 25 cows Naegili A Kampher . . Vaughn A Thomas . F. R. Beala ................... Joseph Dürrer................ A. G. Beals..................... Elwood .......... Tillamook .... Fairview ... Fairview........ Tillamook .... Tillamook........ Elwood............. Clover Leaf ... Fairview ........ Elwood ............ Fairview......... Clover Leaf .. Maple Leaf .. . Maple Leaf ... Maple Leaf ... Maple Leaf .. . Maple Leaf . . Maple Leal ... South Prairie. . Tillamook .... Fairview......... Clover Leaf ... Tillamook........ Red Clover.... Red Clover.... Industry is Only in Its Infancy. July.’I Aug. Sept. Factory. NAME. 1 447.30 549.13| 453.14 422.47 278.35 471.00 302.30, 385.00 421.00 207.00 338.18 210.74 105.23 292.49 307.15 404.04 112.45 170.32} 200.031 443.82 287.22 339.90 513.90 442.45 800.82 849.20 I 749.34 580.00 , 425.07 078.87 430.13 487.47 540.24 512.12 471.44 449.34 417.92 393.90 507.05 599.80 433.24 418.05 4717.40 447.34 475.44 395.22 040.20 020.48 $851.07 $040.07 $440.70 797.89 084.92 573.25 807.20 001.45 542.50 721.70 004.08 480.9« 003.89 458.33 312.24 492.85 398,00 274.13 588.40 410.58 410.58 395.70 290.70 201.02 49*2.28 412.25 270.78 504.38 417.32 417.32 500.52 449.82 330.00 442.20 309.94 258.40 453.74 375.41 292.35 412.97 324.48 228.90 424.85 343.09 244.37 320.34 480.51 399.03 552.40 401.0*2 297.04 453.02 401.28 358.05 457.73 359.39 255.10 382.80 322.84 204.28 447.42 492.95 300.10 439.02 331.94 244.29 394.24 408.39 417.70 028.04 500.80 397.01 081.74 510.58 412.44 (L 0) The Average Price Paid Last Year for 100 Pounds of Milk Was a Trifle Over >1.50 and From 38c. to 39c. Pound for Butter Fat. "Gy V) Grass is King in Tillamook County ! I Keeps Green the Whole Year ! With the exception of tliiB small Have you a band? Ans. Yes, and Ans. It has never been tired on a amount of inferior cheese, the very extensive scale, but those own­ we have many good musicians. qunlity has been very uniform at ing chickens are doing well. The 1s Tillamook County good for nil the factories, due to the general price now paid for chickens is 13c. cranberries and if so what is the pound live weight. use of commercial starter as a base, price of cranberry lands. Ans. Til ­ giving them all the same flavor to But few counties in Oregon can What do you think the popula­ To insure the manufacture of the •tart with. lamook has the best cranberry land lay claim to raising canberries, and in Oregon as can be proven by the tion of Tillamook City will be in best grude of cheese, experienced While some of the milkers were of the few, Tillamook stands as one 1915. Ans. 5,000 to 0,000. checsemukera are employed, and to opposed to it at first on account of } - of the leading counties fitted to j What ia the general price of land? amount of the crop. Such lands are What „ __________ r — price of * is the average worth $500 with crop guaranteed. make this doubly sure, several of extra labor in looking after it, they | monopolize that industry. The vines ; ; Ans. Improved land is worth about cheese per pound? Ana. About 15 I $50 to $350 per acre. Unimproved find their work is so much more Have you any house movers in cents. the co operative associations employ satisfactory that they are more than , are well adapted to this climate, are land is worth from $10 to $100. free from insect pests, grow vigro- town? Ans. Yes. an inspector to superintend the repaid. How much money was made is | oualy, and where the bogs are pro­ What is the nature of the soil? What are the principle industries To meet thia standard of excellency perly prepared are enormously pro­ Ans. Soil of river bottoms is sandy 1910 from the fishing industry: making and the grading of cheese, in Tillamook County? Ans. Gene ­ and in thia manner a uniform stan­ requires continuous and persistent I ductive. They have produced by loam. Soil of prairie is loam and ral farming, dairying, fishing and Ans. $100,000. effort on the part of the markers and Would your city olfer any induce­ dard ia placed on the market, His they are entitled to much credit for actual measure at the rate of 1,000 clay. lumbering. bushels per acre. It cast from $200 Are there any homestead lands in report for laat year follows ; What opportunities can you offer ments to get a good moving picture the work which has been accom­ to $400 per acre to prepare the Ana. We have two i the county. Ans. None that are for mantacturing? Ana. We have to come in. To theTillumook Creamery Ass'u, plished. ground and plant the vines, in-i i suitable for anything. vaBt timber resources which fur­ good ones already. If a maker doesn't take an interest eluding the cost of plants. The Gentlemen I nubnait the "follow- What do you think a man with Is there an opening for a plumb­ nish material for mills. ing re|x»rt of cheese ins|>ec$ed for in bis work and doesn't think land which has timber standing on ing shop ? Ans. No. $500. $1000 or $2000 could do toward enough of Jiis job to try to excel, it is the most expensive to prepare, the year 1910: Have you an electric light plant? buying a home inTillamook Countv. Is there an opening fora druggist, Ans. Yes. Flats Y X Trip. inspection will not help him, it will I ultliough none the less adapted to Ans. Get a good start in the best Maple Leaf Cry. Co. MOI 711 10287 •inly expose him and he had better the aiming of cranberries so long doctor or dentist ? Ans. No. What is Bay City noted for? Ans. ' section of Oregon. step out and letf some one have the Tillumook Cry ** as the land is made up of vegetable 4'23 4*3 10507 What is the average temperature? Fishing, lumbering audits location 5*i» 14701 place who ia willing to earn the muck or peat. A bog, once set in Ans. 50.5. Fairview D'y Ass'n on the bay. money. 733 S. Prairie Cry. Co. 8492 the proper shape, will last indefinite What is the value of the cattle in Respectfully, Is Nehalem a good farming coun­ 1 tire«’ Rivers Cry. 019 7198 ly. Die first cost, although quite the county? Ans. 7c. live weight. F. W. (. HKIHTENBKN, Inspector. : large, cuts little figure in the long try? Ans. Yes, what there is. Land Bear and deer are quite plentiful Clover Leaf Cry Co. 102 853 Can you pasture stock the year along the Nehalem is rich and pro­ 1110 5'238 Medu Co-op Cry. Co. run. The cranberries grown here ; round? throughout the County, Wildcut Ans. Yea. ductive. K wood Cry. Co. 954 4917 are of a darker color am’ are much ' coon, mink and otter art also found How many lawyers are there in Cold Spring C. Co. 021 371 3250 What is the most attractive beach Oregon is second in the list of superior in flavor to those grown in E. Beaver C, Co. 1333 27 tl states in the production of mohair, the east, and also weigh more to the Tillamook? Ans. Eight. reBort? Ana. Bayocean is in better in goodly numbers, and now and 48'2 1107 Pleasant Valley Cry. condition than any other. The Pot­ then a panther. On the bays and and nowhere ia the natural habi­ bushel. The size of the cranberry < How deep do you have to go to get ter Realty Co. is spending a great is about the same. There are many water? Ana. About 15 feet. lakes are found large flocks of Total 2070 7280 87001 tant of the Angora goat better acres of suitable land for raising How many saloons are there in deal of money to make that resort geese, ducks and snipe during the an attractive place. This cheese was graded for a adapted to its keep anil develop­ cranberries in the County. the city? Ans. Five. winter months. Pigeon, quail, high standard of excellency, and of ment than in the mountain ranges What wild game are there in the How many children in the Tilla­ grouse and pheasant are found in the amount 03 Flats. 103 Y.X, and I of western Oregon. The generous mountains ? Ans. Bear, deer,quail, mook Schools ? Ans. Tillamook 1222 Triplets were of poor miality. season, thus furnishing game the There are five newspapers in the City public high school district, rabbits and coons. The secretary was informed an to showers, mild climate and respon­ county, viz. : year round forthose who delight to What does it cost to reach Tilla ­ 430. The pupils in county schools i the condition of the varioiu* lots, sive soil of Tillamook County mook from Portland? Ans. $0.52 by hunt. For the more daring and Tillamook—Tillamook Headlight. are 1917. which enabled him to dispose of peculiarly adapt it for these ani­ •• — Tillamook Herald. Are there any Catholic institutions stage and $7.50 by boat. venturesome hunters, the Seal them without injury to the reputa­ mals. Nowhere ia browse more Buy City—Bay City Examiner. How much monev will one cow Rocks opposite the Netarts beach in the city? Ans. Yes. there is a tion of Tillamook's beat stack. On Cloverdale—rtant resour­ ces. The Nehalem, TiHu-iiook and Nsstuces Haye have excellent ri nn of Chinook, adversities unit »tool­ head aalmon. There are foau can­ neries in the county. hauled on the above named bass, the output from which ia valued at from fMOUM» to «00,000 annually. I»eep. sea tiali are »« yet almost au un­ known quantity. Our shore ia uni­ formly shelving, carrying a fottv fathom curve well out to sea. and on thia bank have been taken cod. halibut, akulpina, grouper» and dozens of other varieties of fish At present they are onlv taken when some vessel liapi>ena to l>e lyinv off to» a tide or on some such occasion, but will some day furnish good employment tor a large tore« of fias! seekers. Tillamook County has Good Schools, with a number of free and Up-to-Date High Schools. Honey. White clover is claimed by many to produce the very best grade « honey, and as it grows naturally on all the river bottom lands of tn* County, Tillamook honey cannoj be surpassed for flavor, color ano sweetness. The seasons are u» ually too short, however, to im * it profitable to engage in this in­ dustry extensively, but '''¡7 farmer may have a few steooj which, if properly cared for. »'•>* produce all he can use of the fin*** honey. The southern part of «* County is best adapted for the pt*- duction of this article. Ke-* fl 7 y » 1 . jc ' w ' is-- DAIRY SCENE _--V*** IN TILLAMOOK COUNTY This Descriptive Matter was issued by the 1 ilia- mook Headlight, whick is absolutely correct and is sent out by the\ Pulicity Committee of the Tillamook Commer­ cial Club. George IF. Willett. Fred C: Baker. Com mitt**’